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Topics - hellacia

Pages: [1]
Okay, so this game's cover usually looks like this.,56542/
On the right side nearer to the top, you can see Wily floating around in a spacecraft just under the logo. However, there is a case that looks like this:,207153/
without Wily, and instead a box that says "Contains 10 CLASSIC MEGA MAN TITLES". I know I linked to an XBOX cover art right there, but such a version exists for the PS2. I saw one go on eBay pretty recently, and if you search the listings there you might be able to find one now.

Does anyone know anything about this alternate cover? I read an article talking about the XBOX version coming out, which was great "in case you missed out on the other two" or something. This makes me think that the cover removing Wily is the cover for a later print of the game, but I don't really have any solid evidence for that. I guess I'm posting here hoping somebody will know something I don't :P

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