VGCollect Forum

VGCollect Site Stuff => Site Feedback => Topic started by: oldgamerz on July 16, 2018, 08:12:11 pm

Title: Bug Involving User Changing Thread Option
Post by: oldgamerz on July 16, 2018, 08:12:11 pm
I just made a reply and it renamed an entire recent topic on the forum home index. I was confused why when writing a reply it resorted back to what I put before the topic was changed and

somehow I renamed the thread to reply inside  a reply because It was set to change the topic again by default,9247.0.html

now the forum home calls the topic by the name of reply, the original text is called ISIS ICE. this is hard for me to explain

Ok I went to make a reply and it resorted to what I put after it was changed by an admin. I was confused sorry

This apparently makes a new thread within a thread when you change the topic in a reply. This is not what I meant to do but the reply was already going to change it on default back to what the topic was called before the admin changed it

Title: Re: Bug Involving User Changing Thread Option
Post by: tripredacus on July 17, 2018, 09:48:07 am
The forum uses post titles, separate from the thread title. I've never understood the practice myself.