VGCollect Forum

General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: seether on May 31, 2018, 06:20:04 pm

Title: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: seether on May 31, 2018, 06:20:04 pm
I don't want really want to pay market rate for things and it's more the fun of the hunt and getting a good deal on things that gives me satisfaction with collecting retro.

If I were dropping £30 a shot on sought after retro games on eBay I don't think I'd feel good about it, even if money were no object.

If I were wealthy I don't think I'd collect with much more vigor.
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: burningdoom on May 31, 2018, 06:21:57 pm
I'd buy more.
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: 98dgreen on May 31, 2018, 06:42:55 pm
No wouldn't change anything
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: sworddude on May 31, 2018, 06:46:40 pm
Personally I would get the sought after stuff wich I rarely get with my current ways of collection. Would also buy more to get the games that I want and dive into the old school merchandice stuff wich is always pricy not to mention collect for the neo geo and some other consoles than wich are pretty much impossible to get in deals anyways. Exclusive Import stuff wich I avoid would also be on my list

 it would not really be that expensive anymore not to mention that your spare time would be far more valuable than waiting for deals to come up wich might result in never getting certain items.

If the hunt is your hobby I can imagine that things will not chance but if the hunt is not really the main thing in the hobby and you want to play certain games get a nice collection dive into old school nintendo merchandice etc I'm pretty sure most would spend allot more if money was no object deals are a waste of time than not to mention that you will not always get the stuff that you want that way.
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: bikingjahuty on May 31, 2018, 06:47:07 pm
It really depends on how much more I made

20k to 40k more a year: I'd probably start collecting retro again, aiming to get as many of the games as I was after CIB. Of course I'd have to turn to ebay for this. I'd also probably start collecting for North American Saturn and Sega CD again.

40k to 60k more a year: I'd be able to afford a nice house at this point and would start collecting Arcade cabinets, including ones that take up a lot of space and that cost more. I'd probably on occassion pick up a pinball machine every few years if the price was right.

70k+ more a year: At this point i'd probably quit hunting games and just buy all the stuff I'd ever wanted off ebay. I'd also probably collect for consoles like the Neo Geo AES and PC Engine, two consoles I've actively avoided collecting for due to how expensive they can be to collect for.
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: cirno on May 31, 2018, 06:49:23 pm
Well, considering the main goal is to have lots of games to play, probably only a little bit! I'd buy more and I'd certainly seek out slightly more expensive things-having that freedom to just get whatever I want would certainly be nice, but I'd still slow down to make sure it doesn't get overwhelming.
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: seether on May 31, 2018, 07:05:34 pm
If the hunt is your hobby I can imagine that things will not chance but if the hunt is not your hobby and you want to play certain games or get a nice collection dive into old school nintendo merchandice etc I'm pretty sure most would spend allot more if money was no object deals are a waste of time than.
I feel like if I had piles of money to throw around I'd be taking women to fancy restaurants or buying guitars or investing or taking stuff to the dry cleaners so I don't have to clean it myself or eating out for every meal.

My priority wouldn't be picking up old games if I had money to pursue other things.
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: kamikazekeeg on May 31, 2018, 07:13:58 pm
I'd be collecting a bunch of games if I had a lot of cash to throw around.  Nothing crazy unless I got dumb money, but I would actually start buying from game stores directly, getting things I've wanted, instead of relying purely on trades, thrift shops, and flea markets.  Maybe afford an arcade cabinet or two with that.
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: undertakerprime on May 31, 2018, 08:05:22 pm
If I had unlimited money, I know exactly what I’d do.

My dream is to have a collection of arcade cabinets and pinball machines. I’d build an extension on the house, or a separate man cave, to keep everything.
Of course, a dream like that is just too expensive to happen in real life, unless I win the lottery or something.
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: emporerdragon on May 31, 2018, 09:54:05 pm
I've found that as my disposable income has increased, I haven't increased my collecting of video games but instead increased my portfolio on what I collect. So instead of just video games, I'm getting more board/card games, vintage action figures, Lego sets, books, and so on.
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: oldgamerz on June 01, 2018, 03:15:25 am
I would buy all of the many vary expensive common games that are actually high because of their fun or fan value. but if I ate out less I would currently have maybe $100 US more
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: sworddude on June 01, 2018, 03:33:16 am
If the hunt is your hobby I can imagine that things will not chance but if the hunt is not your hobby and you want to play certain games or get a nice collection dive into old school nintendo merchandice etc I'm pretty sure most would spend allot more if money was no object deals are a waste of time than.
I feel like if I had piles of money to throw around I'd be taking women to fancy restaurants or buying guitars or investing or taking stuff to the dry cleaners so I don't have to clean it myself or eating out for every meal.

My priority wouldn't be picking up old games if I had money to pursue other things.

if you had tons of money you could do both

It doesn't take to much time to look at ebay to buy a some things here and there.

If it's your hobby I'm pretty sure allot will at least buy more than they do now without any effort or hesitation.
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: seether on June 01, 2018, 06:00:08 am
We can dream eh?

*gets back to paying a mortgage*
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: insettasport on June 01, 2018, 10:37:58 am
Absolutely. The manager at the local game store would be able to buy a Mercedes with how much I'd spend there, haha. :P
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: azure on June 01, 2018, 11:34:16 am
It really wouldn't change how I collect, that kind of money would go towards other things for my general livelihood.

I would go ahead and get the remaining GCN titles I would like, most likely though!
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: kypherion on June 01, 2018, 12:03:52 pm
For sure, spending money on games would spike through the roof if I had a ton of disposable income, especially since it's my only real funded hobby.
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: hoshichiri on June 01, 2018, 12:54:05 pm
Oh, absolutely- I'd get into the Super Spendy Retro Consoles- more Saturn stuff, a TurboDuo, NeoGeo, arcade cabs & pinball.

I'd love to have a large portion of my home (possibly a separate building?) done up like an old arcade fun center, with rooms dedicated to each 'generation' of gaming. Then I'd throw parties for people to come try out all this stuff they'd never play otherwise. Especially kids. The real trick is working out the security...
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: ferraroso on June 01, 2018, 07:32:06 pm
Well, since you are talking about havig tons of disposable income (what is a "disposable" income anyway? haha) I would change completely not only my collecting style, but also my whole life style.
Considering only games, however, the first thing would be having a huge Neo Geo collection.
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: betelgeuse on June 01, 2018, 10:19:32 pm
If money wasn't an issue, I'd need a bigger house to put it all. A couple hundred thousand would get everything I'm interested in.
What do you do when you have it all though? Your collecting days would be finished  :(
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: hoshichiri on June 05, 2018, 09:27:04 am
If money wasn't an issue, I'd need a bigger house to put it all. A couple hundred thousand would get everything I'm interested in.
What do you do when you have it all though? Your collecting days would be finished  :(

And your Playing days will begin! :)

Plus, if you collect modern, you're still hitting up Gamestop every week for new releases. And homebrews! Don't forget those! There's always something new to add.
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: sworddude on June 05, 2018, 09:45:17 am
If money wasn't an issue, I'd need a bigger house to put it all. A couple hundred thousand would get everything I'm interested in.
What do you do when you have it all though? Your collecting days would be finished  :(

Plenty of things that don't show up on ebay monthly or even yearly

If you collect cib or old school merchandice especially in at least very nice shape you will still have many holes to fill of items that do not show up.

Plenty of of stuff wich are far from holy grail or even sought after expensive rare items wich rarely show up.

You would actually still need to hunt for those kind of items since even if you had no limits many would still not own them since it takes to much effort to find.
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: dharmajones93 on June 05, 2018, 02:34:47 pm
I don't spend a bunch every month, but I do spend more than I need to. I don't "deal" shop. I usually go out on a weekend looking for a specific game with a set amount of cash in hand. If the places I stop have it, I'll get it. If not, I usually grab a few smaller items worth the same amount and try again next week elsewhere.

I always buy from resellers. In this day and age it takes a lot of courage to have a private business selling games. I like to endorse that, even if it costs me a bit more. Buying online, unless it is something I haven't had any luck finding otherwise is usually my last resort.

If I had significantly more money to spend on games I think my attitude towards my collecting would change. I don't want to say I feel ashamed, but I am definitely reserved/conservative. With more cash I think I would be more confident in collecting and really going after what I want. I don't see my self buying more, but being willing to spend a little more to get the games I really want.
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: rayne315 on June 05, 2018, 04:10:48 pm
I don't think I would no. I already have tons of disposable income. I make a really good salary (way more than my cost of living) and im also very financially literate and have been consistently making 30%+ on my investments since i started saving during my first job almost 10 years ago (right after the stock market crashed). hell the last 2 years have been hundreds of % increases but I honestly got very lucky with macronix.

im still hoping that mad catz will pull it around here this year and keep that streak going. if it does I could very seriously consider retirement in a few years.

personally my spending goes

1. required bills (gas, electric, rent, phone, etc)
2. retirement (generally 50% of what is left over after #1)
3. non required bills (internet, restaurant food, etc)
4. games
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: kashell on June 06, 2018, 08:06:58 am
I doubt I would since I'm already picky. Having tons of disposable income would be used for more traveling.
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: turf on June 06, 2018, 09:29:20 am
I doubt I would since I'm already picky. Having tons of disposable income would be used for more traveling.

But we could travel to more cons!  Then we could collect differently there!
Title: Re: Would you collect differently if you had tons of disposable income?
Post by: kashell on June 06, 2018, 10:31:03 am
I doubt I would since I'm already picky. Having tons of disposable income would be used for more traveling.

But we could travel to more cons!  Then we could collect differently there!

We'd collect more experiences! That'd be fun.