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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: marvelvscapcom2 on July 05, 2018, 06:01:34 pm
I don't know why I wasted my money on the cactus. Why would anybody buy a cactus? Whats their to gain? They are quite arrogant, they spine you, they do it for no damn good reason too. and they pay no rent. :)
All the cactuses in my house. They are all high and mighty. And the self entitled attitude is another aspect I don't care for in cacti. >:(
That's another problem with cacti, why not cactuses? The cacti thing sums up CACTUSES as a whole. All of them. So above it all. Quick to correct you and make you feel bad. You're so uncouth to them and they really make it known. I've always felt as a plant they thought they were better. Can tell it with how they stare at ya.
My Cactus's great great grand cactus spined Napoleon Circa 1802 is what the cactus breeder told me. Paid good money for it's lineage. Pedigree cactus. Starting to regret it.
Do you own cacti? What is your favorite part about them? Why do you think humans pay money to have a spine wielding, spiked hazard in their abode?
They're great for bludgeoning my enemies.
You don't have to water them
Ugh...I told you that you needed to copy & paste an article from the Huffington Post, not eat the paste and start huffing glue! Dammit boy what are we gonna do with you?!
At any rate, here's a cactus you'd probably buy...
Ah, dude... I missed these posts. :D
Well they almost need no water wich is a good thing for saving money and they can look decent.
I had them at some point however let's just say that I took the no water thing a bit to far.
They kinda died in a horrible way ::)
I had a few before... the first was fat and I was told not to water it so I didn't. it lost a lot of weight and was so proud of it! but it must not have liked me too much because one day it just left. the next one I had was way too skinny so I watered it a lot to help it bulk up... and somehow it grew a bunch of white and green hair all over its body... although im not bald I wish humans were like that. just drink 20 gallons of water a day and your hair will grow back! id make so much money... unfortunately with his new found hair he decided to be a prick so I punched him... a little too hard... at least I can honestly say it hurt me more than it hurt him.
I say the same thing about cats.
Don't let any arrogant cactuses tell you that "it's not cactuses, it's cacti"...
It would be "cacti" in Latin, but we're not speaking Latin. It's a Latin-rooted word being used as a loan word in English, so it becomes subject to the pluralization rules of English, which means "cactuses" is perfectly correct. Same with "octopuses", "statuses", "funguses", and yes, even "alumnuses". Just the same, there's a lot of nutty purists out there that think if we want to pluralize Japanese loan words like "ninjas", "samurais", or "katanas", we can't put an s at the end because Japanese doesn't have plural forms. But we can!
I had a potted cactus that didn’t survive the move for some reason. I use to pull the spines out as they grew, so it couldn’t fight back.
Also bought Assault Android Cactus on Xbox a couple days ago because it was about $2. Short game, hard to 1000, plays like smash tv.
Didn't someone in the wild west shoot a cactus and discover that there was water inside? I think some gun fighter, in the wild west, was caught in the desert. and Kept on seeing the same cactus. And he got sick of looking at it, and then decided to shoot his gun at it only to find out it had water inside? I am not joking but I don't quite remember if that was true, or not
prickly pear
Well if your name is Kevin Strahle, you eat it.
Their confidence inspires me