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Messages - keikuina

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Intro thread
« on: June 25, 2016, 06:11:01 pm »

I joined recently, and so far I'm really enjoying the site! Really nice to see so much content in the database, and I love adding information when I come across games missing artworks or information.

I go by the username Keikuina everywhere on the internet (except Twitter, where it's Keikuiina because someone took it for some reason D; ), and my name's Olivier. I'm from Canada, and I've been playing video games since I was 3 years old, erasing my dad's save files in NHL Stanley Cup on the SNES.

Now, I've been collecting games since around 2008, slowly and steadily, and it's a lot of fun! But it's an expensive hobby. A few months ago I got started on my Youtube channel, and have been updating my video game pick-ups weekly, which will now change to biweekly. When I have more time, I'm planning on doing Let's Plays! Mostly of games I've never played before, but there are games I have played and didn't finish, and this whole channel gives me more reasons to play that huge backlog of games!

I collect for pretty much every consoles from Nintendo, Sega, PlayStation, and the original Xbox. This includes the Famicom and Super Famicom. There are still consoles I want to get, but I can't at the moment, so that will have to wait.

So far, my biggest collection is my PS2 library with 192 as of now (or 201 if I count duplicates and some games I wanna sell).

While I probably won't be very active on the forums, I'll still look around if I need information for one thing or another. I hope we get along :D

Haha, glad to know I'm not the only one!

Yeah, so far that's what I've been doing. Most of the time it seems to be from the same year as the original release though, so that's why I was asking. Then again, I don't know how long it takes before a game gets a Greatest Hits/Player's Choice/Platinum Hits.

For now I'll just keep updating with the same date as the original release. Unless the trademark year is different, then I'll just put the year.

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Duplicate Listings 2016
« on: June 25, 2016, 02:42:08 pm »
Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Duelist of the Roses (PS2) [NA]

Hi, like the title says, I'm wondering how I can find out the exact release date of Greatest Hits, since I'm sure it's not the same date as the original release. But wherever I look, it's always just the original release date that's listed.

It just bugs me, because I'm currently moving my collection from my spreadsheet to this site, and there are games that aren't in the database. Like right now, I have a copy of Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning Greatest Hits that has the English and French Canadian box text.

If anything while I wait for a reply I'll just go and put the original release date for now.

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