VGCollect Forum
VGCollect Site Stuff => Site Feedback => Topic started by: jcalder8 on February 07, 2012, 09:02:46 pm
Maybe my collection is too diverse but I am unable to read some of the listings because they are all squished together. Maybe there needs to be a zoom out function for it?
Congrats! You have successfully exceeded the amount of data that can show up there. I'll be exploring other options soon.
Lol! That pie chart is amusing.
Good job on pushing the system :D
YAY ME!!! :D
Do I winz the Int3rw3b?
You win a pie :)
thare is a problem
pie chart does not say odyssey 2 it says Odyssey < sup > 2 < / sup > [NA]
I dunno. My Pie Chart looks fine to me :)

I'd also like to add looking at your collection, jcalder8, that I think your date/place saving is a really neat idea. I'm impressed how many years you've kept up with it.

My pie chart is kind of impressive.... It doesn't help that we changed how hardware is listed and there are multiple "hardware" listings on the pie charts now. :\
@hexen Thanks, I have been at it seriously since about 2008 but I have been shocked by how many games I remember where they came from and how much they cost. I have estimated for some of the dates but I would say that accurate for the most part.
It's been rather funny watching the chart text slowly consume itself.
I can see... forever...
Mine isn't so bad... but I also don't have my hardware listed.
Looks like this got worked on tonight. Great improvement!
Oh yeah, mine looks much cleaner now. Great work!
Yeah I merged all the Hardware and Accessory entries. Glad to see that it helped for now!
Yup mine is back to its sexy self. Yay
Mine still has some overlapping names, but it does look a lot better than last time I checked.
Mine still has some overlapping names, but it does look a lot better than last time I checked.
Same here with mine, but overall much improved.
You guys are just going to have to start selling stuff off. Sorry. ;)
Or... just let us squish several categories / platforms into an "Other games" pie slice. :P