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Topics - jobocan

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Just found that, figured some may be interested. Sadly it's not available for that price in Canada.

General / E3 2012 Hype Thread!
« on: May 30, 2012, 01:20:06 pm »
Well, E3 is going on next week, so I figured I'd see how everyone on here is hyped for it and stuff!

What are you excited to see? What are you hoping for? What are you expecting from the Big 3's conferences? Are you going?

Let's talk about it some! (I'll post later, don't wanna flood the first post with too much text)

Modern Video Games / Shin Megami Tensei 4 coming to 3DS
« on: May 30, 2012, 10:08:58 am »

The last main SMT game was released back in 2003 in Japan, that being Nocturne on the PS2, so I'm REALLY excited to see this.

Hardware and Tech / Fixing a Virtual Boy display!
« on: May 21, 2012, 03:44:23 pm »
I just did this so I figured someone might like to know how to do it.

Basically, if one of your screens is being all glitchy and stuff, here's what you do.

You need:
One of these to open the system: (normal-sized bits are too short, derp)
A super small philips screwdriver
An oven

First test to make sure you're taking out the right display. Mine was the left display.

Second, open the thing up. This is kinda hard, even with the proper bit, because those screws are REALLY deep. Just keep trying, you'll know it worked when it does a clicking sound. I forgot taking a picture of this because I'm dumb, but the 4 screws that are around the cartridge slot that aren't deep at all don't need to be taken out, only the ones that are in deep holes. May take a few minutes just to take them all out, but eventually it works.

There's the thingy that connects to the display:

You gotta use a small philips screwdriver to unscrew the thingy (yay for scientific terms), just the small screws, the bigger ones should stay there. Once that's done, you have to disconnect the cable from the connector, which is a bit tough, just be careful and you'll be fine. Then, put it in a piece of aluminium foil as so (with the sort of plastic protective thing on the board pointing up):

Preheat your oven to 200 degrees F, and, once that's done, put the thing in the oven!

Sounds weird, but whatever! Leave the thing in the oven for about 2 minutes, maybe a bit less (so precise!). Take it out and apply pressure on the cable, rub it, whatever, to ensure that the connection gets more solid. Once it cools down, I've seen people suggest to put tape on the cable, so I did that too.

And then put it all back together! Careful when connecting the display thingy back in, it's kinda tough since it's so small and you have very little space to work in.

And voilĂ , you fixed your Virtual Boy by putting part of it in the oven! I only put it a minute, and it's not perfect right now but it's actually playable so I'm pretty sure I'll be putting it in the oven again soon to finish up the repair. But yeah, if you were skeptical about that method, it actually does work.


Seems it might be only today, I'm not sure. That price isn't available in Canada as usual, but I thought I'd give a heads up.

Edit: Forgot to mention the free shipping.

Just saw that on Nintendo's facebook. The offer ends on May 30th.

General / "Gamer" Chairs?
« on: April 04, 2012, 01:55:22 pm »
I'm looking for something to sit on while playing my retro games, because sitting at the edge of my bed isn't terribly comfortable, so I was wondering if gamer chairs were worth looking into or if I should just look for something else. I mean, I'm guessing they're terrible, but maybe someone who actually used one could tell me if I'm right :P

Video Game Deals, Sales and Promotions / jjgames easter sale
« on: March 23, 2012, 04:45:50 pm »
I just realized... we rarely post deals on retro games, so I figured I'd post this new one.

On, enter EASTER2012 as your coupon code and you get 20% off any 1 item, until April 7th.

Their prices turn out being pretty good on common games and way overpriced on some of the rarer stuff (though 20% off does help), but overall they're not the worst thing out there and, if you're in the US (unlike me), you get free shipping on orders over 50$.

Video Game Auction Watch / Big collection!
« on: March 19, 2012, 03:39:46 pm »
I just saw that on Kotaku and... well... It seems pretty ridiculous to me.

He's asking 35000$. It can't really be worth that much, right? He even refused an offer for 25k, which I think is also too high... OH but the shipping is free!

General / Diablo 3 release date announced!
« on: March 15, 2012, 12:22:52 pm »
May 15th, not too far away! Let's just hope it won't get delayed...

I played the beta (which I never received an email saying I had access to it... I just stumbled upon it on my account...). It was pretty entertaining, but there are a few questionable elements, like no way to customize your character's stats beyond finding equipment. Still seems like a fun game, the gameplay is quite solid so far. My favorite class right now is the Demon Hunter but every other class seems pretty solid as well.

General / What the **** is this?
« on: March 02, 2012, 11:53:32 am »
I just saw that on Kijiji, it's a "very rare nintendo nes super gamer chair"... If you look closely at the picture, there's a controller wire that plugs into an NES controller port, and buttons on the handles... What the heck is that really? I've never seen that. He's selling it for 100$...

Looking for info on it... all I managed to find was a similar chair that actually looks different:

And also a video:

I'm really not sure if that other chair is the same as the one I found on kijiji though.

Modern Video Games / Vita impressions
« on: March 02, 2012, 07:12:31 am »
Madmax (I think) asked for my impressions of the Vita once I got it so here they are (I was supposed to receive it last friday, but I got it on tuesday instead).

So I'll make this quick.

The screen is awesome (it's HUGE for a handheld screen and it's really high quality). The touch screen works perfectly, no problem there. The console is nice and bulky and doesn't cramp my hands up when I play it. The buttons are great other than the start and select buttons which I find to be a bit out of reach and hard to press. The d-pad is a bit weird but easy to get used to. The analog sticks feel a bit weird at first (kinda like tighter PS3 analog sticks) but are easy to get used to.
So far I haven't played anything that relied heavily on the back touch pad so I remain unconvinced about that whole thing (I did play the Little Deviants demo and it sucked, but that's mostly because of the game and not because of the pad).

So far I think it's an excellent console... now to wait for good games to come out for it! The next game I think I'll be buying for it is Gravity Rush in June. I currently have Army Corps of Hell which is quite fun and I have a rental for Hot Shots Golf which I'll probably keep (using the "keep it" option on gameaccess). The demos I played weren't interesting (Uncharted was lame, Katamari was lame, Little Deviants was bad, Unit 13 was bad), and I bought Escape Plan which I haven't tried yet.

General / Clan of the Gray Wolf CD-i marathon
« on: December 09, 2011, 10:16:34 pm »

Clan of the Gray Wolf (who make the excellent review series 16-Bit Gems on retrowaretv, amongst other things) are currently doing a marathon for charity (specifically the American Cancer Society) where they'll be playing CD-i games for 60 hours (there's some prizes if you donate, like or tweet about it! with occasional "auction" for "boxes of crap" which may include SNES games). Check it out if you want to look at people playing crappy games for 60 hours :P

Hardware and Tech / Turbografx-16 game not working.... any fixes?
« on: October 30, 2011, 01:45:52 pm »
I just bought Air Zonk on TG-16, and I can't get it to work. I tried other games on my TG-16 just to make sure the console was fine, and I had no problem with them. Is there anything I can do to make it work?

Just thought I'd post it here for people who may be interested. Sort of known internet review Pat the NES Punk is starting a 24 hours live stream tomorrow where he'll be playing a bunch of NES games, and having a few other events like, when the donations reach 10000$, an exclusive AVGN episode.

You can see all the info and the steam here:

It was quite fun last year (especially if you're interacting in the chat), but this year he's doing it differently (last year he just played ALL the officially-released NES games one after the other, it lasted over 48 hours), but this time he'll play different games depending on how high the donations get or something of the sort. It's for a good cause, so check it out if you can/want.

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