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Hello everyone :D

This might come off a little like a rant and I don't mean to come off mad or overly critical but Today I picked up a game I have been longing to play since it came out and was very excited about.  A game that in every single way borders on perfection in reimagining a childhood staple for me.  A reinvision of a childhood game I have loved and played since I was a kid. So I hold it near and dear to my heart. 

And that game is Pokemon Let's go Pikachu which is a reimagining of a top 10 favorite game of all time for me, Pokemon Yellow version. :)

The game's visuals are so incredible, the game is borderline orchestral with it's music and presentation. I smiled so wide when I seen pikachu I almost cried  :D.  it has the ambiance only a Pokemon game can have. The pikachu is so customizable and adorable.  It has all the right ideas, in the all the right places like Pokemon that are just out in the open so you don't have to battle pokemon you already have unless you want to. It's a true blast.  I ever like the new catch system.  Except for one major game breaking flaw....

A 2 year old blind electric eel could beat it. 

Nintendo's difficulty issues (Have games gone soft?)

Now I know what you may be thinking.  "Pokemon games have always been easy".  And their is truth to that I know.  Sure most people who are fairly decent at RPG games would just breeze through one.  But while easy for a veteran they weren't flat out challengeless and to the point where they just gave you the win.  The old pokemon especially around the elite four stages could humble you if you weren't good and certainly would require some grinding and planning for your party.  Even as recent as sun and moon I felt like I did something when I beat it.  some trainers were genuinely hard for me. :).

To put in prespective how sadly easy Pokemon Let's go is.  I did a challenge for myself just to see if it was all over ridiculed as many on reddit were saying it was too easy to be enjoyed.

I heard all the rumors so I decided for myself.  I'm going to step into Pewter City Gym and beat Brock (Rock types) with a freaking lvl 9 pikachu (Weak to rock) and nothing else.

So I stroll on through just to find out the game FORCES you to go catch Brock's weakness and it won't even let you fight him without a grass or water type present. Bascially saying "Hey Brock..... You're screwed" lol. ;D.   So I go there with a level 3 oddish in my backup.

No potions, no going back to heal.  I beat both trainers before him and Brock with a lvl 9 pikachu using double kick.  One shottted a LVL 12 onix with a leach seed from a lvl 3 Odish after almost killing it with a potionless half dead pikachu and completely obliterated him.  It was truly a sad display and I felt no joy from doing it.  I didn't feel that pulse in your neck you get when you are neck and neck on life bars with a boss about to die and triumphently win.  I just felt like I threw out the trash or put a fork in the sink.  Their was no resistance.   And that is simply where it has gone too far.  And it hit me that games are just way too easy and I doubt I can enjoy many of them the way they should be enjoyed unless I was 5. 

This isn't the only game for Switch of recent especially from Nintendo who appears to be allergic to a challenge slider or a difficulty setting in their games that is just a tad too easy imo.  Mario Odyssey was also too easy for me.  As great as it was. It was in desperate need of a Challenge slider or a hard mode imo.  Anyone skilled at platformers could beat Mario Odyssey without dying.  All bosses were a breeze.  Some stars were literally given and even the darker side of the moon levels were about the hard we needed pre boss.   Another game franchise deemed to be easy but never on such a level of easiness imo.  Mario 64 was fairly hard, Sunshine's floaty block thingy levels were a nightmare and super mario world had it's moments especially when it was our first try :)

The old days :)

Many of us won't ever forget being the little kid with the gameboy in hand and the uphoria of moving up the ranks with their pikachu.  The bond you got with your pokemon from experiences trials with them was awesome and watching them grow.  It's the very feeling that we earned through learning the ropes. And the fun it was to actually win and not get the gift of winning free.  Having to build the perfect party to beat a tougher opponet. You couldn't just wander up to brock and whoop him with a Pikachu of any lvl even up to 20 he'd probably still win.  Because Rock Types were imprevious to Electric attacks and quick attack or tackle hardly hurt him.  You had to grind out a pidgey or a rattata to become strong as him and even then it was a good little altercation.  Especially for a first boss.  It was only easy with a squirtle.  And back then it made beating brock something a kid could be proud of.  And share.  and remember for the rest of his life.  Being resourceful and winning instead of just getting it handed to him. 

I really do miss the days when your hands would sweat and you'd feel your pulse rising as you intricatly dodged obstacles with your friends watching in awe as you did something that took SKILL and not just something a 4 year old gorilla could do.  You died many times, you lost, you failed and you learned to overcome.  And that was the best feeling of all.  Even the easiest of games (Kirby's Adventure) would require some skill. 

Difficutly Settings

I know I may be the minority on this idea and it's not always easy to impliment in some games.  But almost all good games of today aside from the likes of Nintendo seem to have the universal fix to this problem.  The tried and true difficulty setting. 

With the difficulty setting you can have an option for everyone of every skill set.  A challenge for even the toughest of gamers and a casual experience for children.   It's so essential imo to have one.  I think it makes games a little worst if they don't at this point in gaming evolution.  It's 2019. We need a difficulty setting.

Nintendo Underestimating Children?

My reasoning is that Nintendo knows these are kids games and want's to baby proof the player base by making it so easy.  But I think they understimate just how good at games kids are.  I have been whooped in smash by enough kids to know lol.   They don't need hand me outs, they need challenge to grow and learn to love games as we all have. 

I want to petition Nintendo to make their games harder or include a difficulty setting from now on :)

Games they got right were the new donkey kong and Mario Bros. U.  they had the right amount of challenge and were fun :D.

Does anyone feel like the games have gotten too easy too?

General / VG Collect's 2nd Annual Video Game Awards 2018
« on: December 07, 2018, 04:25:47 pm »

Welcome Everyone to the least credited, least regulated and least respected award show since the oscars. The 2nd annual installment of the VG COLLECT Video Game awards.  The show where you decide the faith of so many hopeful victors tonight as the video games that defined a year of our hearts battle for your votes :).  And always remember, if you don't see your favorite up in the ballots, be sure to write them in as everyone has a chance here

Official Award Show Theme Song -

The special guests are arriving! Ready for their big night! :D

And for those who are wondering why the forks are plastic. We sunk all of our money into our special guest host.  So without further deliberation,  Here to present the 1st award of the night for Gamer of the Year...   Pop Icon....  Ariana Grande!!  We were only able to pay her for 5 mintues but that's longer than her last relationship :)  Jk ^-^

Ariana Grande - *Reading off a teleprompter*  "Before we get into the games, we must first aknowledge the icons that transform the landscape of gaming culture. These people much like most of the audience tonight are gaming purists who are the ones at the healms and although we are going to honor the iconic devlopers and games we must first go over the gamers themselves.  The ones behind the joysticks who not only shape the market but entertain millions redifining what gaming can be.  Gaming is more than just a hobby, it's a passion, a culture, and a career path for many inspiring hopeful fans.  Here are the people who take their gaming to the grand stage and have a unwavering passion for gaming entertainment."

2018 Gamer Of The Year

James Rolfe (The Angry Video Game Nerd)

The legend James Rolfe yet again came with another year of some of his most iconic AVGN episodes.  Including his Amiga CD32 episode.  Keeping retro games in the spotlight with millions of views. 


Pokimane has garnered popularity as not only one of the most popular streamers but also content creators. One of the more popular fortnite streamers, she is also known for her calabarations with famous DJ Marshmello and her many reaction videos. 


PewDiePie has had yet another huge year in gaming.  For better or worst.  Currently by himself holding off T- Series (An India based record company with dozens of artists) in subscribers keeping the legacy of homebrew youtubers alive against corperate entities.  He has also garnered many of memes and also some backlash for his use of the N Word. 

Gaming Historian

Gaming historian is very loved for his extremely education videos on retro gaming culture. He is one of the most thorough and entertaining forces in retro game culture.


Ninja is by far the most subscribed Twitch Streamer and someone who has gone to outrageous super stardom from his playing of the cult classic Fortnite and from Drake going on his stream. 

Metal Jesus Rocks


Talk about an illustrious lineup of icons. The controversial face of youtube, the very attractive twitch streamers of the modern generation and 2 legends in the retro space who have been captivating us for almost a decade. And metal jesus rocks.  ;D

The shigeru Miyamoto cutout couldn't make it today, we were too broke for expedited shipping. But we are still going strong ladies and gents.  Lovely evening thus far.  You are all looking incredible tonight. :).   

For our next award, we look at the bad before we get into the good of today's show. The universal category of throwing shade at the worst of the worst for giving us a bad or unfinished product until such time arrises that we get a seize and desist order from Sony :(. These following companies and devs while might be acclaimed and respected, this year spawned a lot of bad decisions, bad marketings and poor products from ideas that we long awaited and were extremely let down after the release.  Here are your nominees for biggest failure of 2018.

Biggest Failure of 2018

Playstation Classic Edition

100 dollars for 15 underwhelming Pal ports that are buggy in one of the less appealing UIs ever, and a pretty dissapointing list of games with much left out in just a desperate attempt to copy Nintendo's success without putting in the proper work.  In a year of Sony victories comes a big huge smudge.  A lot of fans were let down :(

Fallout 76

A game that released very buggy, broken and borderline unplayable. One of the biggest let downs and unfinished games released in 2018.  But I do hear they are patching it and it's good now.

Battlefield V

One of the most disliked video game trailers in history due to it's disrespectful historical inacuracies, EA's pay to win formula and various pandering moments although very controversial as many disagree with the backlash. I personally don't mind the inclusive nature of the game :)

1up Arcades

Cited as having very bad durability issues, clunky controls and poor ports.  These budget arcades are best left on the store shelves. 

Diablo Immortal

The memeness of this failure has entered holy regions of memedom.  The presentation was golden and gamers loathe Diablo Immortal.  A mobile disaster that nobody was expecting nor wanted.

Donald Trump just tweeted about the event guys!  We've officially made it to mainstream media outlets! :) TMZ is even picking it up. We might be able to keep the lights on until the end of the show  :D

With that I digress to our next two categories. Categories packed with amazing talent. The category for Male and Female Character of the year!

Male Character of the Year


Video Game Papi

Arthur Morgan


Spider Man (Peter Parker)

Joseph Seed

Praise Jeebus

Female Character of the Year

MJ (Spiderman)



Faith Seed

Witch Lady from God Of War

Evan Tildrum (Nino Kuni)

Lara Croft

What a tough choice to make with those 2 categories.  You got a freaking demi god and a super hero going up against a Red Neck but somehow Arthur Morgan is still cooler  ;D

Our next category is a chance to pull out your snapchat and take care of whatever social media you need to, no need to watch. It's time for the rough rugged, slamming and bamming,  ball throwing, bat smacking action we come to love from the sports games of the modern era. It's time we run the category for BEST SPORTS GAME.

Sports Game of The Year

Mario Tennis Aces

Madden 19

NBA 2K19

MLB The Show 19

Fifa 19

Ok everyone, sorry for the boring category as I know many of you don't like sports. Refreshments are being served. We went heavy on the booze so some of you may get drunk enough to think this show is good and not click off for hentai.

With that said, we will keep the ball rolling and move onto the next category but we do have to have a word from our sponsors.

Did you guys know that you could be saving thousands of dollars a year with Honey? Honey is a completely free and safe add on extention for chrome and other browsers.  Simply install Honey and click the honey icon at checkout and have peace of mind while Honey searches the web for dozens of free coupons applying them to your cart automatically saving you money.  It's hassle free and essential for any online shoppers.   

Now that we get that out of the way.  We can move on to our larger categories of the night.  Two categories that not only have the most competition but also some of the closest competition.   These are the categories for Open World/Adventure and Developer of the year awards :)   

Open World/Adventure Game of the Year

God of War

The iconic greek legend has returned with yet another masterpiece

Red Dead Redemption 2

Relive the dwindling years of the wild wild west as you live outlaw culture :)

Spyro Reignited Trilogy

A PS1 icon returns in glorious HD,  a childhood mascot reimagined and REIGNITED :D

Assassins Creed Odyssey

Assassin weed

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

The gaming queen Lara Croft back again for another tomb dwelling adventure. Her most massive adventure yet.

Shadow of the Collosus Remaster


Spiderman Spiderman, Does whatever a GOTY contender does. Including being an amazing open world game.

Kirby Star Allies

Developer/Studio of the year

Rockstar Games

"Rockstar has my vote" - Jesus

Sony Interactive Studios



Square Enix

The titans of the industry going toe to toe.  Gods, Horse riding gunslingers, purple dragons, marvel heroes.  It's all here.  And the devs behind them having their year to shine among the stars :)

Wait a minute.... Who's that charging the stage?

Sorry about that everyone :).  We paid Pat the Nes punk 4,000 dollars to guard that door so Kanye West couldn't theoretically get in. But he clearly didn't put much effort into it.  Kinda like his content.  >:(

Arthur Morgan has been crushed and is crying in the makeup room.  If anyone can go console him. Maybe Kratos. That'd be swell.  But with that said,  we move on to the category us collectors will revere.  The eye candy of the console world :).  As collectors we love to indulge on consoles that not only have limited print runs but also have the glorious paint schemes to shiny among other consoles on our shelves. :) The most beautiful Collectors edition consoles of this year.   The category for Collector's Edition console of the year.

Collectors Edition Console of the Year

Spiderman Edition PS4 Pro

500 Million Console Edition PS4 Pro

Taco Bell Platinum Edition Xbox One X

Evee and Pikachu edition Nintendo Switch

Smash Ultimate Edition Switch

Mario Maker 2ds

From the glorious milestone of Sony's 500th million console special to Xbox's Promotional platinum Giveaway.
 2018 brought many beautiful consoles for collectors (and resellers :( ) to desire and love :)

Character Limit has been reached as the attendance has sky rocketed due to our celebirty cameos :).  Award Show must continue in the comments!     

Off Topic / Do you have any mental disorders or conditions?
« on: December 03, 2018, 12:52:12 am »
Hello everyone :)

One thing that people are very sensitive to talk about is mental health but I think it can be essential to face some of the things together to conquer them or at least understand better. A lot of symptons go undiagnosed and quality of life can and will improve. But if you don't want to share that's ok.  I just hope everyone is ok and I love all of you.  :D

My Life with Parasomnia disorders

I mostly want to talk about this with you guys because this past week might have been one of the worst episodes i've had with it.  And i'm scared.  After many years of recovery i'm not sure where they have come from. I feel very vulnerable. And worried. And I know many of us can feel like this. 

Since I was about 7 years old I have dealt with multiple parasomnia like conditions.  Parasomnia covers various nocturnal behavioral disorders than effect you while you sleep.  These include.....

Visual Hallucinations and Sleep Paralysis

The major symptoms come in conjuction with one another.  The sleep paralysis and the hallucinations of vivid monsters that come to you in your sleep.  My first encounter with this was at around 7 years old.  I woke up in the middle of the night unable to move for the 1st time in my life.  I felt as if my body was floating.  In the closet entry way stood a 6 foot shadow figure. It's face was of the serial killer ghost face killer from the movie scream but even more melted. And it moved slowly.  I screamed but my sounds were muffled.  I thought I was going to die. 

Since then I held a natural fear of the scream movie and mask.  The above image resembles somewhat the type of monsters I might see in one of my night terrors or when i'm under sleep paralysis. But mine was scream.  I don't google him out of fear. Although luckily I just get the sleep paralysis and only very rarely get spooked by a vivid face or monster.

As an adult I still get sleep paralysis.  I would say I don't see things as much anymore luckily.  But the sleep Paralysis never gets any less terrifying in itself.  It's basically being unable to move in a dream state but you can see everything around you.   It happens when the REM stage of dream hasn't been stopped yet and your brain takes a moment to send the signal to wake your muscles up even though you are already awake.

Sleepwalking and Night terrors

Now I know this one to anyone who has never slept walked sounds funny because of the movies.  The tv shows and movies make it funny and sweet.  Usually someone doing funny things while asleep or getting spooked.   But I will say this is by far one of the scariest things that can happen.  It's terrifying.  Only because it's the complete absence of self control over your own body.  It's like being possessed. 

Just imagine being in a lucid dream or nightmare that you have no control over what you are doing in your subconcious brain.  You are in a comotozed state like any other dream.  Except you wake up vividly remembering you did things within the house and your family confirms that you were walking around, acting out things, saying things, doing things that you don't remember or barely remember doing.  Some of which dumb things,  can even be violent things. Theoretically you could kill someone.  It's scary to worry of what you might do.

This unfortunately happened to me 2 days ago.  For the first time since I was 8.  It was about 14 years ago.  And now it happened again.  I feel weak and scared and unknown as to why. 

The incident of when I was a kid, I actually peed in a PS2 and broke it.  This was back when they were new too.  It ruined a year of my childhood.  But that was the sole time I ever did.   I always chalked it up to a rare occurance (children sometimes sleepwalk way more than adults) and figured I outgrew it or maybe I reacted to a medicine or something. 

(Children tend to urinate in odd places during sleep walking lol)

But the story shows just how little control you have in these and that's the scariest part.  In my real world, I'd never pee in a PS2.  Especially back then. 

But yet again, 2 days ago,  I slept walked :(.  Again....    This is terrifying to me.  I didn't think it'd come back.  I didn't do anything bad.  Just went up to my dad and talked to him about Silver coins and went back to bed. 

All I know is that I hope it gets better.  Every night for the last week I have been having vivid dreams.  Some good, some bad.  I almost always feel drained afterwards.  I think it might be narcalepsy or some sort of scary thing.

I feel like the sleep world wants me as a sacrafice, the shadows are all around me and I feel like i'm living two lives. I feel like when I sleep I sign over my soul to the dark people who wait for me.  I feel like something dead wants me dead.  I feel like everything is rotting.  And i'm bleeding from my eyes in my dreams now.   I think the ghostface killer is my visual interpretation of the negative forces of earth.  Represents the future, to show me what happens when I fear.  It's a personification of death.  It tears at my soul.

Maybe all of this is like a lucid nightmare, and the things of when I were young come back to haunt me in episodes until the day I die.  It's symbolic.  It was meant to be this way and scare me.  I just don't get the meaning behind it.  Why suddenly.  Why now.  :(

Does anyone else have interesting or sad stories to share about their mental health or past with things like this?  Thanks for sharing :)   


Hello everyone :)

While we all love video games extremely much as why we are here discussing them and collecting them.  Their are various levels of being not only dependent on video games but also how sentimentally they are important to you and your life at the moment.   Hence I present to you the gamer scale.  A scale to determine how much of a gamer you are :)

The Gamer Scale

1 out of 10 -  You don't care about video games at all, you most likely hate them and would prefer if they weren't corrupting the youth, you could never play one as long as you live and if you ever do play one it's out of just trying to hang out with people who do or out of jokes or pitty.  They hold no merit or impact on your life, you wouldn't lose sleep if the industry collapsed and you are void of games on a daily basis. You hate gaming culture, you hate gamers and you refer to the community as a toxic cesspool.

2 out of 10 -  You don't play games, you don't like them much but don't harbor any hatred either.  You just don't care about games and don't have any in your home.

3 out of 10-  You were once into games as a kid but might have outgrew them, you don't play often but do like a game or two and did enjoy them growing up with your syblings. 

4 out of 10 -  You have since taken a break from gaming or very casually endulge in a game in between working and dealing with family life. But it's just a small side hobby.  You enjoy the casual party match of smash or some wii games with the wife but could easily live without them and have other profound hobbies that take more importance.

5 out of 10 -   You are the casual gamer, you only like 1 or 2 games mainly, might own one or two consoles and will at times play online when bored but you do other things for the majority of your time.

6 out of 10 -  You play games as much as the average youth, in between work or school.  They hold the importance of any hobby or side fun.  You enjoy them quite a bit and maybe have about 5 main games you play at least weekly.  You would be pissed if they got lost or stolen but you'd live fine doing other things.  You have a lot of fun playing with friends online or enjoying your time with them.  But wouldn't consider yourself a die hard. 

7 out of 10   -  You game more then the average person,  enjoy them more then the average person and revere them as a part of your happiness.   A 7 out of 10 is a entry level purist of game culture.  You may have a Zelda wallet or preorder games.  But you still could live without them although uncomfortably.   This is the typical gamer you find at gamestop preordering something.   

8 out of 10 -   You are a gaming fanatic, a nerd if you will.  Someone who has camped in many of preorder lines, midnight launch parties, black friday launches.  You love collector edition games.  It's easily your favorite thing to do with your spare time.  You hold video games high in your sentimental memories of childhood and you can't fathom a life without them. Although you most likely would theoretically survive.  You spend quite a bit on them, but not to an extent that makes them essential to you being happy or conflicting with anything.

9 out of 10 -  You are a die hard with a collection that occupies much of your house and budget, you love games so much that you at times unhealthy binge them,  you spend a good portion of your finances on them,  you love them, categorize them,  draw them,  tattoo them,  you can verse theme songs.  Have cheat codes memorized,  you go to conventions, cosplay,  you are 100 percent a die hard game geek. Who dabbles in video game history,  retro obscure games,  curating libraries.   You are subbed to Metal Jesus Rocks, Cinemassacre and probably have more video games than you do space to put them  ;D.   You have a large "Upcoming releases" list that you keep track of,  you buy from LRG and wait at midnight for people to launch CE games for you to buy first.  You have lost relationships and friends before because of games and feel you still came out in the plus side of things.   You are the guy dressed as Link at Gamecon lol

10 out of 10 -   You are emotionally and physcially dependant on games to a dangerous or unfortunate level. You use games as a crutch to escape actual life, without games you'd most likely be suicidal or enter an extreme pit of depression and darkness.  Games are if not 100 percent of your current life, damn close. You can't live without them happily or healthily. As the confinements of every day life near closer into scarring you mentally again, you run to games as your sacred serenity to escape the mundane pain of every day life.   You prefer games over a majority of your family members, you would sacrafice friends before you would the controller and without games your life and your memories would be essentially worthless and a good portion of your happiness has always and always will come from being in the digital world where you are whoever you want to be.  You interpet the video game world as being better than your actual life.  You invision yourself as the character,  have romantically become obsessed with characters.  You spend well over 80 hours per week gaming. :)

I think at times I may develop 10 tendencies,  But I am realistically a 8 or a 9. I love my family way too much to be a 10, and I think without my family i'd be a 10 for sure.  I am a 10 in terms of how much I play and consume and in using them as a crutch to deal with emotional stuff. I want to be an 8 or a 9 as an intended goal but i'd be lying if I said I haven't slipped into 10 at times.   Especially when i'm sad.     But i'm what i'd say is a 8.  I need games in my life, I love and adore them.  The culture of them is instilled in my soul.  But I don't think i'm emotionally dependent on them.  But i'm probably lying to myself  ;D

But as a whole, i'm a 8 or 9.   I think many of us collectors will fall somewhere from 7 to 9.  :)

Thanks for sharing.

Hello everyone :)

Throughout the time of gaming, so many generations have come and gone but the whole point of launching that new wave is to innovate and give something new and exciting that beats out what is already the standard in terms of quality and fun.  And each generation seems to set the bar higher and higher.  So my big question is....

Which gaming generation did the most to improve on the generation that came before it?

My answer might shock some of you guys as I know it's outlandish and many actually say the opposite but the generation imo that improved the most on the last and will stand time as one of the most important video game generations of all time....  is the current one.  And I'll explain why :)

Virtual Reality no longer a sci fi dream but a "virtual' reality

My first reason for this console generation being the most revolutionary and most evolving is Sony's innovation first.  But I will get into Nintendo and Xbox's big innovation as well.  But Sony along with Oculus and HTC have reinvisioned what VR can be, where it can go and has made a statement in terms of technological engineering.   Sure the library is still in infancy and nobody knows what this can be yet.  But boy is it interesting.   It's what we used to imagine the future would be like except it's here and the future is now :D

PC power in a Home Console.  The 4k Titans

While PS4 Pro is also a spec beast,  This advancement in my story belongs to Xbox with their incredible One X.  A vapor cooled spec beast with 4k 60 Fps visuals, HDR,  and ridiculous load times and computing power.  Enough to rival many of the industry standard PCs (in similar price range) and it does so in the comfort of a home console platform.   Graphically speaking.  We have never seen anything come close in a home console.

2 in 1 Console, Nintendos Reimagining of efficiency and design

Nintendo might have the most unique of all these advancements in gaming tech.  The idea to have a home console with 1080p current genish visuals, but that type of power in which you can bring with you anywhere and play anywhere seemlessly.    This idea has spawned a generation that blurs the line between portable and home console.   A world where you can play every game you can on the big screen in the palm of your hand on your morning commute or on lunch breaks.   It's a idea that might be underappreciated. How a Switch puts PS3 or even slightly better then PS3 quality graphics into a console thinner than a wallet and capable of fitting in a hoody kangaroo pocket is mind boggling.

Best Controllers Ever

Some people are team Xbox controller (like me) and some love the PS4 controller more.  But if you've held both I think most can agree both offer something for different genres of games and both are freaking amazing!  And most people revere either one or the other as the greatest controller of all time.    If you are into first person shooters and racing games.  Xbox One controller offers the most incredible FPS platform in gaming.   If you are into platforming, fighters, JRPGs and hack and slash games,  PS4 controller is the standard.  And both have improved so much on the last gen.  With motion tech, rumble sensors, improved grips and PS4 with its touch pad and light bar.  It adds a level to immersion. 

A all in one media device

All 3 main consoles but especially Xbox One (hence the name) have made gaming consoles so much more than just gaming consoles.  Taking over a whole avenue of other media outlets and using their device as a hub to seemlessly interchange among channels, apps, smart TV content and blu ray media.   With voice command or motion command, this becomes a way of interchanging all of what you like at a whim easy.

The FREE game that took over the world

I know Fortnite is very controversial among gamers, and I personally don't like it but the idea of having a game, that is essentially free (aside from paying for skins or advantages) be one of the most downloaded and played games of all time has vastly changed the platform of gaming.  It proves that games can be free but still not only be massively appealing but also extremely profitable and fun.   I see how 8 year olds act with this game.  And it makes me question why my parents had to pay 60 dollars per game growing up lol.

Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption II.   It's all that needs to be said :)

So those are my reasons why I think this console gen is not only easily the best console gen of all time but also the most innovative and bettering upon the last.   I think between Switch, PS4, And One X we have a trifecta of gaming consoles,  each offering something and each essential to a gamer.   All are borderline flawless and all have amazing fun to be had :)

What console gen do you think improved the most on the last?  :)

Hello everyone :)

1st part of the question.....

Just recently I started to get into the DBZ universe :).  I have been watching the old episodes and the Budokai games and most especially Fighter Z are gorgeous and incredible fighting games up to the standards of Marvel Vs Capcom games.  Very fun and fast paced arcade fun :D    I love the anime quite a bit and have been enjoying all the characters and the back plot.  It's taking a lot to unravel as I am extremely late.  But i'm starting back with the old cartoons and working my way up to new stuff.

I definitely already have my number 1 favorite character.  But I will list off my favorite 3.   

I also wanted to ask, what is everyone's thoughts on DBZ as a whole? 


Android 18 is super badass.  I think she's awesome.  Not only is she extremely tough and capable of whooping Vegeta's butt but she is also extremely beautiful even though she's an android lol.   ;D

Second Favorite - Piccolo

Piccolo is epic,  he's strong but grounded in his ways too.  He's Goku's buddy and he's strong af.   

3rd favorite -  Goku

I know it's a casual fan answer because he's so popular, but he's freaking Goku lol.  I like him a lot.  More than I like Vegetta or Gohan. 

Second Part of the Question......

For my second part of the title,  I have seen a lot of debates circling around that Goku by himself could beat up the entire Marvel Universe.   I think this is a bit of hyperbole and very situational but I could be wrong.  I want to make it fair by giving Goku some sort of power limit.  Maybe a certain SS threshold as DBZ universe plot wise the power is basically limitless so theoretically Goku could defeat anyone.   So I made it fairer by having the entire DBZ Universe versus the Entire Marvel and DC universes.     In a giant show down of epic galactic, super hero, saiyan proprotions :)

I personally think it's very close.   For the DBZ let's give them only their regular form, maybe Super Saiyan form but not ultimate form so it's fair.   But I think Silver Surfer serves to be an extremely difficult out, as does Galactus.   Characters like Spiderman who are essentially mortals with super power suits would get killed pretty easily by Goku.  Batman would get snapped in half like a pencil and maybe even eaten lol.    But I think some mutated beasts like Venom, Carnage, Hulk, and the likes would be very tough to beat.   I think Hulk would get bested by Piccolo easily but I think Carnage might Kill a Krillin or a Trunks. 

It'd be a pretty amazing showdown.  I think their are so many faceoffs to be had :)

Which is your pick for which universe would win?

I think i'm giving it to DBZ unvierse by a slim margain.  I know Cell could whoop a good portion of the universe.  I think strenght in numbers might play for Marvel.  It'd be super close :) 


I know many of you probably already know, feel free to ignore this thread if so and I don't mean to overshare but it was shocking me how poorly this sale was advertised.  Almost none of my friends know about it and so many people are still waiting till friday and thinking the spiderman is a digital and that only gamestop has it.  It seems as though they are selling fast but I just wanted to share in case any of you kind folk were interested in one early :)    It's all retailers that carry one while supplies last.  Seemed to be a few at my local walmart but they had to pull the box from the back. 

The spiderman is also a physical copy for those wondering.   

Thanks for looking.   Happy hunting!  :)

General / I am finally a proud PS4 owner :). Game suggestions? (Soera)
« on: November 18, 2018, 05:22:01 pm »
Hello everyone :)

I finally broke the seal today.  I am so excited. After years of putting it off because I already had Xbox One and Switch and couldn't warrant having 3 next gen consoles.  I finally found the moment in time where I had the chance to get it for the sale (199.99 for 1TB with Spiderman) and get an awesome game with it :)      It's the first time 3 different consoles convinced me to buy their flagship all in the same Generation which says something about the state of games.  I think all 3 are very incredible.  What a time to be alive.

The reason I put Soera in the title is because I wish I could tag Soera because I know he loves PS4 and I really admire his collection.  So impressive and awe inspiring how much epic blue gold he has lol :).   I know he knows the console front and back and along with many others has convinced me to buy it.

Early Impressions

My earliest impression of the console is I love the design and how it looks on my desk near my One X.  It has a larger foot print than I thought it would width wise.  It's the slim model but it's pretty long and heavy. It's actually quite a bit bigger than my One X surprisingly.   I find the controller to be much better than I imagined and I love the light and the feel of it.  I enjoy the UI and what i've seen of the interface as well :).   But of course i'm very new. 

My main intent is to share a proud moment of my gaming journey.  But I also wanted to ask for game reccomendations from the proud PS4 folk on here :)   For games that are hidden that should be tried.

My favorite type of game for PS consoles is action adventure like Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter type games.  Specifically Ratchet and Clank being the main reason I wanted it so bad because I love those.  Sadly only 1 Ratchet game has been made but I wanted to know if any other PS exclusive games fit that cloth.   Jak and Daxter style games :)  I also like open world stuff, and kingdom hearts style games (Adventure RPG)

My current must have list is

The Last Of Us Remaster
Ratchet and Clank
MLB The Show 18
The last of Us 2 (when it's announced)
Horizon Zero Dawn

Those are the main reason I bought the console, along with spiderman of course but it came with that one :)

What are your thoughts on the awesome 199.99 PS4 sale?  What games would you reccomend?   Thanks for sharing :)

Hello everyone :)

To keep it short and to the point for those who aren't caught up on everything.

1. Diablo Immortal (mobile diablo) gets announced. Everyone rages about it because they didn't like it.
2. Pat the NES punk refers to those getting upset about it as cry babies and claims gamers are entitled.
3. PewDiePie (70 million subscribers) picks up the story, essentially giving Pat (250k subs) the ermac fatality. Just off his sheer fanbase scale.  Now all his fans are ravaging Pat's channel with dislikes and unsubs.
4.  Everyone hates Pat now.

To stem beyond that a lot of people don't like Pat to begin with,  they say he did his pawn stars thing and only went on there to flex his NWC gold and grey carts and that he is very mean to his friend Ian sometimes and really just jumps into topics he doesn't know much about to give half assed opinions and has a fake superficial personality. 

I however disagree with this and like Pat a lot and want to meet him at an expo soon.  I like Pat and I think Pat was also 100 percent right with his statement.  As a gamer I can admit I fall into this category sometimes.  I am 100 percent a whining, hard to please, entitled gamer sometimes as all gamers are I think.   We all tend to demand things of Devs without taking consideration intangibles or their feelings, we critique anything and everything we don't like way too harshly almost in a cult like way,  we are very over reactive as a community and very unaccepting of things that don't tailor fit our preferences.  Which can be frustrating at times.   

Where do you stand with Pat the NES punk?  Have you met him?  Do you like him? :D  Or do you not know who he is? 

General / What is your video game bounty? (Video Game Sins forum game)
« on: November 16, 2018, 07:16:45 pm »
Hello everyone :)

I have a fun game to play in the forums with everyone inspired by Red Dead's bounty system and how certain crimes warrant harsher bounties to be placed on you. :D.  I am going to list a list off some of the most damning Video game sins a gamer or anyone could do in the world of gaming.  And assign a money value to each and I want to ask what your total bounty is?   You will see what I mean below.  The bounty on your head may say a lot about you and the type of collector you are but probably not :)  Below are some of the hollowed grounds in which gamers have walked the path of the dark side of gaming and done the forbidden either as a naive child or just by mistake.   Each has a money value that places the bounty on your head.  Let's see who is the GREATEST OUTLAW OF ALL OF VG COLLECT. 


Wrote your name on a cartridge with sharpie -  10$
Threw out the box to a game as a kid or adult - 20$
Traded in a game to gamestop for less than a 10th it's value -  10$
Called someone the N word on Xbox Live - 100$
Ever said the phrase "Genesis does what Nintendon't" unironically - 150$
Shipped a video game box to someone in a bubble mailer -  2,250$
Placed the price sticker on the inside cover of the game instead of the case - 1,200,000$
Bought your child or gamer relative a DVD for christmas suckering them into thinking it was a game due to it's shape. - 10$
Unplugged the console because you lost to your sybling in a game - 100$
Cheated without the other person knowing - 10$
Spoiled the ending to a JRPG or any game ruining someone's experience of the game.  - 200$
Deleted someone's save file of their memory card deliberately - 15,000$
Got a game you already had but didn't pretend to be happy - 10$
Bought the zelda wallet off the gamestop counter lol - 10$
Ever used the term "Get rekt noob" unironically -  100$
Ever made fun of someone for liking a certain console (console wars) - 20$
Ever made fun of full set collectors for buying shovelware to fulfill their goal -  50$
Ever hit the reset button while your friend was playing SNES or NES - 200,000$
Any time a game puts a gay or minority protagonist, you label it "pandering" - 200$
Moved an Xbox 360 while the disc was spinning causing it to scratch - 10$
Claimed a high score that wasn't yours at the arcade or stole your friends armor - 20$
Camped during objective based games causing your team to lose - 5$
Ever said the phrase "PC master race" unironically - 300$
Make fun of Nintendo yet buy all their stuff (Everyone lol  ;D) - Free pass
Preordered and purchased No Man's Sky :( - 3$
Threw a controller or broke a TV or game in rage  - 5$
Walked in front of the TV while someone was fighting a boss - 15$
Borrowed someone's game but kept it for over 2 weeks without notice. - 20$
Named Link anything other then Link in Orcarina of Time/LTTP - 100$

Ok folks,  their is the bounty list.  Some of the most wanted offenses in this county :).   What is your bounty?  Are you wanted dead or alive, are you getting strung up in town square?  Or are you just getting a warning? 

My bounty is 265 dollars.   I have wrote my name with sharpie before unfortunately as a kid threw out the boxes too,  I have camped during objective games, raged and unplugged the console and such.  :)

Thanks for playing. :)

What is the best open world game ever made and why is it Red Dead Redemption 2? :)     My main question is what is your pick for best open world game in your opinion?  But also I want to touch on everyone's thoughts on Rockstar and most especially Red Dead 2.  As it's truly blown me away :)

But in all seriousness this is a tough question for me because open world "sandbox" games are one of my favorite genres and I grew up on GTA style games.  It was easily GTA 5 for me until RDR2 came out and now RDR2 just kicked the door down on my top 10 all time list's party and is giving everyone else dirty looks.  Shoving aside last of us and hanging out at the bar with super mario world  ;D.   It's a rare breed of game that only comes once a decade imo. 


I mean it's world for one is flawless.  It's bustling with activity.  So huge in scope but so filled with enviroments, animals, strangers.  It feels extremely alive.  Some small towns pack more things to do and more excitement then some games entire worlds.   BOTW for example while amazing and i'm not knocking that game at all,  sometimes it has the size but not the depth.  Sometimes you can rome for a while without seeing much but land or maybe a random enemy spawn.   But with red dead, you got random guys asking for your help,  prisoners breaking free,  bounty hunters,  poker games, saloon brawls,  that guy with the raccoon on his head that tries fighting you for no reason.   It's just always something.  I haven't had much of a dull moment yet.


Now it's leaps and bounds ahead of GTA V imo but that's obvious due to age.  In fairness I do think some games have slightly better visuals (Forza Horizon 4) but none that have a world as detailed and as large.   Red Dead's detail far outweights just the surface graphics.  From the little nuances, animations and the way the enviroment interacts.  It's a class act visually.

Attention to detail

The way the horses balls shrink due to the cold, and you have to oil your gun or it gets gunked up.  The way everything is just like real life but somehow still doesn't seem to be a pain in the ass the way BOTW was with the weapons breaking.  It felt even more in depth but somehow still fun and not breaking the video game feel.

Setting and story telling

Honestly,  Rockstar is just subhuman at this point with immersing a player into the world.  You feel like a outlaw.  You simply do.  Not to quote IGN lol.   But I am Arthur Morgan when i'm playing the game.  I'm the baddest outlaw of all these parts and the god damn O'l Driscol swine will pay. 

The 1899 representation feels so genuine.  So unfiltered.  No SJW shying away from the obvious race tensions, slavery, woman inequality and animal cruelty that existed in those times.  It's smack in your face and it's raw.  It's passionate from the developers.  and it's well done without pandering.

What a specimen of game.  One that will go down in the archives as one of the greatest open world games and one of the best games of all time in my opinion :)

My main question is what is your favorite open world game of all time.   But my side question is your thoughts on Red Dead 2.  I hope all of you get the chance to enjoy it like I have :D.   

Rockstar is god. 

Hello everyone :D

So just about 3 weeks ago I finally completed a gaming goal I have wanted to complete for quite some time since I can remember and that is obtain the virtual boy.  I always wanted one but never could find one for a obainable price. I've always loved it and never knew why.  It's just iconic in it's presence. It's stance.  It's sillouette.  It's part of gaming history. I have envyed looking at it for the past few weeks.  It sits perched on my desk.  It's beautiful in many ways.   :)

Now I know many of us have seen the angry video game nerd video or the countless hatred comments towards it.  So of course my main interest in it is to own the piece of history and as a conversation piece of Nintendos many different efforts and attempts in gaming.  I really want to make my room look more like a curration of different consoles to display a companies endeavors throughout history.   I assumed i'd hate it like everyone else and not play it beyond the first try.  But I went in extremely unbiased and gave it a fair chance.   And after piecing together, the stand, the eye foam and the original insert that holds the eye foam.   I purchased my first Virtual boy game :).   Mario Tennis and fired it up in all it's glory. 

Liked It

So I waited for the iconic Headache of doom associated with playing the VB for more than 10 minutes. Only to find myself 1 hour and 20 minutes in with no feeling of pain outside of occasional itches under the eye piece that would have to pause the game and scratch.    Outside of that.   Visually I found the red colors kinda neat and cool.   It's like a digital matrix and being a part of another red and black world. I found it no less intrusive than the green colors of the gameboy.  It's even more visible than that.  It's kinda like a world where the shadows watch you.   A world where red and blue are of the same.  It's just red.  Warm almost.  Inviting.   

So after playing Mario Tennis for well over an hour straight.  I've decided that not only do I already long to play it again,  it's also a incredible game.  Like probably either 2nd or 1st best Mario Tennis game i've played.   It's addictive.  Simple. And boy does it give the challenge.   It's just like the arcade games of old.   Simple.  Right to the point but you can't put your finger on why they lure you back each and every time.   It's magical :)

The Gripes

Of course like any console their are some gripes.  Although way more minor than the hate videos suggest.  One of them being the stand and comfort of leaning into the VB to play it.   I couldn't play longer than 5 minutes hunched over like this without getting uncomfortable.   But I circumvented this by playing the VB another way.    Which is lay down on the floor comfortable with some pillows supporting your head and just rest it up against your face with it's legs on your chest.   It's comfortable as sleeping with a face mask on.   

Outside of that,  the sounds were amazing for a handheld game of it's day.  The graphics were beyond ambitious imo for early 90s tech and I really think the virtual boy is unfairly hated.   I thought it might have been a fluke but I really just genuinely liked the game.   Of course I have to try other games but Tennis isn't even supposed to be as good as Wario Land.   Wario Land is supposed to be even better so I can imagine i'll love that too.

Why the VB is so hated

The reasons are very distinct.  I'm starting to lean towards a smeer campaign that was mass perpetrated by the conspiring powers that be during the 1990s or some organized secret society that was hateful of the virtual boy. Mob members. Someone was paid off.  The boxer took a dive.  Of which the skeleton crew still lingers today.  Polluting forum threads with villainy and angst towards the all holy red lord itself.  The savior of handhelds.  The one to sacrafice itself for gameboy to prosper.   Dark underbelly of society stuff.  Sega most likely paid to influence negative publicity of the console.  It surged mainly in arcades, early editorials.  Hidden stuff.   Never in the mainstream media.  And It mysteriously perished within only a few years of it's launch.   

The Virtual boy very well could have been a scientific expiriment to test the long term brainwashing effects of the red lights on the human brain.  A failed attempt at global domination by the japanese government.   But it may have worked on me because I like it a lot.   I want to play it again.   I'd probably do anything the console told me to.   I feel like the red lights have a deeper meaning and considering it's out of Nintendo's norm to cancel failed consoles early (wii u).   I think the motives weren't exactly underlined.  I think the virtual boy extends deeper.   I think it's a mind control device of sorts.   I think it collects data till this day.

As a whole this might be because I wasn't playing the VB or alive during the moment in which it came.  Perhaps it was a marketing let down.  Because it isn't Virtual Reality.  But I mean it's pretty close. I found it to be not only not bad, but good,  Maybe even fantastic.   

I am excited to piece together, teleroboxer, wario land, the baseball game and a few others that are good.   It's a shame it's library was cut so short.    It might actually be my new favorite console in terms of wanting to seek games for it and collect for it.   It has my full happiness and passion of the hobby currently. :D    I needed this too.   A great return to retro collecting as I have been in modern games for a while. 

What is your stance on the Virtual Boy?  Is it unfairly mistreated?  Or do you hate it also?   

Hello everyone :D

Today I bring up a very fabled and old debate in gaming culture since when I was a little kid during the "mothers against gaming" movement. For those out of touch, In the early to late 90s with the spawnings of the GTA franchise, Mortal Kombat and a few other main targets it was basically a militia set out to blame gaming for most modern massacres and child misbehavior.  They went to multiple judicial levels to attempt to get M rated video games banned from store shelves but the judges ruled in favor or making them accessible at a certain age requirement similar to DVD and Movie media.   It kinda led to ESRB if i'm not mistaken.  But I could be wrong :)   So now I just call them the mothers against gaming movement as a blanket term.

 The extremely fine line of parenting that many people especially in the younger parents 16-24 demographic seem to be very torn on still exists today though. And I wanted to see what all you folks would do if your child wanted to play a Mortal Kombat, a grand theft auto or a Call of Duty.  (Popular forms of entertainment amongst kids more so then adults even) and see differing ideas on the topic from parents or people who want kids down the road.  It's important talk.  :D

Their seems to be two main types of parents from what I seen in general in regards to music, games movies, TV and all of the above. They tackle the topic two extremely different ways.  I know many parents on both sides. 

The hiding parent

The hiding parent are very common and pretty easy to explain. They just don't allow their child to play M rated games, watch R rated movies or listen to something like Eminem.   They usually put child restrictions on media accounts, locking pins on TVs and supervise what their children do extremely critically and may even disbar teen rated games.  But of course this opens the door for those who say "He'll find a way to do it when you aren't looking, So you are better of explaining it to him and educating.  To me that's correct.  Which leads us to further discussions later.  And of course with being overly aggresive with censorship this can leak into things like creativity, freedom and happiness overall which again will be saved for later too :)

Educate not Eliminate parents

Educate not Eliminate parents for the most part with some exceptions of course (nudity) will allow their child to watch a R rated move like the dark knight or whatever or play M rated games after first sitting down with them and explaining thoroughly why it is bad and why they can't do it in real life.   Breaking down the rules of playing it and what they can expect to see and why it's there.  The purpose of the media and then afterwards giving them free reign to explore it after first being taught.     

As a whole I'm impartial to the parents who explain but allow.  Mostly because it's 2018 and Kids will just play what they want at their friends house on steam and are most likely well versed in disarming parental locks when nobody is looking except then you won't be there to sit with them and explain it because you were too busy pretending the kid's arent elusive enough to play it behind your back in the digital age.  Imo then is when the child will be corrupted. Alone with his friends, seeing crazy explicitive things while listening to Eminem on the school bus while you pretend like little Jimmy will never hear the word F***.  We all were a kid once so we can kinda attest to that to some extent I imagine.  Whatever was taboo at home was certainly popular at recess lol.  The cool kid always had the Marylyn Manson or Eminem playing or the GTA.  Or the most taboo of all......   The Nokia N gage  :-X :o.     So it's almost better to make sure they learn from their parent vs their friend.  Same with drugs and sexual education.   And especially the Nokia N Gage.

As a whole my parents had extremely lax policies on what I could or couldn't play. They took great efforts to explain and monitor it but not all out say no.  If my grades were good, I was respectful to them and wasn't in trouble.  They rewarded me with fun.  It made for a happier childhood as a whole and I had fonder memories.   Another big reason I say kids will find a way is because when I was a kid I wasn't allowed to play grand theft auto san andreas.  It was the only game I wasn't allowed to play lol.

Except I did play it at my cousins house accross the street every day for the good portion of 6 months using a Tomb Raider case if anyone asked what we were playing because my mom didn't know one game from another lol.   

But It didn't corrupt me because my parents thought me about violence in the video games at age 5 with Jet Force Gemeni killing the alien bugs.  So it really did set the foundation blocks of knowing what was the digital world or the real world.    Although I was bad for sneaking to play it and really shouldn't have.  I do regret it very much.  But It's just part of being a kid wanting to see what's cool I guess.

It's a very debatable and divicive topic with much to unpack.  Which side do you think you take or are you somewhere in the grey area in the middle balancing both?  :)

What are your thoughts on the topic?  Thanks for sharing.

General / Have video games ever become an unhealthy obsession for you?
« on: October 01, 2018, 10:45:53 pm »
Hello Everyone :D

Although many practice moderation with their favorite things. Some just lack that level of control.  And sometimes it's really hard to get a grip on your life as the line blurs between what is best for your game life or your actual life.  By unhealthy I mean many different things.  Their are 3 main things video games can be counter intuitive to if you are as obsessed as some. I have been obsessed to unhealthy levels before. Sometimes it can be hard to try to balance real life with games every day and often times fail as the digital world is my favorite.  I will get into that more later. :)


 First one is video games can become an unhealthy obsession if you are spending excess amounts of money on them which leads to missing bills or car payments, not eating right.  Or just being broke.  Or if it counters business ventures, high paying jobs. and loses you chances to become financially comfortable.

(I have on occassion gaven up my food money to buy more games as a kid.  My dad would give me money for food, a allowance.  Sometimes I deemed video games to me more important than my food.  Sometimes I still do but usually can afford both lol.)

Friends and Family

  Video games can become unhealthy if they get in the way of you socializing with friends, family, going to social gatherings.  Being in social situations.  Since so much of the game consumes your time and happiness.


  And of course for the definition of health as in fitness healthy :).   That is espeically effecting Americans and youth quite a bit.  Sitting in one spot playing video games can really make you fat and have horrible cardio or heart problems as you age.  But mostly if you combine gaming with lack of exercise and bad diet.

(I do know many gamers who struggle with this one a lot.  If you don't want to share your story you don't have to.  Just know I support you and hope for the best for you. :)  ) 

Have you had any of these 3 ever become worst due to video games?  I think I have seen some talk about spending a lot on games before.  I don't think it's bad because it's something you love and some people spend more on jewlery or clothes :)   

Have you ever gotten carried away with your love of video games?  Spent hundreds of hours binging them and losing grip on reality?  Becoming financially irresponsible because of them.  Missing out on oppurtunities because of them ect...?   

Thanks for sharing :).   

Modern Video Games / How important are graphics to you?
« on: September 24, 2018, 02:40:32 am »
Hello everyone :D.

One thing I have been noticing happening with me lately which I don't care for much, Is ever since modern era gaming, When I play 360 games or earlier Xbox One games that aren't 4k. Mostly only modern realistic looking games that are in between PS2 gen and PS4 Pro/One X gen I notice they are muddy and of worst resolution and often times have bad frame rates and It kinda ruins my experience and I go back to something One X enchanced.  Before I used to never focus enough to care but now I can see the difference. It makes anything that isn't 4k look bad to me. (Excluding retro games)

Has anyone else experienced this phenomenon of graphical snobbery? Were you ever a graphics snob.   And on a scale of 1-10 how much do graphics matter to you?  I assume a PS4 Pro might give this too if you play it for too long.  It's like jumping from a Ferrari back into the Camry.

As I mentioned above, this does not include most retro games. It also does not include switch, because Nintendo makes their 1080p games look gorgeous no matter what.  The smaller screen gives nice pixel density and most of the games are cartoony.  For some reason when I play PS2 I don't nitpick the graphics. And especially SNES because it's 16 bit and the best of the best 16 bit has to offer for the most part.  I know the graphics were amazing of it's time so i'm less likely to critique and just enjoy gameplay.  But I think with new games, they kinda depend on graphics quite a bit more.  I have become a graphics snob that I never wanted to be :(.   Please slay me with the VG Collect sword before I become a PC master race member.  Please free my soul.  ;D

As a whole I wouldn't say graphics mean everything to me yet, but i'm getting there.  It's really something I care about more then I should.  I will try to break this tonight by playing Tomb Raider definitive edition.  It's a old XB1 game that will be 1080p.

Thanks for sharing your opinions :).   

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