VGCollect Forum
VGCollect Site Stuff => Video Game Database Discussion => Topic started by: yui714 on March 07, 2011, 07:12:38 pm
No Super Famicom (Super Nintendo Entertainment System JP) in list, Perhaps adding a feature that allows users to add consoles like we can add games would prevent frequent console suggestions?
Adding. The plan is to have every platform listed an available for submissions and edits real soon here. For now I'm just adding them as they are requested or when I do bulk uploads.
Can we get the Neo Geo MVS Platform added? and the other Arcade platforms, CPS1, SPC2 CPS3, Sega Naomi, Hyper Neo 64, Jamma etc? All of them will need multiple regions. Also the Sega Mega Drive (Genesis equivilant for us PAL users)
I am liking the look of this site :D
@warpedflash I'll work on adding these later today. I'll update you when they are ready. Thanks!
Oh and Sega st-v... there are loads to add lol :P
PC Engine Super CD-Rom
PC Engine Arcade CD-Rom
I fund the Megadrive but sould do with renameing to be Sega like the other systems are.
I'm slacking on these and will try to get them added today when I update the database. As for Mega Drive I'm pretty sure the official name is just Mega Drive with no Sega. Regardless once I update the database it will be grouped together with the Genesis.
> warpedflash
> PC Engine Super CD-Rom
>PC Engine Arcade CD-Rom
>I fund the Megadrive but sould do with renameing to be Sega like the other systems are.
In my opinion the PC Engine CD category in place should include Super and Arcade CD since it is technically the same unit.
I'm definitely no expert on PC Engine so I'll let you guys decide this one. If you were looking to acquire a complete collection of these, how would you want them listed?
They are all just CD's that play on the same platform, the difference being the Arcade and Super CD games require a HU card that contains more ram. They don't come in different variants, for instance there is no Arcade CD that has an alternate Super CD version. Same applies for Super CD and regular CD release games.
Once you get past the PC Engine and go into the Turbo/PCEngine DUO you only need an Arcade card because the extra ram found in the Super CD HU card is built into the system.
On this same note... Should the 32x CD games have their own category? I would say yes for those... double standards?? lol :/
The original reason I suggested all 3 CD groups was the same as the reason for giving CD 32x games their own.... They wont work on just the CD hardware... Either way would be fine though I guess. Just for adding games into the database its more of a pain to go back and change th egroups later than it is to add them specifically.
The mega drive I have always known as the "Sega Mega Drive" (see the logo here am I'm from the UK but if there is a different offical name then no idea....
> warpedflash
> The original reason I suggested all 3 CD groups was the same as the reason for giving CD 32x games their own.... They wont work on just the CD hardware... Either way would be fine though I guess. Just for adding games into the database its more of a pain to go back and change th egroups later than it is to add them specifically.
>The mega drive I have always known as the "Sega Mega Drive" (see the logo here am I'm from the UK but if there is a different offical name then no idea....
If we split off the PC Engine CD we'd have to do the Same for the TurboGrafx-CD and since there are no variants of the CD games the title alone would reference if its CDRom2, Super CD or Arcade CD. I do understand what you mean. Its just in the 32x's case there are 2 different types of media for the same platform, CD and Cart, where the PC Engine CD and TurboGrafx-CD are already separated off from the HU Cards.
If you use an Arcade Pro card, you can play every CD game regardless of type in the PC Engine library (except the Game Express) .
I get that :) Just some people I talk to would want to split it all the way I'm not that fussed really lol
Do you frequent the pcenginefx forums?
I'm nowhere near as a hardcore collector as most and if more people think it should be split, so be it. Its easier imho to compare 1 list vs multiple lists.
I do have another missing console to add:
PC Engine SuperGrafx [JP]
Not really I am more into the arcade side of collecting :) I have a fair few consoles and games as well but dont frequent forums for most. the PC Engine is looking interesting to me :P Only got mine a week odd ago but mainly on the recommendation of others for shooters :P
Memorex VIS
Some Atari stuff missing. XE series such as the 65, 130 and XEGS, ST series, XL series, 400, 800. I'll need to check my tables to see which ones were cross platform compatible though. I believe the 400/800/XE were as such.
Tiger Electronics.
How are one off standalone units eg PONG identified?
> savannahlion
> Some Atari stuff missing. XE series such as the 65, 130 and XEGS, ST series, XL series, 400, 800. I'll need to check my tables to see which ones were cross platform compatible though. I believe the 400/800/XE were as such.
Tiger Electronics.
How are one off standalone units eg PONG identified?
If you can provide me a list of the missing Atari stuff I'll get it added ASAP. I'll be doing an update tonight and filling in some of the missing platforms.
As for one-off units, I almost feel like they should be listed under Hardware. Thoughts?
I too think that the one-off units should also be listed as hardware.
The only problem I see with the Atari computer lines, is the format. Games were available on cartridges, big floppy disks, and cassette tapes. This could wind up being a huge undertaking. Don't get me wrong, I want them added, as I collect them too, but we are going to need a plan beyond creating a category. And yeah, dedicated consoles (anything that doesn't have removable games) should be in hardware.
But would I would say that the Tiger Electronics LCD handhelds should be their own category. Like Nintendo's Game & Watch stuff.
Yeah, handhelds would be a different thing altogether. Maybe have a "Dedicated Handheld Systems" category
> tpugmire
> Yeah, handhelds would be a different thing altogether. Maybe have a "Dedicated Handheld Systems" category
I would prefer to keep listings from different brands separate.
> warpedflash
> Can we get the Neo Geo MVS Platform added? and the other Arcade platforms, CPS1, SPC2 CPS3, Sega Naomi, Hyper Neo 64, Jamma etc? All of them will need multiple regions. Also the Sega Mega Drive (Genesis equivilant for us PAL users)
I am liking the look of this site :D
I second this since I have just got my hands my first Neo Geo MVS which I am going to consolize. :)
So please add Neo Geo MVS under arcade.
I see that you have added some 1, 2 , 4 and 6 slot MVS's to the hardware category. Could you rename them to include Neo Geo and the model # ? I know you have them listed as MVS 1, 2, 4 slot (all models), but I don't want to put the MVS MV-1C under what looks like a MV-1A since the slot is different.
@pceslayer done. Should there be separate region listings?
As for the remaining platforms, please list them our exactly as they should be added, including region. I'm no expert in this area so 'll have you rely on you guys for this.
The 3DS could be added too. There's the 3 usual regions, JP, PAL and NA.
Added. Going to try to get all launch titles listed later too.
Added all the 3DS NA launch titles. Still need box art shots and some extra info in the entries though.
> matt
> @pceslayer done. Should there be separate region listings?
As for the remaining platforms, please list them our exactly as they should be added, including region. I'm no expert in this area so 'll have you rely on you guys for this.
Yes all arcade should have a JP, EU and NA region for each entry.
Capcom Power System (CPS-1) [NA]
Capcom Power System (CPS-1) [JP]
Capcom Power System (CPS-1) [EU]
Capcom Power System II (CPS-2) [NA]
Capcom Power System II (CPS-2) [JP]
Capcom Power System II (CPS-2) [EU]
Capcom Power System III (CPS-3) [NA]
Capcom Power System III (CPS-3) [JP]
Capcom Power System III (CPS-3) [EU]
Neo Geo MVS [NA]
Neo Geo MVS [JP]
Neo Geo MVS [EU]
SNK Hyper NeoGeo 64 [NA]
SNK Hyper NeoGeo 64 [JP]
SNK Hyper NeoGeo 64 [EU]
Nintendo Playchoice 10 [NA]
Nintendo Playchoice 10 [JP]
Nintendo Playchoice 10 [EU]
Sega Naomi [NA]
Sega Naomi [JP]
Sega Naomi [EU]
Sega Naomi 2 [NA]
Sega Naomi 2 [JP]
Sega Naomi 2 [EU]
@pceslayer you rock my world and give me butterflies. I'll get these added tonight.
All of the arcade platforms have been added.
EDIT: Now the browse page looks like hell.
Is it me or am I missing something, I went to put my ColecoVision games in and there is no platform for ColecoVision. I have looked several times but can't find it, does it still need to be added?
It would indeed seem to be missing. ha
I'll get this added tomorrow. Promise.
I'll get this added tomorrow. Promise.
mmm hmm. ha
It's there. You must be blind. ;)
So, I've been doing some thinking about how to add the Atari 8 bit computer software, and I think I've come up with a solution. It would require 3 different categories, because as it has been mentioned, games were available on cartridges, floppy disks, and cassette tapes. I'm not sure if there were any regional variations, but if we created the following categories, it should suffice for now.
Atari 8-Bit Computer (Cartridges)
Atari 8-Bit Computer (Floppy Disks)
Atari 8-Bit Computer (Cassette Tapes)
Speaking of missing platforms... why not add a PC [Digital] platform?
I have games from GamersGate and Direct2Drive which are more or less the same as the retail ones (just uh, without a disc). It'd be more or less like the current Steam platform, only region free and for generic digital game listings.
@matt is apparently still in vacay mode. ;)
I may just be blind, but I don't see the Vectrex or the Odyssey on here. Old systems need lovin' too!
Added the Atari 8-Bit computer but didn't add regions. Is this needed?
@amauriel I just added the Odyssey. I only added NA so please let me know if other regions should be added. I'm also ready to add the Vectrex but wasn't sure as to how it should be listed. Any thoughts or ideas? Would a simple "Vectrex [NA]" work?
Added the Atari 8-Bit computer but didn't add regions. Is this needed?
Honestly I have no idea...
Could you add the Nintendo Playchoice (not the playchoice 10 there two different things)
The Playchoice-10 is the arcade board right? What exactly is the regular Playchoice?
See Magnavox Odyssey, but not the Magnavox Odyssey 2.
EDIT: I'm an idiot. Disregard this nonsense I'm spewing. Added about 10 games to the list.
See Magnavox Odyssey, but not the Magnavox Odyssey 2.
EDIT: I'm an idiot. Disregard this nonsense I'm spewing. Added about 10 games to the list.
No prob. Thanks for the submissions!
Since we are including Digital Downloads for PC and Steam games. We should prolly include Xbox Live Games on Demand.
The Playchoice-10 is the arcade board right? What exactly is the regular Playchoice?
Playchoice 10 let you choose between 10 different games due to a multi slot mainboard, but the playchoice was limited to only 1.
Outside of that there is no difference as they play the same games. So the playchoice would only recieve a hardware entry.
Since we are including Digital Downloads for PC and Steam games. We should prolly include Xbox Live Games on Demand.
Seconded. It's basically a subvariant of XBLA anyway, so...
This has been added.
Nintendo Entertainment System [EU]
Wonderswan ;)
@madmax Added. WonderSwan and WonderSwan Color both had separate game releases, correct?
I'm not too sure as I don't actually own them. I am shopping for one for the near future (Final Fantasy was released on them)
I think it went
Wonderswan = Gameboy
Wonderswan Color = Gameboy color
SwanCrystal = Gameboy Advanced
I'm not certain though because sources claim that both the Wanderswan color and the SwanCrystal rivaled the Gameboy Advanced and I don't think they had seperate game releases. (like the GB color and Advanced did)
But yes, Wonderswan was black and white games whereas Wonderswan color had different colored games (but was backwards compatible)
Edit: after research, the swancrystal was just an upgraded wonderswan color. It did not have unique releases.
I will be adding games to both categories tonight to give them a little start (packing the computer tonight for the move though)
Need Nintendo 64 [EU]
Xbox [EU]
Xbox [JP]
I found this. It might help
I hope they change that Wii U logo. Its so stupid looking.
I hope they change that Wii U logo. Its so stupid looking.
Yeah, it looks like a small, limp, blue wang.
Yeah, it looks like a small, limp, blue wang.
Oh, man, thanks a lot. Now I'll never be able to see anything other than that. >:-\
... but also hilarious.
Yeah, it looks like a small, limp, blue wang.
Oh, man, thanks a lot. Now I'll never be able to see anything other than that. >:-\
... but also hilarious.
It's Dr. Manhattan! Come to save gaming!
I just noticed that final fantasy ii for wonderswan color was changed to its Japanese name. what's the policy on that? should names be Japanese or English?
it makes it harder to find and creates an inconsistancy with Famicom and Super Famicom games as well..
Edit; Ohh and the wonderswan color doesn't have a closing bracket after the [JP
Did the Vectrex ever get added?
I also noticed that when adding a game to the Magnavox Odyssey2 group, release dates only go down to 1979.
@dstone I don't think it did. When matt gets back from his camping trip, I'll remind him about it. And thanks for pointing out the year thing.
Did the Vectrex ever get added?
I also noticed that when adding a game to the Magnavox Odyssey2 group, release dates only go down to 1979.
What year do we need to go back to?
Sega's Periscope arcade game came out in 1966. ha, so maybe mid 60's?
I have several Odyssey² games from 1978; the original Odyssey was released in 1972, so I'd say 1970 would be a safe bet for the time being. I don't think very much will crop up before 1970 unless you start looking at pinball machines and EM games.
I just set it to 1970 for now. If we need to adjust it later I will.
Did the Vectrex ever get added?
I also noticed that when adding a game to the Magnavox Odyssey2 group, release dates only go down to 1979.
I did just add the Vectrex as well.
We need the Nintendo eShop for Nintendo 3DS downloadable games (e.g., Super Mario Land {}).

@madmax FIXED! finally ha.
I would like to add Metal Gear [JP] and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake to the database, but it looks like we're missing the MSX system.
Wasn't it called MSX2?
Wasn't it called MSX2?
Yeah, you're right. There was the MSX, MSX2, MSX2+, and MSX TurboR, but Metal Gear was made for the MSX2 and Metal Gear 2 was made for MSX2/MSX2+.
What is the opinion on cartridge based computers and pong systems?
I have a boxed TRS-80 with a slew of complete games and two boxed variations of the TI-99/4A with even more games (admittedly not complete) I'd be happy to upload. I also have a boxed pong system, but I take it that's fine to upload under hardware since it doesn't take cartridges, correct?
Can we get Nintendo DS [EU] and Nintendo Wii [EU] added?
Oh, and Nintendo 64 [EU], too.
These have been added:
Nintendo DS [EU]
Nintendo Wii [EU]
Nintendo 64 [EU]
I'll be going through the others and hopefully getting them added through the weekend.
Thank you kindly!
How about the DSi? Here is (an extremely short) list of games , which I can only assume is complete. I think we need it to be complete, but given the short list of games, it's almost not worth it.
I'd like to put in a request for the Microvision.
Japanese Virtual Boy isn't in there, I may be needing that tomorrow :P
@andrew, @byron, @jobocan,
Nintendo DSi [NA], Virtual Boy [JP] and Microvision [NA] have all been added.
I request:
TRS-80 [NA]
TI-99 [NA]
Xbox [EU] is missing, too.
I just recently came across an Emerson Arcadia 2001 and a few cartridges for it any way I can get it added in
@hexen, @kirbysuperstar, @warpedatari02
Other ->TRS-80 [NA]
Other ->TI-99 [NA]
Other -> Arcadia 2001 [NA]
Xbox ->Xbox [EU]
Xbox -> Xbox [JP]
I wasn't sure where exactly to place the "Other" consoles so if you guys have any better suggestions please let me know.
As a side notes, we now have 156 different categories!
msx ?
I looked it up quickly and I'm not sure if its NA or JP
Sorry for the delay @madmax. Not sure how I missed the request. I just added:
MSX -> MSX TurboR [JP]
MSX -> MSX2 [JP]
MSX -> MSX2+ [JP]
I didn't even see the request up there :p
I just saw an FF1 on Msx on eBay and figured I'd look to see if we had it here.
$350 game :(
We need the Nintendo eShop for Nintendo 3DS downloadable games (e.g., Super Mario Land {}).
Don't forget about me!
The TRS-80 and TI-99 are cartridge based home computers in a similar fashion to the Commodore 64. Barring a group name 'home computers' or something I think other is a good category for them.
The Arcadia 2001 is a straight up console, though, so perhaps it should have it's own category as I beleive it has more games then say the Microvision or Virtual Boy
@andrew I would never forget about you! ;) I'll get it added later today.
@hexen I kinda like the idea of having a Home Computer Section. My fear is that users looking to browse won't think of looking under Other. Hmm...
Added Tiger Electronics LCD games to the database as Tiger LCD. Fill it up with all of their wonderfully crappy LCD handhelds! I know I have a few.
A few random systems I forgot about because I have only a game or two for each of them might as well be added for completions sake:
Fairchild Channel F [NA]
Bally Astrocade [NA]
Pokemon Mini [NA]
LaserActive [NA]
Action Max [NA]
we have the Sega SC-3000 and the Sega SG-1000 2 but no SG-1000 1
Pong consoles
Pong consoles go under the "Hardware" section. Anything that has all the games built in goes there. Pong, Video Pinball, Atari Flashbacks, Telstars, etc.
VC 4000
PV 1000
Amstrad GX4000
Fairchild Channel F
Magnavox Odyssey 2 EU
Magnavox Odyssey 2 JP
The Vectrex is already available so add away :)
Casio Loopy [JP], please? :)
@rachel I'll get all the requests added tomorrow and will update this thread when they are live. Thanks!
I've added Casio Loopy. I put in the Other section for now since I wasn't really sure where it should land. Also...welcome to the site! I saw via your twitter that your big into NES dev which is awesome. Feel free to pinp your stuff out around here. :)
Awesome, thanks! Now that I've had some practice adding new items, I'll try adding the console and some additional games. And yeah, maybe someday soon I'll add my own NES carts, too! :D
Tiger R-Zone is missing from the list.
@huzal Here you go:
I placed it under "Other" since I wasn't sure exactly where else it should go. I may possible make a top level Tiger category and place the LCD games in there along with the R-Zone. Oh..and welcome to the site!
I've got another console-related question. Sorry if this has been asked before; I looked around but couldn't find an answer in any of the other threads. How should I add/categorize a Brazilian console? I have an SMS Girl that I'd like to add as well as a Brazilian SMS game. Thx!
For the moment, all consoles go under Hardware. Just file it under [Other].
The games should go under Sega Master System, but considering just how many games were released in that region, we should probably have a Sega Master System section. And maybe a Hardware section too.
@rachel I just created Sega Master System :
As for the hardware, @foxhack is right. Just add it to the Hardware section until I get the SMS Hardware category setup. Once I get that setup I'll move it over.
VC 4000 Germany
PV-1000 Japan
Amstrad GX4000
Fairchild Channel F
Philips Odyssey 2 Brazil
Magnavox Odyssey 2 Japan
Magnavox Odyssey 2 Europe
Funtech Super A'can Taiwan
CD-i Europe
CD-i North America
CD-i North America is already there:
I saw that there's a Tiger LCD section... how about a Konami LCD section? Konami handhelds made up my very first video games. Ugh, the memories. :D
Konami had thier own? Interesting, especially since i have a Tiger simon's Quest one. But, I'll toss it into the database tonight.
@rachel A Konami LCD category has been added: It's listed under "Other" in the browse list.
How about a section for Mattel handhelds? I have my dad's 1977 Football to upload.
Here's a list of handhelds that Mattel released if anyone's curious:
Yeah, you can check some of them out here: I especially like the Bull's Eye Barbecue Sauce handheld. (???)
Bump. Mattel still needs their own category.
Added! It's also under "Other". Which reminds me, Tiger LCD needs to be moved to "Other" as well...
Would still like these added if possible.
Fairchild Channel F [NA]
Bally Astrocade [NA]
Pokemon Mini [NA]
Pioneer LaserActive [NA]
Action Max [NA]
Oh OK ill knock those out as soon as I get to a PC. @hexen sorry about the delay.
@huzal Here you go:
I placed it under "Other" since I wasn't sure exactly where else it should go. I may possible make a top level Tiger category and place the LCD
games in there along with the R-Zone. Oh..and welcome to the site!
@matt if you could find the time, and merge the R-Zone and the Tiger LCDs into one parent company, that would be most righteous.
Finally got a chance to sit down and work on categories. I've added these along with categories for hardware listings where applicable.
Fairchild Channel F [NA] and Hardware
Bally Astrocade [NA] and Hardware
Pokemon Mini [NA], [JP], [EU] and Hardware
Pioneer LaserActive [NA] and Hardware
Action Max [NA] and Hardware
VC 4000 accidentally added it without designating Germany, need that changed. Also added a Hardware listing for it.
PV-1000 [JP] and Hardware
Amstrad GX4000 [EU] and Hardware
Philips Odyssey This is the Brazilian version of Odyssey2, it was released as Odyssey in Brazil.
Magnavox Odyssey2 [JP]
Magnavox Odyssey2 [EU]
Funtech Super A'can [CH] and Hardware
CD-i [EU]
Casio Loopy added hardware for this.
3DO [EU] was added
I accidentally duped the MSX, MSX2, MSX2+, MSX TurboR, and TRS-80 categories.... fail. So watch out for those.
I noticed that there's C64 [EU] hardware, but it's not possible to add C64 [EU] games at the moment. Is that right? I have a few UK C64 games I'd like to add. Thanks much!
I noticed that there's C64 [EU] hardware, but it's not possible to add C64 [EU] games at the moment. Is that right? I have a few UK C64 games I'd like to add. Thanks much!
Edit: I fixed that.
Thank very much good sir.
Are you able to add Playstation Vita [EU] and [JP], too?
@kirbysuperstar Added both.
Can i get these
PC Hardware
Pong console
... Do we really need PC Hardware?
I could see a case for PC accessories (gamepads, cheat devices, etc.) But hardware?
There is just so much PC hardware out there, and it's not like consoles where you say "I have an xbox 360". Sure I have a Dell XPS 630. But that doesn't mean much, especially once I decide to swap video cards. It's not like the old days of Atari 8-bit computers... I'll talk to matt about the PC hardware thing and see what his input is.
There is just so much PC hardware out there, and it's not like consoles where you say "I have an xbox 360". Sure I have a Dell XPS 630. But that doesn't mean much, especially once I decide to swap video cards. It's not like the old days of Atari 8-bit computers... I'll talk to matt about the PC hardware thing and see what his input is.
... Do we really need PC Hardware?
I could see a case for PC accessories (gamepads, cheat devices, etc.) But hardware?
when i say PC hardware i am talking about old IBM,compaq and mac computers i am not talking about new computers and can i get a pong console category also we need hyper scan category because soera has one
I can see having a category for the Apple II or the like, but I really don't see a need in listing old IBM or Compaq computers in hardware. There's a shift in the mid-80's from stand alone, buy this computer and play games (Atari 400, TI 99/4a, Amiga) to what I would consider the grandfathers of modern computers (386, 486) in that the newer ones could be changed and upgraded. Even our IBM PS/2, which was running Windows 3.1, had several parts switched out throughout its life. I think when it gets to that point, the explosion of IBM-compatible computers is a lot more than this site really needs to be tracking, in my opinion.
So, whats the general opinion on stuff like the Vtech Vsmile?
Every time I see stuff for it at garage sales for cheap I always by them as a running joke with Byron... however, through this, I have actually amassed quite a sizable collection including various consoles and even games with label variations.
I'd have it added if anyone else considered it an actual console.
I can see having a category for the Apple II or the like, but I really don't see a need in listing old IBM or Compaq computers in hardware. There's a shift in the mid-80's from stand alone, buy this computer and play games (Atari 400, TI 99/4a, Amiga) to what I would consider the grandfathers of modern computers (386, 486) in that the newer ones could be changed and upgraded. Even our IBM PS/2, which was running Windows 3.1, had several parts switched out throughout its life. I think when it gets to that point, the explosion of IBM-compatible computers is a lot more than this site really needs to be tracking, in my opinion.
As far as this goes, I tend to agree. I think there should be a cutoff point where upgrades and accessories plug-in directly without opening the system and are one time. Otherwise we would be adding hundreds of models of computers and even more models of graphics cards and the like.
Added! It's also under "Other". Which reminds me, Tiger LCD needs to be moved to "Other" as well...
I'm having a little trouble understanding how the dedicated handhelds are organized. There are at least four categories that house them: "Other," "Tiger LCD," "Nintendo" (for Game & Watch), and "LCD Games." Within "Other" are "Konami LCD" and "Mattel Handheld." Under "LCD Games" is an Epoch handheld. I wonder if it might make sense to create one category for all dedicated handhelds and have subcategories of "Konami," "Mattel," "Tiger," "Epoch," "Nintendo," and maybe a "Misc." for oddball handhelds. (It might be nice to cross-reference the G&Ws under Nintendo if such a thing is possible, since I imagine people might look for them there, too.)
Sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere; I didn't see anything on the forum pertaining to this.
If possible, I'd also like to request adding Bandai LCD handhelds and MGA LCD handhelds as subcategories. Thank you! ;D
rachel I'm not even sure there is a rhyme or reason to the madness that is the LCD categories. Honestly, I don't know much about them. I would prefer to have them all listed by brand, like what you are suggesting though. Maybe eventually we can clean all that up and make it pretty...
Intellivision Accessory
pong consoles
Sounds good, Scott. Until then, I'll probably start throwing my MGA and Bandai stuff in the existing LCD games category. I don't know too much about LCD games either, but I've become drawn in by the beautiful case design of the early-'80s Japanese handhelds.
Could you add WiiWare [EU] and Virtual Console [EU]?
Could you add WiiWare [EU] and Virtual Console [EU]?
Both have been added. Welcome to the site!
Should Coleco table top arcade games have their own category or just go under LCD games?
Could you add WiiWare [EU] and Virtual Console [EU]?
Both have been added. Welcome to the site!
Hello and thank you :) !
Where do PSOne Classics go? You know, the downloadable, emulated PSOne games that work on PSP and PS3. I didn't see a category for them on Playstation Network.
We could add a PSone Classics cat under PlayStation Network, I guess?
That works. We'll need NA, EU and JP regions. :)
Added one for each.
Well, get crackin' on adding them! :D
Well, get crackin' on adding them! :D
If anyone would like to drop these into a spread sheet I could do a bulk import.
One row per game, per region.
I'll take care of it.
can you add the nec pc-98 and the apple 2 because i want to add the system and some of it games to my wish list and we are messing TRS-80 games
Yup I'll look into their info and get them added.
Atari 2600 Accessory
Atari Jaguar Accessory
Game Boy Accessory
Game Boy Accessory already exists. I'll add the other 2 when I get some free time, I've been super busy lately and haven't had a chance to add these or the last ones you've suggested.
Game Boy Accessory already exists. I'll add the other 2 when I get some free time, I've been super busy lately and haven't had a chance to add these or the last ones you've suggested.
that's all right take your time
Apple II and Apple II Hardware [NA]
Atari 2600 Accessory [NA]
Atari Jaguar Accessory [NA]
ware dose these go
Action max hardware
i need apple II accessory
Apologies for being too lazy to look through the thread... but has anyone suggested to add PS2 Classics to the Playstation Network area yet?
Apologies for being too lazy to look through the thread... but has anyone suggested to add PS2 Classics to the Playstation Network area yet?
Buh? They have PS2 classics now?
Apologies for being too lazy to look through the thread... but has anyone suggested to add PS2 Classics to the Playstation Network area yet?
I think you can just add those to the "PlayStation Network (PS3)" category.
Apologies for being too lazy to look through the thread... but has anyone suggested to add PS2 Classics to the Playstation Network area yet?
I think you can just add those to the "PlayStation Network (PS3)" category.
We have a PSOne Classics category under Playstation Network (the parent category, not "PlayStation Network (PS3)" the subcategory) already. A PS2 Classics category should be added there.
Apologies for being too lazy to look through the thread... but has anyone suggested to add PS2 Classics to the Playstation Network area yet?
Buh? They have PS2 classics now?
Heh, yeah. There's only, like, ten or so games on it (God Hand and Odin Sphere are the ones I remember off the top of my head, but there's a few more), but it's there.
I'm missing the platform "PlayStation mini" for NA and EU
I'm missing the platform "PlayStation mini" for NA and EU
Done. I was actually supposed to add those a while ago, and totally forgot about it.
I'm missing the platform "PlayStation mini" for NA and EU
Done. I was actually supposed to add those a while ago, and totally forgot about it.
Oh my that was fast, thanks :)
Hello been adding my collection and found a few odd systems need to be added.
- Commadore Amiga CD32
- Memorex VIS
- Apple Bandai Pippin
- CreatiVision
- RCA Studio II
- Gizmondo
- Sammy Atomiswave
- APF MP-1000
- Casette Vision
- Xavix Port
Most of these are obscure systems but i own most all of these and would rather not list them all as "other".
Hello been adding my collection and found a few odd systems need to be added.
- Commadore Amiga CD32
- Memorex VIS
- Apple Bandai Pippin
- CreatiVision
- RCA Studio II
- Gizmondo
- Sammy Atomiswave
- APF MP-1000
- Casette Vision
- Xavix Port
Most of these are obscure systems but i own most all of these and would rather not list them all as "other".
you know a most of these were not released in the us or north america in general
amiga CD32: europe and canada only
apple bandai pippin: japan only (yes i know thare is a north american version but it is vary vary rare )
apf mp-1000: not sure maybe europe only??
epoch cassette vision: japan only
I've sold North American Pippin games and hardware over the years, so it should have its own NA category.
Just adding my vote, I also have Xavix games to add. I also have all of the games for the ZAPit Game Wave.
Watara Supervision seems to exist as a piece of hardware, but not in the system list (for adding games)? Am I seeing that right? In the same vein, the Nintendo E-reader is an accessory AND a platform. Could it be added as well?
Very low priority, but I also have Mattel HyperScan and Playskool Ion games too.
I'm missing the platform "PlayStation mini" for NA and EU
Done. I was actually supposed to add those a while ago, and totally forgot about it.
Oh my that was fast, thanks :)
The kids still say that right? This makes me cool and hip right????
I'm missing the platform "PlayStation mini" for NA and EU
Done. I was actually supposed to add those a while ago, and totally forgot about it.
Oh my that was fast, thanks :)
The kids still say that right? This makes me cool and hip right? ???
sadly yes thay do say that
I'm missing the platform "PlayStation mini" for NA and EU
Done. I was actually supposed to add those a while ago, and totally forgot about it.
Oh my that was fast, thanks :)
The kids still say that right? This makes me cool and hip right? ???
sadly yes thay do say that
Lol, damn. I was hoping that it had died because that just makes it more fun for me to use.
Are we gonna add foreign systems eventually as well such as the Dendy and Dendy Jr.?
Are we gonna add foreign systems eventually as well such as the Dendy and Dendy Jr.?
the dendy is a clone of the nintendo entertainment system so i put it in the nes hardware so here: and (
Okay thank you.
I need a category for LCD games other than Tiger. I have a lot of generic games and would like to catalog them.
I need a category for LCD games other than Tiger. I have a lot of generic games and would like to catalog them.
thare is one: and
touche - thanks :)
Is there any way we could get windows 7/ mango added? I realize it is a phone but there Xbox games do support achievements and I do spend $ on the games.
I know no one will really care about this console, but can we get the Teachatron added? It was produced by JC Penny in 1984.
I know no one will really care about this console, but can we get the Teachatron added? It was produced by JC Penny in 1984. (
to me it look like a one of those kids computers like my vtech computer and we have talk about that before and we pretty much scott and matt said that even tho it has cartridges for it its not something we can add for a reason that i can remember but if it runs dos it may get a sub category in the pc category but thats up to matt and scott ;D
I noticed in the Sega - Other section that you can add games for "SG-1000 II." I was thinking that this should just be SG-1000 and that there should be a separate "SG-1000 Hardware" link containing the SG-1000 and the SG-1000 II. I don't have either console (yet!), but I do have a game that would probably be better suited for a generic SG-1000 category that is independent of hardware revision.
All that said, I'm not sure whether the Sega Mark III falls under SG-1000 Hardware or Sega Master System hardware. Maybe someone else is more up on that piece of hardware than I?
Thanks to the mods for fielding my various, odd questions and requests over the past year! :)
I'm also curious where we might add games from the Mac OS 7 to OS 9 era. Perhaps there is already a category suited for these and I missed it. Thanks again!
We don't have a section for Mac games other than the Apple II, mostly because nobody ever asked for one. :p
There are games for Mac?!?!?!? :O
Ahoyhoy! I agree with Rachel :) There should be a section to add Sega Mark III / Sega Master System [JP] games to the database. The Mark III (which is the same hardware as the Master System without the Japan-only built in FM synthesis module) runs all games from the previous SG-1000 series. Now here is my question, should the cartridge and rom card games be included under the same section? 8)
The Sega SG-1000 and SG-1000 II should be listed under their own, combined category for hardware as they are technologically different from what became the Master System. (Which is why no backwards compatibility) ;) Perhaps the section could be titled "Sega SG-1000 Series Hardware"...
I was about to add my 2MB Gold Cartridge of Out Run for the Mark III to the database when, alas, there was no appropriate section to be found. Doh! ^^;
Ahoyhoy! I agree with Rachel :) There should be a section to add Sega Mark III / Sega Master System [JP] games to the database. The Mark III (which is the same hardware as the Master System without the Japan-only built in FM synthesis module) runs all games from the previous SG-1000 series. Now here is my question, should the cartridge and rom card games be included under the same section? 8)
The Sega SG-1000 and SG-1000 II should be listed under their own, combined category for hardware as they are technologically different from what became the Master System. (Which is why no backwards compatibility) ;) Perhaps the section could be titled "Sega SG-1000 Series Hardware"...
I was about to add my 2MB Gold Cartridge of Out Run for the Mark III to the database when, alas, there was no appropriate section to be found. Doh! ^^;
1: Yes. The Master System took carts or cards, so.
2: Good idea but having two systems under one category might cause some confusion.
Well I guess it's best not to cause confusion.
So, can we please have a Sega Master System [JP] selection for the games database? ;D I only see an SG-1000 II [JP] selection on the list...
Just been through the list of available hardware categories and I've got a few requests *Is shot* -
Arcade could use categories for the IGS PGM, IGS PGM2 and the Taito F3 specifically as well as some sort of generic "arcade board" option for units that don't use carts or similar swappable media (unless you do want a million listings for every variant of every arcade board ever o.O).
PC could use (admittedly just for my own benefit) a PC [CHN] section as well as variations on Steam for users from other regions (so [EU]/[JP] etc or however you want to split it).
Amiga needs an [EU] category too, and ideally a split into standard and AGA (so there would be Amiga [EU]/[US] and Amiga AGA [EU]/[US] listings). AGA games had their own releases and do not work on standard Amiga hardware.
Also Japanese computers need some more categories added - PC-88, PC-98, X68000
(sorry :S)
we need a action max hardware also here is some consoles we need to add because they are owned by 1 or more people and to me the other categorie should be for knock offs like the pop station and those arcade sticks with 10 games in side
rca studio ii
pong hardware (yes we have talk about this before but at this point its starting to clutter up the other hardware category)
some thing for coleco tabletop arcade: (
game wave family entertainment system
m1000 / mp1000
Nuon (i'm not sure if this count as a video game)
Apple Pippin
tandy video information system
Some more that need adding -
Atari ST [US]
Atari ST[EU]
Mega CD [EU]
Mega Drive [CHN]
Mega Drive [KOR]
Neo Geo Pocket Colour [JP]
Neo Geo Pocket Colour [EU]
Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console [JP]
Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console [EU]
PC - Digital Download [EU]
PC - Digital Download [JP]
Sega 32X [JP]
Sega 32X [EU]
I realise that a lot of these won't exactly be red-hot categories with thousands of entries but they'll definitely have nothing in them if they don't exist! ^^~
A couple more:
Nintendo 3DS [AU[
Wii [AU]
Nintendo VS [NA]
PC - Digital Download [EU]
PC - Digital Download [JP]
I would prefer a unified digital download category, myself...
I would prefer a unified digital download category, myself...
I think that would get confusing. Take TERA for example - you can buy it as a digital download in Korea, Japan, the US and the EU... but each one is run by a different company, on different servers, and they don't even play the same as each other (special events run at different times, different XP rates, different censorship, etc) so they really aren't the same game at all.
I agree that for Steam games then there's really no difference between my copy of Portal 2 vs. anybody else's copy of Portal 2, but I think for at least non-Steam (and non-GOG) games we need to recognise the region.
Fair point.
Just had a thought - wouldn't it be easier to have region selectable separately from the format? So when you were adding an item you pick "Neo Geo Pocket" (for example) and then be given a choice of region afterwards. For formats that had different names in different regions (PC Engine/TurboGrafx, Mega Drive/Genesis, etc) just make sure there's a note about it in the style guide or at the top of the page or something, because obviously there's no such thing as a US PC Engine game or an EU Genesis game.
I was just thinking that might be more straightforward because then there'd always be a single complete set of regions for all formats without having to add them as totally unique categories each time.
I have no idea how the database works, so this is probably too much work or too difficult to do or something, but I thought I'd put the idea out there (if it's not been said before).
Just had a thought - wouldn't it be easier to have region selectable separately from the format? So when you were adding an item you pick "Neo Geo Pocket" (for example) and then be given a choice of region afterwards. For formats that had different names in different regions (PC Engine/TurboGrafx, Mega Drive/Genesis, etc) just make sure there's a note about it in the style guide or at the top of the page or something, because obviously there's no such thing as a US PC Engine game or an EU Genesis game.
I was just thinking that might be more straightforward because then there'd always be a single complete set of regions for all formats without having to add them as totally unique categories each time.
I have no idea how the database works, so this is probably too much work or too difficult to do or something, but I thought I'd put the idea out there (if it's not been said before).
That's not a bad idea but I probably won't make any changes to it right now. Eventually there will be platform pages, that do list the regions and other basic meta-data regarding the consoles.
Ahhh too much stuff on my to-do list!
Ahhh too much stuff on my to-do list!
You need more staffers. ;) wink wink nudge nudge
That's not a bad idea but I probably won't make any changes to it right now. Eventually there will be platform pages, that do list the regions and other basic meta-data regarding the consoles.
Ahhh too much stuff on my to-do list!
Well I'm not complaining that it hasn't happened, I was just thinking aloud :)
Matt -
Anything I could do to help...I have the time.
Can you set us up with the Wii U categories? I'd like to start adding launch games ahead of time so we're ready when it comes out next month.
Here's a few I thought of. I'll edit it as I go:
- Atari
- Atari 5200 Accessory [NA]
- Atari 7800 Accessory [NA]
- Sega Other
- Sega SG-1000 [JP] (rename to this to make more sense)
- Sega SG-1000 Hardware
- Sega SC-3000 Hardware
- Sega Mark III [JP]
- Sega Mark III Hardware
Another one - Wii [JP]
I can only sound like an arsehole when saying this so I may as well just get it out the way (sorry):
I've got about 100 more games I can add under the current categories, which will bring my total up to about 800 games listed in my collection here. My actual collection has over 1100 games, with most of my rarest/unique/interesting games unable to be listed. I realise that these things aren't worked on by magic database elves but I would like some idea of when missing regions/formats are going to be added ^^~
I know that Steam (for example) is essentially region free and I could list my Steam games under Steam [NA] and still sleep at night... but when we're being so specific with everything else, even down to the barcode/item number, it seems silly to fudge it. I could also list missing items under "Other"... but then I'm going to have to re-classify about 300 games at some point down the line!
Currently, Matt and Scott are the only ones who can add categories. I'll see if I can get one of them in here to add the last few requested categories.
These are the requested categories that need to be added, I copied them from the various requests. I left out the PC/MAC categories because I'm not sure if anything has been decided on those yet. Also, the WiiU categories still need to be fixed (Hardware [JP] and [EU] need to be removed.)
Atari ST [US]
Atari ST [EU]
Mega CD [EU]
Mega Drive [CHN]
Mega Drive [KOR]
Neo Geo Pocket Colour [JP]
Neo Geo Pocket Colour [EU]
Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console [JP]
Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console [EU]
Sega 32X [JP]
Sega 32X [EU]
Nintendo 3DS [AU]
Wii [AU]
WiiWare [AU]
Virtual Console [AU]
Nintendo VS [NA]
Atari 5200 Accessory [NA]
Atari 7800 Accessory [NA]
Sega SG-1000 [JP] (rename to this to make more sense)
Sega SG-1000 Hardware
Sega SC-3000 Hardware
Sega Mark III [JP]
Sega Mark III Hardware
Wii [JP]
WiiWare [JP]
Virtual Console [JP]
Not sure about these ones, regions, etc?
- Commadore Amiga CD32
- Memorex VIS
- Apple Bandai Pippin
- CreatiVision
- RCA Studio II
- Gizmondo
- Sammy Atomiswave
- APF MP-1000
- Casette Vision
- Xavix Port
Thank you ^^~
PC [CHN]/[KOR] is actually the one I need the most, I have over 100 games that fall under those listings alone! :o
Amiga absolutely needs an [EU] category, it was massive over here in the 80s/90s.
You missed off the PC-FX from your list, it's the successor to PC-Engine -
Personally I'd make sure *every* format has [US]/[EU]/[JP]/[CHN]/[KOR] options no matter what - I realise that would create some redundancy but it's far less frustrating to have an option and not need to use it than to be sitting on hundreds of games that you're willing to add but unable to.
Currently, Matt and Scott are the only ones who can add categories. I'll see if I can get one of them in here to add the last few requested categories.
These are the requested categories that need to be added, I copied them from the various requests. I left out the PC/MAC categories because I'm not sure if anything has been decided on those yet. Also, the WiiU categories still need to be fixed (Hardware [JP] and [EU] need to be removed.)
Atari ST [US]
Atari ST [EU]
Mega CD [EU]
Mega Drive [CHN]
Mega Drive [KOR]
Neo Geo Pocket Colour [JP]
Neo Geo Pocket Colour [EU]
Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console [JP]
Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console [EU]
Sega 32X [JP]
Sega 32X [EU]
Nintendo 3DS [AU]
Wii [AU]
WiiWare [AU]
Virtual Console [AU]
Nintendo VS [NA]
Atari 5200 Accessory [NA]
Atari 7800 Accessory [NA]
Sega SG-1000 [JP] (rename to this to make more sense)
Sega SG-1000 Hardware
Sega SC-3000 Hardware
Sega Mark III [JP]
Sega Mark III Hardware
Wii [JP]
WiiWare [JP]
Virtual Console [JP]
Thank you ^^~
PC [CHN]/[KOR] is actually the one I need the most, I have over 100 games that fall under those listings alone! :o
Amiga absolutely needs an [EU] category, it was massive over here in the 80s/90s.
You missed off the PC-FX from your list, it's the successor to PC-Engine -
Personally I'd make sure *every* format has [US]/[EU]/[JP]/[CHN]/[KOR] options no matter what - I realise that would create some redundancy but it's far less frustrating to have an option and not need to use it than to be sitting on hundreds of games that you're willing to add but unable to.
Added all of these. Except for the Sega Mark III. As far as I can tell the Mark III is a variant of the Sega Master System and if it is, the hardware should be listed in with the rest of the Master System hardware. And the games would be Master System games, yes?
Added all of these.
Thanks scott!
Added all of these. Except for the Sega Mark III. As far as I can tell the Mark III is a variant of the Sega Master System and if it is, the hardware should be listed in with the rest of the Master System hardware. And the games would be Master System games, yes?
Strictly speaking, the Master System is a variant of the Mark III. They are the same system though, so a Japanese Master System game = Japanese Mark III game.
Thank you so much for adding those categories! Just one thing I'd like clearing up if it won't get me banned for being annoying - what's going on with arcade games? "Arcade conversion" seems to really be "Arcade other"... a conversion is actually an original board of <Game A> that has been overwritten with the code of <Game B>, which isn't the case here.
As far as I am aware. An arcade conversion is a machine that has had its art striped or covered and a whole different PCB installed in place of the original. I've never heard of an arcade conversion being one game being overwritten by another.
We're talking about different things then - when I hear "arcade conversion" I think of situations like these -
It's basically the arcade equivalent of sending off a donor SNES cart to someone and getting a Star Fox 2/Secret of Mana 2/whatever back in the post.
If the category's meant to be "repurposed arcade cabs" then those Atomiswave games need to go because they aren't what you're on about. We really need a catch-all "Arcade PCBs" category for anything that's not already been specified.
Strictly speaking, the Master System is a variant of the Mark III. They are the same system though, so a Japanese Master System game = Japanese Mark III game.
I suggest adding it as Sega Mark III / Master System [JP] under Sega Master System then - since they renamed the system after its release.
I just noticed there's no Playstation Network entry for the Vita.
I guess it would have to be something like PlayStation Network (PSV) [NA] or PlayStation Network (Vita) [NA]... something like that.
Kk, I'll get it added.
I think we should have the Neo Geo X listed
Atari 2600 [EU]
I'll see if I can get these added tonight, unless Matt can get it first. :)
We'll need a Wii U eshop category somewhere.
I think we should have the Neo Geo X listed
Atari 2600 [EU]
I'll get that Wii U eShop added soon.
Missing computer categories:
-ZX Spectrum [EU]
-VC 20 [EU]
-C16 [EU]
-Amiga Hardware [EU]
just picked it up last week the Turbografx-16 Express [NA]
just picked it up last week the Turbografx-16 Express [NA]
The Turbo Express uses the same games as the Turbografx 16, so there's no need for this category to be added.
Amiga Hardware [EU]
Amiga Hardware [EU]
Amiga Hardware of all regions should be listed under the "Amiga Hardware" section. Up until this morning it was accidentally listed as "Amiga Hardware [NA]". But that has since been fixed, sorry for the confusion.
I'll get to adding the other requests soon.
just picked it up last week the Turbografx-16 Express [NA]
The Turbo Express uses the same games as the Turbografx 16, so there's no need for this category to be added.
sorry i ment the hardware
Strictly speaking, the Master System is a variant of the Mark III. They are the same system though, so a Japanese Master System game = Japanese Mark III game.
I suggest adding it as Sega Mark III / Master System [JP] under Sega Master System then - since they renamed the system after its release.
I agree with kimimi and foxhack ;) But...WHEN will we see a Master System [JP] OR Sega Mark III [JP] OR Sega Mark III / Master System [JP] console added to the database? So many months have passed and there still is no category. :'(
Really? crap.
-ZX Spectrum [EU]
-VC 20 [EU]
-C16 [EU]
Also added the JP Sega Master System. Sorry about that. :-\
Thanks! :D
I'll get that Wii U eShop added soon.
And for each region please, that'd be very nice. :)
-ZX Spectrum [EU]
-VC 20 [EU]
-C16 [EU]
Also added the JP Sega Master System. Sorry about that. :-\
I'll get that Wii U eShop added soon.
And for each region please, that'd be very nice. :)
Yup I'll get it added. Probably tonight.
Added Wii U eShops for each region... coulda swore I already added it for NA at somepoint.
We need the neo geo x listed along with ninja masters
There are categories for both Neo Geo X Hardaware and Neo Geo X [NA] in the database already.
There are categories for both Neo Geo X Hardaware and Neo Geo X [NA] in the database already.
Oh sorry, I guess I did not notice them because they had no items in them. Anyways, I submitted both the Neo geo x gold LE and the ninja masters game pack, but I accidently submitted duppes. ;D Sorry about that.
No problem. :)
Added Wii U eShops for each region... coulda swore I already added it for NA at somepoint.
Thanks! :)
Edit: You should maybe rename the 3DS eShop from Nintendo eShop [NA] to Nintendo eShop (3DS) [NA]. Some Wii U eShop titles are already listet under the 3DS eShop. ( and
Change Steam [US] to Steam ?
odyssey 2 accessory
Are we allowed to add old 80's handheld games like Tandy or Mattel LED handhelds? If so what section is the best to put them in? Hardware? Other?
I'd suggest putting them in "Other" for now. I'll see about getting the Tandy handhelds subcategory added to the Tandy category.
Are we allowed to add old 80's handheld games like Tandy or Mattel LED handhelds? If so what section is the best to put them in? Hardware? Other?
There is an LCD category.
I just added a strange variant of Bomberman Party Edition.
Get this - the item has an NTSC-J code, and Japanese packaging and manuals... and one manual in Chinese / English. And the obi strip has Chinese, too. Were Playstation games released in Hong Kong?
They were. I have a few Hong Kong/Taiwan region PS2 games that are NTSC-J encoded and come with English/Chinese instructions.
They were. I have a few Hong Kong/Taiwan region PS2 games that are NTSC-J encoded and come with English/Chinese instructions.
Wow. Then I think we need a couple of new platform regions.
The Chinese region would cover these wouldn't it? I'm not aware of any official mainland China releases for PS2 that would warrant the need for a distinction between that and Hong Kong/Taiwan (and if we did make that distinction, then wouldn't we also need to do the same for UK/FR/DE, etc PS2 games instead of just listing them as EU?).
While we're on the subject Korea has also had its own Wii and DS releases :)
I'm not sure the PS1 and PS2 were released in China.
I mean, since their government seems to hate console games over there or something. :P
Hong Kong/Taiwan are a part of China though - drawing a line between mainland and autonomous region releases would be like creating a category just for games released in Gibraltar.
Basically, I don't think most people will know, even less will care and I don't think it's worth more than a quick comment in the notes field anyway :)
Are we allowed to add old 80's handheld games like Tandy or Mattel LED handhelds? If so what section is the best to put them in? Hardware? Other?
BTW, Mattel handhelds have their own section:
Hong Kong/Taiwan are a part of China though - drawing a line between mainland and autonomous region releases would be like creating a category just for games released in Gibraltar.
Basically, I don't think most people will know, even less will care and I don't think it's worth more than a quick comment in the notes field anyway :)
Well, Wikipedia says gaming consoles have been banned in mainland China since June 2000. So I don't see the point in having a Chinese section for console games. PC gaming is a different thing, of course.
Well, Wikipedia says gaming consoles have been banned in mainland China since June 2000. So I don't see the point in having a Chinese section for console games. PC gaming is a different thing, of course.
I think part of the confusion is that there are two release regions over there that share the same region encoding - JP and AS (rest of Asia). In the case of the PS2, they're both encoded as NTSC-J, and so fairly interchangeable, but this is one way that companies were essentially able to get around any restrictions for different areas. If you head over to Play-Asia (which is based in and ships from Hong Kong), NCSX, etc. you'll find just about every Japanese release has an Asian region counterpart, some of which are also really friendly to English-speaking importers.
Stuff like this is why I recently suggested we indicate region encoding in the details for each game, though. Helps clear up a lot of the confusion if you know that the "Chinese" release is actually an "Asian" release because it's encoded a particular way, for example, as opposed to whether it's genuinely exclusive to a particular country that doesn't fit into one of the main release areas.
I have 3 tapes for the Timex Sinclair 1000 but there is nothing under Timex or Sinclair.
Commodore VIC-20 [NA] section is missing, [EU] section already exists.
Is "PlayStation Network (Vita)" able to be changed to "PlayStation Network (Vita) (NA)" (which it is on detail view anyway) and get "PlayStation Network (Vita) (EU)" and "PlayStation Network (Vita) (JP)" added in?
I searched and didn't see any mention, though I might've missed it, but it'd be good to see the PC-98 added. There's admittedly a lot of hentai games for it, but a few gems to be found, like Night Slave and Rude Breaker.
I need the PC-98 and the PC-88 added if I'm ever to list everything I own, so yeah - please add!
Sega Saturn (Brazil) needs a spot too.
where is the smartphone section (or tablet)
i don't own a smartphone but i think if PC is here then smartphones should be here
and there are also smartphone controllers to add as accesories
where is the smartphone section (or tablet)
i don't own a smartphone but i think if PC is here then smartphones should be here
and there are also smartphone controllers to add as accesories
smartphones/tablets are not consoles or a pc, these devices and OSes designed and marketed for/as high powered phones, its the media and accessories companies that are pushing it as a gaming device and the only reason they this, is because they have nowhere else to go with these devices with out rehashing the same old stuff.
... what he means is that we're not sure how to handle smartphones, if we ever do.
... what he means is that we're not sure how to handle smartphones, if we ever do.
i was just pointing out that smartphones are not consoles or a pc but you do revealed another problem with adding smartphones, there are to many smartphones and smartphone games to add and all of them are disposable, this would make thing's vary difficult for everyone.
Why would it be that hard? Just separate them by Android, IPhone, Windows 8, and pre-smart phone. N-Gage is already in there, right?
Sorry for the delay on all these requests guys. I've finally got some spare time today and I'll be going through added everything I can.
Thanks for your patience!
Why would it be that hard? Just separate them by Android, IPhone, Windows 8, and pre-smart phone. N-Gage is already in there, right?
N-Gage was a short-lived system that used carts, so the software library is fairly limited.
There's a lot of garbage released for phones. A LOT. Not to mention that some of these games will only work in certain hardware configurations, or certain models, or worse.
So I'm against adding phones / smartphones as a supported platform. There. I said it. This is MY OPINION and it doesn't represent the position of VGCollect, the site, and the admins as a whole.
I'm actually with foxhack on this one too. Pretty much verbatim.
Why would it be that hard? Just separate them by Android, IPhone, Windows 8, and pre-smart phone. N-Gage is already in there, right?
there is at least 100 to 300 thousand games if we combining all them on android,iphone,windows 8 and pre smart phone, that's is just unmanageable.
the n-gage is a different story then other smartphones, the original intention for the n-gage was not to be a phone but to be handheld console but when nokia didn't think it would sell well against the GBA, so they added the phone and symbian os part of the device
So I'm against adding phones / smartphones as a supported platform. There. I said it. This is MY OPINION and it doesn't represent the position of VGCollect, the site, and the admins as a whole.
Totally support this. Disposable devices with disposable content designed to make a quick buck, and no established model for... well, much of anything. I like my phone, but I won't spend a dime on software or games for it, and it seems silly to treat it as a legitimate platform.
It's your guys' site, so it's up to you. But isn't most of the adding info work done by members, anyways?
Alrighty folks, Sorry again for the delay. But the following are now available to population in the database!
Commodore VIC-20 [NA]
PlayStation Network (Vita) [EU]
PlayStation Network (Vita) [JP]
Sega Saturn
Timex Sinclair 1000 [NA]
here is all of the models of the pc 98: (
... yeah, we're NOT going to add all of those. Yeesh. That'd be like adding all of Compaq's PC models.
There's no need to, just a single PC-98 category would do nicely - hardware variations =/= software variations.
There's no need to, just a single PC-98 category would do nicely - hardware variations =/= software variations.
Besides - if certain software requires specific hardware, users can just write that down in the entry itself. ^^
here is some more thats missing
PS2 (AU)
XBox (AU)
Game King
PC Shareware
I think we decided we wouldn't be covering PC Shareware a long while back. Which sucks for me, since I have a lot of stuff, but eh.
Yup, looks like Foxhack's right.,1810.msg17634.html#msg17634
Yup, looks like Foxhack's right.,1810.msg17634.html#msg17634 (,1810.msg17634.html#msg17634)
alright but the other things need to be added
PS2 (AU)
xbox (AU)
amiga cd32 (canadian)
amiga cd32 (EU)
zx spectrum
Game King
Vectrex [EU]
There are many games for that system in EU edition.
I'll work on these tonight.
alright but the other things need to be added
PS2 (AU)
xbox (AU)
amiga cd32 (canadian)
amiga cd32 (EU)
zx spectrum
Game King
Vectrex [EU]
There are many games for that system in EU edition.
OK I got these added. Sorry for the delay.
Added the following to the database as well:
PlayStation 4 Hardware
PlayStation 4 Accessory
PlayStation 4 (AU)
PlayStation 4 (EU)
PlayStation 4 (JP)
PlayStation 4 (NA)
Xbox One Hardware
Xbox One Accessory
Xbox One (AU)
Xbox One (EU)
Xbox One (NA)
I think it's a bit too early for that, scott. :p
Less than 6 months to go? Plus it'll let people put things in their wishlists.
if it isn't a fuss
you can add
DLC separately
wii U virutal console
smartphones games and accesories (not that there are many insteresting games on there)
onlive, OUYA and gamestick
and maybe add an option to add consoles becuase i cannot figure out very well how to use this fourm
Wii U Virtual Console is already there, look under Wii U E Shop. There are no plans to include phone games. We haven't really talked much about Ouya yet, so I have no idea how/when that will be added.
the ouya for me, go's in to the same category as smartphones games which means don't add it,
but why the wii and 3ds VC are seprate but wii U isn't
and i still think you can add one section for DLC and onlive
and i really think 1 section for DLC on all consoles will really help the site
but why not just add an option for adding consoles
you can also add old console advances and peripherals
such as
32X CD games
arcade card (PC engine)
turbo duo
and Aladdin deck enhancer (nes) and dettaku (famicom)
but that is only if you want your site to be awesome
you can also add old console advances and peripherals
such as
32X CD games
arcade card (PC engine)
turbo duo
and Aladdin deck enhancer (nes) and dettaku (famicom)
but that is only if you want your site to be awesome
32X CD games are already in the database (as Sega CD games.)
Arcade Card should probably be under
Turbo Duo is listed under TurboGrafx-16 / PC Engine hardware.
Aladdin Deck Enhancer:
... and I have no idea what that... Dettaku is?
you can also add old console advances and peripherals
such as
32X CD games
arcade card (PC engine)
turbo duo
and Aladdin deck enhancer (nes) and dettaku (famicom)
but that is only if you want your site to be awesome
32X CD games are already in the database (as Sega CD games.)
Arcade Card should probably be under
Turbo Duo is listed under TurboGrafx-16 / PC Engine hardware.
Aladdin Deck Enhancer:
... and I have no idea what that... Dettaku is?
for 32X cd games it is hard to know if to put them in 32x or sega cd
for the arcade card and turbo duo i meant GAMES only compatible with arcade card or turbo duo (games that require more ram such as dynastic heroes only compatible with turbo duo)
also i meant aladdin deck enhancer GAMES
dettaku is the Japanese Aladdin deck enhancer
but i guess everything can go into different catagories (nes, famicom, sega cd, turbografxcd) and it isn't worth the fuss
but why the wii and 3ds VC are seprate but wii U isn't
and i still think you can add one section for DLC and onlive
and i really think 1 section for DLC on all consoles will really help the site
but why not just add an option for adding consoles
On the Wii U, there is no actual "Virtual Console". Everything is sort of lumped together in the eShop. Even Nintendo's own website doesn't differentiate. Everything is listed as an eShop download.
The staff has been discussing different ways to handle DLC and I expect we will be making a formal decision/announcement after the massive site upgrade.
Wii U Virtual Console is already there, look under Wii U E Shop. There are no plans to include phone games. We haven't really talked much about Ouya yet, so I have no idea how/when that will be added.
why you don't include phone games but include PC games?
Wii U Virtual Console is already there, look under Wii U E Shop. There are no plans to include phone games. We haven't really talked much about Ouya yet, so I have no idea how/when that will be added.
why you don't include phone games but include PC games?
Because PCs have been considered a legitimate gaming machine for years and years...and most people who collect games don't consider smartphone apps a real gaming experience?
why you don't include phone games but include PC games?
Because PCs have been considered a legitimate gaming machine for years and years...and most people who collect games don't consider smartphone apps a real gaming experience?
I agree with this statement....
I only now realized that there is no listing for the Watara Supervision by the way.... I only have 2 games for it, so no biggie really....
Hi guys! Can you please add the Nintendo 3DS eShop for Japan? :) For example, the games such as Kirby's Adventure 3D which are not classified as Virtual Console games.
you can also add old console advances and peripherals
such as
32X CD games
arcade card (PC engine)
turbo duo
and Aladdin deck enhancer (nes) and dettaku (famicom)
but that is only if you want your site to be awesome
The Dettaku (Datach) is already in database
Sharp X68000 is missing.
Can this be added:
- Nintendo eShop (3DS) [EU]
- Nintendo eShop (3DS) [NA]
- Nintendo eShop (3DS) [JP]
Instead of just 'Nintendo eShop [NA]'? (since Wii U got its own as well)
Can this be added:
- Nintendo eShop (3DS) [EU]
- Nintendo eShop (3DS) [NA]
- Nintendo eShop (3DS) [JP]
Instead of just 'Nintendo eShop [NA]'? (since Wii U got its own as well)
but isn't there plans to merge the 2
Can this be added:
- Nintendo eShop (3DS) [EU]
- Nintendo eShop (3DS) [NA]
- Nintendo eShop (3DS) [JP]
Instead of just 'Nintendo eShop [NA]'? (since Wii U got its own as well)
but isn't there plans to merge the 2
- Nintendo eShop [EU]
- Nintendo eShop [NA]
- Nintendo eShop [JP]
How about this?
Right now I'm adding my 3DS eShop software and there is no [EU] section (and no [JP] section either).
I also noticed there is not [EU] and [JP] section for DSiWare.
Working on adding all of these these now. Sorry for the delay.
Added the Following:
Sharp X68000 Hardware
Sharp X68000 [JP]
Nintendo 3DS eShop [EU]
Nintendo 3DS eShop [JP]
Nintendo 3DS eShop [NA]
Supervision Hardware
Supervision [JP]
Supervision [EU]
Thank you.
Could you please also add:
DSiWare [EU]
DSiWare [JP]
Right now, there's only DSiWare [NA].
Excellent! :D :D
Thank you ;D
We need these categories please :)
PSN (PS4) [NA]
PSN (PS4) [EU]
Can you please add
Wii U [AU]
I was busy all weekend with pre-Christmas stuff. I'll get these added in tonight, sorry for the delay.
PSN (PS4) [NA]
PSN (PS4) [EU]
Wii U [AU]
All added!
Microvision [EU] if possible alldo it should be Dutch, Englisch, French and German
NGage [EU]
Mega Duck [EU]
Cougar Boy [South America]
Tapwave Zodiac [EU]
Digiblast [EU]
can you add these
mattel aquarius
mattel hyper scan
acorn electron
epoch cassette vision
epoch super cassette vision
coleco telstar arcade
vtech creati vision
game wave
mega duck
APF MP1000
apple bandai pippin
tomy pyuuta
tomy tutor
Windows Phone Store
Apple Store perhaps for iPhone/iPod/iPad users
Google Play for Android users (scratched as I got my answer in the reply below)
Xbox Live Games on Demand [EU]
Xbox Live Indie Games [EU]
Perhaps change PC Digital Download title to not have the NA? PC games can mostly be downloaded worldwide so I don't see a reason for region on that.
Also in regards to that..a suggestion, which you might talk amongst you admins about, is maybe have a whole PC Digital Download section? With, Steam, Desura, Origin, Uplay.. the "big" ones. Instead of having a title in Digital Download adding ( in the title.
Windows Phone Store
Apple Store perhaps for iPhone/iPod/iPad users
Google Play for Android users
long ago, we agreed that we will not be adding any phone games
the only exception we made is the n gage, this was do to it small library of games and that it still used physical media also the app stores have thousands of game's and putting all of them on the server would take a lot of space
also can you add vic 20 accessory,arcadia 2001 hardware and RCA studio 2
Microvision [EU]
NGage [EU]
Mega Duck [EU]
Cougar Boy [South America]
Tapwave Zodiac [EU]
Digiblast [EU]
Sorry. I'll see if I can get these things all added in tonight.
Could You please also add:
Sega PICO [JP],
Sega PICO [EU],
Microvision [EU],
SABA Videoplay [EU] (European version of Fairchild Channel F),
N-Gage [EU] .
These categories are now in the database! Sorry for the wait.
Microvision [EU]
Mega Duck Hardware
Mega Duck [EU]
Cougar Boy Hardware
Cougar Boy [SA]
Tapwave Zodiac [EU]
digiBlast Hardware
digiBlast [EU]
SABA Videoplay [EU]
N-Gage Hardware
N-Gage [EU]
Sega Pico Hardware
Sega Pico [JP]
Sega Pico [EU]
Commodore VIC-20 Accessory
BBC Micro Hardware
BBC Micro [EU]
Xbox Live Games on Demand [EU]
Xbox Live Indie Games [EU]
Arcadia 2001 Hardware
Arcadia 2001 [NA]
RCA Studio II Hardware (Didn't add regions yet, since I don't know where it was all released)
These ones I need to do some more research on them.
can you add these
mattel aquarius
mattel hyper scan
acorn electron
epoch cassette vision
epoch super cassette vision
coleco telstar arcade
vtech creati vision
game wave
mega duck
APF MP1000
apple bandai pippin
tomy pyuuta
tomy tutor
I thought a lot of those were under "hardware" - pong systems like the telestar for example. Unless there's a generic pong category for all those millions of pong systems from the 70's.
I was also noticing that there's no Apple II accessory category for things like apple II joysticks, which I wanted to add. I thought of putting it in hardware at first but was not sure.
I'll get it added.
I thought a lot of those were under "hardware" - pong systems like the telestar for example. Unless there's a generic pong category for all those millions of pong systems from the 70's.
i'm not sure is you are talking about coleco telstar arcade but if you are, the arcade used cartridges which make it technically not a pong console
Added Apple II Accessory to the database.
Thx Scott.
Microvision checked ;D
I thought a lot of those were under "hardware" - pong systems like the telestar for example. Unless there's a generic pong category for all those millions of pong systems from the 70's.
i'm not sure is you are talking about coleco telstar arcade but if you are, the arcade used cartridges which make it technically not a pong console
You're right, I was thinking of the other coleco telstars. I would tend to agree that if a system has removable media it should have it's own category under perhaps a general "miscellaneous" category?
Added Apple II Accessory to the database.
Thank you Scott :)
I have a question as a Tandy Coco fan - why is the hardware under "Tandy" but the software is under "Other"? Shouldn't it be like other categories like how Atari has hardware and software under a main "Atari" umbrella?
Shouldn't it be "Tandy" or TRS-80 as a main heading with hardware and software as sub-categories?
Sorry mods, just spit-ballin :)
When we first started we had a generic other listing for a few things we didn't know what to do with yet. I've got a few of them into Matt to get changed to new locations. But like everything, there is always more work to be done.
ok thanks hope it didn't come across as pushy :)
Perhaps change PC Digital Download title to not have the NA? PC games can mostly be downloaded worldwide so I don't see a reason for region on that.
Also in regards to that..a suggestion, which you might talk amongst you admins about, is maybe have a whole PC Digital Download section? With, Steam, Desura, Origin, Uplay.. the "big" ones. Instead of having a title in Digital Download adding ( in the title.
You did not provide an answer for these two points :)
Perhaps change PC Digital Download title to not have the NA? PC games can mostly be downloaded worldwide so I don't see a reason for region on that.
Also in regards to that..a suggestion, which you might talk amongst you admins about, is maybe have a whole PC Digital Download section? With, Steam, Desura, Origin, Uplay.. the "big" ones. Instead of having a title in Digital Download adding ( in the title.
You did not provide an answer for these two points :)
We've talked about as it's own listing now. I honestly don't remember why I put [NA] at the end of Digital Download, ha.
I was wondering, could the Philips in2it also be added to the list?
Its more a multimedia learning handheld console wich wasnt officially released.
It might be handy to move N-Gage [NA] from other to N-Gage.
It might be handy to move N-Gage [NA] from other to N-Gage.
Yup I told matt about that when I made the other N-Gage categories. I'll remind him tomorrow, since he's gonna be gone all day today.
It might be handy to move N-Gage [NA] from other to N-Gage.
Yup I told matt about that when I made the other N-Gage categories. I'll remind him tomorrow, since he's gonna be gone all day today.
Glad to hear it - Matt definitely deserves a day off!
We're going to need Nintendo Other -> Nintendo Mini Classics. There are a bunch of these under Game & Watch and they don't belong.
K I'll try to get it added tonight.
K I'll try to get it added tonight.
can you add these
mattel aquarius accessory
mattel aquarius hardware
mattel aquarius [NA]
mattel aquarius [AU] (source of info (
mattel hyper scan hardware
mattel hyper scan booster card packs ( ( of info (
mattel hyper scan [NA]
acorn electron accessory
acorn electron hardware
acorn electron [EU]
epoch cassette vision hardware
epoch cassette vision [JP]
epoch super cassette vision hardware (info (
epoch super cassette vision [EU]
epoch super cassette vision [JP]
coleco telstar arcade hardware
coleco telstar arcade [NA]
vtech creati vision accessory
vtech creati vision hardware
vtech creati vision [NA]
vtech creati vision [EU]
vtech creati vision [JP]
vtech creati vision [South Africa] ( ( of info (
vtech creati vision [China Australasia]
ZAPiT Game Wave hardware
ZAPiT Game Wave [Canada]
mega duck\cougar boy hardware
mega duck [Hong Kong]
mega duck [EU]
cougar boy [South America]
APF MP1000 accessory
APF MP1000 hardware
APF MP1000 [NA]
nuon hardware (source of info (
nuon [NA]
nuon [EU]
nuon [Korea]
apple bandai pippin hardware
apple bandai pippin [NA]
apple bandai pippin [EU]
apple bandai pippin [JP]
bandai playdia hardware
Bandai Playdia [JP]
tomy pyuuta/grand stand tutor/tomy tutor hardware (source of info (
tomy pyuuta [JP]
grand stand Tutor [EU]
tomy tutor [NA]
SSD Company XaviXPORT hardware (source of info (
SSD Company XaviXPORT [NA]
SSD Company XaviXPORT [EU]
SSD Company XaviXPORT [JP]
SSD Company XaviXPORT [Russia]
SSD Company XaviXPORT [Thailand]
Memorex \ Tandy VIS hardware
Memorex \ Tandy VIS [NA]
RCA studio II hardware
RCA studio II [NA]
RCA studio II [JP]
How many of those are actually needed?
We're going to need Nintendo Other -> Nintendo Mini Classics. There are a bunch of these under Game & Watch and they don't belong.
How many of those are actually needed?
Short answer: none.
Long answer: Maybe Telstar?
I already added Mega Duck a few weeks ago.
How many of those are actually needed?
adding these will clean up the other category a lot, the other category should be used for pong consoles and unreleased hardware that dont fit anywhere else
Yes, but does anyone here actually have games for all those systems? Personally, I'd rather wait and add them as needed, as opposed to creating a ton of categories that nobody will ever use. And I also think we should consider adding a "Dedicated Console" category under "Other" for all the pong type games that don't have removable media. Coleco Telstar Arcade should probably get it's own category though. I've seen that pop up here a few times.
Yes, but does anyone here actually have games for all those systems? Personally, I'd rather wait and add them as needed, as opposed to creating a ton of categories that nobody will ever use. And I also think we should consider adding a "Dedicated Console" category under "Other" for all the pong type games that don't have removable media. Coleco Telstar Arcade should probably get it's own category though. I've seen that pop up here a few times.
these system are on the site, just look for them and you will see people have them in there collection but if you need list of people,
i can give you one
Most [KR] consoles are missing.
I wanted to add my GP32 [KR] games tonight but I can't see the category :(
Also: Sega Saturn (Samsung Saturn), Playstation, SNES (Super Comboy) I would like to add some titles to for now.
Can You add Arcadia 2001 [EU], because now Tele-Fever games (european clone of Arcadia 2001) are under Arcadia 2001 [NA].
can we break up the vic 20 and C64 category like this
VIC-20 Cartridges [NA]
VIC-20 Cartridges [EU]
Commodore 64 Cartridges [NA]
Commodore 64 Cartridges [EU]
VIC-20 Cassettes [NA]
VIC-20 Cassettes [EU]
Commodore 64 Cassettes [NA]
Commodore 64 Cassettes [EU]
As I was adding Wizardry games to the database I noticed a few Japanese computers were missing from the database.
Sharp X1
Sharp MZ2500
It will be nice to add:
- PC-50X consoles,
- WonderSwan Accessory.
How about Turbo-Expres Hardware
Turbo-Expres Accecories
Coleco Sonic
Can we please add:
PlayStation Network (PS3) [JP]
PlayStation Network (PSP) [JP]
PlayStation Network (PS4) [JP]
Toy-to-Life categories? Skylanders and Disney Infinity are just spamming up the Accessory category. As it stands right now the naming convention has been to use the name of the model and then "- Skylanders" or "- Skylanders Figure" or Skylanders and the name of whatever series the figure belongs too. When that's mixed in with the other miscellaneous accessories it becomes a big mess.
- Spyro's Adventure
- Giants
- Swap Force
- Trap Team (Releasing in October but might as well add it now)
Disney Infinity I'm not really familiar with and (the upcoming) Amiibo could probably go under Nintendo Other.
How about Turbo-Expres Hardware
Turbo-Expres Accecories
Here it is:
Nintendo Entertainment System Asian Version [AS] (model: NESA-0001).
NES released for use in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka and Tailand. It is a copy of the European PAL model, but games are in Asian region [AS], and can't be played on PAL consoles.
Could you add:
- Atari 8-bit Computer Accessory,
- Arcadia 2001 [EU],
- PC-50x Hardware,
- WonderSwan Accessory,
- NES [AS] Asian version,
- N64 [AS] Asian version,
- Atari 2600 [AU].
Hi, I have a few PlayStation 3 games that say Region 3 on the back with BLAS-xxxxx for the item number. The instruction manual text is in English and Chinese. PS3 games starting with "BLAS" are listed on the Sony PlayStation Hong Kong website.
Can we please add
PlayStation 3 [HK] or should it be listed as PlayStation 3 [SEA] for Southeast Asia?
Hi, I have a few PlayStation 3 games that say Region 3 on the back with BLAS-xxxxx for the item number. The instruction manual text is in English and Chinese. PS3 games starting with "BLAS" are listed on the Sony PlayStation Hong Kong website.
Can we please add
PlayStation 3 [HK] or should it be listed as PlayStation 3 [SEA] for Southeast Asia?
There is already a category for those Chinese games: PlayStation 3 [CN]
Does the Nuon qualify as a gaming console?
Can you add Playdia [JP] and Intellivision [EU]?
Super Nintendo/Super Famicom (AUS) perhaps?
The Mattel HyperScan didn't appear when I tried adding it to my collection.
Also, the GameStick didn't appear.
The Nvidia Shield also doesn't appear to be in the database.
The Amazon Fire TV should probably also be in the database.
All of these consoles I noted are out in North America, so would have the [NA] after them, including the aforementioned HyperScan.
Game Boy [CN] needs to be added.
Also, the GameStick didn't appear.
The Nvidia Shield also doesn't appear to be in the database.
The Amazon Fire TV should probably also be in the database.
All of these consoles I noted are out in North America, so would have the [NA] after them, including the aforementioned HyperScan.
anything android or IOS dose not get added to the site but hyper scan will be added sometime in the future
So apparently there's a Virtual Console on the Wii U but it's not a real Virtual Console so wtf?
It says "Virtual Console" below. :|
So apparently there's a Virtual Console on the Wii U but it's not a real Virtual Console so wtf?
It says "Virtual Console" below. :|
Amstrad CPC [EU]
Amstrad CPC Hardware [EU]
I 'm not sure if I'm a the right place (I'm french and don't understand everything on this forum).
I would lile to add 2 hardware platforms which are not listed
First one :
Videomaster Superscore :
Second one :
Scomark 4 sports tele :
And one accessory :
Videomaster Superscore Pistol
If someone can tell me how I can do that or maybe who is the person i must contact for this.
Thanks for your replies.
I 'm not sure if I'm a the right place (I'm french and don't understand everything on this forum).
I would lile to add 2 hardware platforms which are not listed
First one :
Videomaster Superscore :
Second one :
Scomark 4 sports tele :
And one accessory :
Videomaster Superscore Pistol
You should create entries for those in the Other category:
anything android or IOS dose not get added to the site ;)
anything android or IOS dose not get added to the site ( ;)
it shouldn't be be on the site as its what we agreed on and sometimes things slip through the cracks ;D
Would the Leapster count? I've seen a couple Leapster systems on the site but no games. Will this get added?
anything android or IOS dose not get added to the site ( ;)
it shouldn't be be on the site as its what we agreed on and sometimes things slip through the cracks ;D
I don't know, it seems weird to be prejudiced against a console based on the operating system it uses. :-\
anything android or IOS dose not get added to the site ( ;)
it shouldn't be be on the site as its what we agreed on and sometimes things slip through the cracks ;D
I don't know, it seems weird to be prejudiced against a console based on the operating system it uses. :-\
The Retron 5 is on the site and it uses Android OS
Android based consoles are ok, but we just don't want a bunch of android software listings.
anything android or IOS dose not get added to the site ( ;)
it shouldn't be be on the site as its what we agreed on and sometimes things slip through the cracks ;D
I don't know, it seems weird to be prejudiced against a console based on the operating system it uses. :-\
The Retron 5 is on the site and it uses Android OS
although the retron 5 uses android, its only the software base and its only used to emulate consoles
There were a lot of games released on floppy disks for the Commodore 64, both in the US and in Europe. Currently such categories does not exist, so, could we add something like:
Commodore 64 Floppy Disks [EU]
Commodore 64 Floppy Disks [NA]
[edit: typo]
There are categories for Atari ST games [EU] & [NA], but no category for Atari ST Hardware. In addition, there is also no category for Commodore 64 Accessory. I propose we add the following:
Atari ST Hardware
Commodore 64 Accessory
It got ignored last time, so I'm going to ask for Game Boy [CN] to be added so I can properly add my Chinese Kirby's Adventure.
It got ignored last time, so I'm going to ask for Game Boy [CN] to be added so I can properly add my Chinese Kirby's Adventure.
I'm pretty sure I added it to the list I compiled for Matt. I'll look into it.