VGCollect Forum

General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: spac316 on November 16, 2014, 02:14:35 am

Title: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: spac316 on November 16, 2014, 02:14:35 am
What do you think would happen with your collection when you get to old and feeble to play and sooner or later the time comes and you pass on?
Would you give it to your Spouse or kids/grand kids as their inheritance? Just sell it all off before hand?

For me, I don't know, it's hard to say. I'm not married and not a father at the moment. I don't think I can be buried with all my games. I need a tomb for THAT! As do most of us here I'll bet, lol!
I'd be worried about grave robbers though...

This may not be something to worry about now I guess.

Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: burningdoom on November 16, 2014, 02:18:46 am
By then a lot of the consoles we use will probably no longer work. Especially the disc-based ones.

But if it was still working, that's an easy answer: Give it to my wife so she can sell it and use the money.

I'd let her keep anything she wants. But she'd probably only keep the Sega Genesis and Sonic games, and the DS so she can play whack-a-mole on New Super Mario Bros. That's about as far as her gaming goes. And she has this strange obsession with trying to track down an flip-phone that has Snake on it. Has to be the LCD flip-phone version like she used to have.
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: maximo310 on November 16, 2014, 02:22:09 am
Personally, I would keep playing games until my deathbed since they're so much fun. If I were to die, I would entrust my brother with my collection as he understands the importance and maintaining a collection from personal experience. If he's not around, I'd entrust it to one of my friends who loves games, or give some of it to a cousin who wouldn't try to get rid of this stuff( by this time all of the family members that would have hated these games would be dead so I wouldn't have to worry about that). I feel that no matter what, a collection should be kept and maintained for future generations to use for good use, since once that stuff is gone, it could very well be irreplaceable. I still hope that people will be able to maintain and fix consoles and games to preserve them.
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: spac316 on November 16, 2014, 02:24:44 am
Yeah, that's a possibility. I could just give it to whatever family I have by that time and they could do whatever they want with it. I'll bet the value of the games would go higher by then and I wouldn't blame them if they want to sell them.
Still, I don't know...

As for preservation, at least there's Emulation.
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: kamikazekeeg on November 16, 2014, 02:39:45 am
If there's not family to pass it on to that would want it, I'd probably just see about donating it somewhere.  Maybe we'll see more retro museums then that need some new additions in the next 40 to 50 years lol
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: bikingjahuty on November 16, 2014, 03:56:11 am
Assuming I live to be an old man someday, I plan to start gradually selling my collection off when I am around 60 or so. I will sell games that i've played over the years that I didn't care for one reason or another, or games I thought were just okay, holding onto the ones I do enjoy for as long as possible. I will use this money to supplement my income, and if I am lucky enough to be able to retire someday, I would like to enjoy the few greatest games I've ever played until my final days. We're talking about no more than 150 games or so by the time I pass away.

Assuming I die unexpectedly or prematurely, my collection will go to my significant other to do whatever they please with my collection.

I never plan on having kids so it will not go to any.
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: turf on November 16, 2014, 08:56:32 am
If I kick off soon, my wife and son can do whatever they want. My wife could use it as a selling point to attract a new husband.

If I'm old, I'll still just leave all of it to The Boy. He can keep it or sell it. By then, I doubt it will be worth much more than a novelty.
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: sin2beta on November 16, 2014, 09:28:02 am
My wife could use it as a selling point to attract a new husband.

Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: jcalder8 on November 16, 2014, 10:08:46 am
Honestly it just doesn't matter to me. I'll be dead so I don't care lol.
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: fighterpilot562 on November 16, 2014, 11:07:24 am
Doesn't matter to me, ill be dead...... Just don't sell it for cheap or give it away
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: MJMaranan on November 16, 2014, 02:35:09 pm
My wife could use it as a selling point to attract a new husband.


I would probably give up gaming/collecting at around 60 so...  Initially, I would give the games/systems that my brother doesn't have to him.  As for the rest, I'd probably check the Looking For/Help Me Find (,1437.0.html) thread if anyone is interested with what I have.  Otherwise, I'd probably give the lot to Goodwill since I have no other gamer friends/family who have similar preferences that I do.  Maybe even list them on my Sell List or eBay.
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: desocietas on November 16, 2014, 03:05:19 pm
If I kick off soon, my wife and son can do whatever they want. My wife could use it as a selling point to attract a new husband.

If I'm old, I'll still just leave all of it to The Boy. He can keep it or sell it. By then, I doubt it will be worth much more than a novelty.

Considering the time you spend with him on the retro games, I'm sure it'll be of great sentimental value to him when he's older.  All those youtube videos of you two spending time together - priceless memories!
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: hexen on November 16, 2014, 03:56:44 pm
It depends how things go. I'd either give it all to my friend Byron ( or give it someone else I care about, who I'd let decide to keep or sell it.
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: foxhack on November 16, 2014, 06:21:11 pm
I would like to be buried as I lived.

Under boxes and boxes of unplayed games. :p And then people can organize a treasure hunt to dig up my corpse to get the games.

And when they find me, all they'll find is a note that says "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA SUCKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERS"
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: GrooDWanderer on November 16, 2014, 06:25:23 pm
Kids will get them. They walk around and eye them like sharks whenever I am rearranging them in the cabinet.

As for the disc-based systems not working after several years, it makes me want to buy backups of all of them. Probably do that in the next year. Especially since last gen is going to be weeded out completely pretty soon.
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: davifus on November 16, 2014, 06:45:36 pm
Burn everything
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: dreama1 on November 16, 2014, 09:47:32 pm
I would like to be buried as I lived.

Under boxes and boxes of unplayed games. :p And then people can organize a treasure hunt to dig up my corpse to get the games.

And when they find me, all they'll find is a note that says "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA SUCKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERS"
Maybe they can build you a coffin made from NES games.
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: dreama1 on November 16, 2014, 09:51:33 pm
The whole video game generation is still  relatively young. I'm not even sure the cartridges will hold up, probably just get brittle and snap into dust. Held a 60 year old camera then I got an idea of how age damages stuff. No one even knows how long discs will really last for certain.
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: critter7405 on November 16, 2014, 10:37:09 pm
My son would be the one that would get the collection.. I would hope he would maintain and keep the collection going in the son is 7 fit now and he loves gaming and by the time I die..he will know the importance of my collection and the role it played in my and his life.. But as he gets older and I don't see him having that big of an interest in gaming .... I would probably denote to a museum or sell it all of before I die.. Or have some papers drawn up on what exactly to do with the whole collection at that time ...  ;)
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: dashv on November 17, 2014, 02:30:20 am
My son will get all our games.

He already knows it.

He's already vowed to keep the collection in the family and to only marry a woman who understands the awesomeness that is video games.

He's only 11. But I am confident I have taught him life's most important lesson.
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: fighterpilot562 on November 17, 2014, 11:34:48 am
My nephew might get them. He is currently only 2 though, so no idea at this point if he will get into gaming..... And since I doubt Ill ever get married or have kids of my own(that life doesn't interest me). He could possibly get them.
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: soera on November 17, 2014, 01:42:10 pm
Whats this "Pass on" nonsense? I am the Highlander!
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: Warmsignal on November 18, 2014, 04:54:12 pm
Well, I have a nephew now, but his dad also has a huge collection. If something happens to that collection down the road, maybe I'd leave mine to him if he ends up liking video games. Other than that I don't know. Maybe I'll have it buried somewhere.  ???
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: dashv on November 18, 2014, 10:19:26 pm
Well, I have a nephew now, but his dad also has a huge collection. If something happens to that collection down the road, maybe I'd leave mine to him if he ends up liking video games. Other than that I don't know. Maybe I'll have it buried somewhere.  ???

I hear a space just opened up in Almagordo!
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: Bwigdahl on November 18, 2014, 10:29:02 pm
My nephew might get them. He is currently only 2 though, so no idea at this point if he will get into gaming..... And since I doubt Ill ever get married or have kids of my own(that life doesn't interest me). He could possibly get them.

This is basically word-for-word (including the age of the nephew) what I was gonna post, lol
Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: GrooDWanderer on November 20, 2014, 10:39:31 pm
Whats this "Pass on" nonsense? I am the Highlander!

Title: Re: Your collection after you pass on?
Post by: burningdoom on November 21, 2014, 12:30:08 am
Whats this "Pass on" nonsense? I am the Highlander!


I suddenly hear Queen playing.