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General and Gaming => Classic Video Games => Topic started by: marvelvscapcom2 on August 08, 2017, 11:08:35 pm

Title: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: marvelvscapcom2 on August 08, 2017, 11:08:35 pm
Which video game console do you think has the highest ratio of good games to bad games?  Which library has the greatest margain of good games to you?  :D.

I love PS2 and NES libraries best in total but those consoles had a very large selection of awful games.

For me I think Wii U has the best margain of good games. :D. 

With Wii U i think most of its library is amazing aside from around 10-15 bad games out of the 150+.   It was always consistent with it's releases to me :).   
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: stealthrush on August 08, 2017, 11:34:38 pm
Sega Dreamcast first comes to mind. Had plenty of above average software.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: telly on August 09, 2017, 12:05:56 am
I would agree with the Dreamcast having the most consistently good library, for sure.

Look, I like the Wii U, but I strongly disagree about  it having a consistent library. Once you get past the 25 or so good games from Nintendo, the quality completely drops off like a cliff into nothing but shovelware, movie tie ins, and rereleased PS3/Xbox 360 games. There are barely any exclusive worthwhile third party games on the console either.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: dreama1 on August 09, 2017, 03:35:26 am
I would agree with the Dreamcast having the most consistently good library, for sure.

Look, I like the Wii U, but I strongly disagree about  it having a consistent library. Once you get past the 25 or so good games from Nintendo, the quality completely drops off like a cliff into nothing but shovelware, movie tie ins, and rereleased PS3/Xbox 360 games. There are barely any exclusive worthwhile third party games on the console either.
what do you expect? There's barely over a 100 wii u games.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: kashell on August 09, 2017, 08:15:43 am
I'll give this one to the Dreamcast, too. As much as I love the PS2 and the Saturn, both consoles have some real stinkers.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: turf on August 09, 2017, 09:06:33 am
For me, it's either DreamCast or WiiU.  In my opinion, both systems were ahead of their time.  Both have small libraries and some real stellar games.  Both have some stinkers mixed in; but on the whole, both are very good.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: soera on August 09, 2017, 10:30:58 am
Id have to say the original playstation. It has a library of over 1000 games and so many of them are star titles.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: bikingjahuty on August 09, 2017, 10:38:44 am
Dreamcast hands down.

I own over half the library and with only a handful of exceptions, there isn't one bad game in the lot. I could probably near the 200 game mark before I ran out of decent games as well.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: rayne315 on August 09, 2017, 10:45:44 am
even though I have never played one I would have to say the Neo Geo AES. this is simply because back when It released it was the go to console for arcade ports with the best ports possible. even though it is not talked about much I have yet to hear of anyone who thought the games were bad. of course I may be wrong because I have never played the thing.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: burningdoom on August 09, 2017, 12:35:14 pm
Neo Geo AES.

Being that it's 95% 1st-party titles, most of the titles are good.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: doafan on August 09, 2017, 12:55:47 pm
Dreamcast of course mainly because the system was ahead of it's time.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: ferraroso on August 09, 2017, 06:56:22 pm
I would say that this title belongs to the Neo Geo AES.
But due to the overall inaccessibility and lack of variety in its library, I will need to vote for the almighty Dreamcast!
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: jce3000gt on August 09, 2017, 10:13:23 pm
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: scraph4ppy on August 09, 2017, 11:08:48 pm
I guess I'll go in on the N64, at least back in the day. This wasn't so much because it had loads of good games as much as it was that it was missing a lot of the bad ones. If companies were going to put the time and money into an N64 title they would typically at least try to make it good. Course it was early 3D gaming so those attempts wouldn't always succeed but I'd say the system definitely had comparitively more wheat and less chaff than the PS1 did.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: Agozer on August 10, 2017, 08:03:15 am
Out of everything released for a given system, I'd have to say Neo-Geo AES.

Outside of that, the PlayStation 4. I would have said the original PlayStation if not for the fact being a PAL gamer with a PlayStation in the 90's wasn't that great. The fact that our ports were always inferior in some way didn't help either. The games we did get weren't bad, we were just not given some of the very best ones.

Anyway, all video game consoles throughout history have had (and still have) poor/bad games.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: turf on August 10, 2017, 09:40:29 am
I might be biased but for me the SNES is the winner.  So many great games.

But for every Super Mario World, there was a Bebe's Kids.  For every Super Metroid, there was a Pit Fighter. 
See what I'm getting at?  There were loads of stinkers on the SNES.  Tons of GREAT games, but tons of trash too.

Out of everything released for a given system, I'd have to say Neo-Geo AES.

AES is probably the winner.  It had a small library and mostly above average games.  Nothing that really changed my life or was a killer game, but no real trash either.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: Warmsignal on August 10, 2017, 02:18:55 pm
Yeah Neo Geo, because everything was a fighter.... I know not everything was a fighter, but everything was a fighter. Fighters, fighters, fighters. That's consistent.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: burningdoom on August 10, 2017, 02:37:33 pm
None of my favorite Neo Geo games are fighters. The Metal Slug series, Magician Lord, Shock Troopers 1 & 2, Blazing Star, and Aero Fighters 1 & 2.

While they were few and far in-between, they were all very good.

And fighters or not, they were still top-quality fighters. It's not like you were getting Pit-Fighter on Neo Geo.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: ferraroso on August 10, 2017, 07:15:40 pm
SNK is (or was) my favorite video game company and I also agree that the AES probably has the best percentage of good (or awesome) games released.
However, I believe that the lack of variety in its library cannot be ignored if we are to choose what console had the most "consistent" library. And that's why I believe the Dreamcast wins in this category.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: brazbit on August 10, 2017, 11:03:48 pm
Atari's Home Pong console, Not much in the way of selection but if you want consistency it sits at a perfect 100%. ;)
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: toxicmarble000 on August 11, 2017, 04:37:07 pm
I would have to say the Genesis. They have a lot of great hidden gems, console ports, multiplayer, and mature content for a retro machine.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: blurks on August 11, 2017, 07:37:16 pm
I would have to say the Genesis. They have a lot of great hidden gems, console ports, multiplayer, and mature content for a retro machine.

The Genesis / Mega Drive had a decent selection from every genre, that's right but it also suffers from many titles with below average quality. I tend to say, 50-60% of the Genesis library is just shovelware or junkware.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: burningdoom on August 11, 2017, 07:55:50 pm
I would have to say the Genesis. They have a lot of great hidden gems, console ports, multiplayer, and mature content for a retro machine.

The Genesis / Mega Drive had a decent selection from every genre, that's right but it also suffers from many titles with below average quality. I tend to say, 50-60% of the Genesis library is just shovelware or junkware.

Yeah, there's a lot of duds on the Genesis.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: DreamsDied13101 on August 12, 2017, 02:12:30 pm
Interesting to see the Wii U and Dreamcast fetching so much of the vote since both consoles performed miserably. I would have to agree though. Both are probably my two favorite consoles. If you factor in the Wii U e-shop titles you might drop Wii U off the list. It is hard to find much good there unless you count Virtual Console.

I own an AES and a lot of games and my only argument against it for this thread is that they are arcade titles. So they are consistently good games if you love arcade titles. I certainly do, but they are not everyone cup of tea and there is not a lot of variety.

Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: scraph4ppy on August 13, 2017, 07:58:30 pm
Well if we are going to talk about consistency in a negative sense then I guess you could put down the Wii as most consistent. For every great game that was released on it, you had twenty quick and dirty minigame collections. We haven't had a ratio like that on a successful system since the Atari days.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: chrismb on August 13, 2017, 08:27:17 pm
If we're talking about consistency then i'd say the Dreamcast, but if we're talking about which consoles have my favorite games then i'd say PS3/Xbox 360 and Xbox one/PS4
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: redblaze57 on August 13, 2017, 09:58:22 pm
Mattel Hyperscan has the most consistent library. Nothing on that system is good at all.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: pzeke on August 24, 2017, 09:18:53 pm
I know a lot of people like the Dreamcast and what have you, but if we're going by consistency as far as games I like/would like to play, then to me it isn't. I have a wantlist and the Dreamcast happens to be in it, as I would like to own one sometime someday, but game-wise I only have exactly 28 games listed that I'd like to get, and of the 28 some have been ported to other consoles. The same can be said about the Wii U, it's in my wantlist, but the games I'd like to get roughly reach 20.

The PlayStation 2 for me is the most consistent, as I have around 300+ games that I've played some way or another and like, and still have more in my wantlist that I would like to get. Having acquired a TEST PS2 has broaden the horizon even more.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: leonefamily on August 25, 2017, 09:51:03 pm
PlayStation 2. There's no asking needed. PS2 is the ultimate king!
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: cirno on September 16, 2017, 01:46:18 am
I think the Dreamcast and Wii U tend to come up so much because they had pitifully small lifespans and libraries. Yeah there aren't that many terrible Wii U or Dreamcast games but there's hardly at all.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: burningdoom on September 16, 2017, 02:25:16 am
I think the Dreamcast and Wii U tend to come up so much because they had pitifully small lifespans and libraries. Yeah there aren't that many terrible Wii U or Dreamcast games but there's hardly at all.

The Virtual Boy and Sega 32x had hardly any games. Wii U and Dreamcast have plenty.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: jdsizzleslice on September 16, 2017, 11:37:21 pm
I am kind of surprised no one has mentioned the Gamecube. The Gamecube Library has some of the best games ever made. Not only that, it has exclusive titles that were eccentric and at times just kinda weird (but in a good way).  :D
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: cirno on September 17, 2017, 12:34:30 am
I think the Dreamcast and Wii U tend to come up so much because they had pitifully small lifespans and libraries. Yeah there aren't that many terrible Wii U or Dreamcast games but there's hardly at all.

The Virtual Boy and Sega 32x had hardly any games. Wii U and Dreamcast have plenty.
Well sure by comparison. Compared to more successful consoles they don't have too much though

Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: sworddude on September 21, 2017, 05:21:48 am
Why is this even a discussion

My option would be the neo geo aes.

Yea sure people could complain about variety and only arcade games but were on a mainly retrogame forum, most people love the arcade games.

And if were really looking for the most consistent library neo geo cd wins this race

Since on that console the 5% gambling are gone if I'm not mistaken.

100% arcade games shoot em ups and 2d fighting games. You can't get any higher than that with any other console.

You could say loading times but that's not what this topic is about. neo geo cd for the win 100% consistency with good games even the sport games are arcade like and fun to play.


There are not to many gamecube games that are good. Pretty much only first party titles and very few 3rd party gamecube games wich are good

with more than 500 games It's hard to say that more than even a 100 games are good

A consistency of only around 20% in the best case that's not really to great if I'm honest the gamecube has allot of filler.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: ferraroso on September 21, 2017, 09:04:51 am
There are not to many gamecube games that are good. Pretty much only first party titles and very few 3rd party gamecube games wich are good

I need to agree with you there. The GameCube is, together with the SNES, the one of the only two Nintendo home consoles that I can say that I like, but, especially if you take into consideration it's Japanese library, amount of shovelware unfortunately takes the it out of this list...
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: undertakerprime on September 22, 2017, 09:04:18 am
This discussion seems to illustrate an interesting point:
The more popular, longer-lived consoles typically can't be considered for the most consistent library because they were the ones that attracted companies looking to poop out shovelware to make a quick buck.

I may have to go with the Neogeo. When every game cost as much as a new console back in the day, the quality had to be top notch for people to shell out that kind of money for each one. No room for $200 shovelware.

It would be fascinating to see which console has the highest percentage of games which are generally considered to be "good". T'would be an arduous undertaking, methinks.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: sworddude on September 22, 2017, 04:13:23 pm
This discussion seems to illustrate an interesting point:
The more popular, longer-lived consoles typically can't be considered for the most consistent library because they were the ones that attracted companies looking to poop out shovelware to make a quick buck.

I may have to go with the Neogeo. When every game cost as much as a new console back in the day, the quality had to be top notch for people to shell out that kind of money for each one. No room for $200 shovelware.

It would be fascinating to see which console has the highest percentage of games which are generally considered to be "good". T'would be an arduous undertaking, methinks.

Neo geo CD has 100% arcade games no shovel ware at all you cannot get any higher than this console. sure same games compared to the main systems but less and without certain games.

The neo geo mvs and Neo geo aes had a very small % of gambling and quiz games 95% good games wich would give them 2nd place.

Sports games on the neo geo consoles are fun arcade games nothing in comparison to console sport games. Some of those sport games are really superb.

Furthermore pretty much all games were made by SNK themselves so crappy games are out of the question, a few obsecure non snk titles by sunsoft but than again they happen to make great and interesting games.

You could always take some uncommon systems into consderation like the capcom home console or the fm towns marty wich only have arcade games if I am not mistaken quite good ones at that also a 100%, but than again can you call these systems consoles? in my opinion not.
Title: Re: What console do you think has the most consistent library?
Post by: shadowzero on October 21, 2017, 05:28:06 pm
Let me start off by saying I agree with all of you.  However, I will throw my hat in for the NES and here's why.  Nintendo with the NES ended the video game crash of the eighties by differentiating itself  from all those who came before it.  Marketing the NES as a toy instead of a video game system, showing what the game actually looked like on box cover art (think black box launch titles), and ratcheting iron clad quality control on third party developers created the FIRST consistent quality system I'd say.  It may not seem like it now but Nintendos' business practices are the reason the market is the way it is today with the big 3 and not over saturation. Yep even with ALL the crappy games in the NES library there are MANY that developers build on to this day.