Why do you even bother commenting. It's in the off-topic section of the forum for a reason, that's Marv's style!
Why do you even bother commenting. It's in the off-topic section of the forum for a reason, that's Marv's style!
Why do you even bother commenting. It's in the off-topic section of the forum for a reason, that's Marv's style!
Like most people on this planet, I tend to comment in response to an event or action.
As Flashback stated, the topics are tiresome and there are a LOT of them. Style or not, it's annoying. It may be in the off-topic section of the forums, but it's also CLEARLY listed under the "Latest Threads" on your own personal user page. I really couldn't care less about them if I couldn't see them, but unfortunately, I haven't gone blind yet. It's extremely noticeable. I did make an attempt to hide them myself with an inspect element addon, but that made the site unusable. I hope one of the next features implemented would be a way to hide some of those listings on the user page.
Until then,
that's Marv's style!
that's Marv's style!
I didn't know that "stupid" and "annoying" was a style.
I didn't know that "stupid" and "annoying" was a style.
I didn't know that "stupid" and "annoying" was a style.
You can leave whenever you like
Leave or stay? Come or go? In or Out? Ingress or Egress?I guess this is some kind of reference, is it from the new GooseBlasters movie?
Why do you even bother commenting. It's in the off-topic section of the forum for a reason, that's Marv's style!
Like most people on this planet, I tend to comment in response to an event or action.
As Flashback stated, the topics are tiresome and there are a LOT of them. Style or not, it's annoying. It may be in the off-topic section of the forums, but it's also CLEARLY listed under the "Latest Threads" on your own personal user page. I really couldn't care less about them if I couldn't see them, but unfortunately, I haven't gone blind yet. It's extremely noticeable. I did make an attempt to hide them myself with an inspect element addon, but that made the site unusable. I hope one of the next features implemented would be a way to hide some of those listings on the user page.
Until then,
They started off interesting, but they quickly became uninspired. Hence I didn't leave a response myself.
I dunno, maybe a threshold as to how many new threads you can create per week/day or something. Please don't take it the wrong way Marv, but it's starting to get out of hand and full of nonsense even for the off-topic section of the forum
Hell, new kid, why don't you just tell Marv to shut his trap, that'll make a good impression
Leave or stay? Come or go? In or Out? Ingress or Egress?I guess this is some kind of reference, is it from the new GooseBlasters movie?
I'll bite though, as I'm sure that was the desired reaction.
I'd much rather leave a "good impression" on someone, than to immediately become two-faced on my argument in the very next post.
I'm done. This topic will likely degrade to generic nonsense at this point and should be locked, so I will no longer view or respond to any further comments here.
I'll bite though, as I'm sure that was the desired reaction.
I'd much rather leave a "good impression" on someone, than to immediately become two-faced on my argument in the very next post.
I'm done. This topic will likely degrade to generic nonsense at this point and should be locked, so I will no longer view or respond to any further comments here.
You do realize you're the only one being a big baby here, right? Your compulsion isn't Marv's fault. If something as simple as this is pissing you off, then the internet will be a horrible place for you
Leave or stay? Come or go? In or Out? Ingress or Egress?I guess this is some kind of reference, is it from the new GooseBlasters movie?
No I'm joining Marvs game of "this or that". Choices are great. In fact it's inspired me to create a clickbait website to ask inane questions of "this or that" so that mindless lemmings will be drawn by their zombie like need to have their 2 cents on the great debate of the day like elephant or panda, bun or wrap, Laverne or Shirley, Star Wars or Star Trek. It will make more money than Pokemon Go!