VGCollect Forum
General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: athmaus on June 26, 2017, 01:40:43 pm
Have you heard that Nintendo is releasing the SNES Classic:
Another system that i will never get my hands on like the NES classic. lol
I already pre-ordered mine from Amazon UK. Getting in on that Super Famicom goodness.
Probably will be cancelled though.
No doubt scalpers will be all over it.
I'm disappointed they won't include DKC 2&3, but still a solid list overall. It even has Earthbound on it. Star Fox 2 is a shock.
Pardon my cynicism, but I'm still rather bitter at how they handled the NES Mini, so it's difficult for me to get excited for this. But if I do see one in retail, I may get it, if not for the sake of having an official release of Star Fox 2.
Not that I don't already have an SNES with most of those games on carts.
Starfox 2 is not playable out of the box. You have to beat the first level of the first Starfox to unlock Starfox 2.
Starfox 2 is not playable out of the box. You have to beat the first level of the first Starfox to unlock Starfox 2.
Yeah, I heard of that. Kind of dumb, but hey I'm sure most of us here can beat the first level of Starfox with one hand tied behind our backs! lol
Nintendo's official statement is that the SNES Classic will have a significantly higher production run, but will only run through the end of the year.
I hope they manufacture a butt-load and the scalpers get screwed over!
i still miffed i coudlnt get an NES classic
Also have read that there will be 5 ft long cables this time around. Still not long enough, imo, considering the sizes of people's TVs, but better than what it was for the NES Classic.
I'll definitely be trying to get one, but if I can't get one online, I'm not doing anything extra to grab this. The local game group I'm in is gonna try and get extras if possible, just so that they can be handed out within the group for those who miss it, so there's a chance there also.
I'm just going to go buy a 6-12 foot HDMI cable.
I'm just going to go buy a 6-12 foot HDMI cable.
That'd be the easiest option, imo. Esp if, like the NES Classic, you need to reset the system to change games.
Wow they are putting starfox 2 into it? please post a link to pre-orders when they are up.
Unlike the NES Classic I am actually really hyped for this. I'll be one those crazy people lined up in front of Best Buy at 2am if I have to in order to get one lol
I'm disappointed they won't include DKC 2&3
Are you just disappointed because they left out these two titles ?, I really don't think so me in the other hand am very disappointed because they didn't added to the list some amazing and some rare titles like Demon’s Crest, The Adventures of Batman & Robin, Metal Warriors, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Wild Guns, Knights of the Round, Pocky & Rocky, Chrono Trigger or Earthworm Jim just for mention some of them >:(
ah, just read that those ports in the front are actually flaps that hide the actual controller ports.
I'm disappointed they won't include DKC 2&3
Are you just disappointed because they left out these two titles ?, I really don't think so me in the other hand am very disappointed because they didn't added to the list some amazing and some rare titles like Demon’s Crest, The Adventures of Batman & Robin, Metal Warriors, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Wild Guns, Knights of the Round, Pocky & Rocky, Chrono Trigger or Earthworm Jim just for mention some of them >:(
Yeah, all of those would have been nice. Beggars can't choosers I guess. :-\
Not that I don't already have access to DKC 2&3 anyways.
I'm disappointed they won't include DKC 2&3
Are you just disappointed because they left out these two titles ?, I really don't think so me in the other hand am very disappointed because they didn't added to the list some amazing and some rare titles like Demon’s Crest, The Adventures of Batman & Robin, Metal Warriors, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Wild Guns, Knights of the Round, Pocky & Rocky, Chrono Trigger or Earthworm Jim just for mention some of them >:(
A number of those were released on non-SNES platforms, too, though, weren't they? Chrono Trigger has been re-released so many times (as has FF 3).
I'm disappointed that the NES classic has 30 games and this only has 21 AND they upped the price by $20.
Yeah, all of those would have been nice. Beggars can't choosers I guess. :-\
Not that I don't already have access to DKC 2&3 anyways.
Also why the hell they don't include a couple of Super Famicom games, some titles have been already translated by fans so they don't have to do anything, definitely would love to play Gourmet Sentai Bara Yarou if not in a SNES maybe in a Mini SNES, these lazy mothafuckas can go to hell cause the system is capable of run these titles and they know it.
A number of those were released on non-SNES platforms, too, though, weren't they? Chrono Trigger has been re-released so many times (as has FF 3).
That's true but for some grandpas like myself the pure idea of being able to play some of these titles in a SNES or a Mini SNES would bring back tons of awesome memories from our childhoods :'(
Still wish that they'd've made it so the cartridge slot opens up and a person could put an expansion cartridge in there with more games on it.
Ah well, it's not like I'll ever actually see one in the wild.
I'm disappointed that the NES classic has 30 games and this only has 21 AND they upped the price by $20.
At least this one comes with 2 controllers.
Super Famicom Classic was finally revealed and it actually has 4 different games in it taking the place of some others.
I wish retailers would limit them one per customer.
Im pretty sure most will limit them.
Are you just disappointed because they left out these two titles ?, I really don't think so me in the other hand am very disappointed because they didn't added to the list some amazing and some rare titles like Demon’s Crest, The Adventures of Batman & Robin, Metal Warriors, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Wild Guns, Knights of the Round, Pocky & Rocky, Chrono Trigger or Earthworm Jim
I am not surprised most of these arent on there. Hell, most of these titles Ive never seen in person or played. A lot of people are sad about Chrono Trigger but as Deso said, its been re-released a few times already.
My only gripe is that Earthbound is getting a release, but Chrono Trigger, a far superior RPG, is not. Also would have liked to see either Sunset Riders or TMNT IV on here. Still this is a solid 9/10 lineup. On a personal level I'd have been happy to see DKC2 on here as well, but am happy to see at least the first one on here.
No D-Force, no buy
Super Famicom Classic was finally revealed and it actually has 4 different games in it taking the place of some others.
Yeah, I find it odd that it doesn't include Mother 2 and we get the western version, Earthbound, on ours.
Id actually buy this one but im not going to bother looking. Scalpers will just buy them up and ill get frustrated over it so i wont bother. :/
Kept active all day trying to see if the pre-order was gonna pop up, but never did, so now I'll probably miss it lol Hopefully it's not just spontaneous when they start taking pre-orders.
I feel the same as I did the NES Classic: Great for those that don't have a SNES, but I already have a real SNES and more games than this thing has. So I don't need it.
Kept active all day trying to see if the pre-order was gonna pop up, but never did, so now I'll probably miss it lol Hopefully it's not just spontaneous when they start taking pre-orders.
Yeah, I called a couple of Gamestops in my area and they both said that they probably will not be doing preorders on these due to Nintendo making these very limited. I am not convinced and will probably be calling almost every day about these until I get a concrete answer.
I just watched a trailer for Star Fox 2 and it occurred to me that I played through Star Fox 2 last year as part of my 52 game challenge... so now I care slightly less about this.
I'd much rather have a repro anyways.
I just watched a trailer for Star Fox 2 and it occurred to me that I played through Star Fox 2 last year as part of my 52 game challenge... so now I care slightly less about this.
I'd much rather have a repro anyways.
One thing that would stand out though is that this is the final version of the game. The Star Fox 2 that exists out there isn't the final version and will have some noticeable differences in how it plays and I thought I read it was also fan translated, so extra unofficial.
I just watched a trailer for Star Fox 2 and it occurred to me that I played through Star Fox 2 last year as part of my 52 game challenge... so now I care slightly less about this.
I'd much rather have a repro anyways.
One thing that would stand out though is that this is the final version of the game. The Star Fox 2 that exists out there isn't the final version and will have some noticeable differences in how it plays and I thought I read it was also fan translated, so extra unofficial.
Hmmmmm... maybe. My understanding was that the dev had released the final code at some point.
I appear to be mistaken. The dev had seen the final code at some point and mentioned that there are many features in it that were never in the various ROMs released.
I have one extra NZ/AUS (Europe) version pre-ordered if anyone's interested 8). I can probably get two more units with my partner's accounts if there are more interests 8).
Only open to "valid" VGCollect members :D.
Total Price = Cost of the item + shipping + paypal fees (if any).
Note: Ship from NZ. Airmail won't be expensive unless you want to use express.
Ill take it!
Ill take it!
Sure ;)
I have one extra NZ/AUS (Europe) version pre-ordered if anyone's interested 8). I can probably get two more units with my partner's accounts if there are more interests 8).
Only open to "valid" VGCollect members :D.
Total Price = Cost of the item + shipping + paypal fees (if any).
Note: Ship from NZ. Airmail won't be expensive unless you want to use express.
i would love one as well if one opens up! thanks in advance!!
I have one extra NZ/AUS (Europe) version pre-ordered if anyone's interested 8). I can probably get two more units with my partner's accounts if there are more interests 8).
Only open to "valid" VGCollect members :D.
Total Price = Cost of the item + shipping + paypal fees (if any).
Note: Ship from NZ. Airmail won't be expensive unless you want to use express.
i would love one as well if one opens up! thanks in advance!!
PM sent :)
Hmm...mind sending me a PM if it's not too late?
If I missed the deadline, no worries.
I have one extra NZ/AUS (Europe) version pre-ordered if anyone's interested 8). I can probably get two more units with my partner's accounts if there are more interests 8).
Only open to "valid" VGCollect members :D.
Total Price = Cost of the item + shipping + paypal fees (if any).
Note: Ship from NZ. Airmail won't be expensive unless you want to use express.
i would love one as well if one opens up! thanks in advance!!
PM sent :)
yayyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!! so stoked!!!!
Hmm...mind sending me a PM if it's not too late?
If I missed the deadline, no worries.
PM sent :D - last one ;)
Around 1030 pm CST, Walmart sent out emails saying that the SNES classic was open for pre-order. Lots of people happened to get it and jumped on it. Currently the link is now dead. Not sure how its all going to play out (I did put in an order for one so hoping it works).
I also got an order in, hoping for the best, but never know. Apparently Walmart tends to cancel stuff regular in these cases.
I was sleeping, so I missed it.
I was sleeping, so I missed it.
Same. ;D
I was on Facebook last night when the preorders went live, and a local retro gaming group I belong to exploded with posts about it so I was probably in fairly early to order one. I didn't have any trouble adding it to my cart and checking out so I am hoping all is well with my order. Of course I tried visiting the page for the SNES classic just 5-minutes after completing my order and getting a confirmation order, and the page was down, followed by it going back up with no way of ordering one. This is going to be the NES classic all over again and of course we have Nintendo to blame for short selling their customers again, forcing them to take time off of work or sacrifice time they'd be doing more important things in order to obtain one of their products...
First thing I did this morning was check my email, half way expecting to get a "You Order has been Cancelled" email. Thank goodness there was none. Fingers crossed everything works out with this thing. I had minimal interest in the NES Classic, but this I am genuinely excited about.
seriously! i didnt know they went live! I didnt get an alert from amazon! blah
seriously! i didnt know they went live! I didnt get an alert from amazon! blah
This was only Walmart opening up their pre-orders. Don't believe anywhere else has done their pre-orders yet that I've heard of, but it'll likely be soon.
Everyone still have their preorders? I saw an article saying preorders went live by mistake and they were all being canceled. Any word from y'all that succeeded?
I've been hearing reports that Walmart isn't even notifying people of the cancellations, they are doing ninja cancels like Amazon does.
The only way to be certain that your order hasn't been cancelled is to login to Walmart's website and view your order details.
I've been hearing reports that Walmart isn't even notifying people of the cancellations, they are doing ninja cancels like Amazon does.
The only way to be certain that your order hasn't been cancelled is to login to Walmart's website and view your order details.
Phew, mine still says "processing'
thankfully there is a local gaming store that puts pre-orders for things up as soon as they are announced. unfortunately its on a first come first serve basis and my spot is #22. they are not guaranteed to get more than a case or 2 in for them so there is still a chance I wont get one.
I went in and pre-ordered it the day after it was announced and im scared to ask how many total pre-orders they have for it..
It sounds like it's the NES Classic all over again.
It sounds like it's the NES Classic all over again.
Pretty much. Despite Nintendo being completely aware of how in demand this will be, they will meet half the demand at best before discontinuing it.
Everyone still have their preorders? I saw an article saying preorders went live by mistake and they were all being canceled. Any word from y'all that succeeded?
The amount I paid was deducted from my bank and my order still seems good.
It sounds like it's the NES Classic all over again.
Pretty much. Despite Nintendo being completely aware of how in demand this will be, they will meet half the demand at best before discontinuing it.
My biggest problem with this is that I was genuinely interested and excited about this. But, knowing how this is going to go down, those feelings devolved to disinterested and apathetic.
It sounds like it's the NES Classic all over again.
Pretty much. Despite Nintendo being completely aware of how in demand this will be, they will meet half the demand at best before discontinuing it.
My biggest problem with this is that I was genuinely interested and excited about this. But, knowing how this is going to go down, those feelings devolved to disinterested and apathetic.
My feelings exactly.
Anyone look into JPN or EU versions?
Anyone look into JPN or EU versions?
I already ordered the EU version from
No clue if it'll actually ship.
Anyone look into JPN or EU versions?
I've already preorder an European version since June 28 but all the French sites i know are now sold out and most of the shops only got around ten preorder available two weeks ago so in a day or two it was over... the only available offers are some scalpers already putting offer on a few sites for 150/200€ :( .
And the insanity continues.
I just don't understand why people would pay so freaking much for a console that is limited to a certain number of games when you can get the real deal that plays way more games for way less than what these scalpers are charging.
And the insanity continues.
I just don't understand why people would pay so freaking much for a console that is limited to a certain number of games when you can get the real deal that plays way more games for way less than what these scalpers are charging.
My family knows I collect video games. I don't think they understand that I have more dupes than I know what to do with and extra systems to boot. My sister-in-law wanted to get an NES Classic for my brother, but she didn't attempt to contact me about it. She gave up and bought him an NES. I think she bought it from either a flea market or a game store, either way she probably paid more for the NES alone than an NES classic was running on ebay. (That's how bad flea markets and game shops are around here) My brother proceeded to ask if he could borrow some games... shut that shit down REAL quick, not happening. I mentioned to them that a game store in a small town outside of the city has good prices and regularly does B2G1. Eventually I snagged an NES Classic for them and sold it to them for cost.
Anybody not in the game collecting hobby probably doesn't understand how easy it is to get stuff for an okay price and quite frankly doesn't care. They also have no interest in Pi boxes or emulators.
Mind you, these are the same folks who sell you games for next to nothing at yard sales, ask for $200 for a Wii because that's what they paid, throw away old systems because they don't need it, or donate it to Goodwill.
But we live in 2017. Ten years ago, that would be a totally understandable thing. But nowadays, it's not hard to type up "SNES" in eBay and see for yourself.
And the insanity continues.
I just don't understand why people would pay so freaking much for a console that is limited to a certain number of games when you can get the real deal that plays way more games for way less than what these scalpers are charging.
My family knows I collect video games. I don't think they understand that I have more dupes than I know what to do with and extra systems to boot. My sister-in-law wanted to get an NES Classic for my brother, but she didn't attempt to contact me about it. She gave up and bought him an NES. I think she bought it from either a flea market or a game store, either way she probably paid more for the NES alone than an NES classic was running on ebay. (That's how bad flea markets and game shops are around here) My brother proceeded to ask if he could borrow some games... shut that shit down REAL quick, not happening. I mentioned to them that a game store in a small town outside of the city has good prices and regularly does B2G1. Eventually I snagged an NES Classic for them and sold it to them for cost.
Anybody not in the game collecting hobby probably doesn't understand how easy it is to get stuff for an okay price and quite frankly doesn't care. They also have no interest in Pi boxes or emulators.
Mind you, these are the same folks who sell you games for next to nothing at yard sales, ask for $200 for a Wii because that's what they paid, throw away old systems because they don't need it, or donate it to Goodwill.
Totally agree. At the end of the day, people don't want to deal with emulators or even A/V hookups only to find that the system just doesn't look that good on a HDTV. For the price of $80, it seems like a nice, simple plug-and-play system that they can enjoy for a short period of time with their kids or friends. And with the fact of it being "limited" and "hard to find," it just spurs the human need even more. If there were 40 of them sitting at Target all the time, most people would probably would just shrug or scoff at the price. But knowing that they could have something that no one else has, paying $200 to an eBayer doesn't seem too far-fetched. As much as we hate how Nintendo limits their production, it does fuel an irrational need.
But we live in 2017. Ten years ago, that would be a totally understandable thing. But nowadays, it's not hard to type up "SNES" in eBay and see for yourself.
A lot of people don't trust ebay or even using credit cards online (Amazon and such).
So people turn to craigslist and just pay whatever someone is asking.
Also, if you go searching on ebay for an NES the first listings that pop up are probably the sponsored ones that are WAY over priced.
But we live in 2017. Ten years ago, that would be a totally understandable thing. But nowadays, it's not hard to type up "SNES" in eBay and see for yourself.
Stupidity and being lazy run rampant through the general population.
Well, I knew it was bound to happen:
Thank you for your interest in the Super Nintendo Entertainment System – Classic Edition. As you are aware, this is a highly sought after console that will launch later this fall.
Unfortunately, due to a technical glitch, the Super Nintendo Classic Edition was mistakenly made available last Friday evening ahead of the official release date. We, regrettably, will have to cancel this item on your order. We know that this is incredibly disappointing to you, and we’re truly sorry for this mistake.
In regards to the cancellation of this item, if you paid by credit card, your card has not been charged. Any authorization holds placed on your account will automatically expire in accordance with the card issuer's policy. If you paid through PayPal or with a gift card, your payment will be refunded when the order is cancelled.
The official launch date for this item is 9/29, please check the product page on prior to that date for any updates.
Well, shoot. Guess I'm gonna have to try again.
I still have yet to get this email ... wonder if anyone is actually going to be safe from this.
Never mind, it was in my junk mail.
Sounds like they are cancelling all orders to wait for it to be sold on release day.
Probably also at like 2am.
I know Gamestop isnt going to do pre-orders either. Its going to be a nightmare for the people who are genuinely interested in this item.
I wonder if Nintendo has anything to do with these cancellings, since they love to have shortages and all.
Make it look like a mob rush to get the stuff like at Christmas time. More fuel to add to the obsessed fire.
Mine was cancelled too. I had to check the promotions part of my inbox (I use gmail) to find it.
At this point nobody is going to get one unless they are willing to camp outside Best Buy, Target or Gamestop at 2am or earlier and wait for them to open. My time is way more valuable than sitting in front of a retail store for 6 hours to get an $80 box with only 20 games on it. Unless Nintendo actually makes these more available than the NES classic (which they won't) I am just going to continue emulating or playing the real deal on my SNES.
I am a hair away at this point from no longer buying any new Nintendo products if they don't knock this artificial scarcity bullshit off. Many of the people who want their products the most can't get them, and mostly only Scalpers benefit from this distribution model. We will see what happens, but if I do not see one SNES classic on the shelves of store just like the NES classic, I'm done supporting Nintendo. I have never hated and liked a company so much at the same time; I love their products, but I hate the company that makes them.
graaarrgh i was totally awake for the best buy preorder but i was away from my phone/computer at the time. by the time i realized it, they were all sold out :(
Classic Nintendo.
Classic Nintendo.
TBF, this is entirely Amazon and Best Buy's fault for listing the preorders in the middle of the night.
I still have my order for a Super Famicom Classic with Amazon UK, but I'm still bitter that they did this. I'm sure if I want one, I'll wind up getting it with Prime Now when they do that again.
So Nintendo had absolutely nothing to do with this clandestine pre-order thing?
So Nintendo had absolutely nothing to do with this clandestine release?
Why would Nintendo have any say in what time of day preorders go up?
It's their product. I figure that they would have some say-so.
It's their product. I figure that they would have some say-so.
I could see them saying "No earlier than August 21st 11:59PM EST" or something, but not "List them exactly at August 22nd 01:27am EST".
I initially was very excited for this, but recently getting to try out the NES classic for the first time, it really doesn't feel anymore special to me then having ROMs on a PC with a cool front end to play them on. Definitely not worth the $80 or more to get one. With that, I have decided to build myself a retro pi here in the coming weeks.
Up at Gamestop and Target, but they appear to be sold out already.
Sold out in like 3 minutes on Gamestop, Target, and Walmart. All listed at the same time.
Someone on Facebook said Best Buy was taking pre-orders, too, for those interested.
Someone on Facebook said Best Buy was taking pre-orders, too, for those interested.
Best Buy sold out around the same time Amazon did about 130am.
Got my Gamestop order locked in. Great to know people. :o
Someone on a Facebook group said they just pre-ordered one at GameStop 20 minutes ago. They said they are taking in-store orders, only.
They're already putting bundles with the SNES Classic up, lawd.
I didn't even know they were opening pre-orders today. They all sold out in less than 3 minutes here in Canada. Meanwhile I was stuck at work unaware. :(
I ended up just walking into Gamestop and pre-ordering one at like 3pm. Was kinda surprised. I'm probably not gonna end up keeping it, I'm leaning towards putting the money elsewhere, but I got a buddy who I don't think got a pre-order that would like it.
Legit I just saw some guy on Facebook bragging about buying 22 SNES Classics and he'll sell them for $350 each and he's gonna make $6k rather than having to get a real job.
Another dude claimed he bought 51 SNES Classics.
Well, here's my sob story.
I've been on a call list at GameStop since they said this thing was coming out. Well, my best friend's dad died Saturday. Guess where I was going to be all day Tuesday. That's right. I'm there with him and his family. This is also at my home town on BFE. BFE has no cell service.
Well, I get up Tuesday morning and see that Amazon and Best Buy had opened preorders in the middle of the night. It can't hurt to stop at GameStop to see if they will open up theirs too. I kill time until 10:00c when GameStop opens and they don't know anything about it. Oh well, I've got to get to this funeral at 11:00.
I sit through the funeral and all the hugs afterwards. I get headed back toward my house at 1:30. When I get back to cellphone range, my phones blows up. The GameStop manager, 3 friends, and a dude I kinda know have all text me. I call the store back and they tell me if I get there right now he can secure one of those bundles. At this point, I'm an hour away; but I'm going to try anyway. By the time I get there, there's nothing.
I was first on the call list and didn't get one. I stopped by that morning and didn't get one. The poor folks at GameStop are always good to me and especially that girl I talked to at 10am felt bad. Oh well.
Now, from September 29th through Christmas, the hunt will be on. I will find one, and when I do, I will buy it.
Well, dang.
If I find one, I'll let you know.
I just don't understand this. If they can't get their heads out of their collective asses and realize that people really do want this, and the NES Mini, We wouldn't be in this mess. It is a different market for these things and I don't think it would hurt sales for the Switch. I think it would help it more if you ask me, could give revenue to fond the development and such.
I really do hope people don't give in and buy one from a scalper. They'll do nothing more than to feed into this crap. Those idiots with more money than brains are just as guilty as they are!
I also hope if anything, Nintendo should at least release StarFox 2 on the VC.
Just looked at some of those "Thinkgeek bundles" for this. Man they are really unloading some unwanted shit to sell those classics. $330 for a classic and a poster? GTFO here.
Just looked at some of those "Thinkgeek bundles" for this. Man they are really unloading some unwanted shit to sell those classics. $330 for a classic and a poster? GTFO here.
You serious? I haven't bothered to look at think geek and maybe I shouldn't bother. Is the poster laced with gold?! Haha!
Its actually a nice looking 2.5 foot wide X 5 foot long X 1.5 inch thick Oil painting. But yes I don't think I would pay $250 extra for it when all I want is the SNES classic. If I actually wanted the painting I think I would shell out the $250 for it though.
All of those bundles are sold out .. but here they are.
Geez I missed out on these already?
I was hoping this would be better than the whole NES classic ordeal but uh...guess not
I knew history would repeat itself.
Either way, I already have a Wal-Mart on sight, so I'm taking the fight there.
I just got one through Walmarts site!
Edit: no confirmation by email yet, so not looking good so far...
I just got one through Walmarts site!
Edit: no confirmation by email yet, so not looking good so far...
Just got a text from my cousin about that. Went to the site...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand it's gone. :P
I just got one through Walmarts site!
Edit: no confirmation by email yet, so not looking good so far...
I got no alert for preorders being open again...
I found out from but also follow various Twitter feeds. This time around I got an email from nowinstock.
My phone's battery was at 3% and I was getting ready to change batteries when I got the notification that they were in stock at Walmart... so with my screen brightness at the lowest and sitting out in the daylight I tried and managed to get an order in at Walmart and immediately got a confirmation email.
This will definitely make someone in my sibling unit happy.
For those of you who didn't hear, Nintendo will keep making the SNES Classics through 2018 and will be bringing back the NES Classic next year as well.
@soera & @jrjigga57
Look at what I have picked up for you two today 8)
@soera & @jrjigga57
Look at what I have picked up for you two today 8)
YOU ARE AMAZING!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! i love the look of this version with the colored buttons yayaaa!
lol Check out this asshole.
Are they intentionally trying to piss people off?
lol Check out this asshole.
Are they intentionally trying to piss people off?
Problem with ebay is the fact that they have more incentive to hike up to cover the fees they have to pay for selling items but at the end of the day these SNES Mini re sellers are rather delusional
I mean... 20 units?
I mean... 20 units?
i mean that's normal right? how else is he going to play all the games on it.. in fact he should have just bought 1 more for the full 21 games..
yeah I hope this guy drowns in all $1600 of his unsold products.
I was lucky enough to pick one up from GameStop on launch day and even more lucky I know the manager so didn't have to show up at 530 to guarantee myself one. Its been great so far, enjoying finally playing earthbound for the first time! The 5 foot controllers still aren't enough tho, just updated firmware on my retro receiver and nes30 controller by 8bitdo so I can chill on the couch!
There's an NES classic bootleg that seems to be pretty popular >:(
up now at
all gone :'(
LMAO, already gone.
LMAO, already gone.
Lol, I checked the link after I posted it, too! Guess it was only up another minute after I posted it. Ah well. I honestly would be surprised if they didn't do another wave again before the holidays, and they claim there will be more as we get into 2018... ::)
Anyone with a European SNES Classic want to do a control swap? I'd do 1 for 1.
SNES Classic looking a lot better now.
SNES Classic looking a lot better now.
explain. >:U
how'd you do that.
Ugh. My SNES classic was supposed to be delivered today from Amazon UK... but my local post refused to attempt to deliver it.... claimed to have left a notice, but they didn't... also since it's a holiday weekend I can't pick it up until Tuesday at the earliest. Sat by my front door all day waiting for it and I know for a fact that they didn't even try to deliver it.
Ugh. My SNES classic was supposed to be delivered today from Amazon UK... but my local post refused to attempt to deliver it.... claimed to have left a notice, but they didn't... also since it's a holiday weekend I can't pick it up until Tuesday at the earliest. Sat by my front door all day waiting for it and I know for a fact that they didn't even try to deliver it.
Dude that shit happens to me all the time. Our USPS carrier is worthless with package delivery. I had my Japanese 3DO CIB sitting in the post office for A WEEK before I thought it was too long and drive up there. The supervisor told me it was never attempted for delivery...
Pisses me off. I was really looking forward to using this 3 day weekend to play it.
I finally got mine last week, but looks like I'm one of the unlucky ones... the box looked "okay"ish but when I opened up the box, the SNES Classic box was crushed pretty badly... enough where the little flap that holds it shut was sticking out.
Initially we thought maybe someone tampered with it, switched it with a fake copy or something, but the contents look fine. Just, from a collector's standpoint, it's frustrating. I'm grateful to have one, but if they really do come out with more, I'll likely buy a new one and then give this one to my nephews or brother.
Not sure if it's even worth it for me to contact Wal-mart about it... They can't exchange it afaik.
I have one extra NZ/AUS (Europe) version pre-ordered if anyone's interested 8). I can probably get two more units with my partner's accounts if there are more interests 8).
Only open to "valid" VGCollect members :D.
Total Price = Cost of the item + shipping + paypal fees (if any).
Note: Ship from NZ. Airmail won't be expensive unless you want to use express.
MINE ARRIVED TODAY!!! thank you so much for going out of your way and helping me, a random stranger, out....... i greatly appreciate it. Seriously!!!