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General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: thekosmickollector on April 22, 2015, 05:39:19 pm

Title: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: thekosmickollector on April 22, 2015, 05:39:19 pm
Okay, so I know video game movies get a lot of flack (and rightly so), but can anyone think of a video game movie that was any good? I personally thought the Silent Hill movie was quite solid. Well, the first one at least, the second one I haven't seen yet. Also, the Resident Evil movies, while not sharing too much in common with the actual game, I found to be some fun eye candy while it was on.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: devancowan on April 22, 2015, 05:49:38 pm
Hopefully they do a good job when making The Last of Us movie!
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: argyle on April 22, 2015, 05:56:24 pm
I really enjoyed both Silent Hill movies, thought they were great. The RE & Tomb Raider movies are dumb fun. I also enjoyed Hitman and FF7: Advent Children. 

And while not a movie, I'd be mad at myself if I didn't mention the Gungrave anime series which is SPECTACULAR. Highly recommended.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: bikingjahuty on April 22, 2015, 06:37:24 pm
It is cheesy as hell, but my favorite has been and will probably always be Mortal Kombat.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: redblaze57 on April 22, 2015, 06:39:47 pm
Tales of Vesperia: the first strike
Bayonetta: Bloody Fate
also the CGI Resident Evil Movies
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: burningdoom on April 22, 2015, 07:53:05 pm
The first Resident Evil movie takes it for me. Great horror film. It's too bad the sequels went more into the action direction
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: stethebubble on April 22, 2015, 08:06:51 pm
the dead space movie was pretty good.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: turf on April 22, 2015, 08:42:36 pm
Mortal Kombat.

Honorable Mention: Street Fighter.

I don't care what you say. I like it.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: kamikazekeeg on April 22, 2015, 09:03:47 pm
If we are talking live action, I liked Silent Hill and like the first two Resident Evil's for their cheesiness before they really went off the rails, which is saying something for an RE related product lol There was the previous Halo series thing, not Nightfall, but the one before about the boot camp.  It's not particularly very Halo till the end, but I liked it as a story.

For something animated, Final Fantasy VII Advent Children, RE: Degeneration and Damnation I remember to be entertaining.  Probably seen more, just don't remember at the moment.

Worst I've seen are probably the Super Mario and Doom movies, both of them for basically missing the point of what they needed to do lol
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: wvdoom on April 23, 2015, 01:16:22 am
Mortal Kombat, hands down the best i've ever seen
i also really liked Silent Hill
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: MJMaranan on April 23, 2015, 01:47:52 am
Mortal Kombat and animated Street Fighter movies were definitely awesome.  Live action-wise,I just wasn't into Jean Claude Van Damme's Guile, but Raul Julia as M. Bison was pretty cool.  Tekken was meh.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: evilnick on April 23, 2015, 09:10:53 am
Atari: Game Over. 

Hey, the title didn't say it couldn't be a documentary.  I put this off for a long time due to the hype around it and the number of people interested in it who have no actual idea of the history or even the E.T. game aside from a couple "worst game" lists online.  I have two copies of E.T., which I first sought out due to the history about the game, purchased many years ago. 

Overall, the movie was extremely well done.  It interviewed a wide range of old Atari people, including Bushnell and the developer of E.T. himself.  I have long since out-grown the idea that "E.T. caused the crash," since I learned ages ago about all the issues that led into the downfall of the 2nd generation.  Still, Atari: Game Over did a great job going over the history, looking at the issues, and examining why E.T. ended up carrying the bulk of the blame. 
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: cornykev on April 23, 2015, 10:17:47 am
I've always had a soft spot for the Prince of Persia movie. I feel it captures the spirit of the video game rather well and the acting is well done.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: bloodybaron on April 23, 2015, 12:12:18 pm
I haven't seen it in a while, but I remember as a kid I used to watch donkey kong vhs tapes all the time and I loved them.  Probably only good as a kid as I don't remember them anymore, but who knows they may be entertaining.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: tpugmire on April 23, 2015, 12:14:38 pm
I have to agree with evilnick and go with Atari: Game Over.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: Oheao on April 23, 2015, 12:25:39 pm
Definitely Street Fighter. Cheesy, but I still love it.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: stethebubble on April 23, 2015, 01:49:11 pm
king of kong
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: krelyan on April 23, 2015, 02:01:25 pm
king of kong

Didn't even think about it, but this is the correct answer :).  Highly entertaining documentary.  Indie Game: The Movie is also excellent.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: indenton on April 23, 2015, 03:53:02 pm
I've only seen one video game movie, that being 'Resident Evil: Extinction'.  I have yet to play any Resident Evil games so I'm in no position to give any opinions. 

I will say though that I have high hopes for the 'Ratchet & Clank' movie, it honestly looks like it 'might' be a turning point for the whole concept. 
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: amauriel on April 23, 2015, 03:58:38 pm
As far as the documentaries go, I'd like to put a vote in for Get Lamp. I love text adventures and enjoyed that one.

As far as the movies go, I'd have to vote for Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: foxhack on April 23, 2015, 04:12:28 pm

Yes, this is a real thing. (
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: thekosmickollector on April 23, 2015, 04:51:58 pm

Yes, this is a real thing. (

"CTRL-ALT-DEATH". Oh my god that looks fantastically cheap and cheesy and I want to watch it so badly. Is it any good?
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: foxhack on April 23, 2015, 05:11:16 pm
"CTRL-ALT-DEATH". Oh my god that looks fantastically cheap and cheesy and I want to watch it so badly. Is it any good?

You should know by now the answer is "Hell no." :)
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: spac316 on April 23, 2015, 06:33:06 pm
To me it was the first Mortal Kombat movie from 1995. It was a fun movie with a good cast and good fan service.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: indenton on April 23, 2015, 10:57:02 pm
I have to agree with evilnick and go with Atari: Game Over.

I think we can agree that now we're looking at 2 different kinds of films, seems pretty unfair to be comparing it to movies based on actual video games, capturing video game worlds, works of fiction which often get lost in the loop and ultimately panned by fans and critics alike.  Then we have a film based on real events which happen to be related to the video game industry.  The storyline can't be criticize because it's just true, the quality of acting is null because they're not acting. 

Does this really count as a the kind of Video game movie we're all thinking about?
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: rancesama on April 24, 2015, 12:11:11 pm
Got to be the Street Fighter movie starting Jon Claude Van Dam, right guys ... guys?

Without it, we never would have gotten Street Fighter: The Movie the game. Which is is a game, based on a movie, that's based on a game  ;D
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: krelyan on April 24, 2015, 04:27:16 pm

I think we can agree that now we're looking at 2 different kinds of films, seems pretty unfair to be comparing it to movies based on actual video games, capturing video game worlds, works of fiction which often get lost in the loop and ultimately panned by fans and critics alike.  Then we have a film based on real events which happen to be related to the video game industry.  The storyline can't be criticize because it's just true, the quality of acting is null because they're not acting. 

Does this really count as a the kind of Video game movie we're all thinking about?

Sure they count.  Documentaries (at least the good ones) still have to create characters and a narrative, they just do it in the editing process.  Storylines still exist (and are often stretching the "truth") and it's still a form of acting because the documentary crew has to evoke a performance from people.  The "works of fiction" get panned because they're nearly always terrible.  I have nostalgia for the MK and SF movies (which I saw in theaters as a pre-teen) and I can still get enjoyment out of them, but would never put them at the top of the heap.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: yancakes on April 24, 2015, 06:14:37 pm
I haven't watched any of the show but there's a live action Street Fighter series that kicks off with a movie... I've watched the movie, it's hella long and insanely good. I mean it's cheesy as heck, but that's because it's pretty damn faithful to the series.

Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: indenton on April 26, 2015, 07:37:15 am

I think we can agree that now we're looking at 2 different kinds of films, seems pretty unfair to be comparing it to movies based on actual video games, capturing video game worlds, works of fiction which often get lost in the loop and ultimately panned by fans and critics alike.  Then we have a film based on real events which happen to be related to the video game industry.  The storyline can't be criticize because it's just true, the quality of acting is null because they're not acting. 

Does this really count as a the kind of Video game movie we're all thinking about?

Sure they count.  Documentaries (at least the good ones) still have to create characters and a narrative, they just do it in the editing process.  Storylines still exist (and are often stretching the "truth") and it's still a form of acting because the documentary crew has to evoke a performance from people.  The "works of fiction" get panned because they're nearly always terrible.  I have nostalgia for the MK and SF movies (which I saw in theaters as a pre-teen) and I can still get enjoyment out of them, but would never put them at the top of the heap.

I'm not saying they shouldn't be appreciated, I watched 'Indie Game: The Movie' and that was pretty interesting.  I just feel like having these types of movies lumped into the same category in this discussion doesn't make much sense. 

Also, I said 'acting', not 'characters'.  Whatever, they've definitely the better films being mentioned in this discussion. 
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: foxhack on April 26, 2015, 10:57:25 am
Got to be the Street Fighter movie starting Jon Claude Van Dam, right guys ... guys?

Without it, we never would have gotten Street Fighter: The Movie the game. Which is is a game, based on a movie, that's based on a game  ;D

Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: turf on April 26, 2015, 04:41:00 pm
Another one that's awful, but I love is Double Dragon. Abobo in that is so stupid looking, it's awesome.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: zenimus on April 27, 2015, 02:52:29 am
I don't care what anyone says, Super Mario Bros was an awesome movie.

You can bag on it all you want about it "not being faithful" or something, but in 1993? We didn't have a very established "persona" for Mario yet. The only time I ever heard him speak was in the Super Mario Bros Super Show with Captain Lou Albano's voice. Personally I think Lou Albano was a *fantastic* voice for Mario. Mario's not supposed to be this Italian Mickey Mouse they've turned him into once the Nintendo 64 came out. He's supposed to be a plumber (or carpenter if you wanna get picky, so let's just say handyman) from Brooklyn, New York. I don't know how many New Yorkers you've ever heard, but they definitely don't sound like "It's-a me, Mario!" Bob Hoskins is a British actor, but he got the middle aged New York handyman persona down perfectly in this movie.

Now imagine if you were given the task of making a live action movie about two plumber brothers who get warped to an alternate dimension with a lizard-man overlord, mushrooms everywhere and a kidnapped princess. This concept sounds insane. There's basically no real plot to take from the games, only tons of bizarre imagery.

Given the task the film crew had with this project, it's no surprise it had such trouble with re-writes in production. But somehow... somehow... they came up with a wacky adventure that's a lot of fun to watch. Look at how many subtle references to the video games are jam packed into the background signs. Even the big lady wearing red was named Big Bertha (like the big red predatory fish in SMB3). If you have a mushroom kingdom, you need a king right? Well having the mushroom king be this creature who devolved into a sentient fungus was a perfect way to allow for "mushroom power ups" to happen. Even Mario's trademark high jumping was accounted for with the jump shoes.

I'm astonished how people could possibly think the movie wasn't true to its source material. The whole thing is loaded with clever ways to bring the insanity of the Mario franchise into a "real life" movie. When I saw it in theaters as a 9-year-old, I thought it was great. And to this day I still do.  ;)
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: burningdoom on April 27, 2015, 12:40:06 pm
By 1993 we didn't have a very established image of Mario yet? Huh? Mario mania was in full swing. We had 5 games in the main series (Mario Bros, SMB, SMB 2, SMB 3, SM World), we had spin-off games (Mario is Missing, Mario's Time Machine, Dr. Mario), we had the cartoon series, we had the comics, we even had a kids novel series. Mario was very well established.

The movie BARELY resembled Mario at all, besides the main character's costumes (none of the other characters had the costumes right, though).

I'm not gonna say it's a bad movie on it's own merit, because frankly I can't see it as anything other than a bad Mario rip-off. But it's terrible at being a Mario movie.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: zenimus on April 27, 2015, 06:22:38 pm
Of course Mario mania was in full swing by 1993, that's the whole reason the movie even exists. Mario's "image" as a character was very well established, but he didn't have any kind of set personality yet. In each depiction of him, be it comics, cartoons or games, his personality tended to vary quite a bit. However, look at Mario after 1996 when he got the Mickey voice. Since then every depiction of him has always been the same, with no variation at all.

In the end, you've just gotta take it as a fun romp through an alternate version of the Mario world. If you're into comic books, they do that stuff all the time.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: badATchaos on May 02, 2015, 08:49:03 pm
Wreck it Ralph?
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: stealthrush on May 24, 2015, 01:55:28 am
As for best live-action video game movie, the first Silent Hill was not all that bad. That and Street Fighter for nostalgia-sake.
Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: madmax on May 24, 2015, 04:33:34 am
It's obviously this:

Title: Re: BEST Video Game movie?
Post by: atarileaf on May 24, 2015, 09:23:42 am
Wreck it Ralph?

Yep. I guess Pixels will be a potential contender but I doubt it'll beat Wreck it Ralph but the latest trailer does make it look a little better.