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General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: oldgamerz on February 22, 2018, 10:39:22 pm

Title: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: oldgamerz on February 22, 2018, 10:39:22 pm
 my problem with console gaming is that a lot of games often requires more speed schemes than PC games do. I am was never good at remembering or guessing buttion combos, PC games don't require as much button speed pressing

I am fairly new to console gaming since I grew up on PC. So as far as console gaming goes, here is my current skill sets.

 my play skill is vary low because It is harder for me to play consoles games then it is for me to play on PC.

Least Skilled in Console gaming

1: 3D Stealth Games
2: Third Person Shooters
3: 3D Platform Jumping Games
4: American Football Games
5: 2D Platform Jumping games
6: Fighting Games
7: Arcade Racing Games
8: Motion Controlled Video Games
9: Shoot em ups

Most Skilled in
1: First Person Shooters
2: Most Basketball Games
3: Most Hockey Games
4: Games with not too many controls
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: stealthrush on February 22, 2018, 11:04:16 pm
Interesting thread, I grew up playing arcade games at my local venue besides my parents buying a NES home-console as a kid. I prefer reflex, memorization, puzzle, score-based games, limiting the arcade token coin intake! I never was a serious PC gamer, the only few computer games I've played (besides arcade ports) were strategy games such as Starcraft, Warcraft, Age of Empires, Command and Conquer and occasionally Tribes. Also was never a fan of the 3D transition of platform games and collecting items games that were primarily on Home Consoles, they are tiresome to me. 

Least Skilled
1: Sandbox
2: Stealth Games
3: Vehicle simulation
4: Sport Games
5: First-Person Shooter
6: 3D Platform

Most Skilled
1: Fighting
2. 2D Platform
3: Shoot'em up
4: Puzzle
5: Music/Rhythm
6: Brawler
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: hoshichiri on February 22, 2018, 11:26:26 pm
I am incredibly, amazingly bad at first person games. Something about that camera system just does not jive with my brain. If it's a slower paced puzzly-type thing, I can usually get through it (I did finish Portal), but FPS and such? Not gonna happen. It's funny, becuase if you look at my achievements on 360, it says I beat Halo 3 on Legendary. Truth is, my fiancé and his brother beat Halo 3 on Legendary- my job was to stay just out of combat range and act as a spawn point.

I also don't like tank controls- I can play through those, I just don't so I'm bad from lack of experience. It just feels awkward to me. I can only think of one tank control game I really enjoyed off the top of my head- ironically, it's Jumping Flash. Which is also first person, so you'd think I'd really hate it- but I guess the two together work for me? I dunno.

My best games are 2D platformers (like any good gamer raised in the 80s), Beat 'em ups (I used to be able to beat Streets of Rage with my feet), and rhythm games (very relaxing, just tap along to the beat. Usually, anyway.) I also enjoy shmups, but I can't rightly say I'm good at them.
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: kamikazekeeg on February 23, 2018, 01:46:11 am
Least skilled would be strategy games, specifically for the strategy part.  Like I can play them alright, but I'm not someone who will take the time to plan everything out.  Much more straightforward kind of person.  Tried to get back into these abit ago with Grey Goo and other types, but I can only be alright with more tactical strategy games and less about city building and planning and all that.

Fighting games would be another, like I can do the basics, but the time investment needed to be even just "good" or "okay" is enormous.  I just play them casually for fun and usually the characters.

Racing games might be another, at least anything requiring realistic handling and such.  I tend to prefer arcade or cart racers since I don't want to realistically slow down for corners lol  I'll just chuck in sports games for the heck of it since I don't play them at all.

For what I'm "skilled" at, I'm usually pretty good with First Person Shooters.  I started with console games shooters, late 90's/early 00's, but around 2004 I got my own gaming PC and could do stuff like Counter-Strike and Battlefield 1942.  FPS games are probably some of my most played games overall and a lot of my favorite series are FPS games.  I can hold my own in them usually.
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: turf on February 23, 2018, 09:57:59 am
I'm actually really not good at most games.  I suck at FPSs.  I'm terrible at racing games.  I'm horrid at shooters.

On the flip side of that, I will profess to being a PLATFORMING GOD!  I am really, really good 2D platformers.  It's because that's what I like the most and I've spent years playing. 

I'm also pretty good at basketball, golf, action games. 
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: soera on February 23, 2018, 10:27:43 am
Im good at .. games. Im least skilled at .. losing. :D
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: thewelshman on February 23, 2018, 10:51:57 am
I've gotten older and my hand-eye coordination is quickly failing me. I've never been that great at first person shooters, but I was average whenever I was younger. Some of that was due to the fact that I rarely played them. I was also quite good at platformers, like the Castlevania, and the Metroid series. Now I spend a good amount of time yelling at Shantae when I miss a jump. Strangely enough, as much as I suck at 1st person shooters, I'm pretty good at 3rd person shooters. I love Gears of War and routinely play on insane mode.

Least Skilled:
1.) First Person Shooters
2.) Platformers
3.) Rhythm
4.) Fighting

Most Skilled:
1.) 3rd Person Shooters
2.) RPGS (I enjoy playing a game blind and having to figure things out.)
3.) Puzzles
4.) Strategy

I also love sports games, but I can't really say I'm good at them. I play them all the time, but it's debatable whether or not I'm good at them.
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: arkaneer on February 23, 2018, 10:59:03 am
I am unbelievably terrible in anything that requires precise timing and rhythm....2D platformers and Metroidvanias are my kryptonite. This makes me a genuinely sad, because I adore the aesthetic of these games more than any other, and I know I won't get past the first hour of any of them :(

I guess I am decent at first person shooters, Soulsbornes, action rpgs, turn based rpgs and driving games.
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: shfan on February 23, 2018, 12:41:06 pm
I'm crap at anything that takes pure twitch reflexes - shmups, QTEs, clicker-type casual games (time management), but tend to excel at games which have light strategy elements or are a mixture of action and RPG. I'm poor at Bloodborne but managed to beat Dark Souls II & III - probably the best comparison, reactions are much more important in the former whereas in the latter you have to play the long game. A lot of the time I seem to get through games of the latter type which a lot of people struggle with, whereas there are some in the former that I just can't even get a handle on.
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: badATchaos on February 23, 2018, 01:45:03 pm
I'm probably worst at sports games, because I have almost no experience playing sports games. The only one I ever played was Jordan VS Bird: One-on-One for NES.

I'm best at shooters and cart racers like Mario Kart.
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: aliensstudios on February 23, 2018, 07:16:16 pm
Definitely least skilled in RPGs and third-person shooters. I love RPGs but I'm just not all that great at getting into them. I'm best at platformers (2D and 3D) and racing games for sure.
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: pacpix on February 23, 2018, 09:41:51 pm
Platformers are what I'm best at, largely because that's generally what I play the most of.  I'm pretty decent at action and puzzle games as well.

Strategy games are probably the worst for me.  I always get really stressed out playing them and do not find them fun at all.  I like some strategy in my games (RPGs), but once it gets to RTS territory I become useless.
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: azure on February 23, 2018, 09:50:09 pm
Puzzle games, such as Tetris, Puyo Puyo, etc. I royally suck at these games, just can't get the hang of them.

As for best I don't have an answer. I can manage pretty much any other genre well enough.
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: rehne93 on February 24, 2018, 11:26:25 am
I'm really horrible at RPGs. As soon as it gets more complicated like, lets say Mario & Luigi, I will fail quite soon. I'm also not very good at open world games because I usually don't know where to go and need to look up the right way to progress the story. I also suck at fighting games like Smash Bros or Street Fighter.

I'm good at most racing games and plattformers. But thats it honestly ..
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: oldgamerz on February 24, 2018, 09:40:15 pm
I'm probably worst at sports games, because I have almost no experience playing sports games. The only one I ever played was Jordan VS Bird: One-on-One for NES.

I'm best at shooters and cart racers like Mario Kart.

Sports games generally are vary hard to master, especially the later sports games. It takes quick reflexes, adjusting coaching strategy, quick thinking and a ton of fatigue to win at them. Sometimes, even at their easiest setting.  Also it depends on the game. "Jorden VS Bird" NES is a terrible sports game in my opinion. the only sports game I don't get fatigued in is Golf. like Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 and higher years

I recently found that other genres don't get me as frustrated as most sports games do. But in all honestly a lot of people enjoy the challenge sports games have to offer. because sports games as created to be unfair all the time.
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: Cartagia on February 25, 2018, 09:33:00 am
3D Stealth

3D Action
Western RPGs

Not bad, but wish I were better:
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: bikingjahuty on February 25, 2018, 10:26:09 am
I tried answering this thread when I realized that it really depends on the game and there really isn't a genre that I'm super good in overall. I'm decent at most fighting games I play, but I wouldn't say I'm that great at any of them. It really just depends on the game really.
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: oldgamerz on February 25, 2018, 05:57:33 pm
I tried answering this thread when I realized that it really depends on the game and there really isn't a genre that I'm super good in overall. I'm decent at most fighting games I play, but I wouldn't say I'm that great at any of them. It really just depends on the game really.

your right! :) it does depend on the game also what control scheme your used to. but yet again a lot of games are similar and have similar gameplay but not every singe game is the same. a good example would be Mega Man 1 has disappearing  platforms while some platform games don't.

Some games have a lot of lag, as well as some games don't have any controller lag
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: adamilius on February 26, 2018, 03:49:13 pm
Fighting games
Beat em ups
NFL games
Wrestling games

Boxing games

RPGs (don't have enough patience to level up/explore etc)
Space Simulators
Racing games
All other sports games
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: marvelvscapcom2 on February 27, 2018, 04:49:50 am
Games I'm good at.

First person shooters  (I love Call of Duty,  Far Cry, Halo and sometimes Battlefield type games.  I typically do well even with the very talented communities that put a lot of thier life mastering said games.  :)

Racing games  (My strongest genre i'd say.  Forza to need for speed and everything in between i'll do pretty good at.)

Basketball games  (Pretty good at these as well, especially more sim based ones like 2k.

Action Adventure games  (These typically are easy games but I do love getting completionist awards for games with a lot of open world exploration.    Games like GTA V, Mario Odyssey (as completely polar opposites as those are lol)  are all games I really love and have fun playing.)

Games I suck at

JRPGs  (I try so hard to be good at them but I rarely beat them.  Too much reading and science behind picking the perfect moves, weapons and allies for each fight.  I guess I like my hand held sometimes lol.  But I do love some.  Especially pokemon)

3rd person shooters  (Oh man do I suck at these, they are just a different feel than FPS imo.  It's like I can never be accurate or get the same precison as with FPS.)

Shoot Em Ups  (I'm definitely pretty bad at shoot em ups.  I'm good at beat em ups but games like contra or metroid typically kick my rump.   ;D,   But I do love them regardless.

All other games i'd same im good but not great at like fighting games and stategy puzzle games. 

Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: badATchaos on February 27, 2018, 06:12:33 pm
I'm probably worst at sports games, because I have almost no experience playing sports games. The only one I ever played was Jordan VS Bird: One-on-One for NES.
I'm best at shooters and cart racers like Mario Kart.

Sports games generally are vary hard to master, especially the later sports games. It takes quick reflexes, adjusting coaching strategy, quick thinking and a ton of fatigue to win at them. Sometimes, even at their easiest setting.  Also it depends on the game. "Jorden VS Bird" NES is a terrible sports game in my opinion. the only sports game I don't get fatigued in is Golf. like Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 and higher years
I recently found that other genres don't get me as frustrated as most sports games do. But in all honestly a lot of people enjoy the challenge sports games have to offer. because sports games as created to be unfair all the time.

Oooo. I forgot about Wii golf and bowling.
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: oldgamerz on February 27, 2018, 07:38:24 pm
I'm probably worst at sports games, because I have almost no experience playing sports games. The only one I ever played was Jordan VS Bird: One-on-One for NES.
I'm best at shooters and cart racers like Mario Kart.

Oooo. I forgot about Wii golf and bowling.

why are you angry? and what have I been doing wrong on these boards that pisses you off?
Title: Re: What Kind Of Video Games Are You The Least Skilled In And The Most
Post by: undertakerprime on February 28, 2018, 01:18:40 pm
Hmmm, I had to think about this. There aren’t many genres I absolutely suck at, but there’s not many I excel at either.

3D Action (Devil May Cry, Bayonetta) - I stunk at the first DMC, and similar games just don’t hold my interest. Strangely, this category doesn’t seem to include games like God of War, apparently because that’s more of a beat-em-up style.

Driving Simulation (Gran Turismo) - Racing games just don’t interest me. I do ok at arcade-style racing like Outrun, but I’m awful at simulation-style. I rented Gran Turismo 2 many years ago and HATED it. I could barely get through the trial races.

Strategy (Fire Emblem, Command & Conquer) - I like games like this ok, but I usually spend WAY too long just biding my time, building up my resources, then get ambushed.

Music/Rhythm - I find games like this repetitive and boring, which probably contributes to the fact that I’m not good at them.

2D Platforming - This was always my strong suit. Narrow platforms over bottomless pits? Not a problem, especially if I get in a “zone”

Side-scrolling beat-em-up - Arcade TMNT, Simpsons, X-Men, Double Dragon...I’m usually pretty good at getting through them with minimal lives lost.