VGCollect Forum

General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: marvelvscapcom2 on June 13, 2016, 08:43:58 am

Title: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: marvelvscapcom2 on June 13, 2016, 08:43:58 am
We all share mutual love for video games but outside of games what else do you like to do/collect in spare time  :) 

Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: indenton on June 13, 2016, 09:38:35 am
We all share mutual love for video games but outside of games what else do you like to do/collect in spare time  :) 

I'm a digital artist, aspiring designer in general.  But I've been drawing and sketching ever since I was a lil' (

How about you Marv?
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: gf78 on June 13, 2016, 10:11:45 am
Star Wars fanatic.  I have an fairly largish collection.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: Nickkchilla on June 13, 2016, 10:40:54 am
I read a lot of manga. I wouldn't say collect, but the amount of takabon / light novels I manage to order and read may as well count. I often get annoyed at my habit because I'm sure if I wouldn't spend so much on books, I'd have a lot of cash to finish up my video game collection, lol.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: rayne315 on June 13, 2016, 11:03:12 am
im a family man. what time I don't spend at work or playing video games I spend with my family.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: kashell on June 13, 2016, 11:05:10 am
I like being by the water. I'll swim, dive, water ski, (attempt to) wake-board, and so on. I'd love to live next to a body of water some day.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: gf78 on June 13, 2016, 11:11:09 am
I will add that I've toned my Star Wars collecting down to idle.  There are a few books coming out throughout the year I will pick up as well as the new comics that come out.  I have subs for the Smuggler's Bounty box and Insider Magazine.  Other than that, I'll pick up any Disney Store Die-Cast Elite figures that may get released.

I've been spending more time with the family and now that summer is in full swing, swimming will be a daily thing.  I'm trying to save some money and I will also be making another sales thread here soon.  Keep an eye out!
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: tripredacus on June 13, 2016, 12:16:22 pm
I collect many things.  ;D

Baseball cards, Transformers and movies are my other major collections. If I were to rank them, it would probably be like this:
1. Transformers
2. Baseball cards
3. Video Games
4. Movies

In my house, I plan to have a room for each. The Transformers room is already set up and is maybe 80% set up. The baseball card room is around 50% or so. All the walls are bare in there. Video Games room is maybe 20% and is mostly used for storage. Movies are all in my living room and dining room.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: fazerco on June 13, 2016, 01:26:33 pm,4454.0.html (,4454.0.html)
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: matimo on June 13, 2016, 06:09:30 pm
My other hobby is Runescape and Pokemon Cards i guess. I also like to watch tv series and anime. x)
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: realpoketendonl on June 13, 2016, 06:43:42 pm
Outside of gaming and the huge amount of YouTube and Twitch I watch, I'm a member of the Scouting and I enjoy horseback riding. Also, sometimes I take up other projects, but I often end up putting them back down just as quick (currently taking baby-steps into 3D-modelling (mainly because I want to create playermodels for Garry's Mod), and I'd love to set up a YouTube channel one day, once I get the right equipment).
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: burningdoom on June 13, 2016, 08:15:37 pm
1. I've collected comic books even longer than I've been a gamer (and I started gaming at about 6 or 7). Mostly stick to DC & Marvel superhero comics. But I also dabble in horror, fantasy, and licensed stuff I'm into (like Terminator, Star Trek, Resident Evil, etc.). Green Lantern is my favorite.

2. Huge metal-head and have a decent collection of metal CDs & cassettes. I'm into a lot of different metal, too: Classic metal, 80s thrash metal, 80s hair metal, grunge, melodic death-metal, and some of the so-called nu-metal bands like Mudvayne & Disturbed among others. Megadeth all-time is my favorite band. A recent favorite has been Scar Symmetry.

3. I also collect movies. DVD, Blu-Ray, or VHS. But I wouldn't call myself a film buff. I pretty much stick to sci-fi, horror, fantasy, super-heroes, and pro-wrestling (speaking of which...).

4. Finally, I'm a pro-wrestling fan. Not nearly into the current stuff as I was in past years, but I still watch it. I was a huge WCW fan until they went under. Also watch WWF/E and TNA (at least I watched TNA until a year or so back, it got bad). Sting is my all-time favorite wrestler, Dean Ambrose is my favorite wrestler that's currently active.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: retrogemcollector on June 13, 2016, 09:01:58 pm
My real passion are high performance cars. As a matter of fact I might be selling my collection in order to upgrade my car.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: pacpix on June 14, 2016, 10:52:47 pm
I love watching baseball and have done so almost as long as I have been gaming.  In addition to that I am also interested in classic literature and technology (mainly networking stuff right now for my degree and internship).  Now if only I had time for all of this stuff   ::)

I collect many things.  ;D

Baseball cards, Transformers and movies are my other major collections. If I were to rank them, it would probably be like this:
1. Transformers
2. Baseball cards
3. Video Games
4. Movies

In my house, I plan to have a room for each. The Transformers room is already set up and is maybe 80% set up. The baseball card room is around 50% or so. All the walls are bare in there. Video Games room is maybe 20% and is mostly used for storage. Movies are all in my living room and dining room.
Do you have a specific era or teams that you focus on in your baseball card collection?
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: maximo310 on June 15, 2016, 01:12:04 am
1. I'm a huge fan of hockey teams, especially the LA Kings. I used to also play hockey for many years, until practices at nearby rinks started to hit the $20/hr rate. Still want to go back and play again someday.

2. I'm a huge music fan. I've got a pretty good cd collection compromised over a variety of genres, but mostly classical and jazz. Plus, I play piano as well( as well as organ lessons on and off) that I'm hoping will give me some additional work over summer.

Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: Flashback2012 on June 15, 2016, 04:09:28 am
The main hobby for years was comic books. Video games have kind of taken over as the main hobby but I still buy comics weekly.

With the proliferation of licensed LEGO sets in recent years and the focus on comic book properties I've taken to buying a set once every blue moon. They come out faster than I can afford them though and with other hobbies eating up disposable income, it has to be a seriously marked down or an amazingly awesome set for me to shell out for it. Anymore I just buy the MiniFigure blind packs though not in enough of a frequency to where I'll be able to complete a set before the next wave releases.

Other collections besides Comics, Video Games and LEGOs include...

Comic book character statues/busts. I picked this hobby up a few years back when I got my current job and had more disposable income to play with. My LCS manager picked up an extra statue that someone else stiffed him on by not buying and I liked it so much that I eventually got hooked.  :P Most all of my statues/busts are of female DC characters but I've started picking up some male characters as well. I'm to the point now where I don't have the space to display them all and I'm getting ready to shut it down as I don't know how many statues/busts of Harley Quinn one really needs. I'm not even big on the character really but I have like 6-7 statues/busts of JUST her.  :o

Steelbook/Metal Pak Blu-Ray movies. Damn these things. When I made the jump from DVD to Blu-Ray I said to myself that I would limit what I get to mostly super hero movies that I like and Disney animated features. Of course those damn Steelbooks and Metal Pak versions caught on so I've been trying to hunt down releases with that type of packaging. Sometimes it's not bad, other times it's a near nightmare trying to procure a copy without having to mess with mouth breathing flippers/scalpers. I've broken my previous rules a few times now by buying some movies at stupid low prices such as the Book of Life and The Force Awakens (though I did get that one with the Steelbook). I have most of the Ghibli movies on Blu-Ray as well though on some I thought I had them but did not so now I'm trying to find decently priced releases of a few but only with the cardboard slipcover (this is proving to be the most challenging part when hunting for them locally as I find them in ever Best Buy but they're always lacking that slipcover  >:().

Last hobby is collecting items related to Snoopy/Peanuts, merchandise pertaining to Oswald the Lucky Rabbit as well as collectibles for Pac-Man. I bought a Detolf Display Case from Ikea seen here...(
...and I have it filled half with Pac-Man stuff and the other half with Oswald/Mickey Mouse stuff (the Mickey stuff is a little lacking at the moment). As for the Snoopy/Peanuts stuff I have 2/3 of a Billy Bookcase  dedicated to various nick-knacks of Snoopy and the Peanuts gang as well as two shelves of books containing strips and art. One of these days I'll have to snap pics of it all.  ;)
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: tripredacus on June 15, 2016, 09:57:51 am
Do you have a specific era or teams that you focus on in your baseball card collection?

I would like to choose all-time. But in reality I work on what I have the most of. So that is 1988-now, although some day I will have enough of older cards to put in a binder.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: kamikazekeeg on June 15, 2016, 11:53:39 am
I collect some toys, I use to collect comics, but that gets way too expensive with all the comics I could get, but I got a few boxes full of them.  I'm a pretty active music listener, so lots of rock and metal I listen to.  And I guess with all the anime I watch, that would be another.  If I had more disposable funds, I'd probably buy a lot of the anime I watch, but I currently just stream most of it and buy anime movies here and there.  Plan to get more of the Studio Ghibli films on Blu-Ray as I only 3 currently.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: dstone on June 15, 2016, 10:43:02 pm
I collect comic books. My dad and uncle got started in the 60's so I had plenty to read growing up (and learned proper comic care at a young age). I pick up a variety of stuff weekly and my local comic shop owner likes to call me when interesting things show up.

I've also started dabbling in costume creation/cosplay. The local comic shop does an event every other weekend that introduces kids to various heroes and villains and encourages them to read.

Every once in a while I'm able to sneak off to my workshop where I can get some woodworking done. Hopefully I'll be able to finish up another coffee table sometime soon.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: kamikazekeeg on June 16, 2016, 12:04:50 am
I've also started dabbling in costume creation/cosplay. The local comic shop does an event every other weekend that introduces kids to various heroes and villains and encourages them to read

That's a super cool idea.  I've done a little cosplay myself, Team Fortress 2 Heavy back in 2012, though ended up kinda falling out of it for personal reasons, only making most of a 2nd costume, which was Eddie Riggs from Brutal Legend.  I'm actually starting up a regular gym routine here in July to get myself in shape with a goal in mind of trying to feel more comfortable with the idea of cosplay, though that won't happen till next year after months of exercise.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: kashell on June 16, 2016, 08:07:00 am
I've also started dabbling in costume creation/cosplay. The local comic shop does an event every other weekend that introduces kids to various heroes and villains and encourages them to read

That's a super cool idea.  I've done a little cosplay myself, Team Fortress 2 Heavy back in 2012, though ended up kinda falling out of it for personal reasons, only making most of a 2nd costume, which was Eddie Riggs from Brutal Legend.  I'm actually starting up a regular gym routine here in July to get myself in shape with a goal in mind of trying to feel more comfortable with the idea of cosplay, though that won't happen till next year after months of exercise.

I'm another fan of cosplay. I've gone as Mustadiao from Final Fantasy Tactics, Rudy from Wild ARMs, Loni from Tales of Destiny 2 and Venom from Guilty Gear. All of them have been really fun.

Well, really fun for the most part. I had to wear a wig to pull off the Venom costume and it was damn hard to see out of.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: bikingjahuty on June 16, 2016, 11:19:39 am
Side Hobbies: I am a pretty big movie buff and watch a lot of movies when I have the spare time. Going along with that I am also big into Anime and have probably around 80-box sets from various series. I love music as well, my two favorite genres to listen to are Shoegaze and Trip Hop. I own two Welsh Corgis and they are in all respects my kids and I spend a lot of time taking them to parks and playing this them. On the side I also do some writing and someday I may want to try and get something published, but who knows. I also am pretty fond of going to the gym, and also biking (it's in my user name after all).

Side Collections
: The only thing besides video games that I genuinely and actively collect is Manga. I currently have over 2100 Manga which I have obtained over the past 7-years or so. While I don't actively collect it, but I do have enough of it to justify saying I have a collection is Anime. Oh, and I have a decent collection of Pokemon cards, but like the Anime, I don't actively collect them.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: turf on June 16, 2016, 12:01:23 pm
Vintage Porn
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: doafan on June 16, 2016, 03:44:51 pm
I only collect games but man I do have another hobbies:

* Love to read comics: Am a big nerd cause I love to read, at my parents house have at least 1,000 comics books that purchased when was younger, digital ones totally replaced the physical ones but have to admit that every time that I have a chance to read a physical one at any store I do have a great time.
* Anime over cartoons: As every kid I started with old good cartoons like Transfromers, Gi-Joe, Thundercats when noticed about the existence of the Anime immediately became my favorite, like to watch at least one episode per day but this doesn't mean that I don't watch cartoons anymore, in fact I saw at least three cartoons per day am currently watching Uncle Grandpa, Adventure Time, Regular Show, The Amazing World of Gumball, Wander Over Yonder, Pickle and Peanut and a couple more with my daughter.
* Wrestling fan: Started to like it also as a kid with the ones that were aired at Mexico when I was a teenager changed my mind and started with the WWF later extended my options to WCW, ECW as an adult I still watch WWE but also PWG, ROH, TNA guess that this hobbie is my main one.
* Porn and Hentai: Nobody need to know my tastes but I can assure that have seen enough for at least three lives  ;D
* Creepypastas, horror and ghosts: This one is a hobby and a routine cause every time before I go to bed need to see some material related to this genre, scared I sleep like a baby also dunno why but I don't snore when saw this kind of videos.

Do have another hobbies but they are not that important like watching movies, I go to the movies with my wife and my girls not that often, at least one time per month where I have seen the most is at home also is less expensive and can pause the damn thing if I need to pee or bring something to eat.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: telly on June 16, 2016, 10:23:29 pm
For me I've always been into theatre and music/singing. Been singing for a long time, though I don't have time for theatre anymore, I enjoy being in a choir.  :)
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: ignition365 on June 17, 2016, 09:28:05 am
Side collection: Playing cards.  I own about 100 decks of playing cards.  It started out as just picking up decks when I saw them.  Then it turned to only buying decks for stuff I like (i.e. video game themed playing cards), to now I'm trying to get rid of most of them so I only have like 20 decks or something.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: burningdoom on June 17, 2016, 12:43:24 pm
Is porn really a hobby? I mean, a lot of us watch it, sure. But do you give it the same kind of attention that you give your video game collection or sports interests?
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: doafan on June 17, 2016, 01:46:05 pm
I guess that it's a hobby when you have more than 10 TB and you have seen all of it or maybe am just a sick person  ;D
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: turf on June 17, 2016, 08:36:27 pm
Is porn really a hobby? I mean, a lot of us watch it, sure. But do you give it the same kind of attention that you give your video game collection or sports interests?

Jokes, man. Jokes
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: wartoy on June 17, 2016, 09:19:26 pm
I no longer collect comics but I still have between 12,000 to 14,000 comics and I collect magic the gathering cards I been playing for years.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: azure on June 18, 2016, 12:44:51 am
Let's see I guess my other hobby would be Anime/Manga. Other than that I watch movies/TV, spend time with my family/significant other Etc.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: burningdoom on June 18, 2016, 10:10:15 am
Is porn really a hobby? I mean, a lot of us watch it, sure. But do you give it the same kind of attention that you give your video game collection or sports interests?

Jokes, man. Jokes

I don't think it was for doafan, lol.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: shepard11 on June 18, 2016, 07:47:05 pm
I have a lot of hobbies (outside of gaming).
Whether it's my 1600+ DVD/Blu Ray collection, my 53 long boxes of comics or cleaning and completely my original MOTU figure line. How do I keep the wife happy with all these hobbies? I do a lot of wheeling and dealing, stick to a budget or cash in my winnings/cards from the Magic the Gathering tournaments. So yeah I'm a giant dork. 
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: ffxik on June 19, 2016, 01:26:22 am
Side hobbies used to include penning comics and playing guitar.  Due to the extremely repetitive nature of my job though that's come to an end.  Anything that requires grasping something like a nib holder or finger intensive activities are out.  I like reading comics, fantasy books.  Listening to music.

Side collections include books.  My wife and I both have a love for fantasy books so we have quite a few and are usually picking up ones where ever we can.  Music cd's I love heavy metal music and always nab cds when I can.  I also have a soft spot for video game soundtracks and have quite a few of those too.

Trading card games.  Mainly Magic: The Gathering.  I buy most of the side products that come out.  Fat packs, gift boxes, Commander decks.  I have all the Archenemy, Planechase decks, Duel Decks too.  Other games include Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball Z TCG, Yu Yu Hakusho TCG, Pokemon, Gundam M.S. War.  Yeah I'm a sucker for TCG's

Anime DVDs.  Something I was massively into as a teen.  I introduced my wife to it and now she's way into it, more so than I am.  So we have an extensive library of that too.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: alkaid on June 19, 2016, 05:35:20 am
My most extensive side collection is my anime/video game figures. I usually only buy them around convention time, at booths with good deals or ones I just really want, but it's building up. Next would probably be anime/video game prints/posters/wall scrolls, manga, then I recently found a store that sells a bunch of old anime DVDs so I've been buying those. Have a small-medium collection of Magic and YuGiOh cards.

I'd like to collect more mystery and sci-fi books too, especially Agatha Christie. She's my favorite author yet I've been borrowing from my uncle's collection; I'd like to get my own set. Also get some Kellerman and Star Trek novels soon.

As far as activities go: programming, drawing, learning Japanese, drinking coffee, used to cosplay every year but I was too lazy to make one for the last con. I stay up all night and lurk.
Title: Re: What is everyone's side hobby/collection?
Post by: doafan on June 19, 2016, 09:05:40 am
Is porn really a hobby? I mean, a lot of us watch it, sure. But do you give it the same kind of attention that you give your video game collection or sports interests?

Jokes, man. Jokes

I don't think it was for doafan, lol.

No ?, damn that's why people need to use the quote system  :P