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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: htimreimer on March 31, 2012, 03:02:27 pm

Title: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: htimreimer on March 31, 2012, 03:02:27 pm
for me i have two

(1) i have a version of crystallophobia aka the phobia of glass i can not drink out of glass cups only plastic and clay cups
(2) masklophobia aka fear of mascots costumes
Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: jcalder8 on March 31, 2012, 04:33:47 pm
How do these affect your daily life? Do you not go to sporting events? What do you do on Halloween?
Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: amauriel on March 31, 2012, 04:38:51 pm
Mascots' Costumes?

So does this mean that normal costumes are fine, just the ones that are mascots?

I mean, I know the Phillie Phanatic is terrifying, but I'm pretty OK with most of the other mascots out there.
Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: soera on March 31, 2012, 05:25:48 pm
I have 3 fears ...

#1 - Heights. I cant even walk on the second level of the local mall without being as far away from the handrail as possible
#2 - Pregnant bellies. Just ugh ...
#3 - Cottage Cheese. That shit is disgusting. Whatever moron was starving enough to think "This gallon of milk is 2 years old and crunchy. Lets try to eat it." I cant imagine what it would take to actually do it.
Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: scott on March 31, 2012, 07:35:37 pm
#2 - Pregnant bellies. Just ugh ...

Especially the ones he accidentally created.
Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: matt on March 31, 2012, 08:47:49 pm
#3 - Cottage Cheese. That shit is disgusting. Whatever moron was starving enough to think "This gallon of milk is 2 years old and crunchy. Lets try to eat it." I cant imagine what it would take to actually do it.
If the cottage cheese you've eaten was crunchy...I think we've found the problem.
Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: ffxik on April 01, 2012, 01:30:13 am
I just have the usual, Acrophobia - the fear of falling.  When you think about it, though I don't have a problem with the fall itself, so much as the sudden stop that comes at the end thereof.  I hate that.

Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: jobocan on April 01, 2012, 02:00:06 am
Other than the standard stuff (falling, death, aging, your mom), I tend to have what is commonly (but not scientifically) called "Dumasaphobia"... Fear of stupid people.

I also have a fear of random double topics  (*cough,896.0/topicseen.html cough*)
Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: scott on April 01, 2012, 02:09:06 am
Whales creep me out.
Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: foxhack on April 01, 2012, 02:42:53 am
The border patrol.

Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: darko on April 01, 2012, 03:04:01 pm
I don't really have any phobias. I have an issue when I'm around "special" people. I get really uncomfortable. It's not a fear, just a feeling of slight panic. I've been that way my whole life and have no idea why.
Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: soera on April 01, 2012, 05:09:14 pm
Must be why there are no mirrors in your house.
Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: htimreimer on April 01, 2012, 05:25:30 pm
How do these affect your daily life? Do you not go to sporting events? What do you do on Halloween?
Mascots' Costumes?

So does this mean that normal costumes are fine, just the ones that are mascots?

I mean, I know the Phillie Phanatic is terrifying, but I'm pretty OK with most of the other mascots out there.

normal costumes are fine  mascots gets me vary uncomfortable and try to ignore them
Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: jcalder8 on April 01, 2012, 05:39:54 pm
normal costumes are fine  mascots gets me vary uncomfortable and try to ignore them
Sounds like its not a phobia then.
Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: scott on April 01, 2012, 05:46:13 pm
What if it's a Costume of some one dressed up like their favorite Mascot? dun dun dduuuuh.
Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: htimreimer on April 01, 2012, 06:29:36 pm
normal costumes are fine  mascots gets me vary uncomfortable and try to ignore them
Sounds like its not a phobia then.

they scare the crap out of me to the point of that my head starts spinning and i do get stress from being by them
Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: madmax on April 01, 2012, 11:12:06 pm
I really don't like babies. They creep me out. My skin starts crawling and stuff.
I also get very restless when I feel like I am unable to move.
Title: Re: do you have a 1 or more phobias
Post by: jcalder8 on April 02, 2012, 02:01:13 am
Good news htimreimer, it sounds like you don't have any phobias.

Part of the key for it to be a phobia is for you to avoid situations where you could run into a phobia trigger.