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Topics - smack2k

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Hardware and Tech / Original NES Game Loading Issues
« on: May 03, 2016, 03:28:08 pm »
New to this site and forum...hoping someone can help:

I have tried to fix the pins on the 72-pin connector my NES already had and got them back to looking pretty close to new...I have tried a newly bought 72-pin connector that was un-used and have this same issue.
When I put games in the NES and hit power, the screen is blue most of the time (sometimes the game will start fine), the dreaded blue screen of death! BUT, if I push down on the cartridge, holding it down, and dont let it pop-up the little bit it does after you release it , the game loads fine and can be started nearly every time.
What else can I look at on my system?  Its driving me nuts as two different connectors do the same thing..and one was new!

To add - I have cleaned the connector the 72-pin connects to on the main board of the NES with QTIPS and 91% alcohol and got a lot of stuff off of it.  The pins look shiny now, but do appear to have some marks on them still that the QTIPS and alcohol cant get off, not sure if those are just from age or what.

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