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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: marvelvscapcom2 on September 15, 2016, 02:01:33 pm
Excluding loopholes like "Unlimited wishes" or "I wish for the rule for no unlimited wishes to be gone" or anything like that lol :D.
Also, if you wished for infinite money, do you think that would take the thrill out of collecting for you? I always wondered and thought about it. Like if you had as much money to spend as you liked, you could just go on ebay and buy literally every single game ever made (Exaggeration lol) and it would take the fun out of having to save, search, hunt, try to find deals, and the overall quest aspect of collecting. :)
I think I would wish for immortality, not being able to die basically makes life one big huge video game. you can do anything you want :D and I could be a vigilante like batman and save lives.
When I was younger, it would have been a more selfish wish like every video game console ever (not that I still don't want that, I do).
But now that I have a family, I think I would just want financial security for the rest of my life so my family can live comfortably without any worry about bills and budgets anymore.
When I was younger, it would have been a more selfish wish like every video game console ever (not that I still don't want that, I do).
But now that I have a family, I think I would just want financial security for the rest of my life so my family can live comfortably without any worry about bills and budgets anymore.
I'll take the cash option too.
More money = More time + Less Stress + Endless Possibilities + Helping Folks
I want the make sure I don't have to worry about money. The Boy never has to worry about money. His kids are set up. You get the picture.
Plus, if I have that FU money; I will be able to finish my NES set. ;)
Yeah, if I had unlimited money, I might not hunt or worry about saving money on stuff, but I'd sure have a lot less stress and more time to do what I want.
I'm not a fan of "wishes" regardless. I always have that devil scenario playing in my head. Sure, you're immortal, but you are perpetually sick for the rest of eternity or something. Sure, you have infinite money, but every dollar you spent comes out of the pockets of hard working people who have trouble providing, or the money is marked and you can't use it, or it's monopoly money, or something stupid.
this is a very hard question.
the ability to do something very meaningful.
That everyone in the world could get along.
While unlimited money would be awesome, my wish would be to cure a family member of their debilitating depression. Seeing them be able to live their life the way they want every day without dealing with this issue would undoubtedly be my one and only wish.
The ability to travel to alternate realities. Why bother to play a video game when you can literally jump into that world? Plus, by going to the right worlds, I'd be able to get all kinds of other nifty powers and items.
I hope I'm not being a buzzkill but honestly I would wish for a cure for Type-1 diabetes. So my son could live a normal length healthy life free of pin pricks, needles, and implants.
I'd even part with every video game thing I have if it could somehow help make the wish come true.
Pause reality.
Immortality. I love life, so I want to have as much of it as possible.
Immortality. I love life, so I want to have as much of it as possible.
Not much fun if everyone is dead including everyone here likely.
Speak for yourself, you negative Nancy. Life will always be fun if I'm involved.
Immortality. I love life, so I want to have as much of it as possible.
Just hope it's not like Death Becomes Her, where your immortal, but you can still get sick or injured. So you might be alive, while carrying around your decapitated head.
As long as someone knows where the car is parked, I'll be all good.
It would be easy to forget not to wish selfishly, but to basically wish for something that would apply to everyone. Money solves a lot of things, but unfortunately, not everything. Then there's health, moral causes, the answers to the universe.
I don't know, I'd probably flub it up.