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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: seether on December 01, 2018, 06:02:24 pm

Title: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: seether on December 01, 2018, 06:02:24 pm
I find it really hard to experience the same piece of entertainment twice knowing exactly what is going to happen and feeling the de ja vu.
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: redblaze57 on December 01, 2018, 06:20:09 pm
Rewatching and replaying I feel allows you to have the chance notice details and things you might not have notice the first time viewing the content. Not to mention games give you different pathways and endings so you might do one thing the first time and a different one another time. As far as  other entertainment I fucking say it I end up missing a lot of thing that happen on screen with anime if I watch it with English subs as opposed to the sub. Other times it can be great background noise if I don't want to have music on
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: soera on December 01, 2018, 06:31:00 pm
Im more likely to rewatch a movie than replay some games. Simply cause of time frame it takes.
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: kamikazekeeg on December 01, 2018, 06:58:20 pm
Depends on the movie or series.  A drama I'm less likely to watch more than once, but I'll rewatch an action movie if it has really cool stuff going on, also I like to rewatch stuff in a series if a new one is coming out.  Not all the time, but in general it's great, like I'm rewatching Godzilla stuff now with the next big one out next year.

Games are also very dependent on certain things.  I've replayed the Metro series two or three times now because there's a lot going to the exploration and atmosphere that I always like returning to.  Fallout 3, NV, and 4 have been replayed bunches of times, especially after awhile when I can check out all the new mods.  Usually if its a game where I can experience it different ways, I'm likely to replay it.
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: burningdoom on December 01, 2018, 07:00:25 pm
Yes on both accounts. Always have favorites I go back to.
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: hoshichiri on December 01, 2018, 09:34:16 pm
Of course I do- Just becuase you've seen a work before doesn't mean you can't revel in the artistry, or particularly powerful story elements, or an awesome action sequence. Plus, re-viewing something can let you catch details you missed before. I had to tell friends to re-watch the Wreck It Ralph 2 princess trailer becuase they all missed Cinderella breaking her glass slipper into a weapon like a beer bottle.
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: pacgamer89 on December 01, 2018, 11:56:50 pm
I do all the time. I watch the back to the future trilogy at least once a year but try to make more room to watch them more, I've seen Ready Player One more time then i should admit already, and i always watch holiday specials every year. Video game wise in my opinion if you really enjoyed a game you'd want to go back and revisit it every so often. I've played every main series pokemon games at least 15 times all the way through.
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: oldgamerz on December 02, 2018, 12:41:02 am
Yes I do all the time, it is vary hard for me to get into a new game (to me)  with all new controls, bugs, glitches and challenges. The learning of new strategy, and controls I'm not used to.
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: telly on December 02, 2018, 01:05:21 am
I only replay games that are all-time favorites of mine, or games that I want to give a second shot.
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: emporerdragon on December 02, 2018, 01:23:30 am
Easily, with all forms of entertainment. Sometimes you want something new, other times to settle into an old comfort.

And with games, there's plenty of reasons to replay them, with other paths, differing playstyles, speedrunning, and achievement/trophy hunting (I've completed Skyrim 3 times thanks to that last one) as examples.
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: vivigamer on December 02, 2018, 04:44:01 am
I do but in long time periods, like now I'm replaying the Kingdom Hearts series in build up to Kingdom Hearts III. Having that PS4 Remaster set on my shelf has been preserved perfectly for that moment, after I may go back to it - I still have extra content on some of the games to do. While I don't always replay something in the same year even I like to own it for when that moment strikes it is there and ready. Truth be told though, I just have so many games and things to go through that I don't often even haev the time to replay something.
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: bikingjahuty on December 02, 2018, 10:36:47 am
All of the above.
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: marvelvscapcom2 on December 03, 2018, 05:00:04 am
Games based on plot and story will take many years to become fresh again,  same with movies and TV series.  It has to become stale in order to become fresh again.   A game I beat 10 years ago might be exciting to relive but a game I beat yesterday, definitely not sitting through it again unless it's last of us which I did beat that game twice in a row because it's a masterpiece.
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: burningdoom on December 03, 2018, 01:02:41 pm
Just finished playing through Resident Evil: Director's Cut, and Resident Evil 3: Nemesis again since I'm all hyped for Resident Evil 2 Remake.

Also played through the HD versions of the Resident Evil Remake and Resident Evil Zero not too long back; again.

Don't really want to play through RE2 again, though. I don't want it that fresh in my mind when playing the remake.
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: kypherion on December 03, 2018, 01:37:39 pm
Hell yeah


Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
-beaten 5 times
-Record: 4 hours

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
-beaten 6 times
-Record (Soma mode): 3:09:58
-Record (Julius Mode): 1:53:17

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
-beaten 6 times
-Record (Jonathan): 5:09:29
-Record (Richter): 3 hours

Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia:
-Beaten 3 Times
-Record (Shanoa): 4 hours
-Record (Albus): 4 hours

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
-beaten 4 times
-Record (Alucard): 2:59:08

I've beaten the original DOOM at least 4 times, and DOOM II a couple
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon in 34:15 in Zangetsu Ultimate
Beaten Castlevania: Harmony of Despair at least 8 times
Beaten Halo: Combat Evolved 3 times
Beaten Final Fantasy VII 2 times (will be 3 when it comes out on switch.) also full farming for 2 max level KotR materia
Beaten Golden Axe 4 times

Super Mario 64 beaten countless times, I speedrun 16 star with a current time of 23m 42s

I've beaten Megaman ZXA 3 times
I've beaten Trauma Center: Second Opinion 3 times

For TV series I rewatch Jojo's Bizarre Adventure a lot.
I rewatch Outside Providence occasionally
I watch Die Hard every christmas

So yeah I replay stuff
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: Cartagia on December 06, 2018, 09:13:58 pm

Not nearly as much as I used to, however, but I still rewatch and replay stuff relatively often.

I just finished a complete rewatch of all of the Babylon 5 franchise, including the spin-offs and movies.

I also just finished a game of Imperialism, which is an old PC favorite of mine.
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: dashv on December 07, 2018, 12:59:18 am
I rewatch movies like:
Back to the Future
Scott Pilgrim vs the World
Fifth Element

Some episodes of:
Weird Science (old USA tv show)
Chuck (rewatching the entire series but my son is seeing it for the first time)

Games I replay:
Blaster Master
Night Trap
Super Mario Bros
Double Dragon Neon

Arcade Games:
Area 51
Area 51: Site 4
Maximum Force
Attack From Mars Pinball
Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: ferraroso on December 07, 2018, 06:25:05 pm
As for TV series, I can't say I've watched many, so I've definitely never rewatched any.

However, I get back to old movies and games all the time.

I constantly rewatch movies that, for a reason or another, have left a mark on me such as The Godfather trilogy (mainly the first two) and the Rocky series. Other than that, I love going back to the first Jurassic Park, Apollo 13 and (for some reason even I can't understand) You've got Mail...

I replay games up to the 6th generation all the time, especially stuff for the Master System, Saturn and PS1/PS2. Based on these consoles I've cited, apart from games that are meant to be replayed (like sports, racing and fighting titles), the video games I've cleared over and over again the most times are probably:

Alex Kidd in Miracle World -- Castle of Illusion: Starring Mickey Mouse (Master System)
Princess Crown -- Guardian Heroes (Saturn)
Rockman X4 -- Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PlayStation)
Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War -- Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance (PlayStation 2)
and, my favorite game of all time,

Title: Re: Do you replay movies, tv series' or video games?
Post by: betelgeuse on December 07, 2018, 07:47:46 pm
Video games, not so much these days unless it’s a reissue. I do replay a lot of old school games that can be completed in under an hour and arcade games.

Those of you from the 80’s who had the joy of “On” or “Select” TV probably watched the same movie 20+ times a month. It was whatever your antenna picked up with one movie channel that was commercial free. If I remember correctly it wasn’t even 24 hours. The middle of the night was the color spectrum.

I have a lot of go to movies like “The Matrix” and “Hot Tub Time Machine” that get watched all the time.  I also have 100+ movies that I’ve seen over 50x each, that get used as background noise when I’m working around the house.