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Topics - eaglelord9814

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Allow me to explain & to start off like I said & I will admit it again that I'm a otaku,I'm a gamer,I'm a final fantasy fan/huge fan aka final fantasy nerd,I'm a hentai fan,I love hentai both vr & non-vr & I love hentai stuff. If any furries ever found that out about me & if any furries ever found out about my taste in gaming,anime & manga I bet furries will more likely to think I'm a furry too even though I'm not a furry when I see a good game is a good game,when I see a good anime is a good anime & when I see a good manga is a good manga.

Sorry to added a side rant & no no I have nothing against reasonable furries that don't hate us otakus & weebs & don't calling us otakus & weebs degenerates & most of all don't side with Puritans,normies,SJWs/npcs & feminists. & I'm asking this question because some people saying this game is a furry game or some people brought up this game so I'm asking all of you guys from your experiences of playing this game & your thoughts & your opinions about this game thanks.

To end it here or at least for now don't worry I buy,I still buy,I love,I still love,I play & I still play both the classics & modern games equally & yes I'm including mini consoles. & like Raging Golden Eagle I'm not loyal to a brand to name some of many examples I will admit it again that I have favorite games from Soyny to Microsoft to Nintendo to pc to console to handheld :).

Do you guys think I should be sad,mad,both sad & mad at the same time at Soyny for backstabbing us otakus & the weebs & our communities & for what all for Puritans,normies,SJWs/npcs & feminists or do you guys think I should just laugh at Soyny?

Those of you guys who are either fans of,former fans of Soyny & most of all those of you guys who are otakus & weebs like me & Raging Golden Eagle you guys will understand what I mean I mean PlayStation HQ was at Tokyo now it's at Commie California & now they are thinking of moving HQ to EU wtf what the hell. & as you guys guessed it Soyny have been backstabbing us otakus & the weebs & our communities & worse of all backstabbing their business partners & for what all for Puritans,normies,SJWs/npcs & feminists & well Soyny we otakus & the weebs won't be there to save your sorry asses again like what we otakus & the weebs did for PlayStation 3.

I want Soyny to go broke,I want Soyny to go bankrupt,I want Soyny to die already & most of all I want PlayStation 5 to flop hard real hard as a harsh & powerful lessons to learn that you should never backstab your true fans,never backstab your true customers,never backstab your true customer base,never backstab your true fan based & most of all never backstab your business partners. Before any of you guys ask me don't worry sooner or later I will get even more into pc gaming & leave consoles & console censorships :).

General / Any tips on collecting pc games?
« on: February 02, 2020, 02:28:32 am »
My full question: do you guys have any extra tips on collecting pc games since sooner or later I will get even more into pc gaming?

Allow me to explain sooner or later I will get even more into pc gaming & leave consoles & console censorships & well since I love both the classics & modern games equally. & yes I know some games are for girls & women as 5 of many examples are Barbie games,monster high games,bratz games,dreamfall games i.e long journey & otome games,some games are for boys & men & some games are for both guys & women if this makes sense.

I'm sure I left out other games that are for girls & women so I'm just leaving these 5 as some of many examples so you guys know.  & before any of you guys ask or brought it up don't worry I love both physical copies & digital/digital download equally even though I preferred physical copies & I'm asking your extra tips & your extra suggestions on collecting pc games & don't worry I'm including to play too as well. & if you want feel free to share your extra tips & your extra suggestions on how to get even more into pc gaming & leave consoles & console censorships ahead of time if you want to only if you want to?

Like should I install Windows XP,Windows 7,Windows 10,Linux or it doesn't matter since I love both the classics & modern games equally anyway thanks for reading sorry for a long read & no no I'm not sexist,this question is not sexist just saying or talking about wide variety games including for pc & to end it here or at least for now I admit it that. I'm a otaku,I'm a gamer,I'm a final fantasy fan/huge fan aka final fantasy nerd,I'm a hentai fan,I love hentai both vr & non-vr & I love hentai stuff too :).

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