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General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: oldgamerz on December 15, 2017, 09:39:56 pm

Title: Old Versions Of The Same Region Console Vs New Version (all)
Post by: oldgamerz on December 15, 2017, 09:39:56 pm
I forgot I had a topic similar to the PS2 phat vs ps2 slim but this thread goes beyond the PlayStation

today I would like to make a thread about (for example) the NES top loader vs the old toaster version, or also the Fat PS2 vs the slim PS2, or the PSone vs the PSx in which is basically an old fatter PlayStation 1 vs the slim down more portable PlayStation 1.

all console  and handheld variants are welcome

(some examples)

The PlayStation original model, model

The PSone version of the first playstation

NES Original Model/toaster model

NES Top Loader Model

The SONY PS2 slim modell


PS2 phat

gensis model 1

genesis model 2

I prefer the NES original Nintendo. compared to the slim top loader

as for the PlayStation 2 I prefer the phat,

As for the PS3 I own a slim but would like to have a working phat but I don't because they are old and expensive

I like the Sega Genesis model 2 also

Title: Re: Old Versions Of The Same Region Console Vs New Version (all)
Post by: stealthrush on December 15, 2017, 10:18:02 pm
slim white playstation2 model aesthetically looks pleasing, although I still adore my original phat PS2.

limited edition custom white version, based on the manga & anime Shinryaku! Ika Musume. As for official release, Sega WonderMega ( for sure.

white sega saturn

pc engine cd-rom² interface unit

and the duo-r ♥

Other favorite preferable variations include the original Japanese hardware compared to EU/NA releases; pc engine (white), sega mark III, family computer, super famicom.
Title: Re: Old Versions Of The Same Region Console Vs New Version (all)
Post by: badATchaos on December 15, 2017, 11:44:33 pm
Dude that white Mega Drive is sick, and I don't even care for Sega stuff.

Also: I don't understand the thread. You're talking about alternate colors and form-factors of game systems? lol
If that's the case my favorite alternate/rare color variant is the red "Char's Custom" GameCube with a black front plate. I picked one up a few years ago. I still need to mod it for US games however.
Title: Re: Old Versions Of The Same Region Console Vs New Version (all)
Post by: oldgamerz on December 16, 2017, 12:12:22 am

Also: I don't understand the thread. You're talking about alternate colors and form-factors of game systems? lol
If that's the case my favorite alternate/rare color variant is the red "Char's Custom" GameCube with a black front plate. I picked one up a few years ago. I still need to mod it for US games however.

All goes here so yes ;D
Title: Re: Old Versions Of The Same Region Console Vs New Version (all)
Post by: droaa on December 16, 2017, 01:20:57 am

I always liked the silver phat PS3 but it never came stateside which was a bummer. I always liked the silver finish of the slim ps2 so thats where that comes from
Title: Re: Old Versions Of The Same Region Console Vs New Version (all)
Post by: 98dgreen on December 16, 2017, 08:39:12 am
Other than the Genesis revisions are better than original.
Title: Re: Old Versions Of The Same Region Console Vs New Version (all)
Post by: Flashback2012 on December 16, 2017, 09:01:38 am
I assume this is a thread about preferences for which hardware designs people prefer...

I like the PSOne over the original PlayStation because it's more compact + I can attach a screen to it for quasi-portable gaming (well independence from hooking up to a TV anyway).

I like the top loader over the original NES only because of functionality. Over time, all NES units suffer from turning on correctly and need fixing whereas the top loader is plug and play. One downside is the cart slot isn't friendly to Game Genie units and the lack of composite video or stereo sound is a bit of a bummer.

Genesis Model 1 + Sega CD Model 1 >x1M over the Model 2 counterparts. While I love the look of the Model 1 Genesis/Sega CD combined; the best and most functional hardware configuration is the CDX. The X'Eye is neat but weird and the WonderMega is out of this world cool. I enjoy any iteration of Saturn hardware though I prefer my DC systems in black (and preferably without that ugly Sega Sports logo).

The PS2 Fat is perfectly functional and I love the HDD expansion port in the back. The PS2 Slim is visually appealing and aside from the inability to plug a HDD into it (internally anyway), it's more functional than it's older predecessor.

As far as the PS3 goes, I have never cared for the look of the original model. I thought it was overly clunky and boring to look at. The PS3 Slim however I think was an excellent redesign and is the model I jumped at to get into PS3 gaming. Then they made the V3 with it's sliding lid and more of a harken back to the original look. Ick. I will say that Silver PS3 pictured above is pretty nice looking. PS4s are whatever. I like my original model just fine and lucked into a Gold Taco Bell one through a friend.

Going further, the only original style 360 I would ever consider getting is the Star Wars themed 360 and I'm not even that big of a SW person. It took almost 8 years since its launch for me to get in on 360 and I kind of wish I waited a bit as I much prefer the boring square Xbox One look of the last iteration of 360 to the awkwardly shaped 360 slim. If I ever find a nice condition SW 360 I'll be sure to snap it up as I have like half a dozen faceplates sitting in boxes in the basement.  :P

Lastly, as far as Nintendo consoles go...I have this habit of always getting LoZ themed consoles for some reason. Most of my DS/3DS/2DS hardware is Zelda themed as are my Cube (got the packaging with the Zelda bonus disc) and WiiU. The exception is my Wii which is the black Mario Kart version.  ;)