VGCollect Forum
General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: seether on June 05, 2018, 01:30:23 pm
I've never found a duplicate of any uncommon game I already have going cheap.
But if I did, I think I would buy it (retro games).
1) Could be in better condition than my copy
2) Could be more complete than my copy e.g. having the instruction manual
3) Could be trade fodder to sell for more funds for things I don't already have
4) Could be kept as a backup copy
5) Having multiple copies of uncommon/rare titles seems pretty dope
6) Resisting a bargain is very hard especially when it's being sold for a nominal amount
Only if my already owned copy is a beat-up piece of trash and I find the new copy at a good price.
Then I'd turn around and sell the original copy.
Yeah, especially if it's in better condition.
never unless it was a upgrade or crazy cheap.or in the past I've bought large collections from friends and got stuck with some extras also.I've always said oneday I'll get rid of them I got about 2000 extras I think this year im going to let my kids pick thru what thay want and sell the rest to make more room.
All the time
Only for an upgrade, or if it's bundled with games I don't already have and want.
I also don't keep any doubles around- everything is sold or given away in a fairly timely manner. The one exception was an extra cart-only copy of Sonic 2, becuase who doesn't already own Sonic 2 if they want it? That hung around for several months until a Sonic obsessed friend came over and told me that, sadly, her childhood copy had vanished (most likely at the hands of younger stepsiblings.) I immediately shoved that cart into her hands. "But I'm still hoping we'll find my old one!" "That's ok, then you'll have two just in case!" (I was just really glad to find a home for that game!)
I do if it's a good enough deal. Part of the reason I've been able to keep collecting relatively affordable is by selling/trading duplicates. There are certain games that someone is always looking for and finding a $30 game for $5 is always worth getting since it can go towards some other game/console you really want.
1) For better condition
2) Complete for sure especially if I am having a hard time finding a manual for a particular game which forces me to get a duplicate but complete
3) No
4) Not necessary for me
5) No
6) If cheap enough yes
To add to this and this mostly applies to PS1 and PS2 games, I like to get the black label copy of games if a reasonable price and sell off the GH version because I am petty and I want black label all the way if possible.
Of course, duplicates and items I don't want get converted into items I do want. Anything retro computing or gaming can be converted into store credit.
I'll only get a duplicate if it's super cheap. I'll likely end up selling it/giving it away to someone afterwards.
To add to this and this mostly applies to PS1 and PS2 games, I like to get the black label copy of games if a reasonable price and sell off the GH version because I am petty and I want black label all the way if possible.
Nothing petty about that.
I only get duplicates if I need to upgrade the copy of the game I already have, or it's too good a deal that I can't pass up to give to a friend/trade.
Trade bait
I don't because I am notorious for not doing anything with my extra things until they cannot be ignored anymore. So for console games, I rarely will get a duplicate unless I am buying a lot on Ebay. The only time I typically get dupes are regarding PC games and software, because I do not pay too close attention to them and usually find out I have it already when I go to put it into my collection here on vgcollect.
I'll only get a duplicate if it's super cheap. I'll likely end up selling it/giving it away to someone afterwards.
To add to this and this mostly applies to PS1 and PS2 games, I like to get the black label copy of games if a reasonable price and sell off the GH version because I am petty and I want black label all the way if possible.
Nothing petty about that.
I half serious half not when I say petty. I have no regrets with this :V
No, unless it is a fun game and my copy no longer works
Absolutely. Especially for trade / reselling purposes.
I do most of my big purchases in bundles, where it is almost impossible to avoid getting a dupe or two. So I can then sell the duplicates which would bring down the overall price of what I actually wanted.