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Messages - hanky

Pages: [1]
Haha, no worries.
Too much, I'm affraid. I think it was around 900€ total incl. shipping to my doorstep  ;D
EDIT: Worth every penny though :)

The game or the cabinet?  ::)

lol, you could always collect a Phoenix'ed board, if the battery is an issue to you :P
To be honest, it's not that big of a deal. They'll easily last +10 years or so, and within the last few years, people have learned how to revive dead boards, if it should ever occur.

Yup, it was just way harder to put a twelve-year old hobby on the shelf like that, than I thought  :-\


Some GameCube stuff:

And a Progear No Arashi CPS2 board :)

To be honest, I don't really play that much any longer, as I did e.g. 10 years ago. Today, it's mostly handheld (for the comfy, when having a small child in my home) and quick arcade-sessions on my candycab (30 minutes or so). Still doesn't hold me back from collecting games, as I simply love the media too much, not to care. I enjoy walking in to our apartment, and just take a view at the collection.

Regarding the whole sell-my-collection thing, I've been there once. At a point where I hit the 700 titles, I was suddenly supposed to be "the grown up" at home, when we were about to have our first child. So, I sold my entire collection, every single piece of it. As the first 6 months passed by, I slowly started to collect them all again, of course almost ending up paying double compared to what I sold mine for. Not a single day passes by, where I don't come to think of it with regret.

I would NEVER sell anything ever again. Guess I had to learn the hard way :)

Classic Video Games / Re: First video game you ever played?
« on: August 04, 2016, 05:06:51 pm »
Bionic Commando on the NES, as a five year old.
I don't really think my parents knew back then, that they bought a censored Nazi game  ::)

Classic Video Games / Re: Do you lend your games?
« on: August 04, 2016, 05:05:09 pm »
As a kid, I would always lend my games to friends and family vice versa. Today, the only one I really lend my games to, is my brother, as he is a collector aswell and I'm confident that he knows how to take care of 'em :)

More like collecting :D

Video Game Database Discussion / JAMMA boards?
« on: February 20, 2016, 09:15:15 am »
Hi, I was just wondering, since I've also started to collect arcadeboards (JAMMA PCBs) - what's the name of that category? (does it even exist?)
I saw that CPS/CPSII/CPSIII had their own category, as so do ST-V and MVS, but couldn't seem to find anything related to non-specific boards.


Marketplace / Re: NES/SNES boxes on request
« on: April 09, 2015, 08:00:26 am »
Can you do Super Famicom boxes aswell? :)

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