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Topics - unibonger

Pages: [1]
Site Feedback / New artwork: cartrdge end labels
« on: July 23, 2012, 01:09:19 am »
I have some games that have variations on the end labels.  It would be nice to document them here by uploading a photo.  It would also be good for recreating/reproduction end labels in the future. The systems I can think of off the top of my head are Atari 2600, 5200, 7800, Colecovision, NES, SNES, & Genesis. 

If you are going to do that, maybe you could add a 'misc' artwork slot or two at the same time.  Sometimes the back of a cart may need documented along with the front, or other things.

Some things have no boxes, or there are no art available.  It would be nice to show cartridge art if box art isn't available in the browse or collection mode.

another nice option would be to show in your list the cartridge instead of the box if you don't own a boxed copy. 

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