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VGCollect Site Stuff => Video Game Database Discussion => Topic started by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:09:13 pm

Title: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:09:13 pm
I was searching for a rating guide for video games on the net but i couldn't find anything that suited me, i was even shocked by how incomplete some guide are, like the English Wikipedia page of the USK rating. So i thought "why not make one myself ?" and... well here it is. It's certainly not complete and probably have a few lot of errors, in the guide itself and also grammatically (English is not my native language), so feel free to correct me and even contribute if i forgot anything (which i certainly do).

*I give to the Moderators the rights do edit any of my post on this thread without asking me permission*

ESRB (North America) (,8623.msg145213.html#msg145213)
PAS (North America) (,8623.msg145214.html#msg145214)
3DO (,8623.msg145215.html#msg145215) defunct
RSAC (North America) (,8623.msg145216.html#msg145216) defunct
VRC (North America) (,8623.msg145217.html#msg145217) defunct
INCAA (Argentina) (,8623.msg145218.html#msg145218)
ClassInd (Brazil) (,8623.msg145219.html#msg145219)
PEGI (Europe) (,8623.msg145220.html#msg145220)
BBFC (UK) (,8623.msg145221.html#msg145221)
aDeSe (Spanish) (,8623.msg145222.html#msg145222)
USK (Germany) (,8623.msg145223.html#msg145223)
ELSPA (Europe) (,8623.msg145224.html#msg145224) defunct
VET/SFB (Finland) (,8623.msg145225.html#msg145225) defunct
SELL (France) (,8623.msg145226.html#msg145226) defunct
IGAC (Portugal) (,8623.msg145227.html#msg145227)
ESRA (Iran) (,8623.msg145228.html#msg145228)
FPB (South Africa) (,8623.msg145229.html#msg145229)
RARS (Russia) (,8623.msg145230.html#msg145230)
GSRR (Taiwan) (,8623.msg145231.html#msg145231)
GRAC (South Korea) (,8623.msg145232.html#msg145232)
KMRB (South Korea) (,8623.msg145233.html#msg145233) defunct
CERO (Japan) (,8623.msg145234.html#msg145234)
EOCS (Japan) (,8623.msg145235.html#msg145235)
IMDA (Singapore) (,8623.msg145236.html#msg145236)
ACB (Australia) (,8623.msg145237.html#msg145237)
OFLC (New Zealand) (,8623.msg145238.html#msg145238)
TIGRS (Online) (,8623.msg145239.html#msg145239) defunct ?
GCAM (Saudi Arabia) (,8623.msg185143.html#msg185143)
NMC (United Arab Emirates) (,8623.msg185145.html#msg185145)
MRO (United Arab Emirates) (,8623.msg202008.html#msg202008)
Calificación de Videojuegos (Chile) (,8623.msg186501.html#msg186501)
IGRS (Singapore) (,8623.msg186502.html#msg186502)
SMECCV (Mexico) (,8623.msg189847.html#msg189847)
IARC (Online) (,8623.msg187158.html#msg187158)
TecToy (Brazil) (,8623.msg187416.html#msg187416) defunct
Sega (Japan) (,8623.msg187586.html#msg187586) defunct
KFCB (Kenya) (,8623.msg201133.html#msg201133)
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:09:29 pm
The ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) is a rating system used in the United States, Canada and Mexico since 1994.

( EC: Early Childhood, Games with that rating contain content that are aimed to young children.

( ( K-A: Kids to Adults, this rating was used for games suitable to all ages, it was used during 1994 to 1998 before being replaced by the next rating below.

( ( E: Everyone, this rating was created in 1998 to replace the K-A rating and like it's name simply say it, games with that rating are suitable for everyone.

( E10+: Everyone 10+, games with this rating contain content generally suitable for those aged 10 years and older, this rating was created in 2004. Games with that rating can contain a greater amount of violence, mild language, crude humor, or suggestive content than the standard E rated games.

( ( T: Teen, games with this rating contain content generally suitable for those aged 13 years and older. Games with that rating can contain moderate amounts of violence, mild to moderate use of strong language or suggestive themes, sexual content, and crude humor.

( ( M: Mature, games with this rating contain content generally suitable for those aged 17 years and older. Games with that rating contain content with an impact higher than the T rating can accommodate, including intense and/or realistic portrayals of violence, stronger sexual themes and content, partial nudity, and more frequent use of strong language.

( AO: Adults Only, games with this rating contain content suitable for those aged 18 years and older. Games with that rating contain content with an impact higher than the M rating can accommodate, including strong sexual themes and content, graphic nudity, or extreme portrayals of violence.

( RP: Rating Pending, the rating is exclusively used in promotional material of games when the ESRB still didn't give them the final rating.

When the content of the product have different rating like compilation of games or demos, they can have a double rating like E-T, E-E10+ or even RP-M (the RP-# rating is used for demos when at least one of the games still not have the final rating from the ESRB). Here i an example of what those rating looks like:
So product with a E-T rating for example will have games rated from E (suitable for everyone) to T (suitable for 13 years old and older).
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:09:49 pm
The PAS (Parental Advisory System) is the rating system for coin-operated video games. It's been created in the 90s after the controversies around the release of Mortal Kombat.

The rating system was revised in 2013 by the AAMA (American Amusement Machine Association).

( Suitable for All Ages - Content is appropriate for game players of all ages.

( Mild Content - May contain mild violence, suggestive themes, minimal blood or crude humor.

( Strong Content - May contain strong language, sexual content, or strong violence involving human characters resulting in blood and gore.

( This Game Not Yet Rated - The game has not yet been given a rating by the manufacturer.

You can get a list of all games ( rated by that system directly on their site ( (the list contain the new and the old variation of the ratings used on each game).
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:10:02 pm
The 3DO Rating System, created by The 3DO Company in 1993, was applied to the games made by that company, when the ESRB rating system was created in 1994 The 3DO Company continued to provide their own rating to the publisher of their games, leaving to them the choice to use whether rating system they decide.

( 3DO E Everyone (game suitable for all ages).

( 3DO 12 Guidance for 12 & under (game suitable for ages 12 and older).

3DO 16 exclusive to Japan

( 3DO 17 Guidance for 17 & under (game suitable for ages 17 and older).

( 3DO AO Adults Only (game suitable only for adults).
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:10:22 pm
The RSAC (Recreational Software Advisory Council) was founded in the US in 1994, it was closed in 1999 and reformed into an online rating called the ICRA (Internet Content Rating Association).

Instead of using an age rating they used a four levels rating of three different category (Violence, Nudity/Sex, Language), so a game can have up to three different rating based it's content.

a few examples:


( Violence

Level 0: Harmless conflict; some damage to objects
( 1: Creatures injured or killed; damage to objects; fighting
( 2: Humans injured or killed; with small amount of blood
( 3: Humans injured or killed; blood and gore
( 4: Wanton and gratuitous violence; torture; rape

( Nudity / Sex

Level 0: No nudity or revealing attire / Romance, no sex
( 1: Revealing attire / Passionate kissing
( 2: Partial nudity / Clothed sexual touching
( 3: Non-sexual frontal nudity / Non-explicit sexual activity
( 4: Provocative frontal nudity / Explicit sexual activity; sex crimes

( Language

Level 0: Inoffensive slang; no profanity
( 1: Mild expletives
( 2: Expletives; non-sexual anatomical references   
( 3: Strong, vulgar language; obscene gestures   
( 4: Crude or explicit sexual references

A game without a level (or a level 0) in all those three category can have another rating:

( ALL (suitable for all audience)
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:10:36 pm
The VRC (Videogame Rating Council) created by Sega of America in 1993 and used to rate all games released on the Sega Genesis, the Game Gear, Sega CD and the Sega Pico. This rating was replaced by the ESRB near the end of 1994.

Those ratings mostly comes as a black & white design but can also be found in a lot of different colors variations (like blue & white for Barney's Hide & Seek Game (, red & black for Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures ( or even red & white like shown below)

GA - General Audience (Appropriate for all audiences)

( (

MA-13 - Mature Audience - Parental Discretion Advised (Game suitable for ages 13 and older)

( (

MA-17 - Mature Audience - Not appropriate for minors (Game suitable for ages 17 and older)

( (
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:10:53 pm
The INCAA (Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales / National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts) is the actual the system rating in Argentina.

( ATP Apta para todo público (Suitable for all audiences)

( +13 Sólo apta para mayores de 13 años (Only suitable for people over 13 years)

( +16 Sólo apta para mayores de 16 años (Only suitable for people over 16 years)

( +18 Sólo apta para mayores de 18 años (Only suitable for people over 18 years)
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:11:07 pm
The ClassInd (Classificação Indicativa / Advisory Rating) is the rating system used in Brazil since 2001, before that the ESRB rating system was used by some Brazilian distributors but without any translation from English or being adapted to the Brazilian culture this system was considered inappropriate for the Brazilian market (leaving most consumers uninformed by the meaning of those rating) and so this rating system was created.

( ER - Especialmente Recomendado para crianças e adolescentes (Especially recommended for children and teenagers). This rating was abandoned in 2007.

( L - Livre (General Audience)

( 10 - Não recomendado para menores de dez anos (Not recommended for minors under ten)

( 12 - Não recomendado para menores de doze anos (Not recommended for minors under twelve)

( 14 - Não recomendado para menores de catorze anos (Not recommended for minors under fourteen)

( 16 - Não recomendado para menores de dezesseis anos (Not recommended for minors under sixteen)

( 18 - Não recomendado para menores de dezoito anos (Not recommended for minors under eighteen)
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:11:19 pm
The PEGI (Pan European Game Information) is the main rating system used in Europe, it was created in 2003 and have replaced many others national age rating systems in Europe.

The rating had a few change over the years, going for a black & white design with an ISFE (Interactive Software Federation of Europe, who founded the PEGI rating system in 2003) watermark in the background at first to colored version with a PEGI watermark in 2009, then in 2010 the third and (for now) final version was created, a colored background but without any watermarks (a few others minor variations than those shown below can still be found, like for the 2010 version, they can have a white contour with a black "" instead of the black contour with a white "" shown below).

PEGI 3 (games suitable for 3 years old and older)

( 2003 version, black edition. ( 2003 version, white edition.
( 2009 version. ( 2010 version.

PEGI 7 (games suitable for 7 years old and older)

( (

PEGI 12 (games suitable for 12 years old and older)


PEGI 16 (games suitable for 16 years old and older)


PEGI 18 (games suitable for 18 years old and older)


A few countries have a modified PEGI rating system like the Portugal where the PEGI 7 doesn't exist instead it's replaced by a PEGI 6, here are those PEGI ratings:

PEGI 4 (games suitable for 4 years old and older): this rating was used to replace the PEGI 3 in Portugal until June 2017, the PEGI 3 rating is now officially used.

PEGI 6 (games suitable for 6 years old and older): This rating replace the PEGI 7 on the Portuguese released games, this is the only different PEGI rating still used at this date.

PEGI 11 (games suitable for 11 years old and older): this rating was used in Finland to replace the PEGI 12 rating until January 2007, the PEGI 12 rating is now officially used.

PEGI 15 (games suitable for 15 years old and older): this rating was used in Finland to replace the PEGI 16 rating until January 2007, the PEGI 16 rating is now officially used.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:11:35 pm
The BBFC (British Board of Film Classification) Rating system is a system used in the UK, it was created in 1912 to rate and censor movies exhibited at cinemas and video works (such as television programmes, trailers,...). That system also rated games to some extend (while others were rated by the ELSPA rating system), but in 2010 the responsibility for the classification of video games in the UK has passed to the VSC (Video Standard Council) who use the PEGI Rating system to rate games. A game can still be submitted to the BBFC if it contains strong pornographic material or if it includes video material that is not directly accessible through the game itself (like a documentary for exemple).

( BBFC U Universal All ages admitted. There is nothing unsuitable for children aged 4 years and over.

( BBFC PG Parental Guidance All ages admitted, but some certain scenes can be unsuitable for young children. They should not disturb children aged 8 or older.

( BBFC 12  Suitable for people aged 12 and older. It is illegal to supply a work with a 12 certificate to anyone under that age.

( BBFC 15 Suitable only for people aged 15 and older. It is illegal to supply a work with a 15 certificate to anyone under that age.

( BBFC 18 Suitable only for people aged 18 or older, which means adults only. It is illegal to supply a work with an 18 certificate to anyone under that age.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:11:49 pm
The aDeSe (Asociación Española de Distribuidores y Editores de Software de Entretenimiento / Spanish Association of Distributors and Publishers of Entertainment Software) rating system was used in Spain from 1996 to 2003, when the PEGI rating system was created. That aDeSe rating system still exist and is still used to rate games (it's pretty rare and it's mostly for the PC).

( TP apto para Todos los Publicos / For all Audience (Suitable for all ages)

( +13 No Recomendado para Menores de 13 Años / Not recommended for minors under 13 years old

( +16 No Recomendado para Menores de 16 Años / Not recommended for minors under 16 years old

( +18 No Recomendado para Menores de 18 Años / Not recommended for minors under 18 years old
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:12:24 pm
The USK (Unterhaltungssoftware SelbstKontrolle, Entertainment Software Self-Regulation) is the German rating system.

It was founded in 1994 and had a lot of change during the years, going from the same colored logo (except for the USK 18) to a different color for each rating in 2003 then to a full colored logo with a translucent background on the border and a better emphasis on the number in 2009 (example of the real 2009 version (

USK 0 (Geeignet ohne Altersbeschränkung / Suitable without age restriction)

( (1994 version)
( (2003 version)
( (2009 version)

USK 6 (Geeignet ab 6 Jahren / Suitable from 6 years old)

( (1994 version)
( (2003 version)
( (2009 version)

USK 12 (Geeignet ab 12 Jahren / Suitable from 12 years old)

( (1994 version)
( (2003 version)
( (2009 version)

USK 16 (Geeignet ab 16 Jahren / Suitable from 16 years old)

( (1994 version)
( (2003 version)
( (2009 version)

USK 18 (Nicht geeignet unter 18 Jahren / Not suitable under 18 years)

( (1994 version)
( (2003 version)
( (2009 version)

USK Einstufung ausstehend / Rating Pending

( This rating is only for promotional and advertising uses when a game still haven't been officially rated. For example it can be found on empty box that are available in some shops and that are used as pre-order copy (like this one (

During the transition to the last rating version in 2009, stickers with the new rated logo have been put on a lot of already released games to cover the old versions, a few variations of those stickers exist like a fully colored one (with no translucent background): example (, a less colored background variation (example ( or even with totally a transparent background : example (
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:12:39 pm
The ELSPA (Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association) rating system rated games in the UK and in Europe between 1994 to 2003 where it was replaced by the PEGI rating system.

The system didn't really change until 2002, it started as a rectangle where all four rating were shown but the suitable ages were indicated by a green hook while the unsuitable ages were indicated by a red cross, in 2002 this was changed to a smaller blue rectangle where only the suitable age was shown.

ELSPA 3+ (suitable for ages 3 and older)

( (1994 version)
( (2002 version)

ELSPA 11+ (suitable for ages 11 and older)

( (1994 version)
( (2002 version)

ELSPA 15+ (suitable for ages 15 and older)

( (1994 version)
( (2002 version)

ELSPA 18+ (adults only)

( (1994 version)
( (2002 version)
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:12:51 pm
The VET/SFB rating system (VET: Valtion elokuvatarkastamo in Finnish and SFB: Statens filmgranskningsbyrå in Swedish, the Finnish Board of Film Classification) was used to rate games in Finland from 1998 to 2003 when the country adopted the PEGI rating system but the VET/SFB system reserved themselves the right to replace the PEGI rating by their own rating on some games until late 2011, when the system was dissolved, the PEGI system rating was the only rating used in Finland since then.

The ratings can either be "Classified" or "Registered", Classified ratings were circular while Registered rating were of a square shape. Under the VET/SFB system video games are exempt from classification but they still need to be registered and display a recommended age on their cover, so the square symbol were the most commonly seen on video games. However some rare case where a circular (classified) rating was applied to a game exist (like this one (, it would mean that the game was presented to the authority for classification.

The "XXXXXXX" on the picture shown below were either an identification number issued by the VET/SFB or the EAN of the product.

( S/T Suitable for all ages

( ( 3 Suitable for ages 3 and older

( ( 7 Suitable for ages 7 and older

( ( 11 Suitable for ages 11 and older

( 12 Suitable for ages 12 and older

( 13 Suitable for ages 13 and older

( ( 15 Suitable for ages 15 and older

( 16 Suitable for ages 16 and older

( ( 18 Suitable for ages 18 and older
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:13:03 pm
The SELL (Syndicat des Editeurs de Logiciels de Loisirs / Union of Publishers of Entertainment Software) rating system was used in France from 1999 to 2003 when it was replaced by the PEGI rating system.

It can be found alone on French only or FAH (French / Netherlands) variants but could also be found alongside others rating (like the ELSPA and the USK ratings) on the back cover of the CD case (PS1 or Dreamcast for example) of some European variant (the box of the DVD case, like the PS2 or the Xbox, only have one rating even for European release).

( Pour tous publics / For all audience

( Déconseillé aux moins de 12 ans / Not Recommended for 12 years old or under

( Public Adulte - Déconseillé aux moins de 16 ans / Adult audience - Not Recommended for 16 years old or under

( Interdit aux moins de 18 ans / Restricted under 18 years old
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:13:16 pm
The IGAC (Inspecção Geral das Actividades Culturais / General Inspection of Cultural Activities), previously called the CCE (Comissão de Classificação de Espectáculos), was a rating system used in Portugal starting in 1999.

*I couldn't find any pictures of those ratings, don't hesitate to contact me if you know where to find them*

A Parcialmente adequado para crianças / Partly suitable for children

M/3 Para crianças de 3 anos e acima / For children aged 3 and above


M/6 Para crianças de 6 anos e acima / For children aged 6 and above

M/12 Para crianças de 12 anos e acima / For children aged 12 and above

M/14 Para crianças de 14 anos e acima / For children aged 14 and above

M/16 Para crianças de 16 anos e acima / For children aged 16 and above

M/18 Para as pessoas de 18 anos e acima / For people aged 18 and above
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:13:28 pm
The ESRA (Entertainment Software Rating Association) was founded in 2007 (but the rating system itself was created in 2009), it is the actual rating system used on games in Iran.

( 3+ (Suitable only for ages 3 and older)

( 7+ (Suitable only for ages 7 and older)

( 12+ (Suitable only for ages 12 and older)

( 15+ (Suitable only for ages 15 and older)

( 18+ (Suitable only for ages 18 and older)

( 25+ (Suitable only for ages 25 and older)
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:13:44 pm
The FPB (Film & Publication Board) is the actual rating system used in South Africa.

( PG Parental Guidance (The content is suitable for all ages as long a parent/guardian decide to let the children watch/play it)

( 7-9 PG 7-9 Parental Guidance (The content is suitable for children aged 9 and more, children since 7 years old can still have access to it with the authorization of a parent/guardian)

( 10-12 PG 10-12 Parental Guidance (The content is suitable for children aged 12 and more, children since 10 years old can still have access to it with the authorization of a parent/guardian)

( 13 Suitable for ages 13 and older

( 16 Suitable for ages 16 and older

( 18 Suitable for ages 18 and older

( X18 Restricted distribution to adult venues

( XX  This product can't be distributed or exhibited anywhere
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:13:53 pm
The RARS (Russian Age Rating System), or in Russian the PCBP (Российская Система Возрастных Рейтингов), is the actual rating system used in Russia since September 2012.

The color and shape of the rating is not legally defined. The shape can be round or square and it can come as a black & white or in a multi-colored version. I will put below the most used variation i could find.

( 0+ - для детей всех во3растов / For children of all ages

( 6+ - для детей старше 6 лет / For children aged 6 and above

( 12+ - для детей старше 12 лет / For children aged 12 and above

( 16+ - для детей старше 16 лет / For children aged 16 and above

( 18+ - 3апрещено для детей / Forbidden for children
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:14:06 pm
The GSRR (Game Software Rating Regulations) is the actual Taiwanese rating system since 2006.

( 0+ 普遍級 (General Audience) - Suitable for all ages.

( 6+ 保護級 (Protected) - Suitable for ages 6 and older

( 12+ 輔12級 (Parental Guidance 12) - Suitable for ages 12 and older

( 15+ 輔15級 (Parental Guidance 15) - Suitable for ages 15 and older

( 18+ 限制級 (Restricted) - Suitable only for ages 18 and older
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:14:20 pm
The GRAC (Game Rating and Administration Committee), initially called the GRB (Game Rating Board), is the actual rating system in South Korea, it has replaced the KMRB rating in 2006.

( All (suitable for all ages)

( 12 (suitable for ages 12 and above)

( 15 (suitable for ages 15 and above)

( 18 (suitable for ages 18 and above)

( Test Rating applied to demos or when the final rating has still not been given by the GRAC.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:14:34 pm
The KMRB (Korea Media Rating Board), initially founded under the name "South Korea Art and Culture Ethics Committee" in 1966 and changing to it's current name in 1999, they rated games released in South Korea until 2006 when the GRAC rating system replaced them for the classification of games.

( Suitable for all ages

( Suitable only for 12 years old and above

( Suitable only for 15 years old and above

( Suitable only for adults

( Suitable only for adults and restricted release to "Adults Only" venues, which ban anyone aged under 19.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:14:46 pm
The CERO (Computer Entertainment Rating Organization) Rating system is the actual system used in Japan, it's been created in 2002 to rate video games.

The rating had a few changes in 2006, going from Japanese character for the CERO ALL rating and numbers for the others to a simple letter.

( CERO ALL (全年齢 / Zen Nenrei). This rating was replaced by the CERO A rating in 2006.

( CERO A (games suitable for everyone). This rating was created in 2006 to replace the CERO All rating.

( 12 (games suitable for 12 years old and older). This rating was replaced by the CERO B rating in 2006.

( CERO B (games suitable for 12 years old and older). This rating was created in 2006 to replace the CERO 12 rating

( CERO 15 (games suitable for 15 years old and older) This rating was replaced by the CERO C rating in 2006.

( CERO C (games suitable for 15 years old and older) This rating was created in 2006 to replace the CERO 15 rating.

( CERO D (games suitable for 17 years old and older) This new rating created in 2006 didn't replace any older rating, instead it create a new category for games that are not suitable for 15 years old but still do not fall in the "18 years old and older" category.

( CERO 18 (games suitable for 18 years old and older) This rating was replaced by the CERO Z rating in 2006.

( CERO Z (games suitable for 18 years old and older) This rating was created in 2006 to replace the CERO 18 rating.

( 教育・データベース (Kyouiku Database) A special rating applied to non-game educational or software released on console (example (

( 審査予定 (Shinsa Yotei) This rating is used for promotional use when the CERO system still haven't given the final rating to a game.

( 規定適合 (Kitei Tekigou) A special rating used for trial versions of games (like demonstrations disc) (example (
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:14:58 pm
The EOCS (the Ethics Organization of Computer Software) is the rating system used on some computer games in Japan since 1992 (but it seems to be pretty rare, most computer games uses a CERO rating).

( EOCS General (suitable for all ages)

( EOCS 12 (suitable for 12 years old and older)

( EOCS R (Restricted) (suitable for 15 years old and older) This rating was replaced by the EOCS 15 in September 2011.

( EOCS 15 (suitable for 15 years old and older)

( EOCS 18 (suitable for 18 years old and older)
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:15:10 pm
The IMDA (Info-communications Media Development Authority), previously called MDA (Media Development Authority), is the rating system used in Singapore since 2003.

( G General (Suitable for all ages)

( PG Parental Guidance (Suitable for all ages but parental guidance is advised for young children)

( PG13 Parental Guidance 13 (Suitable for ages 13 and above, parental guidance recommended for children under that age)

( NC16 No Children under 16 (Only suitable for ages 16 and above)

( M18 Mature 18 (Only suitable for ages 18 and above)

( R21 Restricted 21 (Only suitable for adults)

Some sources on the net are saying that apparently only two ratings are used on video games, the M18 rating and the S16 rating that i will put below, games that are rated below those two ratings doesn't need to have any rating on their cover, i sadly couldn't find any pictures of games released in Singapore to confirm that.

( S16 Suitable For 16 & Above
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:15:21 pm
The ACB (Australian Classification Board) was originally part of the OFLC which was dissolved in 2006 (only in Australia, the New Zealand side of the OFLC still exist), it is the actual game rating used in Australia.


The classifications below are unrestricted and may require parental advisory but do not impose any legal restrictions on access to or distribution of material.

G: General (contains material suitable for general viewing or playing)

( (

PG Parental Guidance recommanded (Not recommended for viewing or playing by people under 15 without guidance from parents or guardians)

( (

M Mature - Recommended for Mature audiences (Recommended for people aged 15 years and over. People under 15 may legally access this material because it is an advisory category.)

( (

E Exempt for classification (Only very specific types of material (including educational material and artistic performances) can be exempt from classification, and the material cannot contain anything that exceeds the constraints of the PG classification)


Restricted Rating

By contrast, the classifications below are legally restricted: it is illegal to sell or exhibit material so classified to anyone younger than the mentioned minimum age.

MA 15+ Mature Accompanied (Not suitable for people under 15. Under 15s must be accompanied by a parent or a adult guardian)

( (

R 18+ Restricted to 18 and over

( (

Older versions of the rating

( G General (contains material suitable for general viewing or playing)

( G8+ General for children over 8 years of age (this rating have been replaced by the PG rating)

( M15+ Mature Unrestricted - Not recommended for people under 15 years old, however it is not restricted classification so there isn't any legal restrictions on it (this rating was replaced by the M rating to prevent any confusion with the MA15+ rating)

( MA 15+ Mature Restricted (Not suitable for people under 15. Under 15s must be accompanied by a parent or a adult guardian).
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:15:34 pm
The OFLC (Office of Film and Literature Classification) was created in 1916 and is responsible for classification of all films, videos, publications, and video games in New Zealand.

It used the same colored rating system since 1987.

Unrestricted labels

( G General - Suitable for Genral Audiences.

( PG Parental Guidance - Parental Guidance Recommended for Younger Viewers.

( M Mature - Suitable for Audiences 16 Years and over.

Restricted labels

It is illegal to sell, hire, show or give a restricted (red labelled) film or game to anyone under the age shown on the label (unless an exception is stated on the label).

( RP13 - Restricted to persons 13 Years and over unless accompanied by a Parent/Guardian.

( R13 - Restricted to persons 13 Years and over.

( R15 - Restricted to persons 15 Years and over.

( RP16 - Restricted to persons 16 Years and over unless accompanied by a Parent/Guardian.

( R16 - Restricted to persons 16 Years and over.

( RP18 - Restricted to persons 18 Years and over unless accompanied by a Parent/Guardian.

( R18 - Restricted to persons 18 Years and over.

( R Restricted - This rating means that there is a special restriction. Refer to what is written on the right side of the label for the full restricted conditions.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 01:15:45 pm
The TIGRS (The Independent Game Rating System) was a system founded by Daniel Kinney, the system was self-rating which mean that the developers themselves can choose what rating they want for their games, it was mostly used for PC, for digital and web browser game for example and even on some physical release (like Lowrider Extreme in our database ( This rating was free to get directly from their official site ( but the site is down since January 2017 without any official notice.

If anyone is interested i found the thread on ( that led to the creation of that rating system.

Family Friendly


Teen Content


Adult Content

Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: badATchaos on October 12, 2017, 01:43:58 pm
What platform uses EOCS? I've never heard of it.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 02:01:26 pm
What platform uses EOCS? I've never heard of it.

The EOCS is apparently used on Computer games in Japan, i couldn't find any pictures of any games with that rating (most of those i found had a CERO rating which indicate that the data i found on the CERO rating is wrong, since many guide indicate that they only rate Console games), i will continue to search if i find anything.

Edit: Ok i found that while it is true that they rate computer games, it is in fact pretty rare and is mostly used on Hentai games, this is the only SFW picture i could find ( with that rating.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: tripredacus on October 12, 2017, 03:25:37 pm
Australia also has the rating label in these two examples:

There is also one that has a lion or something on it, but that may be for movies.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: kashell on October 12, 2017, 03:41:13 pm
Dayum. This thread is packed with info. Thanks for posting all of this, metshael.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 12, 2017, 03:58:31 pm
Australia also has the rating label in these two examples:

There is also one that has a lion or something on it, but that may be for movies.

Thanks for the info, i added the four old Australian ratings i could find.

Yeah, most of those ratings also rate other things like movies, so a lot of other variation not used on video games can be found like for the USK, instead of the diamond shaped rating we see on video games it is a circular rating ( we can find on movies, and i don't even talk about the BBFC, this rating was created to rate movies after all and it exist for more than 100 years so there is a LOT of different variations.

Dayum. This thread is packed with info. Thanks for posting all of this, metshael.

I wanted to do it for a while and since i had a bit of free time lately i made use of it in a useful way.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: ignition365 on October 12, 2017, 04:42:15 pm
This is a dope thread and should definitely be stickied in like the Database Discussion board.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: telly on October 12, 2017, 05:12:04 pm
Is the GSRR used in all of China? I thought it was Taiwan. I have a game imported from Play-Asia that doesn't have the GSRR, and there are games released in "Asia" that will have either the rating or not, like Summer Lesson on PS4
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: metshael on October 13, 2017, 12:47:04 am
Is the GSRR used in all of China? I thought it was Taiwan. I have a game imported from Play-Asia that doesn't have the GSRR, and there are games released in "Asia" that will have either the rating or not, like Summer Lesson on PS4

This was an error on my side, the guide where i got the data about the GSRR indicate that it is used in the Republic of China (which is Taiwan, China is called the People's Republic of China), so yes the GSRR is a Taiwanese rating.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: telly on October 13, 2017, 07:21:05 am
Either way, that's still an awesome list :) Nice job
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: tripredacus on October 13, 2017, 09:45:33 am
This is a dope thread and should definitely be stickied in like the Database Discussion board.

I have already put a link to it in BadatChaos' hot topics thread that is stickied in this section.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: pacpix on October 17, 2017, 06:32:44 pm
This is a great list.  Thanks for compiling all of this information Metshael!  :)
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: tripredacus on January 24, 2018, 10:17:10 am
The IGAC (Inspecção Geral das Actividades Culturais / General Inspection of Cultural Activities), previously called the CCE (Comissão de Classificação de Espectáculos), was a rating system used in Portugal from 1999 to 2007, when the PEGI rating was adopted in the country.

*I couldn't find any pictures of those ratings, don't hesitate to contact me if you know where to find them*

A Parcialmente adequado para crianças / Partly suitable for children

M/3 Para crianças de 3 anos e acima / For children aged 3 and above

M/6 Para crianças de 6 anos e acima / For children aged 6 and above

M/12 Para crianças de 12 anos e acima / For children aged 12 and above

M/14 Para crianças de 14 anos e acima / For children aged 14 and above

M/16 Para crianças de 16 anos e acima / For children aged 16 and above

M/18 Para as pessoas de 18 anos e acima / For people aged 18 and above

Found the pictures of this, at least for movies. They do not appear to have their own printed covers to games (or movies) and instead use a label with the label printed on it. You can see examples on movies of this label on this image, on the bottom.

So we can consider these to just be "import" versions, similar to how Italy will sometimes just have a EU game with that hologram label on it, or Australia will take a North American or EU game and put some sticker on it.

In addition to ClassInd ref:,8623.msg145219.html#msg145219
In Brazil, there seems to be different rating images that were used (at least) in 2001 and 2002.

The "Livre" rating can be seen on this Actua Soccer 3:

And a "12" on this MegaRace 3:
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: lazertron on July 24, 2019, 07:53:31 am

sorry for bringing this topic up.

Your information concerning the 'new' ELSPA ratings logo (2002) cannot be true, as several 2001 PlayStation 1 games I own (not copyright, release date!) do feature the newer ELSPA logo, not the tick one.

It would be interesting, when the change was really done. When I find the time, I will search through all my PS1 releases to pinpoint a year/month.

PS: Quick analysis indicates, that the change between the ELSPA logos must have been done somewhere in the summer months of 1999.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: tripredacus on July 24, 2019, 09:36:18 am
You have no collection to look at. If you can provide examples or links to information, we can update this thread.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: lazertron on July 24, 2019, 09:51:15 am
I have my collection at home  ;)

OK, some PS1 PAL examples

Roswell Conspiracies (
©2001, released 2001/09

Sheep (
©2000, released 2000/11

Shaolin (
©1999, released 1999/05

Shaolin must be a borderline game when it comes to the ELSPA change, as Shanghai: True Valor had the change made inmidst the country variant releases.
The English and French releases (1999/05) (barcode 4907940130346 and 4907940130452) still have the old ELSPA rating, the German release 4907940130698 has the newer one.

Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: lazertron on July 24, 2019, 09:54:09 am
You have no collection to look at. If you can provide examples or links to information, we can update this thread.

Would be better it the guy did his homework and not state a date out of the blue. ( I have plenty to look at ;)
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: tripredacus on July 24, 2019, 12:04:04 pm
You have no collection to look at. If you can provide examples or links to information, we can update this thread. ( I have plenty to look at ;)

Oh noes. This Collection is empty! The VGCollect Collection is a great way to keep track of items that you are looking to add to your Collection.


Shaolin (
©1999, released 1999/05

Shaolin must be a borderline game when it comes to the ELSPA change

Where do you source this release date? PSXDatacenter has a date of March 31 2000.

Either way, if it wasn't 2002, then it was 2000. Only metshael can say why he put that but it was posted awhile ago.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: lazertron on July 25, 2019, 02:41:32 am
No, the newer ELSPA logo originated in 1999, not 2000 as you stated.

I was once part of (, and the data from the PSXDatacenter was mostly built on our data from 15 years ago. And it's not error-free. Nor am I, as I slipped a few cells in the database and stated Shaolin as 1999 release, which of course it wasn't. It was released March, 2003 ;)
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: tripredacus on July 25, 2019, 09:36:34 am
Well you can't fault anyone for getting things wrong if we are using your incorrect (and uncorrected) data as reference. :p

Anyways, do you have any links to official sources on the matter?
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: lazertron on July 25, 2019, 01:45:54 pm
Forget it. Not worth my time. Please be so kind to erase my profile. Thanks.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: tripredacus on July 26, 2019, 09:44:13 am
Forget it. Not worth my time. Please be so kind to erase my profile. Thanks.,10247.msg168250.html#msg168250
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: tripredacus on December 04, 2020, 10:27:03 am
The GCAM (General Commission for Audiovisual Media) is a rating system used in Saudi Arabia since 2012.

( 3: Video game content suitable for ages 3 and above only.

( 7: Video game content suitable for ages 7 and above only.

( 12: Video game content suitable for ages 12 and above only.

( 16: Video game content suitable for ages 16 and above only.

( 18: Video game content suitable for ages 18 and above only.

( To Be Classified: Equivalent to rating pending, is used in marketing materials. This rating was created in 2020.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: tripredacus on December 04, 2020, 10:49:13 am
The NMC (National Media Council) is a rating system used in United Arab Emirates from 2018-2021.

( 3: Suitable for 3.

( 7: Suitable for 7.

( 12: Suitable for 12.

( 16: Suitable for 16.

( 18: Suitable for 18.

( 21: Suitable for 21.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: dhaabi on January 29, 2021, 11:23:19 am
The Calificación de videojuegos ( is a rating system used in Chile since 2018. It is used in pair with the ESRB and PEGI rating systems.

( ER: Video game especially recommended for children and adolescents: for containing educational material and no inappropriate material for their age.

( TE: Video game without objectionable content that can be viewed by people of any age.

( 8+: Video game not recommended for children under 8 years of age because it contains a lower percentage of inappropriate language, sexual innuendoes or violence. Suitable for 8+.

( 14+: Video game not recommended for people under 14 years of age because it contains a moderate percentage of inappropriate language, sexual innuendoes or violence. Suitable for 14+.

( 18+: Video game not recommended for people under 18 years of age because it contains a significant percentage of vulgar language, explicit sexual material, frequent nudity or significant levels of violence. Suitable for 18+.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: dhaabi on January 29, 2021, 11:23:40 am
The Indonesian Game Rating System (IGRS) is a rating system founded and set by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Informatics in 2016.

( SU: Playable for all ages.

( ( 3+: Age 3 and over. No restricted content is shown including adult content, use of drugs, gambling simulation, and online interactions.

( ( 7+: Age 7 and over. No restricted content is shown including adult content, use of drugs, gambling simulation, and online interactions.

( ( 13+: Age 13 and over. Restricted contents are partially shown, including light use of drugs and alcohol by figures/background characters, cartoon violence, mild language, gambling simulation, horror theme, and online interactions.

( ( 18+: Age 18 and over. Restricted contents are mostly shown, if not all, including use of drugs and alcohol by main characters, realistic violence (blood, gore, mutilation, etc.), crude humor, gambling simulation, horror theme, and online interactions.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: dhaabi on January 29, 2021, 11:23:50 am
Although I don't have a reliable resource to help me understand the information, numerous Japanese rating companies seem to all individually regulate adult videos and, to a lesser extent, adult video games. Here are some various resources: 1 (, 2 (, 3 (

Content Soft Association (CSA), or コンテンツ ソフト協同組合. Defunct in 2010 and is now a part of JSRC.

East Japan Content Software (EJCS), or 東日本コンテンツ・ソフト. Defunct in 2015 and is now a part of JCRC.

Japan Video Ethics Examination Organization, or 一般社団法人日本映像倫理審査機構. Renamed to JCRC in 2016.

Japan Contents Review Center (JSRC), or 日本コンテンツ審査センター. Previously known as Japan Video Ethics Examination Organization.

Japan Video Production and Sales Ethics Organization / Japan, Produce, Visual, Sell (JVSP), or 日本映像ソフト制作.

Visual Software Content Industry Cooperative (VSIC), or ビジュアルソフト コンテンツ産業協.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: dhaabi on February 19, 2021, 05:42:54 pm
The International Age Rating Coalition (IARC) ( is an initiative aimed at streamlining acquisition of content ratings for digital video games and mobile apps, from authorities of different countries.

( 3+: Ages 3 and over.

( 7+: Age 7 and over.

( 12+: Age 12 and over.

( 16+: Age 16 and over.

( 18+: Age 18 and over.

( Hourglass: Rating pending
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: tripredacus on February 25, 2021, 10:54:04 am
TecToy used a rating system in Brazil in the 1990s.

( Recomendado Todas as Idades T.I.: All Ages
( Recomendado para Majores de 6 Anos: Ages 6 and over
( Recomendado para Majores de 13 Anos: Ages 13 and over
( Recomendado para Majores de 14 Anos: Ages 14 and over
( Inadequado para Menores de 14 Anos: Ages 14 and over
( Inadequado para Menores de 16 Anos: Ages 16 and over
( ??? 17 (appeared on House of the Dead for Saturn)
( Recomendado para Majores de 18 Anos: Ages 18 and over
Title: Sega Rating
Post by: tripredacus on March 02, 2021, 10:46:57 am
Sega used a rating system in Japan in the 1990s.

( Zen Nenrei (推奨年齢 全年齢): All Ages (used before May 1995)
( Zen Nenrei (推奨年齢 全年齢): All Ages (used after May 1995)
( Nenrei Seigen 18 Saiijou (推奨年齢 年齢制限 18才以上): Ages 18+
( X Shitei 18 Saiijou (X指定 18才以上): Ages 18+ X-rated

( Bouryoku Nado no Hyougen ga Fukuma Rete Imasu (暴力などの表現が含まれています): Contains violence (not an age rating)
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: dhaabi on May 25, 2021, 03:32:09 pm
The SMECCV (Lineamientos Generales del Sistema Mexicano de Equivalencias de Clasificación de Contenidos de Videojuegos) is a set of guidelines used in Mexico since May 2021. All games distributed in Mexico will have their own set of ratings effective May 27, 2021, replacing the ESRB ratings system that was being used, while still being in accordance with them.

( A: Todo Público | For All Ages

( B: +12 Años | Age 12 and Over

( B15: +15 Años | Age 15 and Over

( C: Adultos +18 Años | Adults Age 18 and Over

( D: Exclusivo Adultos | Exclusive to Adults
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: ignition365 on November 30, 2021, 08:06:30 am
Do we have a request to add SMECCV to the ratings list in the DB?
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: tripredacus on November 30, 2021, 09:29:19 am
At this point I'd rather not add additional ratings until ratings can be reworked. I say this because I feel that all of these missing ratings (that are in this thread) should be something we could select, but also that adding them all into the drop-down list may be super annoying, especially since it would then space them out and most people are only using ACB, Cero, ELSPA, ESRB and PEGI options. Secondary to that is probably ClassInd.

If there is a better way to select ratings to put on entries then I would do it, but really would like to wait until a better way is determined.

Do we have a request to add SMECCV to the ratings list in the DB?
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: ignition365 on December 03, 2021, 08:58:05 am
At this point I'd rather not add additional ratings until ratings can be reworked. I say this because I feel that all of these missing ratings (that are in this thread) should be something we could select, but also that adding them all into the drop-down list may be super annoying, especially since it would then space them out and most people are only using ACB, Cero, ELSPA, ESRB and PEGI options. Secondary to that is probably ClassInd.

If there is a better way to select ratings to put on entries then I would do it, but really would like to wait until a better way is determined.

Do we have a request to add SMECCV to the ratings list in the DB?
Would it be reasonable to request 2 drop downs?  1st dropdown is rating board, 2nd drop down is rating.

A bit more strict, but could also limit rating board options by region.  CERO isn't an option for NA, PEGI not an option for JP, ESRB not an option for EU, etc.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: tripredacus on December 03, 2021, 09:29:52 am
At this point I'd rather not add additional ratings until ratings can be reworked. I say this because I feel that all of these missing ratings (that are in this thread) should be something we could select, but also that adding them all into the drop-down list may be super annoying, especially since it would then space them out and most people are only using ACB, Cero, ELSPA, ESRB and PEGI options. Secondary to that is probably ClassInd.

If there is a better way to select ratings to put on entries then I would do it, but really would like to wait until a better way is determined.

Do we have a request to add SMECCV to the ratings list in the DB?
Would it be reasonable to request 2 drop downs?  1st dropdown is rating board, 2nd drop down is rating.

A bit more strict, but could also limit rating board options by region.  CERO isn't an option for NA, PEGI not an option for JP, ESRB not an option for EU, etc.

There is a lot of crossover in rating levels but not quite enough, besides having 2 drop downs as plain without any checks could result in incorrect combinations being selected. And it is not definite that ratings aren't available in other countries. The ideal way would be to limit initial rating selections to a region, and then allow the choice of additional ratings if the one you want to add is not listed. This would entail being able to set a region or country ID to a category, as well as to a rating. We can brainstorm about ways to accomplish it.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: ignition365 on December 04, 2021, 10:54:42 am
At this point I'd rather not add additional ratings until ratings can be reworked. I say this because I feel that all of these missing ratings (that are in this thread) should be something we could select, but also that adding them all into the drop-down list may be super annoying, especially since it would then space them out and most people are only using ACB, Cero, ELSPA, ESRB and PEGI options. Secondary to that is probably ClassInd.

If there is a better way to select ratings to put on entries then I would do it, but really would like to wait until a better way is determined.

Do we have a request to add SMECCV to the ratings list in the DB?
Would it be reasonable to request 2 drop downs?  1st dropdown is rating board, 2nd drop down is rating.

A bit more strict, but could also limit rating board options by region.  CERO isn't an option for NA, PEGI not an option for JP, ESRB not an option for EU, etc.

There is a lot of crossover in rating levels but not quite enough, besides having 2 drop downs as plain without any checks could result in incorrect combinations being selected. And it is not definite that ratings aren't available in other countries. The ideal way would be to limit initial rating selections to a region, and then allow the choice of additional ratings if the one you want to add is not listed. This would entail being able to set a region or country ID to a category, as well as to a rating. We can brainstorm about ways to accomplish it.
It would be a dynamically linked list.  First dropdown selection populates second dropdown's possible selections.

ie. selecting ESRB in the first drop down would then populate the second dropdown with possible ESRB ratings only.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: angryvanio on February 03, 2022, 01:39:28 pm
The ClassInd (Classificação Indicativa / Advisory Rating) is the rating system used in Brazil since 2001, before that the ESRB rating system was used by some Brazilian distributors but without any translation from English or being adapted to the Brazilian culture this system was considered inappropriate for the Brazilian market (leaving most consumers uninformed by the meaning of those rating) and so this rating system was created.

( ER - Especialmente Recomendado para crianças e adolescentes (Especially recommended for children and teenagers). This rating was abandoned in 2007.

( L - Livre (General Audience)

( 10 - Não recomendado para menores de dez anos (Not recommended for minors under ten)

( 12 - Não recomendado para menores de doze anos (Not recommended for minors under twelve)

( 14 - Não recomendado para menores de catorze anos (Not recommended for minors under fourteen)

( 16 - Não recomendado para menores de dezesseis anos (Not recommended for minors under sixteen)

( 18 - Não recomendado para menores de dezoito anos (Not recommended for minors under eighteen)

greetings to all. Do you have any plans to add ClassInd to the Rating options? It is an old and unified classification in Brazil, its initial release was in 2001, and revised in 2007. We already have many platforms with several games that need this classification and for now we are using Description to add games.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: dhaabi on February 08, 2023, 09:52:32 am

 The first label below features rating M/12. The second label below features rating M/16.

Title: Kenya Film Classification Board
Post by: dhaabi on May 22, 2023, 11:48:01 am
The Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) is a rating system used in Kenya. It is mostly used for film and broadcast content but is sometimes also used for video games.

( GE: Content is suitable for general family viewing.

( PG: Content may contain scenes that may corrupt the morals of children. While the content may be suitable for children, parents are advised to monitor the content they're watching.

( 16: Content may contain scenes unsuitable for persons under the age of 16. This content is legally restricted to persons over the age of 16 years.

( 18: Content may contain scenes suitable for adults only. This content is leally restricted to persons above the age of 18 years.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: 62gaming on May 26, 2023, 02:49:48 am
What does it mean if I have a scan of an IGAC rating that doesn't seem to exist? It's M/4, which isn't on any IGAC lists I casually Googled nor on the list here, closest is M/3.

Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: tripredacus on May 26, 2023, 09:19:01 am
I did not even know there were ratings (or Classificação) on these labels at all until recently. We can update the link but probably should find a definitive source for what ratings there are in order to save time instead of piecemealing it.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: nathan776 on May 26, 2023, 11:04:05 am
Mobygames has this as its IGAC list -

Can Confirm M4 M6 M12 M16 M18

M6 -;s=1000x700
M12 -;s=1000x700
M16 -;s=1000x700
M18 -;s=1000x700

I believe the ratings listed in the thread are for different media (movies etc). Also I think IGAC is now defunct - for games?
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: dhaabi on May 26, 2023, 11:09:13 am
I think IGAC is now defunct - for games?

IGAC ratings are still being used for games. Here is a small collection of PlayStation 5 games with IGAC rating labels affixed.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: nathan776 on May 26, 2023, 11:14:19 am
I think IGAC is now defunct - for games?

IGAC ratings are still being used for games. Here is a small collection of PlayStation 5 games with IGAC rating labels affixed.

These all seem to be registered for 2020, but according to this article PEGI was officially adopted in 2021 -
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: tripredacus on May 26, 2023, 11:18:31 am
Here is the original post,8623.msg145227.html#msg145227

So now post what exactly to put into there using the same formatting as that post (aka I'm not going to do it for you)
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: dhaabi on May 26, 2023, 11:26:22 am
Can Confirm M4 M6 M12 M16 M18

M3 confirmed.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: nathan776 on May 26, 2023, 11:35:26 am
The IGAC (Inspecção Geral das Actividades Culturais / General Inspection of Cultural Activities), previously called the CCE (Comissão de Classificação de Espectáculos), was a rating system used in Portugal starting in 1999.

M/3 Para crianças de 3 anos e acima / For children aged 3 and above

M/4 Para crianças de 4 anos e acima / For children aged 4 and above

M/6 Para crianças de 6 anos e acima / For children aged 6 and above

M/12 Para crianças de 12 anos e acima / For children aged 12 and above

M/16 Para crianças de 16 anos e acima / For children aged 16 and above

M/18 Para as pessoas de 18 anos e acima / For people aged 18 and above
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: tripredacus on May 26, 2023, 11:56:58 am
What about A and M/14?
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: nathan776 on May 26, 2023, 12:28:36 pm
I haven't seen any evidence through searching of either existing. I think it is plausible M/14 Could exist, perhaps a PEGI 12/16 game could hold this rating. I don't believe M/A does exist - but I'll keep searching to try and find it. I don't want to add any information that cannot be confirmed if possible.

Additionally since the rating list is being talked about where would an item like fall? The item is not Finnish but holds a PEGI 15 rating

Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: dhaabi on May 27, 2023, 01:28:48 pm
Additionally since the rating list is being talked about where would an item like fall? The item is not Finnish but holds a PEGI 15 rating

For this specific item, it is IT due to the SIAE hologram label. For label-absent copies, it is difficult to say. The item could very well just be the general EU regional variant, as I've found copies from France and Spain being sold.
Title: Media Regulatory Office (UAE)
Post by: tripredacus on July 10, 2023, 09:36:33 am
The MRO (Media Regulatory Office) is a rating system used in United Arab Emirates from 2021 to present.

( 3: Suitable for 3.

( 7: Suitable for 7.

( 12: Suitable for 12.

( 16: Suitable for 16.

( 18: Suitable for 18.

( 21: Suitable for 21.
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: tripredacus on August 24, 2023, 09:40:00 am
Unknown rating on some Russian language games, a 3+ that is not a PCBP rating (,8623.msg145230.html#msg145230) but is designed the same.

( (
Title: Re: The Rating List
Post by: dhaabi on August 24, 2023, 10:25:49 am
I'll mention some other information not yet organized. I've had these saved for some while as something to perhaps look into more on my own, but it's probably best to share for others to see now.

Older ClassInd designs:

The rating below was also found on a Brazilian item, The actual rating information is not one of the possible ClassInd options, although perhaps it's one not well documented.

African Leisure Software Publishers Association