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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: karyann on November 01, 2015, 03:53:45 pm

Title: The "Original Christmas Gift Ideas" thread
Post by: karyann on November 01, 2015, 03:53:45 pm
Now that Halloween's behind us (yes, I'm that early), it's that time of the year again: "What the hell am I getting for [Person X] for Christmas?!"

So I thought that it might be nice to have a thread where we share anything cool, original or different that we stumble upon until Christmas, in case it can help others get an awesome gift for someone!  Feel free to share in any price range, stocking stuffers are always cool too!  :)

So far, a few ideas I've had for my own gift-giving:

Useful items
- Health items that everybody thinks everybody has but you know someone who doesn't (e.g. I have a friend who complains every time he feels sick that he doesn't own a body thermometer to know if he's down with a fever, so I'm getting him one). This can be a thermometer, a thermotherapeutic ("magic") bag, anything.

Goodies for fans
- Vinyl stickers, patches, or badges of characters or logos of their favorite video game, TV show, comic book...
- For the Harry Potter fan, a Hogwarts (or Beauxbatons or Durmstrang) acceptance letter (

Fun moments
Sometimes it's just too hard to find a physical item that a person would like. In that case, good memories can be a great thing to offer!
- Initiate someone to tag ball or laser tag
- Have fun in an "Adventure in the trees" park (
- Rent a house in the trees for a week-end
- Run in water bubbles (
- Rent a Water Jet Pack (

What are your ideas and cool finds? :)
Title: Re: The "Original Christmas Gift Ideas" thread
Post by: kashell on November 02, 2015, 04:29:06 pm
Since you mentioned something about health...

-Personal trainer sessions. In case someone is interested in physical fitness, they could get them a few sessions with an expert to get them started.
-Fit Bits, Jawbones, etc. Basically, bracelets that help you keep track of your sleep, calories, steps, etc.
-Exercise books that aren't overbearing.
-Gift cards to places like REI, Foot Locker, Dick's*, or other sporting good stores so they can get something that helps them on their way
-Your own personalized recipe book that has healthy options/alternatives

I'm all about helping people better themselves, so this is one idea. Great topic, karyann!

*This has to be the most misleading name for a store...
Title: Re: The "Original Christmas Gift Ideas" thread
Post by: redblaze57 on November 02, 2015, 04:44:01 pm
Since you mentioned something about health...

-Personal trainer sessions. In case someone is interested in physical fitness, they could get them a few sessions with an expert to get them started.
-Fit Bits, Jawbones, etc. Basically, bracelets that help you keep track of your sleep, calories, steps, etc.
-Exercise books that aren't overbearing.
-Gift cards to places like REI, Foot Locker, Dick's*, or other sporting good stores so they can get something that helps them on their way
-Your own personalized recipe book that has healthy options/alternatives

I'm all about helping people better themselves, so this is one idea. Great topic, karyann!

*This has to be the most misleading name for a store...

I would have agreed on that being the most misleading name until I went to the outer banks in North Carolina and saw Try My Nuts and Dirty Dick's Crab Shack
Title: Re: The "Original Christmas Gift Ideas" thread
Post by: karyann on November 02, 2015, 05:28:11 pm
Since you mentioned something about health...

Great ideas! Fit Bits and the like look super cool and useful, my mother has been able to track her sleep issues, which helps in finding out how to make them better. I love that idea!

I would have agreed on that being the most misleading name until I went to the outer banks in North Carolina and saw Try My Nuts and Dirty Dick's Crab Shack

Is "Try My Nuts" sponsored by the slap chop?  ::)
"You're gonna love my nuts!"  -Slap Chop Vince
Title: Re: The "Original Christmas Gift Ideas" thread
Post by: redblaze57 on November 02, 2015, 06:04:50 pm

I would have agreed on that being the most misleading name until I went to the outer banks in North Carolina and saw Try My Nuts and Dirty Dick's Crab Shack

Is "Try My Nuts" sponsored by the slap chop?  ::)
"You're gonna love my nuts!"  -Slap Chop Vince

No, but it is sponsored by Deez.

Anyway back on topic for fun if they don't mind brusies paintball is a good option the "woodsball" version as opposed to "speedball" in my opinion since that seems to be the easier of the 2 to get into.

Also if they're into a TV show, for example "the Walking Dead" why not get them the source material especially since they sell books that take a few of the comics and puts them into a collection binder together... I'm pretty sure I butchered that explanation but here's what I am talking about