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General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: shoryuken4u on September 30, 2015, 09:38:00 pm
Hi all. I am playing Nanashi no Game and it is CREEPY! The premise is kind of similar to 'The Ring' but instead of a cursed videotape it's a cursed video game. So have any of you played a game that genuinely scared you?
As a medium, video games have never scared me that much, even as a kid. The only game that ever genuinely scared me and filled me with dread was the Resident Evil remake on the Gamecube. God, I jumped several times and the thought of facing off against a crimson head was anxiety provoking.
Hi all. I am playing Nanashi no Game and it is CREEPY! The premise is kind of similar to 'The Ring' but instead of a cursed videotape it's a cursed video game. So have any of you played a game that genuinely scared you?
The King's Field series scared me as a kid, and I remember vividly getting creeped out playing the demo of Shadow Tower on PlayStation Underground demo disc. As a teenager it was Silent Hill 2 for PS2- til this day one of the scariest games I've ever played.
Silent Hill 2 through 4 and like Fatal Frame have always been real spooky for me. Good atmosphere that just wants to crush you over a bunch of jump scares is so much more satisfying, not that I'm really interested in spooky games most of the time. I've never actually beaten those games as I always got too spooked playing them alone lol Actually looking forward to the new Fatal Frame for some creepy gaming. Think I might buy it and save it for Halloween specifically. Will be perfect.
Thw P.T. demo was scary ;p
Thw P.T. demo was scary ;p
I only watched videos of it, but it was unsettling. I could only imagine how terrifying the full game would've been lol
I'm going to break it down a bit.
Scariest for "jump scare" factor
The first Resident Evil in all it's cheesy glory scared me numerous times. Those damn Dobermans jumping through the windows behind you! :o I must have jumped out of my chair a dozen times playing this game!
Scariest for visceral "fight or flight" factor
The first Dead Space. After fighting off mutated beasts coming at you from every angle, I found myself stomping corpses well past the point where they were already dead. I would literally become locked into the terror.
Scariest for "psychological" aka F*ing with your mind factor
I have to give it to Silent Hill 2. I still have nightmares of "Pyramid Head" ravaging some manequins. :'(
I'm going to break it down a bit.
Scariest for "jump scare" factor
The first Resident Evil in all it's cheesy glory scared me numerous times. Those damn Dobermans jumping through the windows behind you! :o I must have jumped out of my chair a dozen times playing this game!
Scariest for visceral "fight or flight" factor
The first Dead Space. After fighting off mutated beasts coming at you from every angle, I found myself stomping corpses well past the point where they were already dead. I would literally become locked into the terror.
Scariest for "psychological" aka F*ing with your mind factor
I have to give it to Silent Hill 2. I still have nightmares of "Pyramid Head" ravaging some manequins. :'(
That's the best way to talk about this.
Jump scares: I get startled easily, so most games in the survival/horror genre fit the bill. Even in games like Demon's Souls or Trinity: Souls of Zill Oll that rely on you paying attention to everything have startled me.
Visceral scares: Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil 4, Silent Hill 4 and Silent Hill Homecomming come to mind.
Psychological scares: I started playing Rule of Rose and it's already freaking me the **** out. Other games are Silent Hill 2 and Eternal Darkness. Eternal Darkness' sanity meter doesn't make things any easier in this regard. XD
I remember being scared to death watching my older brother play Eternal Darkness, though that's not saying much since I was probably 9 or 10 at the time.