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Messages - dzfoo

Pages: [1]
Classic Video Games / Re: Christmas Carol vs Ghost of Christmas
« on: December 11, 2012, 07:39:30 pm »

I make a game and spend my resources in bringing it out as a complete beautiful collectible package--and you won't pay for it; and I give you the game ROM for free so that you don't have to spend any money, just enjoy the game--and you won't play it.

Pity.  It's a good game.


No, not at all, ah, sorry if you misunderstood me. It wasn't clear.
I'm interesting in getting the official cartridge. I just said the price is a bit high but im sure it's definitely worth it.

Ah!  Sorry, mate, I misunderstood you.  Yes, I can see how the price may seem high; that's a result of very small production runs for a very small niche market.

For what it's worth, my producer, Left Turn Only, and I have put more time and money onto this project than it'll bring back.  We don't really do it for the money; it's more of a labour of love.

It's a great game, we could have sold it in a paper bag cheaper; instead we went for the premium "nostalgia" deal--just like back in the day! :)

I hope you and everyone enjoys playing game as much as I did making it.


Classic Video Games / Re: Christmas Carol vs Ghost of Christmas
« on: December 11, 2012, 05:34:34 am »
@dzfoo, it looks like it is worth the amount that you are asking but it's just about 50 more than I am willing to spend on something like this.

I understand, no worries.  I didn't set the price, it was the producer, Left Turn Only.  By the way, there's little to no money in this endeavor.  The niche is rather small and the production costs are very high.  I'm sorry you find it so expensive, but you can still play and enjoy the game for free. :)

The ROM is fee for download.  No ads, no registration, no DRM, or anything.  It's the same ROM in the cartridge.  I just wanted people to play it during the Holidays, for it is a really good and fun game.


Classic Video Games / Re: Christmas Carol vs Ghost of Christmas
« on: December 11, 2012, 05:31:45 am »
I just wanted to let you know that the full game is available in ROM format as a free download

Sorry mate but i stopped reading after "ROM format ".
I really don't like ROM format, it doesn't give you the feeling you have when you play on the real console.
Good work tho. Really well done package etc.

I make a game and spend my resources in bringing it out as a complete beautiful collectible package--and you won't pay for it; and I give you the game ROM for free so that you don't have to spend any money, just enjoy the game--and you won't play it.

Pity.  It's a good game.


Classic Video Games / Re: Christmas Carol vs Ghost of Christmas
« on: December 08, 2012, 10:01:22 pm »
Also, the item had already been added to the VG Collect catalogue by another user:

Classic Video Games / Re: Christmas Carol vs Ghost of Christmas
« on: December 08, 2012, 09:50:00 pm »
Oh! and by the way, we're having a Christmas High Score Championship throughout the month of December.  The winner gets a one-of-a-kind, personalized edition of the game in a futuristic looking clear cartridge shell and all!  The top 10 runners-up will receive a cool merit patch, just like in the old Intellivision days. :)

So if any of you are interested, you don't have to purchase or sign up to anything; just download the ROM, play the game, and submit your score via e-mail, or post it on our board in AtariAge.

You can play the free ROM on emulation, or the purchased cartridge on the Intellivision--it's all the same.  We just want people to enjoy a cool game during Christmas.

You can find more information on our contest web site:


Classic Video Games / Re: Christmas Carol vs Ghost of Christmas
« on: December 08, 2012, 09:45:14 pm »
Hi there!

I just wanted to let you know that the full game is available in ROM format as a free download.

The price of the game on sale is to cover the manufacture of what is essentially a collector's item, complete with high-quality hand-controller overlays, cartridge with custom label, and full colour glossy manual; all packaged in a beautiful retro-style "gate-fold" box, like in the old Mattel days.

I understand if you feel the price is too high, but I recommend you at least download the ROM and play the game.  It is a lot of fun and very addicting. :)

By the way, I am the game programmer.  So feel free to ask me any questions regarding the game. :)


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