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Topics - SwimTheStyx

Pages: [1]
If anyone has seen this listed anywhere please let me know. I've tried a few searches to no avail, but I could be missing something given it's not technically a Capcom handheld? Thanks.

Site Feedback / Wishlist pie chart?
« on: August 29, 2015, 09:04:53 pm »
Hello everyone,

I have finally gone through all the categories of the site and updated my collection/wishlist, but I was wondering if there's any method of displaying the wishlist summary along the same lines as how the collection is presented, ie. with a pie chart and stats?  I glanced through a few forums and didn't see any posts regarding this so I thought I would ask.  Thanks,


PS Before I forget, is there a way to update my own avatar on the site or customize the layout?

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