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Messages - julianspillane

Pages: [1]
Site Feedback / Re: Missing ColecoVision Game
« on: January 23, 2012, 10:47:12 am »
Awesome, thanks Matt! Sorry for the dumb question.

Site Feedback / Missing ColecoVision Game
« on: January 17, 2012, 01:30:12 pm »
Hi there,

Was going through and adding in my ColecoVision and Adam games and I noticed that "Roc'n Rope" by Konami isn't in the database. The info is as follows:

Title: "Roc 'N Rope"
Publisher: Konami
Developer: Kosuka
Release Date: 1983
Platform: ColecoVision
Genre: Platform

Also, it appears that the Coleco Adam computer is not on your list of hardware. Details can be found here:

Thanks and keep up the great work!


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