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Messages - kuribo

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General / Re: Games or Franchises that need a sequel.
« on: October 21, 2014, 04:20:43 pm »
This is a great idea for a thread!  I've got a few suggestions:

Kirby Blockball (GB) - A sequel would look awesome on 3DS in full color
Point Blank (PS1) - This whole series is amazing and one of the best light gun games ever.  The series was never about fancy graphics, but it is a real shame that it is not on consoles or in arcades anymore.
Blast Corps (N64) - Its been a long time since I played it, but it was a lot of the fun back in the day and would definitely benefit from HD graphics.
Bully (PS2) - While the title is a bit passe now, this was a really fun and unique game.  Definitely one of my favorite open-world games of all time.
The Bouncer (PS2) - It has its flaws, but I still thought it was a fun game and one that could have been improved in a sequel.
Okami (PS2) - This has been said but it definitely deserves one.
Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1) - While it got sequels, none of them compare to the original and the kiddie story and tone deviated way too far from the original.

Okami has a direct sequel already. It's called Okamiden, and it's on the DS.

I haven't played Okamiden yet though it is on my to buy list and I'm looking forward to playing it soon.  I should have clarified that I would like to see another game in the series, even if it was about different characters than Amaterasu and Issun.  Part of the reason I included Okami on this list is that I don't think we'll ever see another game in the series which is a shame.

General / Re: Games or Franchises that need a sequel.
« on: October 21, 2014, 02:32:40 pm »
This is a great idea for a thread!  I've got a few suggestions:

Kirby Blockball (GB) - A sequel would look awesome on 3DS in full color
Point Blank (PS1) - This whole series is amazing and one of the best light gun games ever.  The series was never about fancy graphics, but it is a real shame that it is not on consoles or in arcades anymore.
Blast Corps (N64) - Its been a long time since I played it, but it was a lot of the fun back in the day and would definitely benefit from HD graphics.
Bully (PS2) - While the title is a bit passe now, this was a really fun and unique game.  Definitely one of my favorite open-world games of all time.
The Bouncer (PS2) - It has its flaws, but I still thought it was a fun game and one that could have been improved in a sequel.
Okami (PS2) - This has been said but it definitely deserves one.
Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1) - While it got sequels, none of them compare to the original and the kiddie story and tone deviated way too far from the original.

Classic Video Games / Re: Longest time you spent playing a video game?
« on: October 07, 2014, 04:24:30 pm »
I played Star Wars Galaxies pretty much every day for 5 years...  I wish I had some of that time back.

I played a lot of SWG as well and I really enjoyed the game until Sony "revamped" the game one too many times.  I'm fairly sure I logged in more hours in SWG than any other MMO because I played it the longest. 

As far as non-MMOs go, Persona 3 FES would have be king for me.  I think I spent 120-130 hours playing through it.  I really enjoyed the game though so it never felt like too much of a time sink to me.  I would love to play through it again someday, but I don't know when I'll ever have that much time to commit to it.

General / Re: Recently completed/finished
« on: October 05, 2014, 07:07:14 pm »
I've been very busy with work (and hence not very active on the forums) but I have beaten two short games recently.  The first is Legendary Starfy on DS.  It is compared to Kirby a lot and rightfully so.  Starfy is a pretty easy and cute game but I also think it is relaxing to play.  I don't know if people who don't already like Kirby should play Starfy, but I definitely enjoyed it and surprised just how cheap and easy it is to buy used.

I also beat Pilotwings Resort on 3DS which wasn't quite as fun.  The game is short on content and some of the later missions require a lot of trial and error or good muscle memory so that you can get a good score.  The Free Flight Mode is a nice idea, but exploring the island isn't fun for too long.  I gave up hunting for all the collectibles and probably spent about 5-6 hours playing Pilotwings.  I had fun but was ready to playing something else towards the end. 

Classic Video Games / Re: Best horror games?
« on: September 27, 2014, 09:05:54 pm »
I'm a little late to this thread, but I wanted to throw in a suggestion or two, especially since people already mentioned a couple of great series! 

I haven't gotten around to playing Amnesia, but the three short Penumbra game on PC was made by the same studio and it is quite a scary game too.  One of the things that makes it so intense is that you have no weapons and have to hide from everything essentially.  It is a budget title but still really worth playing.

I'm glad someone mentioned Condemned too.  I've only played Condemned 2, but it definitely has an unsettling environment and there is a part with a bear in that game that will keep you on your toes to say the least.

Classic Video Games / Re: Hardcore Gaming 101: Castlevania
« on: September 19, 2014, 11:10:47 pm »
Thanks for the info!  I've been looking at their site this evening and am impressed by how many different games they cover and the quality of information for each one.  That book about Japanese Game Developers sounds really interesting.  I will have to pick that one up!

General / Re: Recently completed/finished
« on: September 16, 2014, 03:39:48 pm »
I recently finished Dragon Quest: Rocket Slime on DS and I think it is a very charming and unique game.  It kind of has the feel of topdown Zelda's with simplified combat and puzzle mechanics with the addition of tank battles where you can load ammo into your own tank and sneak or break into your opponent's tank to mess with it and the characters loading ammo.  Rocket Slime is more lighthearted than other Dragon Quest games and stuffed full of bad puns.  While the game is not perfect, the game doesn't overstay its welcome and has some nice extra for anyone who wants to play more than 12-14 hours.  if you like to play games that are unique or are a fan of Dragon Quest (and don't mind that this isn't a traditional RPG) then I highly recommend it.  I could see this game going up in value over time as more and more people discover it and want to get a copy for their collection.

Classic Video Games / Hardcore Gaming 101: Castlevania
« on: September 16, 2014, 03:27:27 pm »
I just saw this and thought I'd post to see if anybody on here knows this site and can talk more about it.  Hardcore Gaming 101 has also done a book about Sega Arcade games from the 80s and 90s apparently.  I'm a big Castlevania fan so I definitely find this intriguing and I know there are several others who use this site who might be interested too.  The book is also available for $7 on Kindle apparently.

I'm currently playing Rocket Slime on DS and really, really enjoy it.  I was just thinking how awesome it would be if sequels came out on 3DS and then I saw this news.  I think the game is much better suited to an actual handheld and not a touch screen so I'm disappointed that Square Enix is going this direction.

With that said, I can understand why Dragon Quest fans want RPG entries in the series to come to the US much more than a game that is a lighter and quirkier version of 2D Zelda.  My preference would be that Square Enix gives us more of both!

General / Re: Recently completed/finished
« on: August 17, 2014, 04:58:35 pm »
I'm relieved to say I just beat De Blob 2 on Wii.  I was excited to play the game because I love platformers and especially games like Mario Sunshine and Okami where you have to clean things as part of the story/gameplay.  Unfortunately, De Blob 2 only had some moments of fun and way too much repetition.  Every level drags on too long and you basically do the same things over and over.  This is a game I wouldn't play again and may not keep in my collection long term.

New Super Luigi U was released digitally first and then the retail copy came out a couple months later.

General / Re: Collection Achievements thread
« on: August 11, 2014, 12:07:27 am »
I just hit the 500 mark as far as physical games, system, strategy guides go!  To me, that sounds like such a high number, but when I look at my collection (with the exception of how much room the consoles and their boxes take up), it doesn't feel like my collection is that big.  Maybe being a member of this site has had an effect on me  ;D

General / Re: Favourite Game You Own For Each Console?
« on: August 10, 2014, 11:57:32 pm »
This is an awesome idea for a thread.  Here are my choices:

Game Boy - Kirby's Dreamland
Game Boy Advance - Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga (Minnish Cap could be here too)
Game Boy Color - Zelda: Oracle of Ages
Nintendo DS - Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor (Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin or The World Ends With You are pretty much neck and neck here too) 
Nintendo 3DS - Luigi's Manion: Dark Moon

Nintendo 64 - Zelda: Ocarina of Time (One of the easiest picks to make)
Gamecube - Resident Evil 4
Nintendo Wii - Super Mario Galaxy 2 (There are some amazing games on Wii, but its hard not to pick this one)
Wii U - Super Mario 3D World

Playstation - Final Fantasy Tactics (FF7 and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night are pretty much tied with FFT)
Playstation 2 - Persona 4 (There are so many others that could be on this list though.  Persona 3, Okami, Kingdom Hearts 2....)
Playstation 3 - Fallout 3 or Dark Souls (I've got tons of PS3 games I need to buy and play so this could easily change in the future)

PC - Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines and Sea World Tycoon (I had to pick two here because there are so many PC games I could choose from)

General / Re: Recently completed/finished
« on: August 05, 2014, 07:26:24 pm »
Konami would be smart to make some kind of 2D version of Castlevania again even if it was a downloadable only title.

You mean like Adventure Rebirth, which nobody really noticed?

It's a shame that nobody did. All those Rebirth games were freaking fantastic.

But I think an all original Castlevania game would work better than a remake, which Rebirth was.

I actually was just referring to the trend of developers, especially indie ones, releasing 2D games like Shovel Knight and Guacamelee in the downloadable-only format.  I'd much rather have a physical copy of any game but I will take a new 2D Castlevania any way I can get it.

I somehow missed Adventure Rebirth, but I will definitely have to try and get it because it looks awesome.  Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

General / Re: Recently completed/finished
« on: August 04, 2014, 07:04:22 pm »
Just beat Caslevania: Portrait of Ruin and I really enjoyed it.  I had already beat the other two in the DS trilogy and I might like this one best.  Those last two bosses are a nice challenge and a fitting end to the game.

Nice! I enjoyed Portrait, and the whole tandem characters thing. The whole game had some pretty epic moments in it.

It really did.  I'm glad to see other people really like Portrait of Ruin too.  Back when those games came out, we were spoiled by getting three great 2D Castlevania games on one system and now I wonder if we'll ever get another 2D one.  It has been a long time since Order of Ecclesia came out.

I don't know. Koji Igarashi has left Konami and he was pretty much the driving force behind the Metroidvania style Castlevania games. Personally, I want to see another one soon. And I'm so glad that MercurySteam has said that after Lords of Shadow 2 they'll be passing on making any more Castlevanias. Other than Mirror of Fate, I've not been a big fan of the LoS titles.

Ahhh.... that makes perfect sense.  I always was impressed by the continuity in the series from Symphony of the Night (My first Castlevania game) through the GBA and DS and now I know why.  I've yet to play any of the 3D Castlevania games, but I am going to try LoS and Mirror of Fate soon just to see what the series has turned into more recently.  Konami would be smart to make some kind of 2D version of Castlevania again even if it was a downloadable only title.  There are too many of us who want that much more than a 3D game.

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