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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: fighterpilot562 on December 20, 2015, 10:24:56 pm
So lets all make Christmas "wishes" for gaming. Be it a remake, reboot, finding a certain game, or buying a new system...
All I want for Christmas is a 2016 Ace Combat release date..... And the game is just like the ones on ps2, and nothing like the newer ones...
What I want for Christmas 2016 is to see this game:
Detroit: Becoming Human
I just learned about it yesterday.
It's based on a short film called "Kara" that was developed as a PS3 tech demo by the same company that made Heavy Rain.
The entire film is rendered by the PS3 in real time.
Just last month they announced that they have decided to make it a full blown game for PS4 with even more impressive graphics:
The behind the scenes for the short film is amazing. Kara on the PS3 looks, talks, and moves _exactly_ like her real life actress counterpart.
I guess the reason I am so excited is twofold.
One, it's a really interesting concept.
Two, this is the kind of stuff Sony claimed would be possible on the PS2. Yes I said PS2.
Anyone else remember when Final Fantasy the Spirits Within was going to have an exclusive PS2 release that would be fully rendered by the PS2 in real-time?
Well it was announced and hyped up. But never happened. Ironic that this happened with little to no hype a full console generation later!
All I want for Christmas is ....
A remastered version of Ni no Kuni to be released with NNK II.
The new Ys title to make it over here.
Dragon Quest Builders, XI, and Heroes 2 to be announced with a western release (and if we are dreaming here, add DQM Joker 3 and Theaterhythm DQ as well).
A new Metroid game that goes back to when Metroid was a good series before it added "Prime" to the title.
Phantasy star (not PSO) to return to the world of gaming.
All I want for Christmas is ....
A remastered version of Ni no Kuni to be released with NNK II.
The new Ys title to make it over here.
Dragon Quest Builders, XI, and Heroes 2 to be announced with a western release (and if we are dreaming here, add DQM Joker 3 and Theaterhythm DQ as well).
A new Metroid game that goes back to when Metroid was a good series before it added "Prime" to the title.
Phantasy star (not PSO) to return to the world of gaming.
Other M is the only one I haven't liked.
That said I wouldn't mind a new side scroller.
I feel like this topic should be in general... but whatevs.
I would love Fear Effect 3 to get made. Even if it's just a part of that Square Enix Collective.
I would absolutely love for David Doak and Steve Ellis to come back and make a spiritual successor to Timesplitters. A Timesplitters 4 made by them would be great, but I have some feeling they left Free Radical during the transition to Crytek for a reason, possibly foreseeing the future, Crytek shut down Crytek UK, majority of all staff transferred to Deep Silver Dambuster Studios. I believe Crytek still owns the IP for Timesplitters. One could hope the Dambuster makes a spiritual successor with the backing of Deep Silver, but who knows if they could give it the same feel without Doak and Ellis, though it appears Graeme Norgate still works for Dambuster, so a good soundtrack of the same quality would surely ensue.
I think there was a third game I've been pining about, can't recall right now.
Solid details on price & release date for PlayStation VR.
A new entry in the MediEvil series. So, so, so underrated and great.
A new Last of Us game, not necessarily following Joel & Ellie. It could be from a completely different viewpoint with different characters.
A new Crash Bandicoot game, developed or co-developed by Naughty Dog exclusively for the PS4. While we are at it, a collection of the original PlayStation games with updated graphics would be sweet!
All I want for Christmas is...
... Bandai Namco to consider doing something with Klonoa, at this point anything!
I also agree with TimeSplitters though
A new CAVE stg that isn't a port of a mobile title
Localization of Tokyo Xandu
A Mario game that expands the concepts of Sunshine
A Pokemon game that fixes the problems in the 3DS engine and has multiple difficulty settings/balance and a better story
A new CAVE stg that isn't a port of a mobile title
Localization of Tokyo Xandu
A Mario game that expands the concepts of Sunshine
A Pokemon game that fixes the problems in the 3DS engine and has multiple difficulty settings/balance and a better story
I would've loved a Wii Play Motion Control release of Sunshine. I think it would've worked fairly well.