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Messages - jamusaeons

Pages: [1]
Site Feedback / Re: Edit submissions ignored
« on: April 01, 2013, 11:06:01 pm »
Now I seem to be having the same issue. I've tried updating a few things since yesterday with no success.


Site Feedback / Re: Search Bar pt 2
« on: March 31, 2013, 01:03:24 am »
Fantastic, thank you

Site Feedback / Search Bar pt 2
« on: March 31, 2013, 12:27:26 am »
Hi! So I see there was some talk in '11 about a better search bar but it doesn't look like much came of it and I wasn't sure whether to continue that thread or make a new one. In any case, I am posting this from a Wii U pad and it would be mighty helpful if the search bar had a 'go' button next to it. As is, the Wii U browser only allows you to proceed with a search if a button is provided. I'd like to use the pad to log in a huge backlog of games so I can be mobile while I do it, without being held to the sluggishness of my phone.


Pages: [1]