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VGCollect Site Stuff => Video Game Database Discussion => Topic started by: jjfly on February 23, 2018, 06:16:24 pm

Title: Help to identify these Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (PS3 EU) releases
Post by: jjfly on February 23, 2018, 06:16:24 pm
Since I got called out using a same tittle with two release with "Call of Duty: Black Ops" I decided to ask about this on forum before making an entry:

Entry already on site:
Item number: BLES-00989
Barcode: 3700577001093

My copy:
Item number: BLES-00990
Barcode: 3700577002274

And on Moby Games there is a third one:,210871/
Barcode: 3700577001123

Backcover of my copy is identical to Moby Games sans barcode (yes also the copyright text) and front covers are identical across all three releases.

Few minute later...
And next one apparently: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 (xbox 360 EU)

Entry already on site:
Barcode: 3307210246998

My copy:
Barcode: 3307210247056

And on Moby Games there is a third one:,103989/
Barcode: 3307210246981

This time we have some differences when comparing to Moby games backcover: My copy is missing logo and has instead "Game and manual in English" warning.
Title: Re: Help to identify these Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (PS3 EU) releases
Post by: Agozer on February 24, 2018, 06:33:59 am
To my knowledge, the game with the catalog number BLES-00990 is the English version sold in Scandinavia (this version is also the one I had at one point). The game with BLES-00989 is the English UK version.

This caused a rather serious issues on PSN back in the day where people who bought one version couldn't get the DLC to work with the game they bought because Namco Bandai and Sony believed (at the time) that all DLC for a given game would work as is for a game sold in Europe. The other example I know of is the original release of God of War III where its DLC also refused to work, again for the same reason that the UK release had a different catalog number.

It's the same thing with your copy of Advanced Warfighter 2; you have the English version sold mainly in Scandinavia.

PS. AskAboutGames is a UK website offering information to parents and families about videogames and their content. It would seem that the entry already on the site is actually the version sold mainly in the Netherlands, France and Belgium. The one listed on MobyGames is the UK version.

EDIT: Fixed a stupid mistake.
Title: Re: Help to identify these Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (PS3 EU) releases
Post by: jjfly on February 24, 2018, 02:01:56 pm
For future reference: Agozer just PM'd me that he got Enslaved regions mixed up.
Title: Re: Help to identify these Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (PS3 EU) releases
Post by: tripredacus on February 26, 2018, 10:08:44 am
Multiple TLDs should be alphabetical, for example:
for your typical Scandinavia release.
Title: Re: Help to identify these Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (PS3 EU) releases
Post by: fazerco on February 28, 2018, 01:15:53 pm
I dont do them in alphabetical order, because there can be only one. I do it in order of language on the box.

Because i think ( i use think because i cant find a example atm) i have seen Dutch - French, and a French - Dutch box.
Title: Re: Help to identify these Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (PS3 EU) releases
Post by: tripredacus on February 28, 2018, 02:03:08 pm
Yet, in a lot of cases, this order is not the same.

If we just do it in alphabetical order, we don't have to worry about what order they are on the box, or if someone is looking at just the flags and not the text, or whatever else.

In the case where there are 2 different items with the same languages (as your example) then it goes beyond having TLD on the title and another way must be determined for naming the item.
Title: Re: Help to identify these Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (PS3 EU) releases
Post by: fazerco on March 03, 2018, 01:50:13 pm
Yet, in a lot of cases, this order is not the same.

If we just do it in alphabetical order, we don't have to worry about what order they are on the box, or if someone is looking at just the flags and not the text, or whatever else.

In the case where there are 2 different items with the same languages (as your example) then it goes beyond having TLD on the title and another way must be determined for naming the item.

And thats what scares me here. It has a impact on the search results when u put something behind it. That something can take it way back in the search results. So i will not be found cause most people won't go as far as page 2, which will lead to more dupes.
Title: Re: Help to identify these Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (PS3 EU) releases
Post by: tripredacus on March 05, 2018, 11:08:51 am
So you want us to change the site to handle lazy people?  ;D