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General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: seether on June 24, 2018, 05:57:08 pm

Title: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: seether on June 24, 2018, 05:57:08 pm
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: oldgamerz on June 24, 2018, 06:51:55 pm
I have a few but I like the game better
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: NickAwesome on June 24, 2018, 07:10:45 pm
I only collect instruction manuals.  I just throw the disc or cart away too, cuz what's the point anyways.
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: oleks on June 24, 2018, 08:43:27 pm
I used to hate the concept of manual, but since we are already here with tons of manuals around us I develeoped a weird fascination with the physicality of a manual.

I find inriguing how companies hire an extra guy or even a company to come up with manuals. Sometimes they are garbage sometimes they are works of art, but every time I want to check out what a manual for specific game looks like. From the design standpoint that is. It's impossible for me to focus on a manual and read one from start to finish, but sometimes it's so much fun. My favorite from my recent acquisitions is Metal Gear 4 for PS3 - has comic strips explaining game mechanics, beautifully designed and funny.

Another scenario is - you simply can't play without a manual.  I'm currently playing King of Dragon Pass and without a manual you are nothing in this game.

It's very visible what game publishers themselves think about manuals. Whether they think manuals are another outlet for creativity or just an annoying necessity.
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: theflea on June 24, 2018, 10:30:27 pm
I love them, on disc games I miss that many don't have them anymore.
Just feels like something is missing from the game when you open it and see no manual.
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: hoshichiri on June 25, 2018, 12:52:43 am
I'm a fan of manuals. I think they add some nice flavor to a game, as well as a good quick reference guide for basic controls and such. I don't think they're necessarily worth hunting down for every single game- especially since it's not necessary to have one for most games- but they are fun to have.

I love them, on disc games I miss that many don't have them anymore.
Just feels like something is missing from the game when you open it and see no manual.

YES! This drives me so bloody crazy! I have complete copies for all my disc games, and it drives me crazy that I have to stand around Game stores, holding whatever I want to buy, while I look up whether or not the damn game came with a manual or not! I wish they'd at least put in a 'this space intentionally left blank' or something.
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: bikingjahuty on June 25, 2018, 01:42:42 am
Thanks to the internet I almost never use them, but like having them in order to complete a game.
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: kypherion on June 25, 2018, 03:31:43 am
They're cool. Sometimes they have info/lore on the game that's rather intriguing or maybe some movement mechanic I don't know about.
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: kypherion on June 25, 2018, 03:32:00 am
I only collect instruction manuals.  I just throw the disc or cart away too, cuz what's the point anyways.

Clearly I've been doing it all wrong.
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: sworddude on June 25, 2018, 04:13:53 am
I only collect instruction manuals.  I just throw the disc or cart away too, cuz what's the point anyways.

I guess you have invented the new meta, Clearly it is the best thing to do. I'm pretty many will follow this way to collect and play surely  ::)
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: kamikazekeeg on June 25, 2018, 04:33:52 am
They were nice if they offered something kinda unique to them, maybe more story insight for older games that couldn't do much in game, or if they had unique art, or tips or map type things, but in general, they were never really that big deal.
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: seether on June 25, 2018, 05:24:48 am
I only collect instruction manuals.  I just throw the disc or cart away too, cuz what's the point anyways.
Honestly it’s not too crazy.

I have NES manuals that are full or art and lore that are very enjoyable to read and look at.
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: mark1982 on June 25, 2018, 05:39:06 am
Love them!  ;D

Especially the well made ones with character info, enemy types, designs, backstory, etc.

Instruction Manuals are a thing of the past though, probably cutting down on print costs since everything can be found online.

I do appreciate when modern games do a nice full fledged manual though. This can be seen in Shovel Knight - Excellent full color manual.

Another good example is Shantae Half Genie Hero that recently came out on the Switch. Nice full color manual full of illustrations, reminds me of the good old days of getting a game and reading the whole manual cover to cover on the way home.
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: badATchaos on June 25, 2018, 10:33:38 am
You know a game is legit when their manual is spiral bound

Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: jalien on June 25, 2018, 10:46:26 am
Loved reading the manuals for Blizzard games because of all the lore you could find in them, that's something that is not present in most manuals today, so nowadays I can take it or leave it.
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: tripredacus on June 25, 2018, 12:07:04 pm
You know a game is legit when their manual is spiral bound

Ehhh idk, Rollercoaster Tycoon 3's manual is spiral bound.
The best are PC games that came with actual books.
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: fauserbu on June 25, 2018, 03:20:22 pm
I really enjoy manuals that have character art, descriptions and story bits in them. Especially for older games that couldn't fit all into the game itself, it's very charming!
Today if I buy a game I'm surprised if there even is one inside, but I always appreciate the ones that include a little extra into their manuals as it brings me back to reading trough them as a child!
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: oldgamerz on June 25, 2018, 03:43:16 pm
I have read Call Of Duty manuals sometimes there is some vary interesting information found in video game manuals including tips on how to play the game like somebody else said on here :)
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: dashv on June 25, 2018, 10:18:18 pm
My son and I both enjoy reading manuals for many of the reasons mentioned already.

Art work, lore, and sometimes we even go “huh... I had no idea you could do that”.

For example.

I never knew Blaster Master for the NES had fuzzy high level drawing of the entire 8 world map!
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: betelgeuse on June 30, 2018, 09:28:48 pm
I only collect instruction manuals.  I just throw the disc or cart away too, cuz what's the point anyways.

If I only knew....

Great comment!!! I do miss the lack of instructions in newer games though.
Title: Re: How much do you like game instruction manuals?
Post by: greenman on July 06, 2018, 07:28:36 pm
I don't care for the game boxes or cardboard, but it's always nice to have at least a case, slipcase, jewel case, etc. and a manual to complete my games. Loose games are fine too, but love that literature with it for sure.