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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: marvelvscapcom2 on July 24, 2017, 06:06:43 pm
Their once was a man named Baldlaham. He was noble and he was brave. He would feed the village and carry wood in bulk for the towns people. His hair so golden like Rumplestiltskin spun it. The finest of dames were of his aquaintence. Until the age of 22 when his hair started to run away. He begged and cried and he asked why this had happened. He spoke to the only person he knew who could have answers. His hair down to one last patch to stubble on the back. He said "Why father, please forgive me of my sins and please I ask of you to restore my hair" God replied "Nay, you are the beacon of all bald people. May you carry a long sword and be brave and noble in the face of adversity for it shall make you strong." Baldlaham replied "But what of the sun farther? It will burn my fair scalp and hurt me much it will?" AND god said onto thee "Fair not son, for I am the omnipotent god, and your question has been answering within me" God paused and than a glow erupted from the sky, and a booming voice sounded "Let their be hat!!!" In which all bald people can wear as a token of fortitude and bravery. The hat was born.. Prey to baldlaham. The god father of bald people. If you are bald. I'm not bald but Mike Tyson is and I like Mike Tyson. :).
You are a special kind of person.
never change marv... never change
I am pretty sure that Marvel is a perfectly normal guy behind that screen and just gets shits and giggles out of these posts.
Perfectly normal is such an oxymoron, such as jumbo shrimp or Microsoft Works.
I just mean I don't think he's actually that crazy or on drugs or anything. I think it's all his own personal entertainment.
Yep. We all have our own level of weirdness. This is his outlet.
IDK why but whenever something starts with "There once was a man named _____" I always try to read it in limerick form... it doesn't work all that well for this story.
While some of his posts sound normal, there are certain ones that make me think he's stoned (like those dream topics).