VGCollect Forum
General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: marvelvscapcom2 on April 14, 2017, 02:22:02 pm
The shoe companies made these rubber soles that gave us rubber souls. We were never meant to be in contact with the earth at a spiritual level. Every animal from dogs to beavers to fish are connected to the earth. Except humans who wear these rubber soled shoes and who never truly connect with the earth. They want us as distanced from our natural creative artistic freedom as they can. They feed us the colorful images and music and the flash lifestyle to distract us from thinking of all the mysteries and diversions they place. They have done this since shakespereian plays.
The media feeds us stories and show us people like Kim Kardashian to distract us from an elite few that actually manipulate the entire earth and the way we think of it. This is why we can't name hardly one person that owns a bank even though these people own all of our wealth and we are at their very whim. It's all underground and they make millions from hiding cancer cures because the medial and pharmecutical industries seek to make billions off of these illnesses. The expiriments they do are larger than we can ever fathom. These people may not even be human and some rumor them to have a headquarters under the mantle of the earth located under a tunnel in area 51. These people come from all planets and have taken disguise to manipulate us into thinking a certain way and acting a certain way.
Everything we see and know is all part of a bigger plan established before we are born. we are just gears in the machine.
That is deep. Thanks for sharing.
Just worry about you and your own family and friends; and things will be fine.
Are VGCollect's forums going down the same route as Silent Hill Wiki with it's circumcision BS? I mean do these threads belong here?
If by the VGCollect forums, you mean Marv exclusively
Are VGCollect's forums going down the same route as Silent Hill Wiki with it's circumcision BS? I mean do these threads belong here?
This is the "Off-Topic" section.
As long as no rules are broken, everything is game in this section.
Are VGCollect's forums going down the same route as Silent Hill Wiki with it's circumcision BS? I mean do these threads belong here?
This is the "Off-Topic" section.
As long as no rules are broken, everything is game in this section.
I think the "Off" in that title was taken a little too seriously for some.
I haven't looked at any of the updates to the site lately, though I believe there were plans to "address the number of low-quality posts" here such as this one.
It's pretty ridiculous, though I do wish there was a way to remove the "Latest Threads" tab on your personal page if you didn't want to see things like this. Or better yet, create an exclusive "Crazy Topic Post" forum section where you're free to trip balls, and it doesn't display in the latest threads. -shrug-
"Don't mind that, I'm protected cause I made this hat."
Love that song, lol.
I think most of us just throw our off-topic randomness into the "general" topic thread... But I agree that it might look less spammy if Marv had his own dedicated/merged thread to throw out these ideas and polls :)
Are VGCollect's forums going down the same route as Silent Hill Wiki with it's circumcision BS? I mean do these threads belong here?
This is the "Off-Topic" section.
As long as no rules are broken, everything is game in this section.
I think the "Off" in that title was taken a little too seriously for some.
I haven't looked at any of the updates to the site lately, though I believe there were plans to "address the number of low-quality posts" here such as this one.
It's pretty ridiculous, though I do wish there was a way to remove the "Latest Threads" tab on your personal page if you didn't want to see things like this. Or better yet, create an exclusive "Crazy Topic Post" forum section where you're free to trip balls, and it doesn't display in the latest threads. -shrug-
This just seems like bitching to me. If you don't want to read someone's post, then don't click on it. That simple.
I don't read every single post on this forum, and I don't think anyone else does either.
Are VGCollect's forums going down the same route as Silent Hill Wiki with it's circumcision BS? I mean do these threads belong here?
This is the "Off-Topic" section.
As long as no rules are broken, everything is game in this section.
I think the "Off" in that title was taken a little too seriously for some.
I haven't looked at any of the updates to the site lately, though I believe there were plans to "address the number of low-quality posts" here such as this one.
It's pretty ridiculous, though I do wish there was a way to remove the "Latest Threads" tab on your personal page if you didn't want to see things like this. Or better yet, create an exclusive "Crazy Topic Post" forum section where you're free to trip balls, and it doesn't display in the latest threads. -shrug-
This just seems like bitching to me. If you don't want to read someone's post, then don't click on it. That simple.
I don't read every single post on this forum, and I don't think anyone else does either.
I don't read every single post on this forum either.
You're entitled to have your own opinion, and if it seems like "bitching" to you, then I'm very happy for you. Guess we can throw civility out the door, huh.
I'm fairly confident you missed the point of what I even wrote, and seemed more eager to throw your own two cents in without actually comprehending or making a constructive suggestion, but that's fine and well.
I'll end it here before this escalates, as profanity's come into play. Please PM me if you'd like to talk more civil with a suggestion. I'd rather not have another one of "those" topics where an admin needs to step in.
I think most of us just throw our off-topic randomness into the "general" topic thread... But I agree that it might look less spammy if Marv had his own dedicated/merged thread to throw out these ideas and polls :)
Some of his threads come across as harmless and others have me scratching my head like "DUDE...what chemicals are you on for your brain to be tripping like this?!?" :P
Maybe going forward Marv can set himself up an all-purpose thread and post whatever the heck he wants in it. It'd reduce clutter and that way people could avoid it and not contribute if they don't want to. I don't think there's an ignore topic feature but more on that in a minute. :P
Are VGCollect's forums going down the same route as Silent Hill Wiki with it's circumcision BS? I mean do these threads belong here?
This is the "Off-Topic" section.
As long as no rules are broken, everything is game in this section.
I think the "Off" in that title was taken a little too seriously for some.
I haven't looked at any of the updates to the site lately, though I believe there were plans to "address the number of low-quality posts" here such as this one.
It's pretty ridiculous, though I do wish there was a way to remove the "Latest Threads" tab on your personal page if you didn't want to see things like this. Or better yet, create an exclusive "Crazy Topic Post" forum section where you're free to trip balls, and it doesn't display in the latest threads. -shrug-
This just seems like bitching to me. If you don't want to read someone's post, then don't click on it. That simple.
I don't read every single post on this forum, and I don't think anyone else does either.
This seems like bitching about bitching LOL. :P
I don't think it's quite as simple as you're making it out to be. I can't speak for Nick but when I come here, I click on the "Show unread posts since last visit" in the upper right hand corner. There's a few threads that I don't participate in including "Recently completed/finished", "What are you playing?" and "52 Game Challenge 2017". They show up as unread posts because they're popular with other members and in order for me to clear up my list of unread threads, I have to click on "view last post" to remove them from the list. Like I said, I wish there was an "Ignore this thread" option (and if there is, I'm not fully aware of it ;)).
I think most of us just throw our off-topic randomness into the "general" topic thread... But I agree that it might look less spammy if Marv had his own dedicated/merged thread to throw out these ideas and polls :)
I'm sure most of us would agree. That'd be pretty cool.
Yeah a general thread of " Marv's Musings" would be way better than half a dozen new threads in a week about spicy food or the newest fever dream craze ( as funny as that can be at times).
I think the argument that its just " people bitching" kinda misses the point, as there were similar threads by other users in the past that were just a bit too random for off topic tastes ( like that lordscott guy and his world salads of wanting acceptance for liking japanese games). It just gets too excessive for most of us.
I'm going to be the voice of opposition here - I actually find it kind of irritating when people post just to complain about a thread they don't like, or to make rude comments because of the way some of our members word their posts, or if they don't have a TLDR version of what they want to talk about. If it weren't for some of our more eccentric regulars, I don't think there would be any new posts to speak of, especially when it comes to the Off Topic section. Really, what do you guys feel is being bumped out? A whole bunch of nothin'.
For the record, I always read Marv's new posts because I find them interesting. What I don't normally read are most of the "update/recent/new" topics. :-X I enjoy a forum where the conversation is always changing. At some point you need to talk about something other than what we collect, or nerd-out over. But I don't see a lot of that going on here.
I disagree on the idea of grouping all of one user's posts into one topic. Sounds like an excuse to ignore content that you just don't want to see.
I'm going to be the voice of opposition here - I actually find it kind of irritating when people post just to complain about a thread they don't like, or to make rude comments because of the way some of our members word their posts, or if they don't have a TLDR version of what they want to talk about. If it weren't for some of our more eccentric regulars, I don't think there would be any new posts to speak of, especially when it comes to the Off Topic section. Really, what do you guys feel is being bumped out? A whole bunch of nothin'.
For the record, I always read Marv's new posts because I find them interesting. What I don't normally read are most of the "update/recent/new" topics. :-X I enjoy a forum where the conversation is always changing. At some point you need to talk about something other than what we collect, or nerd-out over. But I don't see a lot of that going on here.
I disagree on the idea of grouping all of one user's posts into one topic. Sounds like an excuse to ignore content that you just don't want to see.
I think most of the problem comes from the fact that some of these threads read more like personal musings instead of something that kicks off a conversation. You can't get a serious discussion when a topic op is something like " Toilet paper: over or under?"
Of course it's great to encourage more discussion in off-topic from all members, but i think people want it to be a bit more focused instead of the rambling tangent that starts off some of these threads ( like this one).
Like I said, I wish there was an "Ignore this thread" option (and if there is, I'm not fully aware of it ;)).
I haven't used it yet, but there is a "unnotify" button in the top right (below your user photo). Maybe that turns off the "new" notifications?
Like I said, I wish there was an "Ignore this thread" option (and if there is, I'm not fully aware of it ;)).
I haven't used it yet, but there is a "unnotify" button in the top right (below your user photo). Maybe that turns off the "new" notifications?
I'm not seeing this button. Perhaps it's only available to Moderators/Admins? ;)
Edit: I do see five buttons at the top of the thread. "Reply", "Notify", "Mark Unread", "Send This Topic" and "Print". I haven't tried clicking on "Notify" to see if it changes to "Unnotify" or not.
Like I said, I wish there was an "Ignore this thread" option (and if there is, I'm not fully aware of it ;)).
I haven't used it yet, but there is a "unnotify" button in the top right (below your user photo). Maybe that turns off the "new" notifications?
I'm not seeing this button. Perhaps it's only available to Moderators/Admins? ;)
Edit: I do see five buttons at the top of the thread. "Reply", "Notify", "Mark Unread", "Send This Topic" and "Print". I haven't tried clicking on "Notify" to see if it changes to "Unnotify" or not.
Ah, yeah maybe it's on admin side only but seems like an option that anyone could use maybe. :-[
What do you mean there's not an ignore option? Why can't you ignore it? Just don't click on it.
And you talk of civility, but you, as a newb, go onto someone else's thread and tell them it's crap and you don't want to see it.
Never did I say you have to like this guy's thread. But in the same measure, you don't have to go and trash his threads just because you think they're silly. Like I said, he has broken no rules. Last I checked, he has just as much right to make this thread, being that it's in the off-topic section, as someone that makes a thread about Mega Man.
I find it beyond belief that you can hijack someone else's thread and then turn around and cry foul. Don't throw stones from a glass house.
What do you mean there's not an ignore option? Why can't you ignore it? Just don't click on it.
And you talk of civility, but you, as a newb, go onto someone else's thread and tell them it's crap and you don't want to see it.
Never did I say you have to like this guy's thread. But in the same measure, you don't have to go and trash his threads just because you think they're silly. Like I said, he has broken no rules. Last I checked, he has just as much right to make this thread, being that it's in the off-topic section, as someone that makes a thread about Mega Man.
I find it beyond belief that you can hijack someone else's thread and then turn around cry foul. Don't throw stones from a glass house.
Kinda' hard to ignore the thread with an intriguing title when it's plastered all over the site, not just on the forum side of things.
Then again, I don't use VGC's forums at all but when this kind of shit and toilet paper threads pop up on every page I go to, it makes me want to say something.
OP has a right to post whatever he wants if it doesn't break the sites rules but then again, I have my right comment on it if my comment doesn't break the sites rules.
You can rest easy though, I'm not going to use the forums here hardly at all.
But next weeks post is occult worship of Cthulhu.
] But next weeks post is occult worship of Cthulhu.
Nah it'll be about how there is no God, there is only Zuul.
What do you mean there's not an ignore option? Why can't you ignore it? Just don't click on it.
And you talk of civility, but you, as a newb, go onto someone else's thread and tell them it's crap and you don't want to see it.
Never did I say you have to like this guy's thread. But in the same measure, you don't have to go and trash his threads just because you think they're silly. Like I said, he has broken no rules. Last I checked, he has just as much right to make this thread, being that it's in the off-topic section, as someone that makes a thread about Mega Man.
I find it beyond belief that you can hijack someone else's thread and then turn around and cry foul. Don't throw stones from a glass house.
Guess we're doing this. Yay.
That's very nice that you can look at the number of posts that I've made and read status profiles. Congratulations. Clearly that's all the experience I have anywhere ever. This is sarcasm if you couldn't tell. It has no merit on anything I've said.
Also, don't put words in my mouth. I didn't say the posts were "crap". Did I say that? I'm sure I didn't say that. Nor did I ever directly address him. There's a way to speak of or suggest things to people politely and cordially without disrespect, opposed to spewing the vitriol contained in your first post. This is the very definition of civility.
You can also drop the dramatics. I did not "trash" his threads. Again, I did not call the threads "crap". No one broke a glass house or threw stones or whatever. No one even hijacked the thread. It was derailed by another user. I literally made a comment in response to this and for the first time, received a nice, informative response from an admin in return. I even learned a few tricks about the site's interface. I was plenty satisfied. Now there are comments in response from you, some about toilet paper, and others about worshiping our one true god Cthulhu.
I'm also aware you never said anyone had to like his thread. I'm pretty sure anyone who read what you typed is aware you never said anything about liking it. I don't get it.
No one is disputing rights about posting whatever. Anyone can do that and it's fine. And yes, even my avatar Mega Man can make a post after defeating Post Man. That's not, and never was the issue. This here simply tells me that, again, you missed the entire point of the original post.
You seem fairly keen on giving simple advice, and I'd hate to see you have to share it again. You could take your own sagely advice and simply not click the thread, ignore my response and be done, but I'm sure I'll see you again soon.
As for me? I know my compulsion will get the better of me and I'll just be dying to click on this thread again.
Longingly awaiting your response with hugs and kisses,
~Nickkchilla ❤
Like I said, I wish there was an "Ignore this thread" option (and if there is, I'm not fully aware of it ;)).
I haven't used it yet, but there is a "unnotify" button in the top right (below your user photo). Maybe that turns off the "new" notifications?
I'm not seeing this button. Perhaps it's only available to Moderators/Admins? ;)
Edit: I do see five buttons at the top of the thread. "Reply", "Notify", "Mark Unread", "Send This Topic" and "Print". I haven't tried clicking on "Notify" to see if it changes to "Unnotify" or not.
Ah, yeah maybe it's on admin side only but seems like an option that anyone could use maybe. :-[
I haven't seen that function anywhere, but would really like to use this. If it's currently an admin only feature, maybe it can be implemented for users?
I -think- understand where Nickkchilla is coming from. This site has a smaller community of users, so when a new topic appears it's going to be opened just for a change of scenery. Someone mentioned that you can only talk about collecting for so long before it starts to get kind of drab. It's good to have variety.
Sure, Marvel's ideas are a bit out there for most, but they are a nice break from the norm. They offer something no one else would think about. That's cool. I read them, have a laugh, maybe give an eye roll, and move on. He's not trolling. But, neither is Nickkchilla.
Personally, I never click on the "Month - Recent Pick Ups" threads because I'm not interested in them. I don't mind that they're there, though.
EDIT: Also, BD...I'm not sure why you're calling Nickkchilla a "newb" and using then "people in glass houses" adage, but what about doing unto others as you would have them do unto you?
EDIT: Also, BD...I'm not sure why you're calling Nickkchilla a "newb" and using then "people in glass houses" adage, but what about doing unto others as you would have them do unto you?
Because he is a newb, it even says "newbie" under his username. Which makes it that much more outrageous that he'd go on a regular members' thread and say he doesn't want to see all of his threads, then get all offended that someone sticks up for Marvel.
EDIT: Also, BD...I'm not sure why you're calling Nickkchilla a "newb" and using then "people in glass houses" adage, but what about doing unto others as you would have them do unto you?
Because he is a newb, it even says "newbie" under his username. Which makes it that much more outrageous that he'd go on a regular members' thread and say he doesn't want to see all of his threads, then get all offended that someone sticks up for Marvel.
Those ranks under our names shouldn't be a gauge for who's a "regular" member or not. If you look at their profiles, there's only about two months worth of time separating the two. Marv may have the "Full Member" moniker but only because he posts A LOT more than Nick does but they've got about the same amount of tenure site-wise. ;)
Anyway...if everyone's managed to get it out of their system, I believe rather than further hijacking Marv's thread there ought to be a thread raising discussion on whether it's possible for the forums to have some sort of upgrade that has the ability for a topic filtration method to be put in place. I'm a member of other forums where you can ignore/ghost people you don't want to see. That's not something I personally care for and think it would be better if there was some kind of tool in place where someone could "Turn off new notifications for this post" on threads they don't want to see. Deso mentioned the "Unnotify" but apparently that's not a feature available to non-admin/mods.
Also, while I would hate to tell Marv or anyone how/what to post and how often/little to do so but maybe going forward there could be specific posts to bump rather than always making new threads. I'd suggest for threads like this a "Marv's Musings and Deep Thoughts" thread and for his famous comparisons perhaps a "Marv's THIS or THAT Discussion Thread". ;D At least then people would know what they're getting into and it'd quell a lot of this bickering. :P
Those ranks under our names shouldn't be a gauge for who's a "regular" member or not. If you look at their profiles, there's only about two months worth of time separating the two. Marv may have the "Full Member" moniker but only because he posts A LOT more than Nick does but they've got about the same amount of tenure site-wise. ;)
Flashback is the voice of reason.
EDIT: Also, BD...I'm not sure why you're calling Nickkchilla a "newb" and using then "people in glass houses" adage, but what about doing unto others as you would have them do unto you?
Because he is a newb, it even says "newbie" under his username. Which makes it that much more outrageous that he'd go on a regular members' thread and say he doesn't want to see all of his threads, then get all offended that someone sticks up for Marvel.
It's easier to give advice, than to take it I suppose.
Hello there again, by the way. Nice to see you back so soon!
EDIT: Also, BD...I'm not sure why you're calling Nickkchilla a "newb" and using then "people in glass houses" adage, but what about doing unto others as you would have them do unto you?
Because he is a newb, it even says "newbie" under his username. Which makes it that much more outrageous that he'd go on a regular members' thread and say he doesn't want to see all of his threads, then get all offended that someone sticks up for Marvel.
Those ranks under our names shouldn't be a gauge for who's a "regular" member or not. If you look at their profiles, there's only about two months worth of time separating the two. Marv may have the "Full Member" moniker but only because he posts A LOT more than Nick does but they've got about the same amount of tenure site-wise. ;)
Anyway...if everyone's managed to get it out of their system, I believe rather than further hijacking Marv's thread there ought to be a thread raising discussion on whether it's possible for the forums to have some sort of upgrade that has the ability for a topic filtration method to be put in place. I'm a member of other forums where you can ignore/ghost people you don't want to see. That's not something I personally care for and think it would be better if there was some kind of tool in place where someone could "Turn off new notifications for this post" on threads they don't want to see. Deso mentioned the "Unnotify" but apparently that's not a feature available to non-admin/mods.
Also, while I would hate to tell Marv or anyone how/what to post and how often/little to do so but maybe going forward there could be specific posts to bump rather than always making new threads. I'd suggest for threads like this a "Marv's Musings and Deep Thoughts" thread and for his famous comparisons perhaps a "Marv's THIS or THAT Discussion Thread". ;D At least then people would know what they're getting into and it'd quell a lot of this bickering. :P
Thank you for that, Flashback.
This is similar to my own thoughts. Those titles are a poor gauge to determine whether someone's a "regular member" here or not. You can be a lurker or read here for years and hardly ever post. By that same token, we should also rally against and insult every member here that isn't a "Pro Supporter". Doesn't make you any less of a member.
Being called a "newb" is also incredibly amusing to me, as I originally owned another account, "NsShadowSerpent" before both this one and Marv. Well over the two months difference. It had a decent number of posts, but I wanted to change the user name and originally contacted Jason. I learned it was impossible to do it on my own, and had not heard from him in awhile. So I deleted the account and started from scratch.
I agree with some of the suggestions you've made about forum filters, though won't try to murder you due to a difference of opinion. Shocker, I know. I would like to see a new thread regarding this, as this one has been plenty derailed and thrown off-topic enough.
Appreciate the discussion. Either way, I'll be going back to my ridiculous picture posts.
Also did you not see the title of OP's thread?
If I didn't know any better, I'd say this was Marv's plan all along with this OP ;)
Anyway, can we all just move on to something else? Hostilities and "let me tell you for the third time what I meant the first time" back-and-forths can only be so productive...