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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: bikingjahuty on July 12, 2015, 12:30:18 pm

Title: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: bikingjahuty on July 12, 2015, 12:30:18 pm
BEST: I saw My Bloody Valentine back when they toured in 2009. It was by far the loudest show I've ever been too, by far! It was almost euphoric hearing their music live and with such intensity. I could barely hear anything for almost a week after the show, and the idea of permanent hearing loss definitely crossed my mind, but it was worth it for that amazing show.

Worst: I went to a Pixies show with a friend of mine around 2010ish and the show was so bad it actually made me displace the Pixies after being a long time fan. While it wasn't the bands fault, it was an all ages show and was filled with a bunch of high school kids that were the most annoying group of assholes I've ever had the displeasure of sharing a space with for 2-hours. The band played like shit that night and you could tell they weren't into their music, at least for the show I went to. I remember just being underwhelmed the whole show and I thought about just leaving a few times, but for my friend's sake a stayed. We both agreed that the show was pretty bad, although he claims he has been to worse shows.
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: kamikazekeeg on July 12, 2015, 02:38:28 pm
Haven't done many concerts, but the best one I've been to was Judas Priest in 2009.  It was my first metal concert and it was mind blowing.

I guess I could say my worst was a local festival that had the likes of Offspring, Volbeat, Stone Sour, and more.  It wasn't terrible because of the music as I got there in the afternoon to specifically see Volbeat who were great, but it was such a poorly handled outdoor event.  It's Florida in the middle spring, meaning it's hot as hell.  Small bottles of water cost something like 3 to 4 bucks a piece, so I was practically going broke buying them to survive, there was no cover anywhere, so I was melting.  By the time 3 hours had passed, and I enjoyed the hell out of Volbeat, I was done.  I was practically about to have heat exhaustion.  I couldn't even go out to my car to rest and then come back in as there was a rule that once you leave, you were done, so I didn't even get the music happening that night.  I heard they added like mist tents and stuff since, so I might go again next year as I skipped this year, but man I went through a lot just to see Volbeat, who were good lol
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: atarileaf on July 12, 2015, 09:10:19 pm
Definitely Journey two summers ago at Caesars Windsor. It was our 21st wedding anniversary the night of the concert which made it extra special. Arnel Pineda is an incredible singer. Easily comparable to Steve Perry. Just an awesome show.

I haven't been to any bad concerts but one sad and disappointing performance was Lou Gramm of Foreigner fame when he was at a local "Corn Festival" a few years back. One of those small town fairs with rides, games, prizes, etc. I think his health was not good at the time and his voice suffered terribly from it.
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: turf on July 13, 2015, 09:33:33 am
Best: I flew to Las Vegas to see Avenged Sevenfold at The Joint at the Hard Rock.  It's a small venue and I loved it.  I've seen A7X a bunch of times.  I've seen them at least 3 times in small venues.  That is awesome! 

Honorable Mention: Korn in Las Vegas 2011 I think.  It was at the Rockstar 48 Hour Music festival.  It was hot as balls all day.  Jonathon Davis was sick, but since he's a gangster mother fucker he was out there rocking his balls off.  He was sick enough to have to go side stage to get oxygen between songs.  The band would kind of just jam long enough for him to get air; then he'd come back on.  It was unreal. 

Worst: I think it was 2011 or 2012.  Rob Zombie was playing the radio station festival in Little Rock.  Dude was so trashed, the couldn't remember the words to his own songs.  It was awful.  Lucky for us, he went back stage for a few and came back with all the energy he'd need.  If I had to guess, I'd say he went and did a bump.  His stage show was cool, the performance was shit though.
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: kamikazekeeg on July 13, 2015, 04:20:54 pm
Best: I flew to Las Vegas to see Avenged Sevenfold at The Joint at the Hard Rock.  It's a small venue and I loved it.  I've seen A7X a bunch of times.  I've seen them at least 3 times in small venues.  That is awesome!

I saw them at an arena here in 2013 I think and they put on a good show.  I'm not HUGE into them, I love City of Evil, they've been hit and miss ever since, but they put on a very solid show and did a good pyro setup.  Kinda exciting getting blasted with heat when the songs go nuts lol
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: soera on July 13, 2015, 05:10:36 pm
Ive went to a lot of shows. Not sure which one would be the best but I can definitely pick out the worst. Seven mary three. Such a horrible concert.
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: Warmsignal on July 13, 2015, 06:00:16 pm
Best was going to see Exotic Animal Petting Zoo open for a bunch of other bands I've never heard of. Worst was Fuel and Breaking Benjamin, I went pretty much because it was big bands playing in my small town, but the show was pretty meh. Not a fan.
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: fighterpilot562 on July 13, 2015, 06:07:39 pm
Ive only been to one.... I was arrested.  :o
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: redblaze57 on July 13, 2015, 06:33:08 pm
Best- Cheep Trick/Aerosmith- Only major one I've ever been to, and you know what they sounded just as the do on the albums and Joey Kramer's Drum Solo was fun as all hell to watch. kinda wish Aerosmith played less of certain more pop sounding songs like Cryin' and instead played more Eat the Rich kind of stuff but hey Draw the Line was not a bad start.

Worst- some outdoor 4th of July celebration at Fort Dix. Here's the thing the main act would have been enjoyable if they stuck to instrumental songs/Covers. their vocals were just terrible.
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: kingrat101 on July 14, 2015, 01:41:11 am
Best. I've seen Portugal. The Man three times and every time they put on a fantastic show. Even though not technically a concert just an opener Man Man was amazing opening for Modest Mouse. The Mars Volta was pretty spectacular as well as mewithoutYou

Worst. Oh where do I begin, probably The Killers, my ex made me see them with her and oh man I already think they're a terrible band but that show just cemented it for me. Terrible lyrics, horrible singer, awful atmosphere... Not good
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: kashell on July 14, 2015, 08:22:43 am
Best: Kylie Minogue at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas.

Worst: Some outdoor festival that featured Gavin DeGraw.
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: deftommo on July 14, 2015, 10:46:50 am
Best: Rammstein in Worcester, MA (flamethrowers, giant dick cannons shooting foam, more flamethrowers, band members crowdsurfing in an inflatable raft...)

(Muse also puts on a good show)

Worst: Radiohead somewhere in CA (booooring and sleepy)

Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: retroone on July 14, 2015, 11:38:20 am
I haven't been to any bad concerts because I've only been to one lol. The best concert I've been to was Rush on the Clockwork Angles Tour in 2010. It was an really amazing concert on the music was spot on. It was the 30th (I think) Anniversary of the Moving Pictures album and they played it all Front to Back. It was amazing.
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: pacpix on July 15, 2015, 12:18:43 am
I have only ever been to one concert, which was a couple months ago.  I saw Foreigner with a few friends and it was great.  They played an extended version of Jukebox Hero that was really cool.
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: yancakes on July 18, 2015, 01:46:54 pm
My concert days are long behind me now, in my town headliners NEVER get on stage until 12:30 and even before I had a kid that was just a no fly for me. The busses stop running before headliners even go on stage, screw that. Went to a tonne of shows back in the day though, mostly underground metal acts that came through Toronto when I lived in Hamilton and then after I moved to Victoria it was mostly indie acts and one band called USS that I saw like six times (and we actually wound up using one of their songs for our first dance when we got married). USS would EASILY be my top show except...

Elton John. I was 13, I saw him at GM Place (now Rogers Arena) in Vancouver. He played all his old shit and he went for three hours straight with no break. Despite the fact that there were nearly 20,000 people there it felt somehow intimate- the man seriously has such a stage presence that he can connect with that many people at once. The crowd sounded like a stampede when it started to cheer and afterwards I was exhausted.

Then, when I was 16, I went to the SARS Benefit Concert in Toronto. A crowd of 500,000 people and The Tea Party, the Eisley Brothers, Rush, Blue Rodeo, Sam Roberts, The Guess Who, AC/DC and The Rolling Stones, amongst others.

It was the first time I saw bare breasts. It was the latest I ever stayed up. It was more people than I'd ever seen in one place. It was AMAZING.

I also gotta tip my hat to Andrew Bird in Atlanta, that was an amazing experience, but it wasn't no boobies.

The worst show I ever saw is also a tie. There was a show in Toronto that had... Nevermore, Children of Bodom, Hypocrisy and Dimmu Borgir. No one had an interesting stage presence, they all just went out, wanked off their guitars and went off. I think I left half way through Dimmu (who were headlining). I wasn't a big fan of any of the bands anyways but it was just so... meh.

The other worst was a band called Johnny Tango that no longer exist. I knew the band, they were local here in Victoria and I'd seen them a few times. They were really good. But then they had a CD release party... they called it that. They called it a CD release party. When we got there, there were no CDs cuz the band hadn't scraped up enough cash to actually get a run printed and they just handed out little cards with PINs on them so that you could go online and download digital copies of the album. They broke up shortly after.

Ive only been to one.... I was arrested.  :o

ahahahaha do tell
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: dashv on July 18, 2015, 02:57:56 pm
Ive only been to one.... I was arrested.  :o

C'mon dude. You can't leave it at that. :)

Inquiring minds wanna know more!
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: turf on July 20, 2015, 10:49:29 am
Ive only been to one.... I was arrested.  :o

C'mon dude. You can't leave it at that. :)

Inquiring minds wanna know more!

Was it that Hanson concert you were telling me about?
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: gf78 on July 20, 2015, 12:53:21 pm
Best: Rammstein in Worcester, MA (flamethrowers, giant dick cannons shooting foam, more flamethrowers, band members crowdsurfing in an inflatable raft...)

(Muse also puts on a good show)

Worst: Radiohead somewhere in CA (booooring and sleepy)

Want to see Rammstein in the worst way.   :'(  Watching the live footage from the Liebe ist für alle da tour when they play "pu$$y" with the giant cannon...hilarious.  Their pyrotechnics are second to none and the music is pretty friggin awesome too!

I haven't been to many concerts and none I would call bad.  The worst would have been the USO tour a year or so ago with Chevelle.  They played well, but it was just dull. 

My favorite would be Type O Negative when they were touring in support of their Life is Killing Me album.  They were great and even before that, Lacuna Coil came out and Christina Scabia's beautiful voice was captivating. 
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: stealthrush on July 25, 2015, 04:03:13 am
I can't say I went to a particularly bad concert, well if you count a show with multiple artists I did. I had to sit though a performance by the Finnish band HIM. The lead singer sat down and smoked while singing and performing the songs. Lackluster to say the least.

One the best I've attended, and nearly passed out from lack of oxygen, was from the punk-ska band The Aquabats! They played at a tiny in-door venue that included crowd surfing from the singer (multiple times) and it was jam packed like sardines with attendees. Full of energy on stage and great crowd reception, real exciting and enthralling show.
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: turf on July 27, 2015, 09:51:37 am
One the best I've attended, and nearly passed out from lack of oxygen, was from the punk-ska band The Aquabats! They played at a tiny in-door venue that included crowd surfing from the singer (multiple times) and it was jam packed like sardines with attendees. Full of energy on stage and great crowd reception, real exciting and enthralling show.

Isn't that the band that was on Yo Gabba Gabba?  My kid was huge into that when he was about 2
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: stealthrush on July 28, 2015, 02:51:29 am
One the best I've attended, and nearly passed out from lack of oxygen, was from the punk-ska band The Aquabats! They played at a tiny in-door venue that included crowd surfing from the singer (multiple times) and it was jam packed like sardines with attendees. Full of energy on stage and great crowd reception, real exciting and enthralling show.

Isn't that the band that was on Yo Gabba Gabba?  My kid was huge into that when he was about 2

YES! actually the lead singer started the project Yo Gabba Gabba when his band really wasn't doing all too good. The Aquabats! have been around since 1994.
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: fighterpilot562 on July 28, 2015, 11:22:34 am
Ive only been to one.... I was arrested.  :o

C'mon dude. You can't leave it at that. :)

Inquiring minds wanna know more!

Was it that Hanson concert you were telling me about?

Hanson haha.

My friend was drinking, got into a fight, I jumped in to break it up, and they arrested us all.
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: soera on July 28, 2015, 12:23:09 pm
Ive only been to one.... I was arrested.  :o

C'mon dude. You can't leave it at that. :)

Inquiring minds wanna know more!

Was it that Hanson concert you were telling me about?

Hanson haha.

My friend was drinking, got into a fight, I jumped in to break it up, and they arrested us all.

I noticed you didnt deny the Hanson concert. Mmmmm bop!
Title: Re: The best and worst concert you've ever attended?
Post by: amauriel on July 29, 2015, 09:03:30 am
The best concert for me was probably the Barenaked Ladies on their Maroon tour. I was in high school, they were my favorite band, and the night was just amazing. They always talk on stage and do a little improv and you don't go "Oh my God, I just saw the Barenaked Ladies!" you go "Oh my God, that was a lot of fun!" and it's really refreshing.

It's a toss-up for worst concert though. Everclear was BAD. It was even the first night of the tour and they just had no energy at all. The other one was back when Nintendo did the Fusion tour and Hawthorne Heights was the headliner. A bunch of friends went with me because the lobby of the venue was going to have the Wii set up and playable, long before it launched. The demo units kept crashing and the only game any of them got to actually play was Excitetruck. I was actually there for the concert, but it was in a big high school auditorium and they had the speaker set-up for a stadium. Couldn't hear for days afterward. Hawthorne Heights and Reliant K were terrible live. The only highlight of the evening was the very first opening band. It was the Plain White T's and they started the night with "We're going to do a song we've just finished and never performed live: Hey There Delilah" and then it was fun to see how big that song got about a year after that when they hit it big.