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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: gf78 on May 16, 2016, 11:20:56 am

Title: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: gf78 on May 16, 2016, 11:20:56 am
Any Game of Thrones fans here?  What did you folks think of the new episode?  While I've enjoyed the series immensely, I've felt like they were mostly treading water for the last season and this one so far.  Well, the "game of thrones" kicked into high gear last night with some big moments.
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: desocietas on May 16, 2016, 01:49:38 pm
Last night's episode was a lot more interesting than the first few episodes... I completely agree that it felt like it was just hitting plot points without any real momentum being built.

Definitely interested in seeing where things go from here...  ;D
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: gf78 on May 16, 2016, 02:10:16 pm
Last night's episode was a lot more interesting than the first few episodes... I completely agree that it felt like it was just hitting plot points without any real momentum being built.

Definitely interested in seeing where things go from here...  ;D

In the name of all that is holy, please kill Ramsay Bolton.  Other than that, here is a list of items that I think really need to be addressed!

1)  Where is Arya's direwolf Nymeria?  She needs to come back and eat Ramsay's face off!
2)  Ghost needs to come help eat Ramsay's face off!
3)  Shaggydog better not be dead because he needs to help eat Ramsay's face off! 
4)  Summer needs to show up and help eat Ramsay's face off!
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: desocietas on May 16, 2016, 02:14:18 pm
Last night's episode was a lot more interesting than the first few episodes... I completely agree that it felt like it was just hitting plot points without any real momentum being built.

Definitely interested in seeing where things go from here...  ;D

In the name of all that is holy, please kill Ramsay Bolton.  Other than that, here is a list of items that I think really need to be addressed!

1)  Where is Arya's direwolf Nymeria?  She needs to come back and eat Ramsay's face off!
2)  Ghost needs to come help eat Ramsay's face off!
3)  Shaggydog better not be dead because he needs to help eat Ramsay's face off! 
4)  Summer needs to show up and help eat Ramsay's face off!


I know; one of the saddest deaths so far was Shaggydog, in case that really was him  :o
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: gf78 on May 16, 2016, 02:37:24 pm
I know; one of the saddest deaths so far was Shaggydog, in case that really was him  :o

I don't think it was.  The head was kinda small for a direwolf for one, and two - the Umbers are fiercely loyal to the Starks, at least in the books unlike the Karstarks.  I think it's a ruse. 

I know there will be a big battle this season, probably the 9th episode.  Looks like Littlefinger has the Knights of the Vale ready to march on Winterfell and I couldn't help but laugh as Tormund Giantsbane seductively ate his chunk of meat while eyeing Brienne up and down!   :P
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: desocietas on May 16, 2016, 02:46:03 pm
I couldn't help but laugh as Tormund Giantsbane seductively ate his chunk of meat while eyeing Brienne up and down!   :P

Hahah, my bf was loving that part!
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: gf78 on May 16, 2016, 03:20:02 pm
I couldn't help but laugh as Tormund Giantsbane seductively ate his chunk of meat while eyeing Brienne up and down!   :P

Hahah, my bf was loving that part! was a highlight on an already great episode.  As soon as they came through the gates, Tormund was eyeing her.  I really like his character and hope he plays a significant part in upcoming episodes. 

In other GoT news, I really, really hope the theory on John Snow's lineage is true.  I don't know if you have read the books or not, but there are some very interesting theories about him and Tyrion.  The rumors that Tyrion may very well not be a true Lannister were (to me at least) given an ounce of credibility when he removed the collars from Rhegal and Viserion whom have allowed no one but Daenerys to even get close to them. 

Oh and kinda off topic a bit, damn South Park for getting the "Weiner Weiner Weiner" song to the tune of the opening GoT music stuck in my damn head!
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: turf on May 16, 2016, 03:23:23 pm
I'm watching. I have been since the very first episode.  It's the best show on tv... ever.

You can really tell that things are getting close to winding down.  The whole series is going to have to come to a head.   It's started to go that way.  If all these theories are true, it's going to take a while to work them in.  It's getting fired up to go out with a bang!
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: gf78 on May 16, 2016, 03:35:03 pm
I'm watching. I have been since the very first episode.  It's the best show on tv... ever.

You can really tell that things are getting close to winding down.  The whole series is going to have to come to a head.   It's started to go that way.  If all these theories are true, it's going to take a while to work them in.  It's getting fired up to go out with a bang!

Have to agree turf...this is the best show on tv...ever.  They probably have about two seasons left after this one.  I don't care about the whole Dorne thing.  I hope Danny stops by on her way to Westeros and lays waste to the sand hos. 

Game of Thrones has shown that happy endings usually don't happen.  But man...I would love for the series to end with John Snow on the iron throne with Daenerys and Tyrion at his side.  Cersei dead too. 
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: turf on May 16, 2016, 04:35:53 pm
Daenerys is my favorite character.  I'm ready to see her kick some ass and march on to King's Landing. 

The thing with Tyrion and the dragons was interesting.  I love that little shit.  He drinks and knows things!
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: atarileaf on May 16, 2016, 05:12:44 pm
Love the show and this season does seem a lot better than season 5 for me. Correct me if I'm wrong but they are kind of making it up as they go now aren't they? I heard the latest book wasn't finished in time so they've been doing their own thing which I think is good, even if it does delve heavily into fan service. I do think there will be a lot of payoffs in that regard this year, especially with the hints to both Jon Snow and Tyrions true bloodline. The tower of joy flashback was great. R+L=J right?

BTW, I thought Lor San Tekka was killed in the Force Awakens, who knew he'd show up in GoT :D
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: deftommo on May 17, 2016, 06:54:17 am
Love the show and this season does seem a lot better than season 5 for me. Correct me if I'm wrong but they are kind of making it up as they go now aren't they? I heard the latest book wasn't finished in time so they've been doing their own thing which I think is good, even if it does delve heavily into fan service. I do think there will be a lot of payoffs in that regard this year, especially with the hints to both Jon Snow and Tyrions true bloodline. The tower of joy flashback was great. R+L=J right?

BTW, I thought Lor San Tekka was killed in the Force Awakens, who knew he'd show up in GoT :D

Yeah, the show has gotten into some stuff that the books haven't made it to yet. I'm sure they've got some sort of direction from Martin in general, though. I read an interview with him where he said there was going to be spoilers for the next book this season, but that the show wont include quite a bit of what the next books has at the same time.

As long as I get to see the (younger) Red Lady naked a few more times I'm good with book spoilers...  8)
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: gf78 on May 17, 2016, 10:08:18 am
Yeah, the show has gotten into some stuff that the books haven't made it to yet. I'm sure they've got some sort of direction from Martin in general, though. I read an interview with him where he said there was going to be spoilers for the next book this season, but that the show wont include quite a bit of what the next books has at the same time.

As long as I get to see the (younger) Red Lady naked a few more times I'm good with book spoilers...  8)

Martin gave the producers an outline of what is going to happen through till the end.  Naturally, things will occur differently but the end result should be similar.  In the short term, I just want to see John Snow and Sansa lead the wildlings to Winterfell, meet up with the Knights of the Vale and destroy Ramsay.  Actually, I really want to see Sansa chop Ramsay's dong off as retribution for raping her and chopping Theon's dong off.  Then she can kill him.  Or like I said before, have all the direwolves eat his face off.   :P

And I wanted to say I'm grateful you pointed out the younger Melisandra.  Seeing the crone version was akin to rapidly letting the air out of a balloon if you catch my drift.   :o
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: atarileaf on May 17, 2016, 04:56:54 pm
Ramsay is quickly eclipsing King Joffrey as the biggest prick you want to see die a horrible death on the show.
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: kamikazekeeg on May 23, 2016, 12:20:02 am
Man, holy shit the latest episode. That was an ordeal.
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: desocietas on May 23, 2016, 01:54:50 am
 :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: gf78 on May 23, 2016, 09:10:22 am
R.I.P. Summer..... :'(

I'm still trying to wrap my mind around if Bran can affect the past, can he change history so that Ned and Catlyn are never killed???

It was a pretty brutal episode, offing several mainstay characters.   :o  But I guess that's just the way things go in the Game of Thrones.
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/22/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: turf on May 23, 2016, 09:56:52 am
What a good episode.  I'm digging this season.  So much is going on!  It's all finally moving toward the end!
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/22/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: gf78 on May 23, 2016, 11:24:35 am
What a good episode.  I'm digging this season.  So much is going on!  It's all finally moving toward the end!

I can't say that I have disliked any particular season of the series, but the plots in King's Landing and Dorne are pretty boring IMO. 

As for this episode, I can get that Sansa is really, really pissed about Little Finger leaving her with Ramsay and her comments that she could what Ramsay has done to her even while she was standing there was pretty uncomfortable.  But....he brought the Knights of the Vale with him and knowing she intends to take Winterfell back, they would have been a tremendous help.  Stupid move on her part there IMO. 

The Walkers attack was pretty cool.  Damn those f*ckers show up fast!  Rumors from the books are that the king of the White Walkers was a Stark.  Wouldn't that be interesting?
Title: Re: Game of Thrones 05/15/16 episode: Oh HELL Yes!!!
Post by: gf78 on June 07, 2016, 09:55:23 am
Well, we now know the fate of the Hound from when Arya left him for dead.  The Blackfish let Jamie know he was a bitch and have fun trying to take Riverrun.  Speaking of Arya...she couldn't tell that was the waif posing as an old hag coming to stab her ass?!  Sheesh...I saw that one a mile away.  Looks like Sansa is sending a letter and accepting Littlefinger's offer for assistance after all. 

We also got a brief mention of the Brotherhood without Banners and implied they have become pretty vindictive.  Could Lady Stoneheart be far behind?  Maybe an end-season reveal?  Hmmm.....