VGCollect Forum

VGCollect Site Stuff => Site Feedback => Topic started by: leonefamily on October 26, 2017, 12:44:08 pm

Title: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: leonefamily on October 26, 2017, 12:44:08 pm

It's bad when moderators can't make the difference between a regular and collector's edition of a game... And to further prove that this edit rejection was wrong, here's a screenshot of the SAME EXACT GAME from the SAME EXACT COUNTRY (South Korea) but for PC:


So what? Because it's on PS2 suddenly it's not a collector's edition???

Please fix this and maybe reconsider your moderating team? (and by "reconsider", I mean teach them how to read game boxes or fire them if necessary). Thank you :)
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: ignition365 on October 26, 2017, 12:49:02 pm
You put [KR] in the Title?

That is wrong.
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: leonefamily on October 26, 2017, 12:51:11 pm
You put [KR] in the Title?

That is wrong.

[KR] Significates that the game is the korean version. But the real problem is that they declined the "Collector's Edition" part.
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: ignition365 on October 26, 2017, 12:52:51 pm
You put [KR] in the Title?

That is wrong.

[KR] Significates that the game is the korean version. But the real problem is that they declined the "Collector's Edition" part.
No.  The fact that it is categorized under PS2 [KR] significates [sic] that it is the korean version.

They didn't decline the "Collector's Edition" part.  The declined the whole thing.  Because you put in "[KR]".
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: leonefamily on October 26, 2017, 01:00:59 pm
Fine, I'll go make another edit request but without the [KR] part. Still, I don't understand why some items on this website have their country code in brackets but nobody rejected those edits, and when I do the same, it gets rejected.
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: telly on October 26, 2017, 01:13:35 pm
I get edits rejected all the time. Just post about it in listing errors, it's really not that big of a deal. The mods are really good at clarifying things even when at first glance it may not seem like they care. They do.

I suspect the title got rejected because of the [KR] in the title. Which as ignition said, is wrong.

EDIT: And to clarify. Country TLD get added to the name of a game when it's in a large category that has more than one country in it. EU has many TLD in it because those games are released in many and multiple countries at the same time within that region.

There is a method to the madness ;)
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: leonefamily on October 26, 2017, 01:18:35 pm
Well look at this BS


Even when I removed the [KR] it STILL got rejected. WTF?
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: ignition365 on October 26, 2017, 01:19:13 pm
I already submitted the edit and it has been approved.

Well look at this BS


Even when I removed the [KR] it STILL got rejected. WTF?
As noted, it has already been edited.
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: telly on October 26, 2017, 01:20:43 pm
Yeah the title looks okay now. Someone beat you to the submission I guess  :o
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: leonefamily on October 26, 2017, 01:22:53 pm
Oh right, I can see it now. It still displayed the old name when I submitted the edit. But now it's fine.
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: Nickkchilla on October 26, 2017, 01:34:24 pm
Please fix this and maybe reconsider your moderating team? (and by "reconsider", I mean teach them how to read game boxes or fire them if necessary). Thank you :)

Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: desocietas on October 26, 2017, 01:42:15 pm
leonefamily, welcome to the site!

There are several of us who work on the edits page, but as others have mentioned, there is a handy thread where we can discuss and explain editing choices (both from the admin and user side):,8002.0.html

We admit that the way rejections are sent back are not the most clear (we hope one day we'll get a free text field where we can say exactly what the issue is), but at the current time we're limited to just a few options to send back.
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: leonefamily on October 26, 2017, 02:26:30 pm
@desocietas I'm not new on this website, this is my 14th post after all. Well ok 14 isn't that much, let's say I'm RELATIVELY new. But sure, there should be a text field with rejections to make it more clear. But thanks for the greetings anyway :)

@Nickkchilla lol
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: desocietas on October 26, 2017, 03:29:21 pm
@desocietas I'm not new on this website, this is my 14th post after all. Well ok 14 isn't that much, let's say I'm RELATIVELY new. But sure, there should be a text field with rejections to make it more clear. But thanks for the greetings anyway :)

Ha, you're right - I always assume that people are new when they don't have a million posts to their name, but I forget that folks lurk and use the actual collection part of the site rather than the forums. My bad!  :-[
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: aliensstudios on October 26, 2017, 07:33:46 pm
I've gotten over 5000 edits on the site in the past. Usually if i had rejects and didn't know why I'd pm Tripedacus or badATchaos and they'd tell me why or fix the issues.
Sometimes even it's easier to create a new, more complete entry of the title and then post about it in the dupes thread too, I've done this a time or two.
Also, the mods on this site are users just like you and me. They occasionally make mistakes and they do this because they love the hobby. Just food for thought. This site isn't a commercially run corporation, it's run by collectors and for collectors, that's why I love it so much.
 8) Just chill out. Everything will be all right.
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: tripredacus on October 27, 2017, 10:29:22 am
Just don't PM me on the weekends because I won't see it until Monday.  ;)
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: ignition365 on October 27, 2017, 12:36:47 pm
Just don't PM me on the weekends because I won't see it until Monday.  ;)
I'm gonna send you SO MANY PMs this weekend.
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: marvelvscapcom2 on October 28, 2017, 10:22:49 pm
Iv'e had a few mishaps with trying to edit things as well.  I think with collectors edition bundles like Call of Duty Valor Collection it shouldn't be so specific on the front box art front as you cannot photo scan that large item and just the front of the box looks hideous in shelf view.  It's essential for standard game cases and boxes but with limited edition bundles you kinda gotta see what it is. The only documented pics of it are of the whole box at a slight angle with it's contents displayed which is fine to show what it is and I have seen other collectors editions on here looking similar.  It's not a cover art.  It was turned down and remains without a picture.  I am not sure how to get a picture of the front of the box without having a choppy homemade photo. I will go discuss it in the submission thread and maybe an admin will approve or help. :)
Title: Re: Who's the idiot running the edits submissions?
Post by: tripredacus on October 30, 2017, 11:02:11 am
That COD WWII hasn't been released yet. There are only stock photos so far.