VGCollect Forum

VGCollect Site Stuff => Site Feedback => Topic started by: killroycantkill on April 01, 2016, 11:47:51 am

Title: Account Deletion Request
Post by: killroycantkill on April 01, 2016, 11:47:51 am

So I have been trying to get my account deleted for the past month now with no luck. I read from past posts that Matt is the man to go to for this kind of stuff but after sending an e-mail and two PMs I still have my account.

I think the site is super cool and I have already recommended it to others but I just decided to handle my collection through a personal database rather than using the website.

If you could please delete my account, and not just suspend it indefinably, like actually delete it, I would be very appreciative.

Thanks for the work you guys are doing.
Title: Re: Account Deletion Request
Post by: abe on April 01, 2016, 12:17:57 pm
So I have been trying to get my account deleted for the past month now with no luck. I read from past posts that Matt is the man to go to for this kind of stuff but after sending an e-mail and two PMs I still have my account.

Jason is the one to ask now.
Title: Re: Account Deletion Request
Post by: desocietas on April 01, 2016, 12:38:57 pm

So I have been trying to get my account deleted for the past month now with no luck. I read from past posts that Matt is the man to go to for this kind of stuff but after sending an e-mail and two PMs I still have my account.

I think the site is super cool and I have already recommended it to others but I just decided to handle my collection through a personal database rather than using the website.

If you could please delete my account, and not just suspend it indefinably, like actually delete it, I would be very appreciative.

Thanks for the work you guys are doing.

I'm very sorry about the delay. I will pass your message on to our other administrators, and they will take care of this for you as soon as possible.
Title: Re: Account Deletion Request
Post by: Himuton on June 26, 2016, 01:53:15 am
May I suggest the same? I'd like to have my account deleted.

My blunt feedback is this. The leading websites in this field are Grouvee and Keep Track of My Games. I've deleted Backloggery and Darkadia accounts in favor of them. Kindly please help me here.
Title: Re: Account Deletion Request
Post by: desocietas on June 26, 2016, 02:07:46 am
May I suggest the same? I'd like to have my account deleted.

My blunt feedback is this. The leading websites in this field are Grouvee and Keep Track of My Games. I've deleted Backloggery and Darkadia accounts in favor of them. Kindly please help me here.

No problem - I've informed Jason, and he should be able to have your account deleted tomorrow, if not sooner.