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Messages - xenofeithrice

Pages: [1]
General / New, looking for advice/guidance
« on: August 30, 2016, 05:31:03 am »
Hello all, recently began my adventure into collecting retro consoles. Here is my brief history of what I had growing up:
NES, Sega Genesis, N64, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, Wii.

Everything has been given to family or sold at garage sales after I moved out, except the PS3, PS4, and Wii which I still have. I wish I had the others, but alas, that's life!

I just picked up a Sega Saturn in the box, with all original cables and manuals, Nights Demo and Bootleg Sampler in the box! Also has a second controller and a knockoff memory card, all for $120, happy with that acquisition!

Here are some of my questions:

1) Besides the Saturn, which seems to be one of the more expensive/harder US consoles to find CiB, what other consoles should I focus on now before time drives up the prices?

2) I have recently become pretty OCD, hence why I stalked the Saturn until I found the complete box. I'm a little bummed I don't have the boxes for my PS3, PS4 and Wii. I could probably get them on eBay, but will the OCD'ness that they won't have matching serial numbers consume me? Anybody like me in that regard?

Thanks, happy to join here!

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