VGCollect Forum
VGCollect Site Stuff => Video Game Database Discussion => Topic started by: tripredacus on June 13, 2017, 10:56:48 am
This is the first poll for updates to the style guide. It will not accept votes after 7 days.
Unless you are 100% sure, make sure to read the thread first before voting, as someone may put a thought or idea that may change your mind.
We allow pack-in items and unofficial/boots, unreleased (but official) releases to be entries in the database, but there is no consensus for how the images should be displayed. This usually results in many entries that have no front or back art and the item can only have the picture in the cart image, or it has multiple images for Front/Back/Cart of the same thing, or just has the item as the front image, etc.
Existing examples:
Bayonetta, Wii U, pack-in as an additional disc with Bayonetta 2:
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty trial, PS2, included with Zone of Enders:
188 in 1, NES bootleg cart:
Car License, Game Gear cart-only:
To submit ideas for future polls, post them into here:,8361.0.html
If discussion permits further evaluation in the future, we can revisit this topic again.
Option D, put cart on front and cart space. (
So you have a picture in your collection. And if someone has a box they can add the front and back scan, overwriting the front scan afcourse.
I think the better response, which is more work, yes, but likely the right thing to do... is that if an item does not have "Front Art" the display should default, next, to the "Cart" image.
If no image is available for either, then whatever, keep displaying the no image available.
I think the better response, which is more work, yes, but likely the right thing to do... is that if an item does not have "Front Art" the display should default, next, to the "Cart" image.
If no image is available for either, then whatever, keep displaying the no image available.
That was the option that I would lean toward as well
Option D, put cart on front and cart space. (
So you have a picture in your collection. And if someone has a box they can add the front and back scan, overwriting the front scan afcourse.
No, this is an error ;D
I think the better response, which is more work, yes, but likely the right thing to do... is that if an item does not have "Front Art" the display should default, next, to the "Cart" image.
If no image is available for either, then whatever, keep displaying the no image available.
I thought the style guide said to use the title screen if nothing else is available
Option D, put cart on front and cart space. (
So you have a picture in your collection. And if someone has a box they can add the front and back scan, overwriting the front scan afcourse.
No, this is an error ;D
No vote from me then.......
I think the better response, which is more work, yes, but likely the right thing to do... is that if an item does not have "Front Art" the display should default, next, to the "Cart" image.
If no image is available for either, then whatever, keep displaying the no image available.
I thought the style guide said to use the title screen if nothing else is available
That is only for Digital games.
I think the better response, which is more work, yes, but likely the right thing to do... is that if an item does not have "Front Art" the display should default, next, to the "Cart" image.
If no image is available for either, then whatever, keep displaying the no image available.
I thought the style guide said to use the title screen if nothing else is available
That is only for Digital games.
Couldn't that be a viable option though?
How can it apply to physical items? If there is a physical item, then there must exist an image of it. This isn't to say we should use a title screen as an image for a physical item that is rare or hard to find pictures of, such as some Korean releases.
How can it apply to physical items? If there is a physical item, then there must exist an image of it. This isn't to say we should use a title screen as an image for a physical item that is rare or hard to find pictures of, such as some Korean releases.
I meant to say, couldn't the screenshot be a valid option for the "Front Art" of a game that is considered Cart/Disk only? I understand that it isn't technically "front art", but if no box exists, and the cart art shouldn't go in the "Front art" section, couldn't the title screen be a valid replacement for the front art?
My statement still stands on the whole display cart image when front art image doesn't exist.
I don't think that title screenshot should be a primary at all for a physical item.
Ideally, I would prefer that title screenshot be added as an additional image slot, and that users can decide which image is the primary shown when viewing their collection or perhaps even the site itself. Such a setting would only apply to the choice of the user, while the site default would be like it is now. Or perhaps this would be something that only Pro users could do.
I don't think that title screenshot should be a primary at all for a physical item.
Ideally, I would prefer that title screenshot be added as an additional image slot, and that users can decide which image is the primary shown when viewing their collection or perhaps even the site itself. Such a setting would only apply to the choice of the user, while the site default would be like it is now. Or perhaps this would be something that only Pro users could do.
This is a physical item that has the title screen as the front artwork. Probably would have been a good thing to include in the "existing examples"
So, this should have the cart art as the front artwork then?
Well that is what the poll will tell us. This is about Front Artwork either being "No Art" or the loose item. Nothing about screenshots being front art instead. Screenshots are only currently allowed to be front art for Digital Games if no store/logo can be found. It is unrelated to that question at hand, as when the poll closes, whichever is what the community wants will be added to the Style Guide.
And then, a screenshot as front art would be incorrect and should be removed in either case.
If you want this screenshot usage to be brought up in the future, make a reply about it into the thread in Site Feedback.
Well that is what the poll will tell us. This is about Front Artwork either being "No Art" or the loose item. Nothing about screenshots being front art instead. Screenshots are only currently allowed to be front art for Digital Games if no store/logo can be found. It is unrelated to that question at hand, as when the poll closes, whichever is what the community wants will be added to the Style Guide.
And then, a screenshot as front art would be incorrect and should be removed in either case.
If you want this screenshot usage to be brought up in the future, make a reply about it into the thread in Site Feedback.
I think what was being stated is directly related to the question at hand. The question regards "Front image for items without packaging". What is being discussed is exactly that.
What I'm hearing now, I guess is, let the users decide, as long as it is among the option we give them. Really, the whole process should be to bring up a topic of change, asking for input and possible solutions, and then once all solutions have been provided, then have a vote.
With how the site is currently set up (No default to cart/disc without front art, no choice of what is default, etc.) I'd pick to have screenshot as front art over the other 3 options for items without packaging.
Screenshots were not considered because many items in this category are not games and thus have no screenshots.
Screenshots were not considered because many items in this category are not games and thus have no screenshots.
The only existing examples given were video games.
I intended this to be for everything but only had posted the video game entry examples. They were used to show some of the different ways items were currently done. Since those entries covered that, there were no accessory entries (such as controller or RF unit, I looked at those also before posting) with a different type of arrangement, they weren't posted. I used the term "item" specifically to not single out games.
Bump, one day remaining. Hope it isn't a tie. :o
I think the better response, which is more work, yes, but likely the right thing to do... is that if an item does not have "Front Art" the display should default, next, to the "Cart" image.
If no image is available for either, then whatever, keep displaying the no image available.
That or let the users decide what appear in their collection (ie: if you have a loose game, you could choose to show the Cart_Art picture in your collection, that could also be used for items that don't have packaging) but since those options are not available for now i choose the option to put the picture of the item as Front_Art and leave the others blank (even if i think that we should also put the picture of the item in Cart_Art too).
I think the better response, which is more work, yes, but likely the right thing to do... is that if an item does not have "Front Art" the display should default, next, to the "Cart" image.
If no image is available for either, then whatever, keep displaying the no image available.
That or let the users decide what appear in their collection (ie: if you have a loose game, you could choose to show the Cart_Art picture in your collection, that could also be used for items that don't have packaging) but since those options are not available for now i choose the option to put the picture of the item as Front_Art and leave the others blank (even if i think that we should also put the picture of the item in Cart_Art too).
I think that's the thing that skews this whole voting thing. I think more folks would vote for "Cart Art" if the site would either default to whatever is available or let the user pic which image is displayed.
So say one of these things gets implemented, do we have ANOTHER vote for this exact topic?
Style Guide updated:,22.msg155.html
For further ideas for things to be voted on, please post into this thread:,8361.0.html