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Messages - cassarah

Pages: [1]
General / Re: How do you feel about reprints?
« on: February 24, 2017, 01:28:02 pm »
ehhh I struggle with it a lot, I know not everyone is into emulation but with todays technology you can virtually play anything pre sega saturn with 0 issues or next to 0 issues. It is especially annoying trying to find the original only to find a slew of reprints. Example, mini nes, lots of ebay sellers are listing it as original nintendo so if you are looking for a boxed original nintendo you will find a load of mini nes.

Kinda on the same topic here but one of the reasons why we don't really collect original nintendo games. too many reprints/reproductions/switching pcb boards/etc. I'm not about to drop a few hundred on ducktales 2 only to find its a reproduction.

I agreed, even PS2/Gamecube/Xbox can be emulated with little to no problems, I'm much more in favor of digital re-releases instead of physical reprints, then both parties get what the want.    Yeah the recent advent of NES and SNES "fakes" have completely turned me off NES/SNES collecting.

General / Re: How do you feel about reprints?
« on: February 24, 2017, 01:23:53 pm »
I don't collect to say "Oh, my collection is worth this much" or to say "I have these games that were in really low print numbers".  I collect because I want to play these games, or I think they are going to be so bad it'll be funny.

The only time reprints bother me are when Gamestop does reprints, because they sell them as pre-owned so they can sell the games at what the going rate is (Xenoblade chronicles, calling, cave story 3d, etc.)

I never really buy a game just because it has low print numbers or its "expensive," pretty much in the last decade I've just bought what I want to play, I guess I'm just a bit ahead of the curve in terms of when a game comes out that I want I buy it right away and don't wait years to find it used/cheap, etc. so I am glad when a game i bought 7-8+ years ago ends up being "worth" something.

Fuck Gamestop reprints though, just the worst company. 

General / How do you feel about reprints?
« on: February 24, 2017, 01:04:55 pm »
With the recent Yakuza 1-4 reprints I find it more and more frustrating that some companies (Sega especially) have been reprinting games that didn't sell well in the first place, and are in part only now hard to find and expensive because of their low print numbers.   It just feels less satisfying to have it when a game you hunted for and found becomes common.

I've seen a lot of people happy for reprints but its mostly people who don't have the game to begin with, how, as collectors, how do you folks feel on the subject of reprints, I for one think all it does is devalue the brand, and honestly just make it much less likely I'll consider buying games from company "X" in the future if I know they're always gonna be easy to find.

Site Feedback / Re: Other ways to sort your collection
« on: April 29, 2016, 04:15:42 pm »
I think date of addition would be somewhat pointless as the majority of us started collecting long before the site was live so it'll just be large batches of games from a single system at a time until our collection were up to date.

I would like the option to sort by Published personally

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