VGCollect Forum

General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: bikingjahuty on May 28, 2016, 09:42:55 pm

Title: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: bikingjahuty on May 28, 2016, 09:42:55 pm
What do you think/hope your collection will be like in 5-years from now?

How many games do you hope to have? What collections will you hope to be finished with and what new collecting goals do you think/hope you'll be working on? Feel free to answer these however you want, just be as descriptive about your collection as possible.

For me I am hoping to be 95% done with collecting NTSC games other than newer titles and probably some very expensive/rare titles that I haven't found or haven't bit the bullet and purchased. I'll hopefully be focusing collecting imports (especially Saturn, Dreamcast, and PS2 imports), completing my cartridge games (particularly for the n64), and I want to have at least a few Arcade cabs at this time too (currently have none). If I am 95% or more done with collecting, I'll easily be at over 2000 games as well. While it doesn't directly relate to games, I'll also have to have a place of my own at this point instead of renting since I have big plans for how my game room will look some day. Renting unfortunately does not permit me to have the freedom or money to do this now. Those arcade cabs take up a lot of space too.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: abe on May 28, 2016, 10:06:00 pm
Hopefully in 5 years I'll have the rest of the NA and JP Fire Emblem games I want. The biggest obstacles are the 3DS limited editions, since I already have all of the NA releases (not counting the Birthright and Conquest standalone releases). The Thracia 776 Deluxe Pack won't be cheap either unfortunately. I'd like to also have caught up with all the Disgaea releases as well, including the Greatest Hits and Triple Pack re-releases. It would also be nice to have a complete NA Tales collection, aside from the Collector's Editions.

I also intend to keep buying more imports, so hopefully by then I'll have plenty of JP PS2 imports (and a way to play them) as well.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: telly on May 28, 2016, 10:13:24 pm
I hope to have significantly expanded my game collection and setup in five years; there are at least 10 consoles that I have never owned before, and hundreds of games and franchises that I would like to get into. The prinary things holding me back at this point in my life are money, space, and my priorities lying with job/career development and school. Hopefully in 5 years I will have more those factors taken care of and really get into collecting.  :)
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: ignition365 on May 28, 2016, 10:19:12 pm
Realistically, I will probably have another thousand or so games.

Hopefully, I will finish my wishlist and stop... but sometimes I love hunting too much.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: pacpix on May 28, 2016, 11:19:46 pm
In all honesty I don't see my collection expanding a whole lot in the next five years.  I have already slowed way down simply due to the fact that I don't have much time to game these days and I don't want to buy a whole lot of stuff until I have a permanent place to live.  I have three more years of college left and then probably graduate school after that before I would really even begin settling into a place. 

I'll definitely be getting the NX when it comes out and get some games for that, but I don't see buying much beyond that.  I'm actually moving out in a month into my first apartment (lived in a college dorm my first year) and will only be taking my favorite games from each console and storing the rest at my parent's house for the time being.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: matimo on May 28, 2016, 11:27:32 pm
I don't really have any goals for my collection so i'll probably just continue buying games i like and want to play. However i wouldn't mind expanding my N64, vita, and gamecube collection a bit. :P
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: soera on May 29, 2016, 01:29:39 am
My pre-current console collection is complete. The only thing Im working on now is PS4 (other than DQ VII and VIII for 3DS when they come out) and hopefully Im still at a decent pace to get a 100% set by that time.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: masamune on May 29, 2016, 10:17:19 am
I have more than 350 games now, in 5 years I will probably have about 800 or more.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: sworddude on May 29, 2016, 10:26:39 am
I think I'll have around 2000 games in 5 years if there are enough interesting titles that is.

I'll probably have pretty much all interesting ps1, ps2, gamecube and ds titles by than other collection will be exapnded by allot.

I also hope that I can pickup a neo geo aes console with some games.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: masamune on May 29, 2016, 12:23:12 pm
I wish I kept my Neo Geo AES. I traded it for a Dreamcast.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: retrogemcollector on May 29, 2016, 12:31:25 pm
Most probably sold as I have a new passion: 63 AMG.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: fighterpilot562 on May 29, 2016, 12:33:38 pm
My dream: to be just like the flea.  ;D

Or at least knock out half my wish list.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: burningdoom on May 29, 2016, 12:39:56 pm
Hopefully I've reaquired the Master System and Saturn I lost, and a decent amount of games for each. And hopefully I'll have the Nintendo NX (if it is an actual console).

Other than that, though, I'm pretty happy with my collection except for needing a handful of rare games I'll likely never get.

I've kind of shifted focus to my VHS/DVD collection and comic books.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: wartoy on May 29, 2016, 01:13:43 pm
Well for me I will like to have my n64/dreamecast completed and move my two arcade cabnets into my new game room but right now I have no room for them. I have almost 8000 games and another 1200+ extra copies for a total over 9000+games. My plan is to eventualy expand the gameroom and get rid of my extras. If you wish to see pics see my gallery
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: sworddude on May 29, 2016, 01:38:29 pm
Well for me I will like to have my n64/dreamecast completed and move my two arcade cabnets into my new game room but right now I have no room for them. I have almost 8000 games and another 1200+ extra copies for a total over 9000+games. My plan is to eventualy expand the gameroom and get rid of my extras. If you wish to see pics see my gallery

I always wonder why people have many doubles.

I mean did one aquire them from lots and never sell them or did you keep them because they are from good games.

I do have doubles but I aquired them for free and I try to do this for the better cardridge games.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: atarileaf on May 29, 2016, 03:13:37 pm
Hard to think about one year from now let alone 5. I don't really have any specific goals as my collection is complete. However that doesn't preclude me from buying interesting things as I come across them either in the wild or online. My collection has always grown and shrank over time as my interests shift, which is a reason it's hard to pinpoint where I'll be with the collection in 5 years. Hell I may not even want it or have it in 5 years. I'll be 51 by then and who knows what will be going on in my life that might change my view of collecting.

For now all I can say is that I'll expand it very slowly based on items that come up. Maybe some less played parts will be sold. I don't think I'd ever get rid of it all but never say never.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: olly88 on May 29, 2016, 04:10:11 pm
Ideally I'd like to have sorted out our spare room by then so that I can move it into there and have more of a dedicated "game room".

As for actual games, I'd just like to have more SNES and NES games.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: wartoy on May 29, 2016, 06:27:25 pm
My extra games are from buying whole lots from friends/neighbors or by not realizing I already owned it.Sometimes ill find a better copy and upgrade it. I dont collect doubles but over 30+ years thay add up.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: kamikazekeeg on May 29, 2016, 07:15:15 pm
I hope to have more of a proper collection.  Mine has always been pretty small, since I don't have a lot of money to keep up a collection, I kinda sell and trade stuff a good bit, so it shrinks every so often.  I hope to have more of a proper cartridge collection for NES, SNES, and N64.  Also I imagine my Zelda collection will be like...HOOOGE by then as it's already taking up like 4 shelves and the top of two combined book shelves lol
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: xsuicidesn0wmanx on May 29, 2016, 10:03:32 pm
I'm probably close to 3500 games now(none of my PC games have been added yet). And like wartoy I've got about 10% of that in doubles, for the exact same reasons. I think in 5 years i'll be around 6000 games, and own just about every game console, handheld, and old pcs from the 70s & early 80s. Game room barely has space for it all now, so by then I doubt it'll be on display, probably boxed up by then with only a few popular items on display.

Only real guarantee is that i'll have the last 188 games I need to finish collecting 100% of the original Xbox games by then.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: turf on May 29, 2016, 11:28:57 pm
In 5 years.... Hmmmm....

I'm going to guess ill be down to buying expensive/hard to find games. My NES collection will still be missing stadium events. I'll probably have a full Virtual Boy set and a finished MAME cabinet.

We'll just have to wait and see.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: abicion on May 30, 2016, 03:20:53 pm
Based on my current interests, my collection in 5 years will be comprised of a Wii U, a copy of Fatal Frame V, and a copy of Star Fox Zero. And maybe Overwatch for the PC.

Yeah, it's epic. I know.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: sin2beta on May 30, 2016, 05:19:55 pm
I imagine it will be similar to what it is now, just a little farther. I'm mainly working on setup. For instance, I just got an RGB start switch and would like to have everything setup to automatically play and record without having to swap wires. I also want a good enough sound setup to easily switch between speakers and headphones with minimal effort. Also, surround sound when needed. All consoles, modded or upgraded when possible. Such as the mpeg card for saturn, etc.

Game wise, I think I will mainly be farther along on the sega 8bit collection. Hopefully a full SG-1000 set (minus crazy expensive ones) and then a full set of SMS and GG north america games.

I'll probably have more 360 games due to being cheap. I'll also probably get an xbox one. However, I'm still trying to determine if it is actually collector friendly. I don't play games usually until years after they come out. Not sure if this works with the Xbox One.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: trinisete on May 30, 2016, 06:18:21 pm
I will be pessimist and say "almost the same" ^^” I have been unemployed for 3 years, because of my country crisis, and I began to see only the worst side.

I’m ignoring just the Steam in this case. I often receive keys for my YT channel, so in 5 years I should have about 650 games.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: telly on May 30, 2016, 06:20:18 pm
I'll probably have more 360 games due to being cheap. I'll also probably get an xbox one. However, I'm still trying to determine if it is actually collector friendly. I don't play games usually until years after they come out. Not sure if this works with the Xbox One.

It depends on the game, but yes, you can play it years from now. If I'm not mistaken, both the Xbox and PS4 are installing the games from the disc to the harddrive, then use the disc that unlock the game. Some games like on Rare Replay actually do download online from the store though, with the backwards compatability games.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: kashell on May 31, 2016, 08:31:42 am
I'm thinking my collection five years down the road won't have a remarkable change. A few games will be added, a few games will likely be removed. There will likely be some day one releases I can't live without. Chances are it will be greater than what it is now, but not by much. And that's perfect.

My only gaming goal was to purchase and play Panzer Dragoon Saga, and I accomplished that goal a few months ago.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: gf78 on May 31, 2016, 09:57:05 am
Honestly....I don't know.  I've currently taken my focus away from collecting video games to focus on Star Wars and comic books.  My oldest daughter has also taken a keen interest in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so I've been picking up the Marvel movies to watch together. 

Time is at a premium these days, so I don't have the time to invest in gaming.  It makes absolutely zero sense for me to pick up modern games for full retail at or around launch when I could wait a few months to a year and get them for half or less.  I haven't even finished Doom yet and I've barely scratched the surface of Uncharted 4. 

From a collector's standpoint, I have my holy grail 20th Anniversary PS4 and my second most awesome system, the Gold Taco Bell PS4.  There are maybe a dozen or so Star Wars games I want to pick up, but I'm going to be pretty picky about getting them complete.

Speaking of which, if anyone has a copy of Obi-Wan's Adventures complete in box for the Game Boy Color, I'm accepting donations!   ;)
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: sin2beta on May 31, 2016, 07:11:29 pm
I'll probably have more 360 games due to being cheap. I'll also probably get an xbox one. However, I'm still trying to determine if it is actually collector friendly. I don't play games usually until years after they come out. Not sure if this works with the Xbox One.

It depends on the game, but yes, you can play it years from now. If I'm not mistaken, both the Xbox and PS4 are installing the games from the disc to the harddrive, then use the disc that unlock the game. Some games like on Rare Replay actually do download online from the store though, with the backwards compatability games.

That's good to know. And kind of what I was seeing. One just has to be careful on what game they buy.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: doafan on June 01, 2016, 11:38:47 am
First of all I really hope that can be alive in five years and about my collection want to believe that will have at least the 500 titles, it's kinda hard to me to purchase games practically can only purchase two of them every month, but won't gonna stop neither purchasing or playing, got the idea that I'll become older faster if I stop playing  ;D
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: Warmsignal on June 03, 2016, 11:49:25 am
What do you think/hope your collection will be like in 5-years from now?

How many games do you hope to have? What collections will you hope to be finished with and what new collecting goals do you think/hope you'll be working on? Feel free to answer these however you want, just be as descriptive about your collection as possible.

For me I am hoping to be 95% done with collecting NTSC games other than newer titles and probably some very expensive/rare titles that I haven't found or haven't bit the bullet and purchased. I'll hopefully be focusing collecting imports (especially Saturn, Dreamcast, and PS2 imports), completing my cartridge games (particularly for the n64), and I want to have at least a few Arcade cabs at this time too (currently have none). If I am 95% or more done with collecting, I'll easily be at over 2000 games as well. While it doesn't directly relate to games, I'll also have to have a place of my own at this point instead of renting since I have big plans for how my game room will look some day. Renting unfortunately does not permit me to have the freedom or money to do this now. Those arcade cabs take up a lot of space too.

I hope that it'll be leaner and meaner. It's hard to put a number on what it would end up at, because I often have thoughts of purging some stuff from it, particularly modern things, perhaps some games that I try out and just don't like. In 5 years time I really, really, hope that I'll be long done with active collecting. With only another 200 - 300 games left in my sights. If I can stay focused that is, because lately interest in game hunting is really waning. I've got my WoN case and that's really my game room in itself and I'm happy with it.

My next collecting goal will be to focus exclusively on my music collection.  :P
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: rayne315 on June 03, 2016, 01:10:43 pm
Well for me I will like to have my n64/dreamecast completed and move my two arcade cabnets into my new game room but right now I have no room for them. I have almost 8000 games and another 1200+ extra copies for a total over 9000+games. My plan is to eventualy expand the gameroom and get rid of my extras. If you wish to see pics see my gallery

I always wonder why people have many doubles.

I mean did one aquire them from lots and never sell them or did you keep them because they are from good games.

I do have doubles but I aquired them for free and I try to do this for the better cardridge games.

Garage sales also cause a lot of this. sometimes when you find a game for a buck or less you buy it just because its so cheap. that's where all of my doubles come from (minus the 26 combats my brother got me for Christmas one year as a joke)
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: turf on June 03, 2016, 04:40:54 pm
Well for me I will like to have my n64/dreamecast completed and move my two arcade cabnets into my new game room but right now I have no room for them. I have almost 8000 games and another 1200+ extra copies for a total over 9000+games. My plan is to eventualy expand the gameroom and get rid of my extras. If you wish to see pics see my gallery

I always wonder why people have many doubles.

I mean did one aquire them from lots and never sell them or did you keep them because they are from good games.

I do have doubles but I aquired them for free and I try to do this for the better cardridge games.

Garage sales also cause a lot of this. sometimes when you find a game for a buck or less you buy it just because its so cheap. that's where all of my doubles come from (minus the 26 combats my brother got me for Christmas one year as a joke)

Buying package deals of games, condition upgrades, buying CIB when you already have the loose cart, and the list goes on.  Some how, I end up with a lot of doubles. 
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: DreamsDied13101 on June 22, 2016, 01:33:48 am
This is my concern as I get busier with work and family and have less time to play. I even get concerned I am missing out digital only and online games.

I'll probably have more 360 games due to being cheap. I'll also probably get an xbox one. However, I'm still trying to determine if it is actually collector friendly. I don't play games usually until years after they come out. Not sure if this works with the Xbox One.

It depends on the game, but yes, you can play it years from now. If I'm not mistaken, both the Xbox and PS4 are installing the games from the disc to the harddrive, then use the disc that unlock the game. Some games like on Rare Replay actually do download online from the store though, with the backwards compatability games.

That's good to know. And kind of what I was seeing. One just has to be careful on what game they buy.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: sworddude on June 22, 2016, 02:47:22 am
Well for me I will like to have my n64/dreamecast completed and move my two arcade cabnets into my new game room but right now I have no room for them. I have almost 8000 games and another 1200+ extra copies for a total over 9000+games. My plan is to eventualy expand the gameroom and get rid of my extras. If you wish to see pics see my gallery

I always wonder why people have many doubles.

I mean did one aquire them from lots and never sell them or did you keep them because they are from good games.

I do have doubles but I aquired them for free and I try to do this for the better cardridge games.

Garage sales also cause a lot of this. sometimes when you find a game for a buck or less you buy it just because its so cheap. that's where all of my doubles come from (minus the 26 combats my brother got me for Christmas one year as a joke)

Buying package deals of games, condition upgrades, buying CIB when you already have the loose cart, and the list goes on.  Some how, I end up with a lot of doubles.

didn't notice the post delayed response.

I must say quite interesting

Especially from condition upgrades.

Usually with condition upgrades when I have aquired the game for cheap I sell the worser condition on to still keep it cheap, didn't know that some people would keep both the worse and better condition one.

Regarding package deals is this for titles that the person really wants or do some people want to have a spare cardridge or game of the whole library?

Definitlely didn't know this thanks all.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: turf on June 22, 2016, 09:14:56 am
Well for me I will like to have my n64/dreamecast completed and move my two arcade cabnets into my new game room but right now I have no room for them. I have almost 8000 games and another 1200+ extra copies for a total over 9000+games. My plan is to eventualy expand the gameroom and get rid of my extras. If you wish to see pics see my gallery

I always wonder why people have many doubles.

I mean did one aquire them from lots and never sell them or did you keep them because they are from good games.

I do have doubles but I aquired them for free and I try to do this for the better cardridge games.

Garage sales also cause a lot of this. sometimes when you find a game for a buck or less you buy it just because its so cheap. that's where all of my doubles come from (minus the 26 combats my brother got me for Christmas one year as a joke)

Buying package deals of games, condition upgrades, buying CIB when you already have the loose cart, and the list goes on.  Some how, I end up with a lot of doubles.

didn't notice the post delayed response.

I must say quite interesting

Especially from condition upgrades.

Usually with condition upgrades when I have aquired the game for cheap I sell the worser condition on to still keep it cheap, didn't know that some people would keep both the worse and better condition one.

Regarding package deals is this for titles that the person really wants or do some people want to have a spare cardridge or game of the whole library?

Definitlely didn't know this thanks all.

I sell/trade most of my doubles. I keep variants and other stuff like that.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: sworddude on June 22, 2016, 11:15:41 am
Well for me I will like to have my n64/dreamecast completed and move my two arcade cabnets into my new game room but right now I have no room for them. I have almost 8000 games and another 1200+ extra copies for a total over 9000+games. My plan is to eventualy expand the gameroom and get rid of my extras. If you wish to see pics see my gallery

I always wonder why people have many doubles.

I mean did one aquire them from lots and never sell them or did you keep them because they are from good games.

I do have doubles but I aquired them for free and I try to do this for the better cardridge games.

Garage sales also cause a lot of this. sometimes when you find a game for a buck or less you buy it just because its so cheap. that's where all of my doubles come from (minus the 26 combats my brother got me for Christmas one year as a joke)

Buying package deals of games, condition upgrades, buying CIB when you already have the loose cart, and the list goes on.  Some how, I end up with a lot of doubles.

didn't notice the post delayed response.

I must say quite interesting

Especially from condition upgrades.

Usually with condition upgrades when I have aquired the game for cheap I sell the worser condition on to still keep it cheap, didn't know that some people would keep both the worse and better condition one.

Regarding package deals is this for titles that the person really wants or do some people want to have a spare cardridge or game of the whole library?

Definitlely didn't know this thanks all.

I sell/trade most of my doubles. I keep variants and other stuff like that.

I see your point, personally I don't truly feel that different variants count as doubles.
Title: Re: Your collection in 5-years from now
Post by: necrosexual on June 28, 2016, 01:08:15 am
hopefully much larger, hopefully by then i get a better flow of income. as of rn, i can afford about a game a month, and that's... slow moving.
i live in poverty but y'know. can't stop now.

as long as it's plenty of good stuff, i'm not going to complain.