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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: burningdoom on July 22, 2014, 04:24:10 pm
Who you gonna call?
I so cannot wait for this to happen! Ghostbusters was a HUGE part of my childhood! (
I think Im in the opposite boat. Only one of the 3 original people is going to be in it. And this trend of trying to bring back old movies seems to flop a lot. I will check out a trailer when its about to release but I dont think its going to have the same effect the first movies did. Look at the new turtles movie. It looks odd.
Who you gonna call?
I so cannot wait for this to happen! Ghostbusters was a HUGE part of my childhood! (
I believe it when I see it... and it doesn't suck.
These cats are treading of sacred ground.
I was interested when Ramis was alive, even with no Bill Murray, but now it'll only have Dan Akroyd and maybe Ernie Hudson. I don't have a lot of hope for this, I mean, did anyone see Blues Brothers 2000? lol
We already have Ghostbusters 3 - remember that game by Terminal Reality? Sure, it didn't have Sigourney Weaver or Rick Moranis, but everyone else was there and they played their roles well (except for Bill Murray, who sounded bored out of his skull.)
And we had an ongoing comic book series based on the original canon.
As a long time Ghostbusters fan... I just don't think this should happen. Harold Ramis is gone, Aykroyd is... not all there, Ernie Hudson would just collect his paycheck and Bill Murray won't ever be involved.
Just make it a CG movie. Hire impersonators. Or something. :(
The first two Ghostbusters movies were lightening in a bottle and no matter how well produced GB3 is, it will never capture that originality and magic that made the first two so memorable and special. Part of it is that the original cast is not on board, but it's also the time the first two movies were made cannot be mimiced or replicated. Will I see it, probably, but my expectations will be in check while doing so.
I guess the only thing that maybe could come out of this, was that I think they were gonna try to make it kind of the "New Generation of Ghost Busters" movie, which would be totally fine, have it be less about the old guard and more about handing it off to a new group and let them be the focus. I think this is the only way you salvage the movie rather than it being just Akyroyd and Hudson trying to find two other replacements and it being about them on one last ghost hunt.
I guess the only thing that maybe could come out of this, was that I think they were gonna try to make it kind of the "New Generation of Ghost Busters" movie, which would be totally fine, have it be less about the old guard and more about handing it off to a new group and let them be the focus. I think this is the only way you salvage the movie rather than it being just Akyroyd and Hudson trying to find two other replacements and it being about them on one last ghost hunt.
Funny how that's basically the premise for Extreme Ghostbusters.
I guess the only thing that maybe could come out of this, was that I think they were gonna try to make it kind of the "New Generation of Ghost Busters" movie, which would be totally fine, have it be less about the old guard and more about handing it off to a new group and let them be the focus. I think this is the only way you salvage the movie rather than it being just Akyroyd and Hudson trying to find two other replacements and it being about them on one last ghost hunt.
Funny how that's basically the premise for Extreme Ghostbusters.
I never saw that myself, but I think the concept is a good idea. Comedic ghost hunting fun is a good thing that hasn't really been done that much outside of Ghostbusters, so it would be cool if they could do that again and maybe give us a new Ghostbusters movies that way. Maybe Akroyd is the boss of them as he works to train them for capturing ghosts.
From what I've read, I believe they're still sticking with the script Harold Ramis wrote a few years back, because it sounds like the same premise (passing the torch to a new generation story). And we're getting the original actors back (minus Harold Ramis obviously, R.I.P.), which had a big input into how the characters were portrayed in the original film.
So with a little luck, I think they can pull this off without ruining the franchise.
From what I've read, I believe they're still sticking with the script Harold Ramis wrote a few years back, because it sounds like the same premise (passing the torch to a new generation story). And we're getting the original actors back (minus Harold Ramis obviously, R.I.P.), which had a big input into how the characters were portrayed in the original film.
So with a little luck, I think they can pull this off without ruining the franchise.
Aside from Akyroyd, there's no Ramis or Murray, which is a significant portion of the original people gone.
From what I've read, I believe they're still sticking with the script Harold Ramis wrote a few years back, because it sounds like the same premise (passing the torch to a new generation story). And we're getting the original actors back (minus Harold Ramis obviously, R.I.P.), which had a big input into how the characters were portrayed in the original film.
So with a little luck, I think they can pull this off without ruining the franchise.
Aside from Akyroyd, there's no Ramis or Murray, which is a significant portion of the original people gone.
Why no Bill Murray? They said the originals are returning.
Why no Bill Murray? They said the originals are returning.
Murray wants nothing to do with a sequel. I'm not even sure how they got him to work on The Video Game.
Why no Bill Murray? They said the originals are returning.
Murray wants nothing to do with a sequel. I'm not even sure how they got him to work on The Video Game.
I had read that he wants a lot of money to do it. I hadn't heard that he refused, completely. I just assumed that he got that money, or for whatever reason changed his mind on the $ amount. Because I had read that all the surviving originals were returning.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
I'm holding out hope, because I'd rather see work towards something new, rather than nothing new at all. Ghostbusters was great enough to deserve more than just 2 films.
The only real big reason that Ghostbusters 3 didn't take off earlier and could've had Ramis in it, was because Murray didn't want to do it at all. Reading an article, that doesn't seem to have changed and is probably even less likely now with Ramis gone. Weaver seems to be back and it could revolve around Oscar, the baby in GB2, becoming a Ghost Buster. Nothing else is confirmed though. Would love to see Rick Moranis come back for just this part.
I have been following the Ghostbusters 3 Blog ( for years waiting for this. If they do manage to make it, I really hope they don't screw it up. I am still skeptical that the project will be finished as just earlier this month Aykroyd said the movie was stalled due to budgeting. I did enjoy the game on Wii and am content with that as Ghostbusters 3. However, even knowing that a third movie could go very badly I cannot help, but be excited.
My big question is What of the spin-offs/extended lore (Comics, Games, Cartoons, ETC.) Will be considered Canon?
I'm just wondering after the Big Fuck You Disney gave to the Star Wars fans who went beyond the movies.
I was interested when Ramis was alive, even with no Bill Murray, but now it'll only have Dan Akroyd and maybe Ernie Hudson. I don't have a lot of hope for this, I mean, did anyone see Blues Brothers 2000? lol
Also I have to agree with with Bill Murray's reasoning. I don't want to see overweight wrinkly old dudes reliving their glory days.
I want something new.
Either reboot it with new blood or leave it alone. But please, don't Indiana Jones it.
I have been following the Ghostbusters 3 Blog ( for years waiting for this. If they do manage to make it, I really hope they don't screw it up. I am still skeptical that the project will be finished as just earlier this month Aykroyd said the movie was stalled due to budgeting. I did enjoy the game on Wii and am content with that as Ghostbusters 3. However, even knowing that a third movie could go very badly I cannot help, but be excited.
I was way behind this and still feel it was a great move because we could actually see them something like what they were back in the day. :)
Why no Bill Murray? They said the originals are returning.
Murray wants nothing to do with a sequel. I'm not even sure how they got him to work on The Video Game.
He did the video game because they were able to pull of visuals that put you back into the look and era of the first two. His concern with the movie is that he and the other originals haven't exactly aged well. A fact that will be hard to hide in HD.
I am not looking forward to it. It's going to be garbage. It should have been buried with Ramis. The video game is a good enough follow up to the movies as it is. I'm sorry, I only say this because I love Ghostbusters and I don't want it to be tarnished.
I guess I just don't understand the mentality of not trying at all. I'd so much rather see something new attempted, then not trying at all.
It could be bad, your right. But then it also could be the best one in the series for all we know.
I guess I just don't understand the mentality of not trying at all. I'd so much rather see something new attempted, then not trying at all.
It could be bad, your right. But then it also could be the best one in the series for all we know.
Thumbs up for this guy ^^
Alright yeah, I may be better than we think and we'll wait and see... :-\
I may be to hard on this film since we haven't seen it yet. I just can't help but be concerned. But it won't be the same with out the original cast.
I guess I just don't understand the mentality of not trying at all. I'd so much rather see something new attempted, then not trying at all.
It could be bad, your right. But then it also could be the best one in the series for all we know.
I kinda have to bring up Blues Brothers 2000 again since it's very fitting and also includes Dan Akyroyd and members of the cast who are no longer there. It's a bad movie that shouldn't have happened. Though I will say, Ghostbusters 3 has more promise as an idea of passing the torch with quality writing and good actors they get, because I think Ghostbusters as a concept needs to continue. All ghost movies nowadays are lame horror movies or if they have ghosts and are comedic, it's shit Scary Movie sequels. I want it to work, but the likelihood might not be there for it.
So...Ghostbusters might become something entirely different...
Apparently there is the chance of dropping the script idea that was written up before, in favor of maybe an all-girls comedic reboot or spinoff or whatever from the guy who wrote Bridesmaids.
At this point, as long as it is funny, I really don't mind as long as the Ghostbusters license gets used right, but this would be an extreme shift in direction. A reboot might make more sense with the kind of turmoil Ghostbusters 3 has gone through, but we'll have to see. I'm fine with any idea as long as they can make it work right. All reboots generally have a chance to be good, it's just hard sometimes when you have to skirt the boundaries of giving props to the source material while adding in quality new material.
This is the 2nd post I've seen on this. I really, REALLY hope this isn't gonna happen.
This is the 2nd post I've seen on this. I really, REALLY hope this isn't gonna happen.
Kinda at this point, it almost seems better to start with something fresh than trying to scrap and scavenge something out of the bottom of the barrel for a concept that is really only going to bring one of the main Ghostbusters back.
This is treading on sacred ground. I'd say Ghostbusters is my 2nd favorite movie of all time behind Back to the Future. Still, I'm all on board for another movie -- will it suck? Maybe? Will it live up to the perfection of the first movie? Probably not. Could it be a pleasant surprise? Of course it could.
If it sucks, we can pretend it doesn't exist (much like people do with Kingdom of the Crystal Skull). If it turns out to be good, we might see new life pumped into the franchise. I'd hope that it actually distances itself from the first movies, so we can focus on new characters. Venkman and Egon will never be in another Ghostbusters film. Let's move on and try something new and different.