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General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: marvelvscapcom2 on February 11, 2018, 06:46:45 pm

Title: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: marvelvscapcom2 on February 11, 2018, 06:46:45 pm
Hello everyone :).

I am pretty nervous lately now as I typically am when I fully pay off a non refundable preorder on a game that has yet to be reviewed lol.  I put all my poker chips on the fact that I think it's going to be awesome with 2 limited edition bundles and a figure.  I guess I can only hope now.  :D

Which leads me into the question.  Have you ever had a game that you were so pumped for, so excited, preordering, getting the bonus content, just so excited for it that you had anticipated it for years.  but than it comes out and sucks and fails to meet all your expectations? :)

Most gamers have had this at least once in their life.  Waiting for their favorite dev to release a next installment of their favorite series and than it just ends up falling short of your very high wishes set for the title.

What game fits that description for you? :)

I think this may have happened with Bioshock Infinite for me.  Mostly because Bioshock 1 was one of my favorite games of all time and 2 was not far behind it's glory.  Infinite just took the whole vibe and flipped it upside down.  It just wasn't underwater, eery, creepy vibe that made me love the game anymore.  It was just a complete different game.  Not a bad game by any means but just not bioshock to me. 
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: aliensstudios on February 11, 2018, 08:08:33 pm
No Man's Sky. I was ridiculously excited for that game but after around 10 hours of gameplay, I set it down and never picked it up again. Maybe it was wishful thinking to expect the game to live up to the hype but I've never been more disappointed in a game I paid 60 bucks for.
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: kamikazekeeg on February 11, 2018, 08:27:02 pm
No Man's Sky. I was ridiculously excited for that game but after around 10 hours of gameplay, I set it down and never picked it up again. Maybe it was wishful thinking to expect the game to live up to the hype but I've never been more disappointed in a game I paid 60 bucks for.

You are not alone there, that's for sure.  I didn't have high hopes for it, I thought otherwise about the game, but bought it launch day for the heck of it, figured it would be fine as a reasonable enough survival experience, but turned out the game was real bad.  I ended up selling it off, so I got most of my money back.

I had mostly high hope for Final Fantasy XIII at the time, being off and on with the series after FFX, but a return to the more scifi fantasy setting which hadn't been there in the main games since FF8 had me hopeful.  I ended up playing around 10 hours before abandoning the game.  I liked no one one, the games combat wasn't good, I was so bored.  I tried a second time somewhere around a year later and got no more than 15 hours in.  Was such a disappointment outside of the visuals.
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: emporerdragon on February 11, 2018, 09:59:08 pm
Dead Island.

First we had that amazing trailer (which is still one of the best trailer for a game out there). Then it was described as a Borderlands meets Dead Rising, an RPG/Shooter hybrid with tons of various weapons and 4 different characters with unique skill trees. It all looked so exciting, but the end result was a complete meh. The characters were basically all the same, your equipment broke so fast that crafting wasn't worth the time, and worst of all, the game was just boring and repetitive.

I found myself disliking it so much that I didn't even grab the free copy during it's time as a Games for Gold game.
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: kamikazekeeg on February 11, 2018, 10:03:02 pm
Dead Island.

First we had that amazing trailer (which is still one of the best trailer for a game out there). Then it was described as a Borderlands meets Dead Rising, an RPG/Shooter hybrid with tons of various weapons and 4 different characters with unique skill trees. It all looked so exciting, but the end result was a complete meh. The characters were basically all the same, your equipment broke so fast that crafting wasn't worth the time, and worst of all, the game was just boring and repetitive.

I found myself disliking it so much that I didn't even grab the free copy during it's time as a Games for Gold game.

I actually totally enjoy the Dead Island games lol They aren't special, but just as a hack and slash, open world, zombie experience, it's not  too bad.  Like I have 100 hours combined with both of them lol But it certainly didn't live up to what they were initially trying to get across with the game.
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: ferraroso on February 11, 2018, 10:09:32 pm
Mirror's Edge: Catalyst
The first game was my favorite PS3 title. I waited for a sequel for almost 8 years and in the end, I ended up hating every aspect of this sequel/prequel/reboot, from the gameplay, to the graphics, to the characters, to the voice acting...
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: hoshichiri on February 11, 2018, 10:35:28 pm
Mirror's Edge: Catalyst
The first game was my favorite PS3 title. I waited for a sequel for almost 8 years and in the end, I ended up hating every aspect of this sequel/prequel/reboot, from the gameplay, to the graphics, to the characters, to the voice acting...

Not what I want to read the same day I order a copy :( At least I only spent 5 bucks though.

I suppose mine would be Final Fantasy XIII- I was quite happy with the previous Final Fantasies I'd played, and XII was/is one of my absolute favorites. And then this came out... forgettable cast, boring/unlikeable lead, linear world, and way too damn long for full party control for battles.

For the most part, I try to actively avoid getting myself hyped, specifically to avoid this kind of bitterness. You know what the last game I let myself start to get hyped about was? Scalebound. I'm still mad. It's still on my Amazon Wish List. There's no listing anymore, so it's a tiny boxart shot with 'this title is no longer available' next to it. I don't care. I'm NOT deleting it- you can't make me forget, Microsoft!
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: hexen on February 11, 2018, 11:06:32 pm
I think this may have happened with Bioshock Infinite for me.  Mostly because Bioshock 1 was one of my favorite games of all time and 2 was not far behind it's glory.  Infinite just took the whole vibe and flipped it upside down.  It just wasn't underwater, eery, creepy vibe that made me love the game anymore.  It was just a complete different game.  Not a bad game by any means but just not bioshock to me.

I kind of feel the same. Infinite was much more a standard shooter, complete with cover regenerating health. It also forwent the slight exploratory nature of the original, as well as largely did away with the RPG elements. Basically, the things that made Bioshock special game play wise where severely lessened and the atmosphere and story where also less enjoyable to me.

I've got a few examples...

I bring this one up a lot because it was a real disappointment because it causes me to miss out on so much content... and that is The Witcher 3. Open world RPGs with big explorable worlds are by far the most amazing games to me, so it really hurts that I cannot stand the way Combat works in the Witcher 3. I tried to look past it to enjoy the big world, but I just couldn't. My go-to comparison is that I like the much maligned Two Worlds much more as it hits all the right spots even if it is far less polished.

A more recent example is A Hat In Time. It is a common meme for people who want to rag on Yooka-Laylee to say AHIT is better... but it is certainly not! AHIT is more polished, but as a collect-a-thon it is severely lacking, bordering on just being a standard 3D platformer which I like way less. The first level in AHIT is the best one, with the second level not even being an open connected world... it was bleg. The third level was better, but still not as good as the first. Fourth level had nothing in it, assume it opens up at a certain point, but I was tired of playing by then. In the end, it didn't give me what I wanted while Yooka did. Luckily Odyssey came around to scratch more of that collect-a-thon itch! Another game on Steam called Freeze Me I also enjoyed much more, and it seemed  ike a very limited project. Regardless of enjoying it, I am still glad to have supported Gears For Breakfast by buying it. It's quirky overload is cute and all story stuff was better than Yooka. The main thing it has over Playtonic is they didn't removed their JonTron cameo for some weak-ass virtue signalling.
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: bikingjahuty on February 11, 2018, 11:14:22 pm
Gran Turismo 5: I loved GT3 and GT4 so the idea of playing the next Gran Turismo game on the next gen hardware. When the game actually came out it looked nice, but the game was not nearly as good or well designed as the previous 2 games. Since then the series has continued to go down hill, but I was incredibly bummed when GT5 came out.

Marvel vs Capcom 3: This game wasn't bad, but it just didn't do it for me the same way that the first and second game did, especially 2 which is one of the best fighting games I've ever played. I played this game for a few hours and felt bored with it. I still find it hard to play for more than a few hours.
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: Cartagia on February 11, 2018, 11:24:10 pm
I think this may have happened with Bioshock Infinite for me.  Mostly because Bioshock 1 was one of my favorite games of all time and 2 was not far behind it's glory.  Infinite just took the whole vibe and flipped it upside down.  It just wasn't underwater, eery, creepy vibe that made me love the game anymore.  It was just a complete different game.  Not a bad game by any means but just not bioshock to me.

I kind of feel the same. Infinite was much more a standard shooter, complete with cover regenerating health. It also forwent the slight exploratory nature of the original, as well as largely did away with the RPG elements. Basically, the things that made Bioshock special game play wise where severely lessened and the atmosphere and story where also less enjoyable to me.

This is pretty much exactly how I feel about Infinite.  The game itself is fine, but the vibe is so far off from the first game that it doesn't even feel like the same series to me.
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: kamikazekeeg on February 12, 2018, 12:05:42 am
I bring this one up a lot because it was a real disappointment because it causes me to miss out on so much content... and that is The Witcher 3. Open world RPGs with big explorable worlds are by far the most amazing games to me, so it really hurts that I cannot stand the way Combat works in the Witcher 3. I tried to look past it to enjoy the big world, but I just couldn't. My go-to comparison is that I like the much maligned Two Worlds much more as it hits all the right spots even if it is far less polished.

Witcher 3 was a disappointment for me too.  I actually beat the game, but I forced myself to do it, because I put a lot of hours, thinking I was going to get to the point where if I improved my abilities and such, I'd like the combat more.  Never happened.  That combat is not good.  It's a real bummer, because I wanted to like the game.  It's all way more interesting than what Skyrim does and generally with far better quality, but I don't enjoy fighting in it outside of like certain moments.  So I'm avoiding the DLC and I don't know if I'll ever play it again. 

Bringing up Two Worlds though is surprising.  Me and my friend rented it years ago, thought the game was a joke, and went right back to Blockbuster to get something else lol
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: hexen on February 12, 2018, 12:21:47 am
I bring this one up a lot because it was a real disappointment because it causes me to miss out on so much content... and that is The Witcher 3. Open world RPGs with big explorable worlds are by far the most amazing games to me, so it really hurts that I cannot stand the way Combat works in the Witcher 3. I tried to look past it to enjoy the big world, but I just couldn't. My go-to comparison is that I like the much maligned Two Worlds much more as it hits all the right spots even if it is far less polished.

Witcher 3 was a disappointment for me too.  I actually beat the game, but I forced myself to do it, because I put a lot of hours, thinking I was going to get to the point where if I improved my abilities and such, I'd like the combat more.  Never happened.  That combat is not good.  It's a real bummer, because I wanted to like the game.  It's all way more interesting than what Skyrim does and generally with far better quality, but I don't enjoy fighting in it outside of like certain moments.  So I'm avoiding the DLC and I don't know if I'll ever play it again. 

Bringing up Two Worlds though is surprising.  Me and my friend rented it years ago, thought the game was a joke, and went right back to Blockbuster to get something else lol

My brother! I'm glad I'm not the sole human who thought Witcher 3's combat was bad.

As for Two Worlds, I've played through it 3 or 4 times. I don't really know if it's worth defending or I am just weird, but there is a lot I liked about it. I like the way the skill system works, I like the way you can min-max stats if know how, I like the world for actually being open, I like the leveling and reset systems, I like the item stacking system. It might seem strange but I LOVE the nonsensical weird dialogue... it was almost certainly unintentional, but it gives the game some character. When it comes down to it, there just aren't a lot of open-world action RPGs that follow all those descriptors correctly and Two Worlds just happens to be one of the only non-Bethesda ones to do so. The devs can rest easy knowing at least one person likes their weird game. Too bad the second one changed formats...
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: soera on February 12, 2018, 01:31:10 am
FF XV and FF XII the Zodiac age. These were the 2 games that were supposed to usher in a new era of Final fantasy. Instead they both blew and World of Final fantasy kicked their ass.
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: arkaneer on February 12, 2018, 04:49:38 am
My biggest disappointments have been with mediocre sequels to great game series -

Dead Space 3
Any Ghost Recon after Ghost Recon 2 ( I might cry)
Fable 3
Mass Effect Andromeda (I can't bring myself to even try this)
The rebooted Battlefront games
WoW: Mists of Pandaria (starting to feel queasy now...)

None of these games are objectively bad, but they disappoint me by ruining a good series.

I'm never that upset by new IPs being bad...the developer tried and it didn't pan out, but thanks for trying something different at least.

Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: ignition365 on February 12, 2018, 08:16:36 am
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: turf on February 12, 2018, 10:19:13 am
Star Wars: Battlefront 

This is the last game that I preordered.  I was beyond pumped to shoot some mutha-truckers in a galaxy far, far away.  I loved the OG Xbox versions.  This has be be good! 
Then, the game was a turd.  It wasn't anywhere near what I'd hoped for.  There was little to no single player.  You could only shoot bots on 2 planets!  I still haven't bought Battlefront II.  I will eventually, when it goes on sale.
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: undertakerprime on February 12, 2018, 02:09:03 pm
For me, it was Resident Evil 5.
I loved the series from the beginning, with 2 being my favorite, and 4 and REmake not far behind.
I bought RE5, played it for maybe 10 minutes...and never played it again. It was just so.....NOT Resident Evil. Sure, 4 was more action-oriented, but at least it still had survival horror aspects. RE5 was just a straight-up action game, and a mediocre one at that, with too much of a focus on the multiplayer teamwork aspect.

 :o at Bioshock Infinite mentioned in here. I’m just finishing up another playthrough and I just love it so freaking much. Probably my favorite of the series, but the first Bioshock comes close.
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: oldgamerz on February 12, 2018, 02:18:11 pm
I really wish "Viet Cong Purple Haze" on the PlayStation 2 was more like it's PC counterpart. But it lacks a whole lot compared to the PC version. Even though the game port  on PS2 did include the some of the PC Viet Cong Purple Haze's expansion pack levels. I still thought it was lacking severely in compared to the PC version. it IS still fun on PS2 even though they through in an ugly stealth mission, that I barely made it through without quitting. (I hate forced stealth missions in games)

In the PC version of Viet Cong Purple Haze it has more world depth and the missions are better on the PC version as well

For those who do not know Viet Cong Purple Haze is old 6th generation and is one of the only Vietnam War first person shooter games ever created.
Title: Re: What game did you have high hopes for but than it ended up being bad?
Post by: Cartagia on February 13, 2018, 07:39:39 am
:o at Bioshock Infinite mentioned in here. I’m just finishing up another playthrough and I just love it so freaking much. Probably my favorite of the series, but the first Bioshock comes close.

I don think it is a bad game, I just think it is incredibly underwhelming compared to the original.  BioShock oozes atmosphere and phenomenal design.  It’s practically a horror game.  Infinite is missing all of that, IMO.  It’s too brightly colored and open, and there aren’t a ton of interesting production design choices (aside from Songbird)