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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: mrnikon on October 31, 2016, 01:32:54 pm
Any fellow Cubs Fans on here or any other baseball fans here? My Cubbies are still alive! I still cant believe that the won the NLCS! looking forward to Game 6 on Tuesday.
Go Cleveland !
Sorry buddy ;)
Go Cleveland !
Sorry buddy ;)
Not too long ago you were cheering on the Cubs! Talk about jumping bandwagons!
Go Cleveland !
Sorry buddy ;)
Not too long ago you were cheering on the Cubs! Talk about jumping bandwagons!
well ya, it was the dodgers lol
I'm a cubs fan Nikon! Hoping the cubs win game 6 because then Game 7 will be a coin flip in my opinion!
Go local sports team! Score a basket point with your tackle sticks!
I'm actually a huge Indians fan, would love to see the tribe finally win again.
Finally the two biggest losers in baseball get their chance!
Finally the two biggest losers in baseball get their chance!
That's a good way to look at it
Finally the two biggest losers in baseball get their chance!
Hey my Seattle Mariners have never even made it to the World Series before!
It's been a good series so far. I hope the Cubs can hang on and win the last two in Cleveland. An extra innings game 7 would be a fun way to cap the season.
I'm actually a huge Indians fan, would love to see the tribe finally win again.
You were around in 48 to see the last one?
I'm actually a huge Indians fan, would love to see the tribe finally win again.
You were around in 48 to see the last one?
my dad wasnt even born yet lol
but the M's have only been around since the late 70s.
in all seriousness tho, i'm rooting for the cubs.
Not a fan of either since Im not from around that area but its rather interesting seeing what I see as the battle of the droughts. On one side you have a team that has not won a World Series since before WWI and other hand you have Cleveland who already have champions this year in the Cavaliers, the Monsters and hell the UFC World Champion is a Cleveland native so winning and the World Series would add another to Cleveland which is great for those who live there and at the same time make forget about the Browns who are a lost cost at this point <_<
I'm actually a huge Indians fan, would love to see the tribe finally win again.
You were around in 48 to see the last one?
Uh… no, I think it goes without saying that I wasn't. I guess that was just poorly worded on my part.
Go local sports team! Score a basket point with your tackle sticks!
I'm from Cleveland and this is about how I feel. But, seeing my hometown come alive and unite is nice.
I am really hoping, that the Cubs and Indians are so cursed, that tonights game goes into deep extra innings, into like the 15th inning haha
I am really hoping, that the Cubs and Indians are so cursed, that tonights game goes into deep extra innings, into like the 15th inning haha
I would be cool with it lasting until spring training starts. I need something to watch over the Winter.
Cubs bout to finally win a WS?
Welp. The world bout to end.
come on, finish the game
DAMN IT CLEVELAND! You had this! You were up 3 Games to 1 and you choked! /sigh...can 2016 be over all-damn-ready?!? >:(
Holy crap... what a game 7!
DAMN IT CLEVELAND! You had this! You were up 3 Games to 1 and you choked! /sigh...can 2016 be over all-damn-ready?!? >:(
It's the Cleveland Curse. I'm not surprised at all.
that was a great last game!!! im glad the cubs won!!!
Damn the Indians were soooo close!
best WS IMO,
In all fairness, Babe Ruth will always be the best goalie for the Cleveland Red Sox. And that's coming from someone who doesn't watch football. :)
In all fairness, Babe Ruth will always be the best goalie for the Cleveland Red Sox. And that's coming from someone who doesn't watch football. :)
I was about to say Wayne Gretzky was the best Home Run Goal hitter in Chicago Seahawks history before you said that. Anymore Soccer is so confusing, I don't bother watching