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General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: lordscott on September 10, 2016, 12:16:38 pm

Title: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: lordscott on September 10, 2016, 12:16:38 pm
To farther explain why I've thought of asking some threads some people posted are PC gaming dying are Xbox 360 obsolete or any other consoles they might ask a question about and to be honest i don't know am i only does this & i don't know am i only who feels this way. But as for me i love all above i said that because some of my favorite games & some of my all time favorite games is on all 3 PC,console & handheld if any of you like any examples of like what.

Then either check out any of my lists on my account on giantbomb or on here or you may ask and if i know any good examples to tell you then I'll gladly give you some examples if you want me to and i was curios on what type are you into when you're gaming. & I'm also asking Which do you love PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above so you can get a better idea what am i asking :).

Enjoy,have fun and feel free to discuss it if you want to.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: burningdoom on September 10, 2016, 12:30:48 pm
Console gaming is my go to. I've been gaming on consoles since the NES, and even a little on the Atari 2600 beforehand.

I do handheld gaming, as well, because there are times at work when I have a lot of downtime. And there are a select few handheld series I HAVE to follow (Mario, Zelda, Dragon Quest, Metroid, Castlevania, Golden Sun). But it still doesn't hold a candle to the full console experience, IMO.

I'm really not a PC gamer at all, with a few exceptions for some old favorites (Descent, Neverwinter Nights, Wolfenstein, etc.). I grew up with consoles, so playing on those just feels more natural to me. I never could get used to the keyboard/mouse set-up. And I don't like having to worry about patches, compatibility, keeping hardware up-to-date, etc.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: emporerdragon on September 10, 2016, 04:22:02 pm
While my consoles are my main go-to, I'm pretty much all of the above.

For me, what I game on really depends on what type of game I'm looking at playing; Consoles for action/adventure or fighting, PC for strategy and flight sims, and handhelds for RPGs and Puzzlers.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: azure on September 10, 2016, 05:00:59 pm
All of the above, I just love gaming. What really depends is what game I want to play, for me.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: robertoman on September 10, 2016, 11:16:25 pm
I've always been a huge PC gamer so PC games are my go to for games.

But I do love console and handheld games so I would have to go to all of the above.

I've always grown up on PC games during the early 2000's and its been that way since 2012 which was when I made the switch to modern console games at the time. I quickly switched back though, as the gaming experience on the Xbox 360 was not as good as the PC. I've always preferred the swift aim of a mouse and keyboard for First and Third person shooters rather than the thumb stick. Its not to say I hate consoles though, as there are some games which I prefer the console version over the PC version. I played so many Nostalgic titles that I will always remember on the PC such as Delta Force II, Need for Speed III, Need for Speed Underground 2, Star Wars Battlefront II, Battlefield 1942, Medal of Honor Allied Assault, and Call of Duty (original) just to name a few.

As far as console games go, I am not a big fan of generation 7 or 8 (Xbox 360, PS3, PS4, XB1). It's really hard to say which console is my favorite as I love all of the retro consoles and the Generation VI consoles but I would have to choose the Sega Genesis for being my first console and my favorite. I also really love the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo 64. There is something about the Sega Genesis that I will always cherish over consoles but I just don't know what that is. It could be that the games for me at the time were nothing that I have ever experienced before on a computer.

As for Handheld games, I love them all. Its a hard tie between the GBC, 3DS or PSP to say which is my favorite. The handheld consoles also had some a lot of good titles on them.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: Warmsignal on September 10, 2016, 11:37:16 pm
Console. I just want to sit on a couch or a bed, pop any game in with the corresponding controller in my hand and stare at a TV screen. Nothing more, nothing less.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: dashv on September 11, 2016, 02:48:55 am
All of the above. Each has some great exclusives and some games (Crysis) were never done justice on the consoles compared to their PC counterparts.

That said, my consoles get most of my attention due to being in the family area and laying on the couch while I play is easier on my back and shoulders.

I sit at a desk at a computer all day, when I get home I prefer the living room with my family away from a mouse and keyboard.

But if the game is good enough or exclusive to PC I'll play it on PC.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: pacpix on September 11, 2016, 03:33:04 am
Platform is not all that important to me, but in general I prefer to play on a console.  It's just more simple and easier to get comfortable.  While there are some great handheld games, I can't say I ever feel overly comfortable playing for long periods of time on a portable device.  I don't do much gaming on my laptop as I run linux and don't have the best specs.  However when I do play games on it I find the experience to be about the same as playing a console game for me.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: parasiteadam on September 11, 2016, 08:49:23 am
I like all of them to be honest.

Console: General day to day gaming. Ideally should just be able to just pop in the game and play.

Handhelds: Gotta love my games on the go. Not always the prettiest looking games but the stories usually more than makes up for it.

PC: Definitely an all around plus. With a proper setup you can play all the console games but it looks better. Also mods! Looking at you Fallout. The only downside is upgrades can get kind of pricey for quality but the same could be said for anything else.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: bikingjahuty on September 11, 2016, 09:44:48 am
I always have been and always will be a console gamer first and foremost. 90% of my time as a gamer and collector has been with console gaming as I find it the most accessible and varied platform to play on.

After that I'd say handheld gaming, much for the same reason I like console games, however it's biggest strength is also its biggest weakness, and that is its portability. I've never been a fan of the small screens on console games, always having opted to play the game on a console when possible, or play a similar game on a console versus a game like it on a handheld.

And then finally there is the PC. While I LOVE PC gaming, it has always been the least accessible genre for me for a variety of reasons. For one is is by far the most expensive platform to game on mostly because of the hardware needed to play, especially if you plan on playing modern games. While this has become less and less of an issue in recent years, getting certain PC games to run on your rig can be tedious and I feel depending on your setup, it may not run as well as it could/should if you do not have certain APIs, patches, or drivers installed, and figuring out what those are at times is mindblowingly frustrating. With all that said, however, PC gaming has a certain charm that I will always be drawn to and the more time that goes by, the more I fall in love with the platform.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: redblaze57 on September 11, 2016, 11:58:15 am
The only thing I don't play many games on is my PC. I don't really know why other than I tend to think of PC primarily aso a device to do work, not play games despite building myself a PC to play games on.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: Flashback2012 on September 11, 2016, 12:08:20 pm
It goes PC Gaming>Handheld Gaming>Console Gaming for me. 20 years ago it would have the opposite way around.  :P
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: anagar on September 11, 2016, 05:13:10 pm
All of the above.
I'm not big on PC game but I'm not against it. I will always main console/handhelds though.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: kamikazekeeg on September 11, 2016, 06:35:09 pm
PC primarily, not far away is console gaming, and almost nonexistent is handheld.  Handheld is only good for on the go and I'm not out enough to utilize that, plus the New 3DS has no aspect of comfort to it, so hand cramping is common after awhile.  I've only pushed myself to beat games like the N64 Zelda ports and Hyrule Warriors Legends, but I find handheld gaming to be the worst, which is nice that the NX should fix this problem if it turns out to be the hybrid system it's rumored to be and I can start playing Pokemon and such on a TV.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: brazbit on September 11, 2016, 09:54:40 pm
All of the above.

The biggest caveat is PC gaming. I love PC gaming but generally can't justify the expense of keeping an A+ gaming rig around which is unfortunately required to play most new releases these days. But when my system is up to snuff I do enjoy it greatly and the others generally can't compare.

On the other hand Console and handheld gaming is guaranteed to work and there is great value in that, plus crashing on the couch with my wife playing multiplayer or playing outside is generally preferable to sitting in an office chair for hours on end... I do that enough during the day.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: kashell on September 12, 2016, 11:17:56 am
Console and portable are about tied. For the most part, I pay attention to both types equally. Obviously, if I'm on a trip there will be more time dedicated to the portables. Similarly, some days I am super-lazy and don't want to have the controller pried from my hands.

I can count on one hand the amount of times I gamed on a PC. I don't see that number changing anytime soon, either. I work in IT, and I am in front of a computer all day. The last thing I want to do after work is be in front of a another one.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: oldgamerz on October 28, 2019, 02:30:06 pm
Bumped 10/28/2019

I prefer playing on a Console more today than a traditional Computer or Handheld device

To be honest I only have 3 games on my computer today, growing up as a PC gamer I've had a lot of compatibility trouble with some mid 1990's games back in the day when 3D polygons became a thing. MS/DOS games however I've had almost no trouble with and the same goes with most of my tv consoles.

Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: turf on October 30, 2019, 05:12:53 pm
Boy, the lines on this are blurred these days.

The different clients on PC pretty much make computers upgradeable consoles. So, PC and console are nearly the same thing.  The big exception is with consoles, I don’t have to worry about specs. All my PS4 games work on my PS4.

The Switch took a big swing and made consoles and portables the same thing. Now I can seamlessly play my handheld games on my tv or my console games on my handheld.

What a world to live in!

Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: oldgamerz on September 02, 2020, 10:04:20 pm
video games for Consoles and handhelds are almost always guaranteed to work. Unless the console or game is broken. PC is not. I grew up on PC's and I'd say playing video games on Windows 95 or Windows 98 and Windows XP were great.

but RAM hardware issues started to arise on some games, as soon as the 3D polygon graphics started. back in 1997 a cheaper PC would cost over $1000 USD, and a few years would pass and you would need to upgrade your RAM chips, or possibility buy a video card. I never had a video cards in any of my computers growing up. I will admit there was always ways of turning down the graphics on a lot of PC games to improve performance so I would do that instead.

Although PC gaming is still around, Most retro video games are becoming less and less compatible with modern computers as time goes on. in other words it's easier just to buy a console or handheld and play a game. of course I've seen frame rate drop on consoles as well, certain games believe it or not would need more RAM in a console that could not be updated easily.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: telekill on September 03, 2020, 08:07:09 am
Necro Thread. Nice.

I'm a console gamer. I have been primarily since I got my NES back in 1991. Moved to Sega for Genesis and Game Gear. Then moved to Playstation on Christmas '95 and stuck with them ever since. I would occasionally have a secondary system like Dreamcast, Gamecube, Wii and now Switch but Playstation has remained my main system for 25 years.

I did do some PC gaming back from 1999 to around 2005 or so. Played some great games like Unreal Tournament, UT2004, Warcraft 3 and World of Warcraft. I even later jumped into Star Trek Online for a bit which was and still is the best Star Trek game created IMO. Luckily, it was ported to PS4 so I play it there now.

Handheld gaming was great back in the Game Gear and PSP days, but the Vita turned me off of it so quick that I don't think I'll ever buy myself another handheld ever again. I enjoyed Uncharted on it, but when not even Sony supported it after only two years, it became a waste of money. I still go back to my Game Gear though and am even still collecting a few gems for it. Looking to get an Everdrive for it next but it'll wait until next year or so.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: ferraroso on September 08, 2020, 09:15:38 pm
I think the only games I've actually played for more than 30 minutes on PC were Duke Nukem 3D and the original versions of Counter Strike, so I can say I'm a console gamer.
Unless you consider the MSX to be a computer, than I'd say I've played a lot of PC in the last few years.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: dashv on September 13, 2020, 05:46:36 pm
I am excited for all of it.

Also, Arcade gaming. :-)

That says, my Switch gets the most play as I can play anywhere.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: spyrofanx on September 13, 2020, 09:45:10 pm
Any kind of gaming is fine by me. Just as long as I'm not playing any god-awful games or playing on a trash console like the R-Zone,, etc.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: astralsoul on September 16, 2020, 01:47:03 pm
Console gaming takes up 90% of my game time. I only play handheld or PC when there's a game I want to play that's only available in one of those forms.
Title: Re: Which do you prefer PC gaming,console gaming,handheld gaming or all of the above
Post by: mark1982 on September 17, 2020, 02:59:31 am
Mainly console, I do have a decent gaming PC but I don't necessarily use it to play games anymore. No time these days to tinker with specs here and there, mainly use it for work tbh.

And of course my Switch which gets most of the game time these days.